This quick image I just threw together has a picture of Batista, taken just before the start of the Evolution gimmick. Note the TNN logo in the corner (Spike TV hadn't even been branded yet). The second shot is a WWE promo pic from their website, taken with the last year.
10 comments: on "Batista - Before and After"
shit I never noticed he got bigger. he looks skinnky before!
He does look very small in the arm area. Damn Juicer. He'll get smaller as the new testig takes place.
A lot of the definition on Batista in the second picture is no doubt because of airbrushing. Remember that it's a promotional photo.
I feel as though we can't really judge from these two pictures because in the first one he's normal and in the other one he's posing in a way that would expose all his muscles. If you were to try having two pictures with the same pose or very similar stances then it would be better to see whether or not Batista really got that much bigger since his pre-evolution days.
like it's a big surprise Batista is on the gas. Vince gets wood for big shiny muscles and long blond hair (H, Edge, Hogan), so it stands to reason that the bigger the muscles, the bigger the push. The northeast has always been a thing for the bigger boys, and Vince takes that to the extreme with his roid fetish.
yes they do "test" for the juice but mind you they don't test for HGH so it looks like Big Dave switched how else can you exlpian him injuring the same muscle three times now
There is no test for HGH
regarding your post on Baitista being "gassed"... WHY HELL YES, HE IS.. the thing is, I don't have a problem with it.. so what if he does?? he still has to go in and put his damned work in the gym, he still has to watch his diet, and so on.. as a "wrestler": what the fuck ever.. Benoit should be wrestling Kurt Angle (ala Flair/Steamboat) for THE world title every other PPV... but this isn't wrestling, is it??? It's SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT!!! *PUKE*
The first one is a pic at rest from RAW. The second one is from a promo shot. His muscles are tense, flexed and he's got the adrenline pumping. Plus, there's always Photoshop, hell that's all Playboy is anymore.
I'd need to see something with less discrepancy.
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
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