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Jason Explanation

I'm honestly, truly the most down on the business I have ever been in my life and I don't know what else to do, except to get the fuck away from it for once and for all. I know it is partly a combination of my personal trials and the state of the business, but most of all, it all boils down to an answer I gave to a question my friend, Jaguar Vijay Singh, asked me a couple of weeks ago.

And the question was "Jason, why are you so sick of wrestling?" At that point, I couldn't stop my fingers from writing. Here is the answer, word for word...

"Being so rapped up in it old friend. To tell you the honest truth, I can't remember a time in my life when wrestling was not a part of my life and I'm just wondering if there's life on the other side (outside this business).

I'm sick of the art. I'm sick of the pointless and meaningless shows I waste so much of my life watching. I'm sick of the pathetic, recycled storylines and the stupid characters and the bad acting and the meaningless abuse wrestlers take physically and mentally.

I'm sick of the way all women are portrayed to be strippers and sluts. I'm sick of the independent shows I work and pretending I am a part of a business with 50 other dreamers that maybe 1 or 2 of them will end up getting lucky and making a living out of wrestling and the rest of us will keep living in a dream world until we realize how stupid wrestling is.

I'm sick of all the people who are dying and who have died because they gave their lives to wrestling and wrestling didn't love them back in the end. And most of all, I'm sick of the politics and the egos of 90% of the people in the business, in mainstream wrestling and the independent level, who think they are better than everyone else and act like such pompous fucking hotdogging, band-standing, fucking big shot premadonnas".

I want to thank you Tha O Show for the opportunity they gave me to open my heart and bare a lot of my wrestling demons to the world. It was good therapy to let all of that off my chest. It helped me and I hope it helped the show out too.

But honestly, now that time has passed, I've come to the decision that I would like to put an end to "Jason Sensation Shoots From The Ass" on Tha O Show. I don't want people who never knew me to only associate me with anger and frustration that I just want to let go of now.

I still plan to write an article every month or so for Tha O Show. Vocally though, I really just want to lay low for the time being and heal and reflect, then move on...

God Bless You O-sters,

Peace & Love

Jason Sensation

10 comments: on "Jason Explanation"

Downtown said...

If Jason Sensation hates wrestling, how can anyone else like it?

Anonymous said...

I dont know why I still watch it...I've been watching for 19 years.

Anonymous said...

Thank god Jason is gone. He bored the shit out of me when I saw him at The League doing impressions from 10 years ago!!!! He offers nothing. He had some good stories on Tha o Show I guess but I didn't listen to them that much.

Anonymous said...

Jason Sensation offers something that has lost it's place in wrestling. Good old fashion entertainment & I would rather hear wrestling impressions from 10 years ago than the guys that are popular now. But it is good he is gone. Jason didn't fit in with the O show.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who says Jason doesn't have anything to offer, or that he didn't fit in with Tha O Show...then you have no idea what your talking about. If he wasn't your cup of tea, that's one say he has nothing to offer, then you are out of your minds.

Jason would have and could still be one of the best managers to ever walk in the business. Jason creates heat. He gets the crowd into what he is doing, and can make you love him. At the drop of a dime, he can make you hate him to. That's talent folks. He made it easy for guys such as myself to go and get heat from the audiance. In terms all of you will understand...Jason was very good at getting chicks so horny that all they wanted to do was fuck, and then just when they were ready to get started, he let someone else step in and do what needed to be done. That's what he did in a wrestling sense. He got the crowd SO hot, and then let us, the wrestlers, do what needed to be done. Jason has a quality not many people have these days, and thats called being "un-selfish".

Thank you Jason, and I wish you nothing but the best for you personally and professionally. Hopefully we'll get to hear the odd drunken O Show call in from

Anonymous said...


Good luck man, I hope that everything turns out the way you'd like it too.

I truly enjoyed, and hated your stories, the hatred was towards the assfucks that deserved to be shot at from your ass.

I really enjoyed you man, and look forward to reading your monthly articles, and I really hope you find the peace that you need.

For the rest of us dreamers, believe it or not, you give us hope, because at one time bro, you were just like us. So thanks for giving me a glistening light, and something to dream for.

Anonymous said...

Fuckity fuck, man! I loved hearing him on the show. He always made me crack up laughing. Hell, I have listened to episode 10 so many damned times when he talks about meeting Owen and The Bulldog. When he immitates Ahmed Johnson I crack up laughing every time! I will miss hearing him on the show.

The thing that I love about Tha O Show is that they actually talk about...wrestling. Ever try listening to those other shows? They sound like crap. Everyone is muffled or have no chemistry. This show kicks ass and Jason is one of the reasons why (even if Frank is still around).

I will still listen to the show, of course. Its just the selfish fan in me that wishes Jason would stay around even though he doesnt want to. I hope he has fun and relaxs no matter what he gets into. Just as long as he doesnt pop up on TNA managing Test.

Anonymous said...

Bro, you need to watch The Secret or something.

You are surrounding yourself with such bad vibes, that all you get in return are BAD VIBES.

Live and let live before you end of killing yourself.

I don't write on message boards, but hell brother, you need to suck it up and move on.

Your negativity is pouring out onto all of us.

Keep it to yourself.

Anonymous said...

From one anonymous to another.

Obviously, Jason is NOT your bro!

If Jason watched The Secret, it would not be a secret anymore.

The song is live & let DIE, get your facts strait... & it is spelt OFF, not of!

You don't write on message boards??? Seriously??? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm???

Again, I don't think Jason is your brother.

"Suck it up & move on"... Isn't that what he just said he was doing in the column??? Hmmmmmmmm?

His negativity is pouring onto all of "us"??? Who is us? YAre you saying there are more anonymous's out there??? Hmmmmmmm?

"Keep it to yourself"? Did you read his column??? The column you just commented so much on, did you read it? Didn't Jason just say there was no longer any point expressing anger that would only affect himself? Hmmmm? Should Jason keep it to himself because he chose to, or because you told him to, after the fact(?), on one of those message boards that you don't write on?

I can see why you don't write on message boards now.

The one good piece of advice you had for Jason was to stop surrounding himself with bad vibes. He probably now, more than ever, will be able to do so because he is finally ridding himself of wrestling, the wrestling business & the phony so called "friend's" he HAD that use to call him bro!

Anonymous said...


Hey man It's gonna be hard to listen to the O show without you. I remember the first time i saw you in person it was at WWF breakdown in your house.And then bumping into you on the Bus here in hamilton. Dude you are the man. And you will be greatly Missed. Have a good one bro and enjoy whatever it is you wanna do.