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Tonight's Live Edition Of "Raw" Cancelled

Tha O Show has just learned from sources within WWE that tonight's live episode of "Raw" will simply feature Chris Benoit's greatest matches in a tribute to our legitimately fallen hero.

It has also been learned that there has been an outcry from WWE workers for Vince McMahon himself to appear on tonight's episode of "Raw", starting the show with the announcement of Benoit's death. This would effectively end the McMahon death story and inform the public that this is not an angle, but a very real situation.

Superstars have been given the opportunity to pay their respects in taped interviews as has been the case with previous deaths within the company. No part of tonight's broadcast is currently scheduled to be live.

At this time, no one is WWE is aware of the true nature surrounding this tragedy. One thing is certain, this is not an angle. This is a truly, truly sad day for the professional wrestling business.

God bless you Chris Benoit. Rest in everlasting peace.

3 comments: on "Tonight's Live Edition Of "Raw" Cancelled"

Anonymous said...

Amen.Vince should definitely do that out of respect.The concept of the storyline in itself was fucking stupid but in light of Sherri's death and now the entire Benoit family's he would receive a LOT of criticism from fans (namely me) if he didn't scrap it.Anyway, all I can say is rest in peace Chris Benoit.We've lost another great one.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Vince for ddoing the classy thng with reveling that your "death" was an angle. I'm surprised they actaully cancelled RAW though. I felt like I was going to puke when I heard the news .I can't believe Benoit is gone he is one of my top 5 favroite wrestlers of all time, the tears are flowing while I type this. My prayers and thoughts are with his family. We'll miss you Chris .

Anonymous said...

Thank you Vince. If one man deserved to be called the greatest WWE Superstar it was Chris Benoit.

Chris Benoit was not just the greatest WWE Superstar to walk this earth, he was the single greatest wrestler to lace up boots.

I will miss you Chris...