Check This Out...


Today On Tha O Show...

O-sters! Be sure to check back soon to hear Big Daddy Donnie and Dan-e-o hit you up with their year-end extravaganza!

Joined in-studio this week by the returning Frank Fronte AND The Notorious T.I.D., Episode 148 of Tha O Show ends 2009 with a huge bang!

This week's show includes "Tha Os And NOs", "Tha Pit Stop" with The Notorious T.I.D. and "Tha Round Table" with the always controversial Chris Kanyon!


If you haven't already, be sure to friend up, become a fan of, follow, watch and hear Dan-e-o online:

Dan-e-o's Website
Dan-e-o's MySpace Page
Dan-e-o's Facebook Page
Dan-e-o's Twitter Page
Dan-e-o's YouTube Channel
Dan-e-o's Imeem Page
Dan-e-o's Reverbnation Page

9 comments: on "Today On Tha O Show..."

Dante said...

Oh, this is gonna be awesome!

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Osters, today's show will be delayed due to computer problems. As soon as I have it ready I'll have it up for all of you.

BrendoneC said...

see its shit like that (^^^) that makes you great. You don't HAVE to tell us shit about delays and stuff. but you DO. for that I applaud you.

In other news picked up dexter season 1-3 box sets, 1/2 were on sale at walmart this week for boxing week deals 2 for 20, and picked up 3 for reg 33 dollar tag, Ive seen all the eps, downloaded all the eps, but love the comentary, etc

BigRog said...

Damn it Donnie you have got to keep Dan-E-O away from the equipment, nw we will never here the show that makes all O again!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is it time to O yet?

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Soon everyone. Soon.

Anonymous said...

How soon? It's next year in my country already...

Anonymous said...

If you haven't already watched SmackDown. I've got an O. CM Punk is cutting a promo pre-match and is asking the crowd yes or no answers, instead they boo him. CM Punk says, "Why are you booing, these are yes or no answers"