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"O" No! Khali Is The New World Champ!

As if "SmackDown!" didn't go into enough of a tailspin when they were raped of practically every talented superstar on their roster, they truly outdid themselves last night. Ladies and gentlemen, your new World Heavyweight Champion...The Great Khali. Say WHAT?

It seems like this article has been written before. In fact, it has. Big Daddy Donnie had the same griefs when Big Show was handed the championship back last July. He was then even angrier when The Great Khali was given a match against John Cena at Judgment Day. At least Big Show was a better worker than Mr. Singh.

Now "SmackDown!" has absolutely no one to give the title to. Batista or Mark Henry simply will not get over with the title, Rey Mysterio was buried the last time he faced Khali, Edge is hurt, Matt Hardy is involved in a feud and both Ric Flair and Kane seem poised to never win the championship again. This may be the absolute worst booking in the history of wrestling.

To whatever hilarious fuck in Stamford decided to pull this shit, let me clarify something-when O-ster nation said we would mark out for Khali as champion, we meant we would mark out if he beat Cena for the title. I got no problem with the guy being in the company, but he does not deserve the championship, even in the now murky talent pool known as "SmackDown!"

Michael Hayes, go die. Pay less attention to your best friend's son and more attention to what people actually give a damn about.

21 comments: on ""O" No! Khali Is The New World Champ!"

Unknown said...

I puked in my mouth a little bit just now.

Anonymous said...

If this reign lasts beyond the Bash, there will indeed be dark times ahead. Even the booking team can't be so blind as to see that this guy can't work and probably couldn't sell a bullet between the eyes.

Anonymous said...

i agree with you thats why i think ether kane or bastista will win on sunday

Anonymous said...

Look at the positive. Most every champion Smackdown has had the past couple of years ends up on the injury list.

If that trend continues, we wont see Khali for several months to a year!

Yeah, I know...bad karma, but where's Khali's bad Karma??????

Anonymous said...

WWE could reallt have given the fans a truly memorabl moment by giving the title to Ric Flair. With all the crap going on outside the ring these days us fans could sure use a truly feel-good moment. Alas we should all know better. Vince McMahon and the WWE will always go with the biggest guy as opposed to the best worker. This might be the lowest moment for the World Heavyweight title.

Frank The Rocker said...

... i seriously dont have anything to fucking say...

Tim Haught said...

This was better than giving it to Matt Hardy...

Michael Hayes has done an excellent job booking Smackdown. When he got a ton of talent over, Vince decided to move them all to his flagship show. It's not Hayes' fault that King Booker or Ken Kennedy was not an option.

Giving the title to Flair in that battle royal scenario would be a waste. WWE knows fans are clamoring to see Flair hold that big gold belt one last time. If they let him have it, they are going to make it significant.

Despite the fact that I disagree that Khali should ever hold a world title, I don't see a much better scenario at this point. Khali can work Kane or Batista or both at the Bash, and fans will want to see him lose the belt.

Oh, and seriously, Matt Hardy sucks!

Anonymous said...

theres nothing to say

Frank The Rocker said...

I think they tried to hard to make Raw not suck ass and they in turn made Smackdown suck almost as much or maybe even more then Raw used to... O_o wow WWE needs us as writers so badly huh

Anonymous said...

notice how he's holding the belt upside down too....

Anonymous said...

Tim...that comment was worse than Khali being the champion. You'd rather see someone with the championship that people want to see lose 5 days later, than someone that people want to see as champion. Astounding logic.

You think Hardy sucks, but dont mind Khali being the champion. You really do have a future working for the WWE. Whackass Wrestling Entertainment.

You don't like Matt Hardy why? Because he's boring, can't work and isn't over?

Considering that 99% of fans, both mark and smark consider him to be exciting, and a good wrestler/worker, which makes him over.

You have a long history of going against the norm to get yourself over and I guess that this is no exception. Congratulations, it worked.

Tim Haught said...

Hardy is over with you and 8 year old girls. Yeah, he can work, but so what. That a world champion does not make. I can make a list a mile long of guys that could work circles around world champions but didn't deserve the belt because they had absolutely no charisma.

I would rather see a dead animal hold the belt than Hardy. It might not be able to put out as good a match, but at least it won't be dillusional as to it's place in the world.

Matt Hardy only got over initially on the coattails of his brother, and despite the fact that I think he is actually a much better in ring performer in Jeff, Matt Hardy will always be lacking a quality that makes him a commodity that sells tickets.

Matt Hardy will never make the company money as a World Champion. The only way the idea is remotely tolerable is if he moves to ECW and wins that worthless title.

Note to Matt, take ten minutes from updating your faggy myspace picture and learn to cut a decent interview and maybe someone in the office will take you seriously.

It would take 40 dudes getting hurt to validate Matt Hardy, World Champion.

If you can't see that, you are as dillusional as Matt himself.

Anonymous said...

i think the reson for this idiot to hold the title is that ether bastista or kane to go over sunday and win the world heavyweight title

Anonymous said...

Okay, so Matt has little charisma in your eyes. So what? Neither does Khali. At this point, SmackDown! is so void of main eveneters that it wouldn't hurt to put the title around Hardy's waist. He may only be over with eight year olds, but so are John Cena and Bobby Lashley, and neither of them can cut promos either. The only show Vince gives a damn about is Raw anyway, so why not give Hardy the title?

Anonymous said...

I do find that quite funny that you say Matt Hardy is over with 8 year old girls and me. When some time ago you wrote an article defending...JOHN CENA.

Sure Matt Hardy doesn't have Cena's charisma, but lets face it only about 1 in 1000000 do. But, Cena doesn't know how to use his charisma in any gimmick other than the original one.

Matt Hardy is an INCREDIBLY talented worker, and doesn't give bad interviews, the only reason many think so is because he never gets interview time. Why is that? Because before JBL and Cena needed it, then Kennedy and MVP, now Edge and MVP. There is no Edge, so why not give Hardy a shot on the mic.

Your argument against Matt Hardy is the exact opposite of your argument for John Cena, one that only few bought, this one seems to be the same.

Matt Hardy is main event material. You mentioned making money. C.M. Punk draws. Jeff Hardy draws. Matt Hardy draws. Watch an episode of SmackDown and if you do not see a Matt 4 Champ sign you aren't watching the show I am.

Because you wouldn't like it, or wouldn't pay to see it doesn't mean that 50,000 others wouldn't. I've never said that Matt Hardy would be main event of WrestleMania, but if given time he could be.

Go back in the archives and read my Matt Hardy article. It says that if Matt Hardy had a world championship match on a stacked card his actions would speak for themselves. THEN he would be sole main event material.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe they gave the title to someone who can't even talk. They could have given it to Kane, Flair, Matt Hardy,Batista or Rey Mysterio.I hope Kane wins it, he deserves it plus he is talking about retairing soon.

Anonymous said...

I would have loved to see Flair get it...damn that'd be cool...

Oh and I'm pro Hardy too. We need to break the cycle of muscle bound champs (Edge being the only non) and Hardy would be damn entertaining against some main event guys for the belt. When is the last time we had a champ familiar with jumping off the top turnbuckle?

Anonymous said...

djb amen. Speaking of dead animals I'd prefer a dead animal over Khaili any time of the week. Hell make the brawler champ not him.

Anonymous said...

Fuck the brawler, I'm feeling FUNAKI!!!!! Or Hornswaggle.

Anonymous said...

I thought the whole battle royal thing was kinda stupid. Everyone comes togethter to take Henry out but no one wants to touch Khali. Come on man give me a reason to believe! And that interview afterwards, I turned the sound off and it still looked like shit. Khali kept trying to talk and the guy who hangs around him kept trying to cut him off. Great stuff.

Anonymous said...

Khali winning the title is almost as good as Mae Young doing playboy.