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Fuck You Sheik!

For many years, The Iron Sheik was my favourite heel, and a guy I loved to watch. When I first started watching wrestling as a kid, I used to love seeing him swing those freakin clubs and dish out belly to belly suplexes.

That man...the one I used to mark for...the one I interviewed in '99 and '01 doesn't exist anymore. The man now claiming to be The Iron Sheik is nothing more than a pathetic two bit crack head.

The stunt he pulled this past weekend at an MCW show in Oshawa was ridiculous, but not completely unexpected. Sheik refused to go to work, or even leave his hotel, unless the promoter brought him his drug of choice. With promises of more money, and the suggestion that some narcotics would be available, Sheik finally left his hotel and went to the venue. That's when shit got ugly.

This raving lunatic, sat in the passenger seat of the promoter's car for HOURS while the show was going on. Someone thought it might be a good idea to hand the guy some shrooms. So now you've got a pissed off, angry Sheik, who is trippin' balls on shrooms and demanding beer and money.

Allegedly, Sheik got his entire $2000 payoff and still acted like a little bitch. He held up the promoter, he held up the show and just cut promos on anyone within ear shot.

The word is that at one point, he was so determined to stick to his guns and not leave the truck, he decided to take a piss inside.

He then managed to get into a war of words and beers-a-flyin', with Farmer Pete, a former midget wrestler who was clearly under the influence of something...who knows what?

Right before the Viking VS. Bill Skullion main event, the entire venue was emptied as the crowd stood out back, watching as about a dozen police officers tried reasoning with The Sheik while making attempts at crowd control.

At one point, a cop was pleading with Sheik to get out of the truck, to which Sheik replied "Fuck you. Shoot me".

This guy is a mess.

He's so far gone. He's beyond help.

I was saddened and then completely disgusted by his behavior.

The night ended with Sheik being arrested and taken off to an Oshawa police station. I'd love it if he just stayed there indefinately. But of course, he'll be strung out next weekend, holding up some other promoter for cash and blow.

Fuck you Sheik.

25 comments: on "Fuck You Sheik!"

Anonymous said...

Holy Shit. I'm with you Donnie, and I know it doesn't happen often, and you may have heat with me for it, but holy shit, dudes gone bonkers.

His drug of choice? Shouldn't it be mother fucking geritol?

I second that opinion, Fuck you sheik.

Anonymous said...

The one thing I hate about this is his behavior took away from a great indy show.

10 mins earlier you had 4 guys break their necks in a ladder match and all anyone will remember from that night is running outside to look at Shiek in the passanger seat of a Durango.

Even the great Ricky Johnson couldn't get Shiek to do what is right for the business that made him, fuck him.

Anonymous said...

I kinda feel bad for the guy but he deserved to be taped like that.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty sad that someone has to disrespect the busienss that made him. I heard from some wrestlers who worked the same show once with the Iron Sheik that he does coke

Anonymous said...

That is the one part I didn't even really think about Frank. He really did ruin an entire show. That goes back to what Matt DeRosa was saying, not exactly, but it does relate.

Sheiks ego and quest to fry even more brain cells caused him to take away from an entire show and apparently ruin almost the entire night for EVERYBODY.

I don't think the taping should have happened, that just egged the old bastard on, and when you start doing things for the hell of it, or to get a rise out of someone who is already far gone, you're as bad as he is.

I'm not taking up for Sheik, I'm just saying hecklers never help. Put that on a t-shirt: Hecklers Never Help!

Brian G said...

I don't understand why anybody would pay this lunatic even $1.00, let alone $2k to be anywhere NEAR a wrestling ring.

Anonymous said...

He's insane. By the way I was at the MCW show and it sucked so bad. Clayton is a friend of mine so I went to go check it out but the show was boring and really long. The Sheik stuff was the best part of the night bcause we wanted to see that idiot go to jail.

KittyLuv69 said...

The show was still good even with the shit with him going on...though i would have liked to see the main event last longer then it did bloody bill vs viking ...but thats what happens when everybody goes to watch the sheik and the main event doesnt start till like 12:30...stupid fucking sheik

Anonymous said...

Its a shame that someone who was once respected pulls something like this. It does take away from the show. Also these days wrestling is already in the hot seat over drugs and this dude pulls this. This business made him. No one would even know who he was if it wasnt for the business and this is how he pays them back when they need him the most?
By the way the video is gone. It says it was pulled by the user. Hmmm.. wonder why?

Anonymous said...

Couldn't disagree with you more Donnie ... personally I think the Iron Sheik is one of the most fasinating characters of all time now ... I can't get enough of him, every time I hear another Sheik story it gets worse and worse, which makes them better and better. Honestly, I don't think there has ever been wrestler that I've wanted to hear in an interview more then the Sheik.

Oh, and I seriously doubt that the Sheik is the only wrestler who does coke ... I would imagine that cocaine usage is quite common among wrestlers.

Anonymous said...

How can you condone that kind of behavior? Seriously, the Sheik was an interesting character, the only thing remotely interesting about him is waiting on somebody to put an end to his career.

I've already said that I agree with Donnie, and as a matter of fact I couldn't agree MORE with Donnie, Sheik has become pathetic and not even worthy of being called a shell of his former self.

Anonymous said...

Well, well... Like it was said before.... of all the times to pull a crybaby fucking attitude.

It's getting to the point where promoters are going to have to specify to talent "either work the show clean or be man enough to hide your problem or you arent getting paid"...

We all know drug use is rampant in every sport and in life in general, but for someone who is a long-time user to NOT know how to kayfabe his use enough that it doesnt need law enforcement intervention is the saddest part.

Anonymous said...

o thats where you got the whining part from.

Anonymous said...

wait no you didnt wtf am i on

Anonymous said...

Jesus, what an asshole!

Anonymous said...

Hmm. I recall someone saying that "Controversy creates cash." Who was that? The people who hired him knows his behavior. Hell, if you own a computer you know that Sheik is off his rocker. People wouldn't be talking about this show if it werent for his crazy ass. Sheik is to wrestling now what a condom ina female prison is. Useless.

Anonymous said...

People might be talking about the shit he pulled at MCW but it isn't creating cash. My friend told me MCW is finished. They are never running again.

Anonymous said...

Here's the link to the video since the original one got deleted by the owner.

Anonymous said...

lol MCW isn't finished. The whole Shiek thing was a work.

Anonymous said...

If the Sheik thing was a work it was completely tasteless.

It will probably drive away several fans, though I can see it bringing in some too.

If Sheik is booked again, sure it could be a work, but I just don't think somebody acting that damn retarded and using slurs and slinging insults is a work.

One question buryme, was it work in the sense that the cameramen were plant, or a work in the sense that Sheik disruppted the entire show and cause the main event to not come on as scheduled and be shorter than scheduled?

Big Daddy Donnie said...

The Sheik thing was a work?
Ya the cops were in on it too right?

Ummm... Nice try dude.

Anonymous said...

How can I condone that kind of behavior??? Easy, I am entertained by out of control personalities. Many people are. Are Sheiky is as out of control as you can possibly get. Personally I think everything he says is comic gold. I can't get enough of it. He would make the best reality TV show of all time. Bring on more Sheiky ... I can't get enough.

Anonymous said...

MCW is dead.

Anonymous said...

the person above is not Clayton. I AM. And what he stated, is BS.

Anonymous said...

Clayton was told by MANY people he could not control the Sheik, but in his arrogance he wouldn't listen to anyone, he got what he paid for