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Tha TNE Throwaway

Can anyone tell me the last time anyone changed their name and gimmick three weeks after winning a major title?

If you don't know what I'm talking about, last night the ECW champion, Johnny Nitro, re-introduced himself as John Morrison. Dressed in a very Edge-esque, rock-n-roll gimmick, but gave a fair resemblence to deceased Doors frontman, Jim Morrison.

I've been saying for a long time that Nitro needed a new gimmick... I guess this will do. He needed to get away from the MNM references, with the music, the red carpet, and the fur coat...

The problem is the music is so generic, the new threads are going to make people think of Edge, plus what is he going to do? Shoot up heroin, listen to jazz, and write poetry? I guess that's extreme.

Regardless of all that, I'm actually hyped to see the ECW title match at The Great American Bash. One of my favorite wrestling events growing up was The Great American Bash, with so many classic matches. From Ric Flair and Ricky Morton in a CLASSIC steel cage match (that I've personally watched at least 15 times) to JBL and Eddie Guerrero in that "Texas Bullrope" match.

Now, I'm not saying that CM Punk and Morrison will deliver that caliber of a match, the kind of match that will last in our minds for years, but I'm not putting it past them. They've yet to put on a bad match together, and with enough time they could really steal the show, especially if last night was any indication of Punk's readiness.

CM Punk was on fire last night, not the same ol' cookie cutter ECW match for Punk, very impressive. Wish I could say the same for Elijah Burke, who looked very lost in his match with Punk. Hopefully it was just a bad night I happens.

The original match was set to be Punk and Marcus Cor Von, but apparently MCV wasn't at the tapings. When, if ever, are they going to utilize Cor Von? You shove Bobby Lashley down our throats, like a lonely trucker feeds Frank Fronte in a dirty bathroom stall, but you can't give "The Alpha Male" any airtime? The guy isn't the greatest worker, but he's more entertaining than Bobby, that's all I'm saying.

If you didn't catch the show, here's Tha Breakdown:

CM Punk def. Elijah Burke
Three Titty Gang squashed Jobby McJobbington and gave a "Spock-like" hand gesture, that all the kids will be mimicking on the playground tomorrow.
The Miz gave a terrible promo on how chicks like him, then the Extreme Expose gave him a lapdance, while I punched myself in the face.
Kevin Thorn def. Tommy Dreamer in a rather boring match. Give Tommy weapons!

11 comments: on "Tha TNE Throwaway"

Anonymous said...

John Morrison needed this gimmick to, "Break on through, to the other side." He also needed something that would, "Light his fire."

Skitlez if you read this tell people the band I mentioned over the weekend! I could no shit have written Tuesday's ECW.

John Morrison's outfit wasn't Edge-esque. Edge had the rockstar look, but didn't quite put it together like that. What an excellent way for John "Given name" Morrison to seperate himself from Joey Matthews and Melina.

What entrance music isn't generic anymore? Give it time, Break on Through could be his music, but the estate will have to be contacted, yada, yada, yada.

Props to Jim, I mean John for question the CM. Chick Magnet WAS the original, as he and a friend where the Chick Magnet's in some backyard fed. He was C.M. Punk. Props to Punk for using that name HIS ENTIRE CAREER.

Other than the new gimmick and C.M. Punk last nights show wasn't that good, but hey the show's PPV match came off looking good, and that's all that matters.

Downtown said...

Uh-Oh! Cor Von apparently missed last night's tapings due to "family issues". I hate those two words.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, you and me too brother man.

Did I mention that gimmick changing mid-storyline is groundbreaking?

Anonymous said...

The funny thing is that before he said anything I thought Nitro looked like Mister Mojo Rison. The show stunk, but that wasnt shocking. I just dont want to get sick of seeing Punk and Burke fighting.

Anonymous said...

Another wrestle is found dead, now former ECW star John Kronus. This is so sad that is 3 wrestlers that I know of in the last month gone before their time benoit, Kronus and indy wrestler Devil Bhudakahn). No details on the cause of death yet. I always thought Kronus was a very underrated wrestler. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

Anonymous said...

I gotta say, I'm loving ECW more and more every day. Can we officially call this the number one show?

Lol, DJB, are you referencing talking about The Doors? Ironic...

Anonymous said...

I know, is that not incredibly ironic and weird. Yo, you ever hear the Doors? Don't you think both Break on Through and Light My Fire would make good rap beats.

Three days later John Morrison shows up on ECW.

WWE please contact me and I will provide you with the address to which you can send the checks.

Anonymous said...

yo its no secret that somebody at WWE has been checking out this site so you never know you my have lit thier fire. if you remember my whole argument against faggy hardy finisher was the lack of spontaneity then low and behold he starts hittng it out of nowhere and you get jbl and cole yelling it.

Break on Through and Light My Fire where both used in a rap song i am not sure of the artist it may have been on a mixtape
John Morrison the guy might be a future legend

Anonymous said...

Anybdy else notice how bad John Morrison's "agent" hand was shaking. Poor guy was nervous.

Anonymous said...

Ya, that was a question I had, I just couldn't f'n remember it. Who was that herb? He looked familiar, but I couldn't place him for the life of me.

Ya Darth, somebody looks at this site. You with the spontaneous thing, me with the, "give him a fucking push" thing.

I say we pull some string and some Osters start writing for a wrestling company.

Anonymous said...

well TNA is hiring their looking for P.A and grips and a few other positions so you never know