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Tha Raw Report: Tha F'n Edition

I am helping out Dan-e-o this week for this installment of "Tha Raw Report" after my colleague informed me that his computer is acting up (FYI, "computer issues" is O-Code for - "I have a woman coming over, cover me").

So I actually had to watch this week's "Raw" with a little bit more focus than I usually do. That means, no talking on the phone, no boring match snack breaks, and definitely no channel flipping to see what's going on with the Jays game.

To my surprise, this week's "Raw" did as good of a job building up their main event for this Sunday as I have seen in years. The Great American Bash really does have a "big event" feel to it with so much importance placed on the WWE Title match.

No matter what you think of John Cena or Bobby Lashley, their final segment stare down was intriguing and was the most effective use of television in a long time.

As well, having legends such as Ric Flair and Mick Foley provide their expert analysis and predictions for the Cena/Lashley match also adds an element of reality that is often lacking on WWE television. The biographical and career retrospectives make both Cena and Lashley relate to common fans and allow the people to sink their teeth into something real. Even in wrestling fans want angles and characters based on reality and not the imaginary world of sports entertainment.

"Raw" kicked off with what I thought was an excellent angle involving King Booker and Jerry Lawler. Teasing the Triple H return and then having Booker come out was outstanding and plants the seed for a feud upon Hunter's return. However, I really didn't like Lawler getting the upper-hand and laying out one of the shows main stars. King Booker should have beaten Lawler to within an inch of his life as it would have made him a stronger heel and ready for a program with HHH.

Santino Marella's career is over. Over. Done. No matter what Nancy Grace and Marc Mero say, Vince hates small guys and no one in WWE the size Marella will ever get a fair chance. Small guys will have "opportunities" to get over, but no real chance to become stars in the promotion. The four-way for the IC title shot was decent, but what the hell was with that weak ass finish? Shelton looked like he simply rolled back and allowed Hardy to pin him. Weak. Also, Jeff Hardy VS. Umaga? Who cares?

I thought it was crazy when I heard Abyss talk this past week on TNA's "iMPACT!" after he has been silent for over four years. But having Snitsky talk is just as insane. The silent ugly monster gimmick looked like it could get over after he had been languishing in the mid-card for a couple of years. Having him talk reminds people of the guy who punted babies into stands and had a foot fetish. I would love for Snitsky to have a manager, a Jim Mitchell type to tame this beast and do all the talking for him. Dan-e-o, I'm looking at you.

Speaking of promos, much better go around this week for the product of the American Dream's seed. Cody Rhodes held his own in his pre-match promo and showed the charisma that many knew he had. Why they would have Cody get squashed in his debut when this match could have drawn at a future PPV is anyone's guess. WWE did no favors to Cody having him lose in his debut in the fashion he did. Since his father is a big player backstage, I do suspect he will eventually get a fair chance, but it's very difficult to change the fan's perception once you have already seen someone lose in that manner.

At this point of watching "Raw" I grabbed a protein shake out of the fridge, the ones sold in convenient cans. I realized after drinking it that the can had written on it: "Best Before January 2007". Getting through the last bit of "Raw" might be difficult.

No side effects as of yet although I can't believe I just saw Jim Duggan and William Regal in such a stupid skit. I really hope WWE sells a lot of "DAMN" t-shirts, because having Ron Simmons on television is starting to mean less and less as the weeks go by. However, there was nothing fruity about William Regal's ability to brawl when he interfered in the Carlito VS. Sandman match. Any wrestlers who want to know how to properly do a run-in, watch how William Regal put the fists to Sandman. Regal's ability to make his brawling look real is a trait few in the business have.

What is not entertaining on the other hand is Kennedy's entrance. It's amazing how Kennedy's entrance has not evolved at all and his gimmick has grown tired because of it. Kennedy might be the guy WWE is sending out to defend their Wellness Policy because he is so well spoken, but that gift of gab has not translated into compelling promos. However, the inverted suplex off the middle rope for a finisher was AWESOME. Now if only he could apply that same creativity to his promos.

As I said in the beginning of the report, this episode of "Raw" was a the exact blueprint of a television show that sells PPV events. Angles were simple, strong, and intense. The focus of the show was placed in the top key matches and I absolutely suspect this Sunday's show to be not only a strong one in the ring, but one that might pop a strong buy rate.

It will be interesting to see where WWE's business stands after the recent media attention, but if there is a negative turn in business starting with the The Great American Bash it will not be because of weak television.

12 comments: on "Tha Raw Report: Tha F'n Edition"

Anonymous said...

That protein shake must have done something awful to your head, man. Were we watching the same show?

First of all, Lashley vs. Cena is going to be more brutal than that time you had a battle rap against Big Daddy Donnie. Having some of the greatest superstars of all time putting these two wannabes over was pathetic, and if they don't hate themselves in the morning for doing that, it must be because they're looking at Vince's signature on their paycheck and not in the mirror. Last night was so bad that I actually thought Lashley's promo was better than Cena's. Yeah, it was that horrible.

I have absolutely no interest in watching their match this Sunday, and I will likely turn the show off before the main event. Not like I'm going to miss any great wrestling if I do.

Ken Kennedy is getting buried because Edge decided to pull the rug out from beneath him. Edge decided his ego was too big to job to Triple H, so now Kennedy's going to do it, but just to make sure that he's ready, in the meantime, he's going to feud against Super Crazy. Super Crazy? Are you fucking kidding me? Kennedy was more elevated within his first two months in the company than Super Crazy ever was! Of course his promos are going to be brutal, I'm amazed he hasn't gone postal on creative yet!

Since I'm just lambasting everything that's horrible about Raw this week, that fatal four way match was awful. Marella's elimination was weak, as was Benjamin's. Jeff Hardy vs. Umaga may be the most random match I have seen on WWE TV as of late. Even Vince Russo thinks this booking sucks.

I could go on, but you get the point. I have absolutely nothing positive to saw. This Raw was off the chart horrible, and I guarantee you that Great American Bash will have a retardedly low buyrate this Sunday. Very little about this card is intriguging; in fact, there are only two matches on the show that I even would want to see.

Okay, rant over. Good read, hopefully Dan had got some good cutty last night and didn't sit there like a jackass talking about the Transformers movie like Santino did in that god-awful promo.

Tim Haught said...

I also liked the build up between Cena and Lashley. I think that they will suprise a lot of people at the GAB, because I think about half the people think this will be outstanding and half think it will be God awful. I think half will be right, but we won't know which half until after the PPV is over.

I personally am very sad about the King Booker/Triple H angle. I think it's being done well, but when it's over, Booker will be buried in the Raw midcard with nothing to do. Moving him to Raw was stupid, because he is a bonafide main eventer on any other brand.

I still think Santino Marella is going to end up being a rapist...

It obviously made sense for Cody Rhodes to lose, unless he was going to pull a 1-2-3 Kid-esque upset over Orton, which would have been entertaining. We saw how that worked for Santino though. Rhodes cut a great promo and probably had the match of the night on Raw. Fans can chalk the loss up to inexperience, and it's not as though he jobbed to a bum. He lost to a main eventer in his debut match. Not too shabby. I bet WWE was more than pleased with his performance, and after the GAB, he will probably get another shot at Orton. He lost in a hard hitting, lengthy match where he took Orton to the limit and almost upset him. I am not sure what you mean by the fashion he lost in.

The Regal/Duggan Skit was bad, and Damn is certainly getting old.

I disagree however that Kennedy is getting old. What more do you want him to do? With his injuries and brand changes, I think he's remained just fresh enough. I am sure there are a lot of fanboys who have heard of Kennedy, but haven't actually seen him prior to this draft for any significant amount of time. He's still money.

Downtown said...

Raw wasn't terrible last night... The shelton/hardy finish was rediculous though.

Santino's done. I doubt it's due to size though. He's just boring. A rapist, huh? Talk about "auto-bury" mode.

The Cena/Lashley build up was quality, disregarding the guys' work ability. These guys can't disappoint, due to such low expectations.

Marks will eat it with a spoon, bank on that.

Oh, if you haven't heard, Edge tore his pec. So were due a new champ by tomorrow night. Wonder if they'll announce it on ECW?

Anonymous said...

Kennedy is getting buried because of Edge's ego? Kennedy is getting buried because the company agreed Edge needed an ACTUAL non-Cena loss chance. Which all reverts back to what? HHH's cock-hold on the WWE.

The build was incredible. It would have been 10X that if the guys in the match had 2X the ability of both Cena and Lashley.

Lashley's promo last night...GREAT. He cut a non-promo promo. He doesn't want to talk. B-e-a-utiful. He wants to fight. NEW GIMMICK, GOOD GIMMICK. Let Lashley do the moves he came in with, bill him as invincible and silent and guess what, it IS Goldberg all over again. It IS Lesnar all over again, and what did those two do? Sold tickets and sold out shows.

Did Edge really tear his peck? It was said not to be serious. Well that blows. At least he got in a run that wasn't ended by John Cena. Thank God. Get well soon Edge. SmackDown REALLY REALLY needs you.

Anonymous said...

Not that I'm proud of it, but after all I said on Matt Hardy, he has a legit chance at becoming World Champ this friday, if the announcement "rumors" are true.

Though they could throw the strap on Batista and have he and Khali go at it for the strap. Which MATCH would be worse, Cena-Lashley or Batista-Khali?

Anyway, seems I kind of got my wish Frank, the Fronte report did kind of happen, I just mean on the show, good article, and there was a lot less negativity than an article written by my pussy-getting bredren Dan-e-o. Both articles are good in their own sense, and are quite different.

Anonymous said...

Okay, in all fairness, Kennedy's getting buried because of several people's egos. Trips originally wanted to bury Edge, but Edge said "fuck that", so he pulled a power play and moved himself over to SmackDown. That leaves Triple H without someone to bury. So he uses a lame-ass "we need more top heels" excuse and brings Kennedy over. However, the ball on Kennedy's current burial got rolling because of Edge.

Seems like a trend lately-those who pull power plays get injured at the height of their run. Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Edge...

Anonymous said...

Edge didn't get that ball rolling brother, H did. He's the one that started the I need to be viewed as the greatest so I'll bury...hmmm, Edge. Edge did, as you said say fuck that, and rightly so. Edge is going to be drawing money when H is on Geritol and having his 33rd quad surgery. Speaking of HHH would anyone else be given the machine promo? No!

Well, Hardy may not be the champion, and I don't think it'll be Batista either, but I do believe however that Batista's match at GAB will be for the World Heavyweight Championship...choke on that my loyal Slapnuts.

I do agree about the injury/powerplay thing though Plunkster. Wow, that's a lame-ass nickname, sorry bro. Anyway yes, Michaels seemed to be getting ready to get his way and BOOM! Edge, BOOM! I won't say it for HHH, because let us face it together, he doesn't not get his way.

With HHH now being the "only" top draw prepped for a return, will they possibly send him to SmackDown out of bare necesity, or will he remain on RAW, where EVERYBODY is now?

With all things SmackDown being at the top of the heap all of a sudden, Osters be sure to tune in Friday night or Saturday morning for an edition of Friday Night Fallout that I will not enjoy. Was that the first ever on site article plug for Tha O Show? I'm a groundbreaker.

Anonymous said...

Edge didn't get that ball rolling brother, H did. He's the one that started the I need to be viewed as the greatest so I'll bury...hmmm, Edge. Edge did, as you said say fuck that, and rightly so. Edge is going to be drawing money when H is on Geritol and having his 33rd quad surgery. Speaking of HHH would anyone else be given the machine promo? No!

Well, Hardy may not be the champion, and I don't think it'll be Batista either, but I do believe however that Batista's match at GAB will be for the World Heavyweight Championship...choke on that my loyal Slapnuts.

I do agree about the injury/powerplay thing though Plunkster. Wow, that's a lame-ass nickname, sorry bro. Anyway yes, Michaels seemed to be getting ready to get his way and BOOM! Edge, BOOM! I won't say it for HHH, because let us face it together, he doesn't not get his way.

With HHH now being the "only" top draw prepped for a return, will they possibly send him to SmackDown out of bare necesity, or will he remain on RAW, where EVERYBODY is now?

With all things SmackDown being at the top of the heap all of a sudden, Osters be sure to tune in Friday night or Saturday morning for an edition of Friday Night Fallout that I will not enjoy. Was that the first ever on site article plug for Tha O Show? I'm a groundbreaker.

Anonymous said...

If you want to know the mind-numbing truth to the question: Who will be the World Heavyweight Champion? Go to they have it, or just wait for ECW tonight, because it will be scrolled across as well. This is terrible!!!!!

They also announced a #1 contenders match between that mans GAB opponent and the man scheduled to face Edge Kane, but to find that out we apparently must wait til Friday night.

Joy, this'll be the most fun I've had writing Friday Night Fallout in a long time. Jeez, the hardships we journalists must face.

Anonymous said...

On a completely unrelated and HAPPY note, Hall O Fame Member "Macho Man" Randy Savage will appear on the next season of VH1's The Surreal Life!

Wow, that'll make for some good as television.

Anonymous said...

hey you guys i just read a smankdown spoiler the great kaili is the world champion cause edge tore something in is arm and will be gone for 4 months just thought you guys should know

Anonymous said...

Lashley needs to drop the mic and never pick it up again! Cena sounded biggerm better, and Blacker than he did! That was a waste if time. Kennedy must've peed in someones coffee to get a feud with Super Crazy.