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Big Show Ready For WWE Return?

The January 14th edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter has stated that former WWE/WCW/ECW Champion The Big Show, real name Paul Wight has either signed with the E or has agreed to a deal, and will be starting full-time very soon. At this point, it is only speculation, but also very possible.

Big Show has been absent from WWE and the public eye for quite some time. He left the WWE following Bobby Lashley winning the ECW Championship in December of 2006. Big Show said that he wanted time to recover, both mentally and physically, from the rigors of working full-time with the WWE.

The WWE also offered Wight a contract to sit at home and do nothing, which he refused.

Show is said to be down to 440 lbs after leaving pro wrestling to rest, and pursue a possible career in boxing, which included some boxing training. The boxing training and the fact there was no WWE catering is said to be what helped him lose 60 pounds from his WWE weight. Dave Meltzer also mentions in the Observer that a part of his boxing deal was that another former WWE and WCW Champion Hulk Hogan was to be his Don King. That would include Hogan being at all of Big Show's press conferences and various other media outings.

Hogan was apparently the main reason that boxing promoters were interested in Big Show and paying him money to learn the sport. These plans, however, fell apart at some point, and Show realized that at his age, boxing was a bad idea. There have also been no recent updates or even talks of Hogan doing his own wrestling tour - a very discussed topic of the past. So since Big Show is bored, he's probably back with WWE.

9 comments: on "Big Show Ready For WWE Return?"

Christopher Casúr said...

Oh, boy, Big Show's returning. Get ready for more dick jokes on t-shirts.

Anonymous said...

I don't give a damn why he is back...I have alwase liked the big show and I am looking forward to seeing him back.

Christopher Casúr said...

Don't get me wrong, I'm a major Big Show mark, but I don't see a place for him in WWE right now. I think ECW is probably the best place for him at the moment, but there's not a lot for anybody to do on ECW at the moment, not to mention he fell flat during his last run in ECW. SmackDown! already has way too many big guys, and on Raw, he'll more than likely sit on the sidelines or on the midcard for months on end.

Not to mention, since he is a sufferer or pituitary giantism, he's begging for an early death if he comes back to the ring full-time. Paul, you don't need the money that bad, stay at home with the missus, maybe get into acting a little bit, just enjoy retirement.

D.J.B. said...

I'm a Big Show fan as well, and I would have been aprehensive about his return had he still been 490-510, which is the neighborhood where he was for his run with WWE from 99-06.

Now he's lost 60 pounds, and on his frame, or any frame, but for wrestling especially, that is an incredibly significant amount of weight to NOT carry around. He will probably be more mobile, more balanced, and not look as awkward.

Think about it Hammer, 60 pounds! That's Fronte's body hair and one of his tits. Or maybe half a tit, BREAK OUT THE SCALE.

Anonymous said...

Does wrestling even need The Big Show right now? Thats a good question. And the answer as fa as I am concerned is: No. His last run in ECW was a joke. He couldnt pull a decent match out of Lashley for anything. I used to be a huge fan of The Giant. But his last few years have been just pathetic.

He doesnt have someone to pull greatness out of him. He had Heyman who would speak for him. he had Lesnar who had some of the best match Show ever had. Who is there now? More feuds with Kane or Taker? Khali? Snitski? If he is losing weight and feeling great then he should just stay out of the business.

There is no reason I should turn on the TV and see a new Big Show match. What is there left for him to do? He isnt leaving behind a great legacy (dont mention his WCW championship because WCW is being erased from our minds!). He is to me the guy that kicked out of The Perfect Plex and got thrown around by Lesnar.

Dont box. Dont do MMA. FDont wrestle. Stay your big ass at home and continue collecting "Water boy" checks. The days of seeing Show do dropkicks and kip-ups are gone. Seeing a limping giant does not appeal to me in the least.

Anonymous said...

The Big Show is very much like a condom. He had a useful purpose at one point, he was used properly, but to put him back where he was and do the same thing with him is stupid.

The options he as are Raw, Smackdown, or ECW. Raw is crampacked with too many wrestlers AND angles as it is already, good luck making TV time for him unless you want to put him in a midcard feud with Santino or Jericho, which is the most interesting idea I can come up with. On Smackdown, there's an overall lack of talent but crowding the roster with another big guy that can't really work a good match without being carried doesn't really seem like the best idea either. ECW on the other hand has all the guys that actually PASSED their drug tests. SHOOOOOOOOT! And putting Show on ECW would just bury everyone else because it wouldn't really make sense to have a 180 pound guy pin a 400+ dude.

So the Show really doesn't fit into anywhere on the roster in the E; however, there is a place for him in WCW junior. TNA seems to be the vulture of the wrestling world, picking up the scraps that the E leaves behind and the Show is no doubt a large scrap. (On a side note, vultures would most certainly die if they lived in Fronte's house.) Now it's no secret that Show isn't a young guy that has the legs to carry him through a full-time schedule so bringing him in as a "bodyguard" for either Angle or Cage would definitely draw crowds and would put him to the best use he could get out of wrestling at this point in his career.

And if all else fails, they could always use him to bury the entire X Division single handedly.

Christopher Casúr said...

See? The dick references have started already, haha. That was a rather colorful reference, but you really hit the nail on the head, Mike. WWE has no place for him, and I might even argue that there's not really a good place for him in TNA either.

Anonymous said...

Lol, I never said TNA had a "really good" place for him.

Anonymous said...

I like the Big ?Show I do and I respect the decisions that he has made in his carrer (i.e leaving wcw to be the first big name to jump to WWF in 1999, and leaving WWE in 20006 on his own terms) but after watching RAW last night i have a baaad feeling that he is going to Triple Faggot H's mystery opponent next week....which would mean he would have to job to that ego-maniac in his first match back because we all know trips is gonna go to da rumble.....and win it....which sucks cuz im going to that MSG show too...which should be great aside from that part.