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Step Away From The Light...

No, it’s not just a paraphrased quote from the creepy dwarf in “Poltergeist.” It’s a cry from me to some of my former favorite wrestlers. Please, just go home. As the great Rev. Slick used to say: “Turn out the lights. The party’s oooover!”

Mick Foley heading to TNA has caused me to bow my head in shame. How dare he? I mean, it would have been perfectly fine with me if he had ended his career in the WWE by quitting because Vince couldn’t keep out of his ears (or ear). But, no. He had to go and ruin it all by heading to TNA.

Why? I am asking this on a level that crosses all lines (thanks, TNA!) when I ask this. What does he have to prove? We all know that he isn’t going to help younger talent. That bullshit has been spewed by every veteran that goes to that company. Sting, Nash, Angle, and Jarrett. They all praise the future of the business while using them as stepping stones to hold on to that glory from the past. How long until we see Foley whooping on Samoa Joe? Please, just stop it, TNA. You’re making my brain hurt.

I’m sorry to take all of this out on Foley, but fuck it, you’re the latest in a long line of former WCW and WWE superstars to do this shit. If I had to choose I’d say Nash is the worst offender. That big son of a bitch hasn’t done anything to help that company or any rising star. Has he no shame? What legacy is he leaving while destroying any that could possibly be built? He’ll never be a champion again. He’ll never have a great match again. Hell, whenever he steps into the ring I cringe waiting for his quad to burst into flames. I mean, come on. This is Diesel. I think he is perhaps the first enforcer for another wrestler to make it big (Virgil doesn’t count, people) and I give him credit for that. But please retire.

Sting is another one. Man, years ago when I was just a little Stinger this dude was one of my favorite wrestlers. Then he came back with The Crow gimmick and I was like, “Holy shit! It’s The Crow and wrestling?! It’s like the best of both world’s!” Then I blew my load and fell asleep. But what has he done in TNA? Yeah, he was champ but the way that title is used Michelle McTaker is on par with most TNA champions (and I still wanna eat that belt…). Sting not only has nothing to prove but also nothing to gain. Dude has money. So why is he still hanging on? I’ll tell you why.

Addiction. These guys are addicted to the sport of wrestling. I salute any wrestler that can look at themselves in the mirror and say “I just don’t got it anymore” or “I can still walk. I did what I wanted. I’m good to go.” But these guys that sit there with necks all fucked up, knees that don’t bend right, hips of 60 year olds, and brains or 87 year olds just make me sick. The days of Scorpion Deathlocks being cool has been replaced by The Cattle Mutilation. Double Arm DDT’s have been replaced with Top Tope Tornado DDT’s. And The Mandible Claw has been replaced with…nothing. That is still a fucked up finisher.

When I see a guy leave and become an agent I am happy as Dan-e-o watching Layla dropping her purse while wearing a miniskirt and no draws. But when they just get recycled in another company, like TNA, it feels like I’m watching Maryse practice yoga in the nude while Michael Bolton plays in the background. I guess I’ll just have to sit back and ask myself why until TNA answers. But I’m afraid I already know what that answer will be.

TNA. There’s. No. Answer.

6 comments: on "Step Away From The Light..."

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs money. The economy is pretty shit right now.

Anonymous said...

TNA. There’s. No. Answer.
WWE. We. Wont. Excite.

I understand totally the concept of letting go... but as for TNA I really like their direction to an extent... I concur Foley is a stretch but he always has been in my eyes... He did things no else would dare to, but beyond that ehhh... I doubt at this junction he can really help but who knows...

I say the fundamental problem isnt the old guys unwilling to let go... It is the young guys truly stepping up and take it over. where's that newness and excitement... The young names arent a draw as the names of the Yesteryear Superstars.... Honestly maybe we are a victim of over exposure and shoots but you really dont make connections with them personally... Sure I like CM Punk, or a Kaz, but wow these guys are dry ass characters... just as is Orton, Batista, Cena, Samoa Joe,...etc. Honestly I miss the days were you had persona that were so dynamically opposite that you cared for one over the other.... Now everyone is the same guy in a good mood (face) or a bad mood (heel)... The proof is in the fact that some "Vets" are still pushing the same gimmick decades later and it still works... while we have top card and mid cards changing gimmicks two months to a year out. I still think fans generally hope that those Veterans are able return to that easier than the upcoming prototype of nacaristic character-less un-studeous wrestling Losers... but it's almost a givin that no recycled star will surpass their great height... but the chance does spark a slight curiousity... People like a story that continues, rise and fall, endures, motivates.... Even the youngster have gain wisdom, by immulating or loosely basing their images off these "LEGENDS" with great success...

There are so many new possiblities today that werent availble yet No one can find (or maintain) a fresh angle... Writer or wrestler, hell, even successfully copyin an angle that worked in the past seems so impossible...or uninspired... or stale...

But I'm Ranting....

I honestly think TNA dont trust that their young talent is loyal and they know that the Vets aren't but they can gauge that or control it...

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with Foley jumping to TNA. Good for him, let him earn a paycheck. The man can work a stick. If the talents want his spot, knock him off of it. Make the fans care for you or hate you to the point that Foley becomes an afterthought. Unfortunately the guys paying out the checks and TV contracts like the big names. The 'old guys' are marketable. Until that changes you'll see the 'old guys' around. I'd like to see a list of T-shirt sales personally, maybe I'm wrong. As for Scorpion Death Locks and Double-Arm DDT's meaning nothing, does any move mean anything anymore? Ring psychology has gone by the wayside in favour of spectacle. Sure wrestlers come off the top rope, and there are a lot of fancy moves. Unfortunately 'false finishes' have been so overdone that maneuvers that would probably kill someone out in a playground somewhere lose more and more meaning all the time. The most meaningful move to me? When Brock Lesnar superplexed Big Show and the ring colapsed. That was believable. Give me nostalgia... at least until I 'the next generation' use ring psychology well and tell me a story I can believe. Comments? and yes, I'm finally done.
Big H

Chef Lucky said...

Wrestlers are no different than Rappers,Boxers or Ball Players. they're all basically old whores,who will continue to "put out"to whomever will pay the bill.It really doesn't matter that their skills have diminished,as long as somebody still views them as "special" and is willing to pay to watch them,just like a beat up old stripper.They will continue to hang and make a mockery of their legacies,all the while claiming to LOVE their chosen profession,all the while destroying it,by hanging on well past their prime.The assholes who support them are just as guilty as they are,because they just encourage them to perpetuate their mediocrity on those of us,who truly give a damn.

Downtown said...

MMM Maryse nude during a yoga session... I wouldn't hesitate dropping 30 bucks on that PPV... I'd maybe pay 5 for this upcoming Bound for Glory.

Anonymous said...

How is it possible for younger stars to rise when TNA brings some fool that been around since I was a child into the company and shoots him to the moon within his first few months? Cage has done more than Styles, Daniels, Sabin, and Shelley in a year than they have since being with the company during its infancy. That's fucked up and I can onlynwonder why they stuck with TNA.

I can only wonder what its like when a "new" star arrives. It may be hard to learn from a vet when its likely you'll never get to step into the ring with him or he's wrestling once every three months.

We cant forget (as I had when I was younger) that these guys are getting older every year. I dont know why but to me it was as if wrestlers didnt age. They wont be able to have X division matches for much longer without us shitting on them for being bad or feeling like a douche because we want to see a 35 year old AJ dangle from a rope above the ring.

These vets need to just go away. Retire. Open a school, I dont care. Its irresponsible of these companies to keep broken stars in the sport. I'd be happy if Sting came out and Deathdropped someone and left. But seeing him versus Samoa Joe (who they fucked over to the point I didnt care when he finally got the belt) does nothing for me.