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WWE Media Arsenal

The media ban has now been lifted over at WWE and Vince McMahon has sent out the troops to wage war on the media that he claims is damaging his business. Since the Chris Benoit tragedy took place three weeks ago, WWE has been relatively silent other than a few press releases that appeared on the company's corporate web site.

No WWE employees have been allowed to speak to the media until now. After three weeks of media training and giving their employees a list of facts to memorize, the best WWE could come up with is Fit Finlay...?

The Belfast Bruiser was chosen by WWE suits in order to "bully" Nancy Grace who had been running rampant over the last few weeks talking about the connection between steroids, wrestling, and the some 90 deaths that have occurred over the last 20 years. Fit came in attempting to be a strong heel, but Grace no-sold his offense.

Former professional wrestler Marc Mero also appeared with Finlay who immediately called out the WWE Wellness Policy and asked someone to explain it, specifically asking if valid prescriptions voided any positive tests. To that Finlay replied, "that is absolute garbage".

Unfortunately for Fit, Bryan Alvarez of Figure Four Weekly very eloquently described the policy and the supposed loopholes that steroids can be prescribed by your primary care doctor for the purposes of injury rehabilitation. All Finlay could do it say, "he has never been in the locker room, what would he know?"

WOW. After three weeks of training, that is the best you can do? It is amazing how little Fit knew about his own policy. Vince and company have three weeks to prepare for the media onslaught and their first move is to try and bully Nancy Grace? Finlay knew little about his own company policies other than to say, "the testing is changing to keep up with what athletes are doing."

What was funny to watch was the same prepared sentences coming from the mouths of both Fit Finlay and Ken Kennedy. Kennedy appeared on FX News and claimed that "only five deaths have occurred under our watch" in reference to the list of 90 wrestlers that have died over the last twenty years. That same exact line came out of the mouth of Finlay when he appeared with Nancy Grace.

Kennedy was even more bold than Finlay claiming that you can even look at the five deaths and say that they were not the fault of WWE. Kennedy claimed that Eddie Guerrerro and Brian Pillman took all of their drugs in WCW, a company that didn't have testing. What? You mean to tell me Guerrerro and Pillman didn't take any drugs while in WWE? I guess the toxicology reports weren't mentioned in WWE's media training.

What I found most annoying from both Finlay and Kennedy was that neither knew the rules of their own Wellness Policy. If there was one thing WWE needed to do in the last three weeks, it was to have their media arsenal memorize the policies so that there is no controversy or question of its validity. Kennedy claimed that a testosterone to epitestosterone ratio of 4:1 will be grounds for an automatic suspension. I guess Kennedy thinks he plays for the NFL, because only a 10:1 ratio is an automatic suspension.

This was Vince's chance to send out his best people and restore some credibility to a company that is being ripped apart by the media. Where was Jim Ross or Mick Foley? Hell, where was Vince himself? No members of the McMahon family have stuck their necks out and answered the hard line of questioning from Nancy Grace or anyone else. It really seems like Vince is in a war and is doing nothing other than hiding under his bed with his eyes closed and his hands over his ears.

What is most concerning is that WWE has not gone forward and assured either the fans or the media that the Wellness Policy will be re-evaluated or changed. The mentality of the company right now is to go to war with the media because they are the ones who are hurting the business. If there was ever a question as to the ego of Vince McMahon, there you have it. Attempting to bully and fight with the media will only draw more attention to your company and make them more aggressive to uncover the dark under belly of WWE. If Vince wants a war, he will lose.

2 comments: on "WWE Media Arsenal"

signguy_shooter said...

This is alittle of the subject but another wrestler has left us beofre his time. Pittsburgh area indy wrestler James " Dveil Bhudakahn" Fawcett was found dead in his Pittsburgh home Sunday. Details on his death aren't available yet.

Anonymous said...

While a agree with alot of what you are saying Frank, especially, ESPECIALLY the part about Vince, Shane, Linda or Stephanie doing nothing during all this, I do have a few agreements. Before that though, as far as the McMahon family goes, why doesn't the son-in-law, husband, brother-in-law step to the plate and defend "HIS" company to the media? Oh wait, because he's so damn juiced up a host would laugh at him the second he denied 'roids being a problem in the WWE.

As far as my disagreements, I believe that Finlay and Kennedy were used due to the fact that they aren't juiced looking. I know that the untrained eye can't tell you what a user looks like, but to me, having a family member who juiced I sort of have an idea. Mind you I'm no expert and would never claim to be, but Kennedy and Finlay don't look like guys who are on steroids.

Finlay though, I do agree, was used to bully to an extent. It just didn't work. Kennedy put it quite well, with the only major problem being his uninformedness of the policy. That may be because he has never been in danger, and doesn't need to know because he'll pass. I don't know, but that's a possibility.

Dave "Fit" Finlay was just on the wrong show. Nancy Grace is the most adamant, though usually wrong, and most ignorant newscaster on television. People with a slight touch of intelligence are just on the wrong show.

Marc Mero is and always was a moron. He's one of those guys who definently DID want the spotlight back. His failed runs as Wildman, TKO Marc Mero, and oh God, don't get me started on Johnny B Badd. Mero wanted the fame again.

As always good acticle Frank, and yes, I'm still pulling for the Fronte report.