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Tha "iMPACT!" Dispatch

Wow...did the majority of the show really center around Kurt Angle being naked? I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard him say the word "underwear" last night. I guess that's what I get for making a running O Show joke about balls dropping. Damnit!

At the end of my Victory Road article, I had mentioned that TNA had booked themselves into a corner, and that it might be interesting to see how they fix things. I take that back; their current ideas are horrible.

Triple X is back, but do they really serve a purpose? The triple finish combination was an "O", no doubt, but this really drags down Daniels, who could be so much bigger in the company is given the chance. Moreover, are they faces now or what? Last I knew, Daniels was being pushed as a heel. Now, inexplicably, people are cheering for him because he's a tag team wrestler again.

After the match, Kazarian came out and attacked Serotonin. I have no idea where this will take Kazarian, but hopefully a feud with Raven will help to elevate him.

The Rhino storyline got real old, real quick. I don't give a shit if he drinks or not, and I sure as hell don't want an entire segment of the show dedicated to it. The match was decent, but far too quick, and Goldust in TNA just doesn't do it for me. A Rhodes/Harris feud will not elevate the Wildcat. Since AMW broke up back in December, TNA has tried to push both Storm and Harris, and have not been successful with either one.

On the topic of boring storylines...VKM. I sense a heel turn based on BG James' commentary, which at least means that we won't have to see them feuding with Lance Hoyt and Christy Hemme. By the way, does the loss from Victory Road mean that we have seen the end of Basham and Damaja? Part of me hopes so.

If VKM does in fact turn heel, they will not be the only tag team to do so. Team 3D made a heel turn last night, which only makes sense since fans have been booing them ever since last April. I suppose this means that the Steiner Brothers will be turning face, which is unusual. How often do both participants of a feud turn during the storyline?

An Abyss/Cage match is still being teased. I'm glad that TNA at least got one thing right during the show. Robert Roode getting involved in this storyline is a plus, too. Hopefully him being involved with a score a main eventers will help give him the rub. AJ Styles provided comedic gold during the Cage segments, as well. I can't wait until Styles gets involved in the main event picture once again.

Kurt Angle's new gimmick seems to be that he enjoys beating up X Division superstars. At least, that seems to be his gimmick ever since Matt Morgan's TNA debut got delayed. (waits for "OHHHH!") It was corny watching Angle beat up Shark Boy for claiming that he was "smiling", and the nude skits weren't very funny.

Samoa Joe cut a very good promo last night, albeit for a match that I do not want to see. The Tag Team Championships, X Division Championship, IWGP Heavyweight Championship, and TNA World Heavyweight Championship are all going to be on the line in a one-on-one match. So five titles are going to be on the line in a singles match. Does this make sense to anybody?

The part about this that makes it the worst is that they rushed the damn match...again! This match could main event Bound For Glory, but instead, it's being rushed as the main event for Hard Justice, which, by the way, I think is a pretty good name for a pay-per-view. Getting back to my original point, the last time these two feuded, it was visibly rushed and it took away from the matches. Apparently, however, TNA has not learned a thing.

Especially since Joe is clearly the guy who is going to walk away from this feud with the TNA Heavyweight Championship.

6 comments: on "Tha "iMPACT!" Dispatch"

Anonymous said...

Because we all heard about the rumours ongiong Kurt's health situation.
So Samoa Joe going over on Angle isn't going to be a huge surprise.
Maybe it's better for Kurt to go to rehab,because the last footage I saw of him he didn't look good.
If Angle would go on like he does now he might not even see 2008.

Unknown said...

Because we all heard about the rumours ongiong Kurt's health situation.
So Samoa Joe going over on Angle isn't going to be a huge surprise.
Maybe it's better for Kurt to go to rehab,because the last footage I saw of him he didn't look good.
If Angle would go on like he does now he might not even see 2008.

That post was mine,but I just created an identity on G-mail

Anonymous said...

this is leorocker180

-i gotta say Kurt Angle was pure comedy gold lastnight....hasn't been this funny since 2001 during his first title reign.

-Speaking of funny....AJ Styles is absolutely hilarious with his persona...the only problem is that it may overshadow hhis in -ring work...which is phenomenal...and i hope he gets taken seriously as a wrestler enough by TNA to constitute a mani event push soon!!

-I actually like where they are going with the re-formation of triple-x...while it may seem random and look like a demotion for the fallen angel i beg to differ big time!!...last i checked Daniels big push constitued in hime being stings bitch at least he is the LEADER of a hot faction and the best on the mic so he actually stands out even more....his promo lastnight was awesome...and he did mention his main goal being the world heavyweight title....remember just cuz you are in a faction does not mean u cannot be world champion...and i think this reunion def will work wonders for lo-ki (Senshi's a whackass name) who was lost in x-division oblivion and Elix Skipper.

- now for the "NO's" a big No for the Chris Harriss Dustin Rhodes fued....this thing came out of nowhere and makes no sense and came at the worst time cuz wildcat was in a career making fued with christian and it comes to a complete hault for nothing.....this sux cuz wildcat has main-event potential all over him and is a very loayal TNA employee i thought this would be his time....but guess not....where do they go from here??

Anonymous said... could you not O for the Angle shit?

He is an innovator. Who else in wrestling history has done the show in a banana hammock? Nobody.

Show was decent, some shit spots, but the comic gold througout was nice.

AJ-Car? Car? Well, I got a truck!
AJ-That's right, whose riding with Christian?
AJ-What do you want to listen to?
Christian-Anything but country.

Kurt Angle-Are you looking at my package?
Kurt Angle-Are you looking at my ass?
Kurt Angle-No underwear huh, a freeballer.

Samoa Joe-We all know you came to the arena wearing that.

Anonymous said...

I thought AJ was gold on Impact....he's really funny and plays the sidekick role well

Anonymous said...

The part when Angle was count down over the dude at the end of the table was fucking hilarious