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Tha TNE Throwaway

Well O-sters...The draft is over, the smoke has cleared, and I think that ECW came out fairly damn well.

Chris Benoit is in full effect, bringing the much needed credibility that Tuesday Night Extreme has cried for since it's re-inception. Johnny Nitro is here with his creative offense, limitless potential, and his claims of being "sexy AND hardcore".

And, last night, The Boogeyman delivered his best match ever...and it was still the shittiest eight seconds of bell to bell "action" EVER!

What can I say? Sure I miss Snitsky (just like the rest of you), but let us fight through the pain.

This is..."Tha TNE Throwaway".

First match of the night was Benoit VS. Elijah Burke with the winner going on to Vengeance to face either CM Punk or Marcus Cor Von for the ECW World Heavyweight title.

Actual mat wrestling has became such a lost art in today's world of sports-entertainment, so thank God for guys like Benoit and Burke who will come out and display how it's supposed to be done. Sure the crowd was dead for this match, but I thought for a seven minute match it was damn good.

The video should show up on, check it out and take notice of Burke's hair-beads being crushed between his head and the mat everytime Benoit lands a German Suplex. Of course, Benoit won and now moves on to Vengeance to challenge for the vacant ECW title.

Next up, the match I alluded to earlier as Boogeyman's greatest match ever. An eight second squash on Sean Alexander which featuring a botched choke-bomb (the only move in the match). Then the usual "mother-hen chews the worms and regurgitates them into the jobber's mouth" routine. Sure, Marty Wright works this gimmick like no one else would or could, but he's just no good.

I know this shouldn't get to me, being this is a WWE product, but WHERE ARE THE EXTREME RULES MATCHES?! This is ECW Dammit!

Up Next was, Kevin Thorn and Tommy Dreamer...Yawn, a three minute match with no actual finish. Thorn just rolls Dreamer for the 1-2-3, after Dreamer seemingly injured his ankle. No word yet on whether this was a legit injury or just a work.

A nice ECW debut for Johnny Nitro this week against Nunzio. This is the first match I've seen him in in a long ass time. I personally feel the guy should've been displayed as a major draft pick on last week's "Raw", as opposed to some supplemental roster additive. Dope new finisher as well. I'm always a mark for new, creative moves. I smell a Nitro/Boogey feud coming soon.

On a sidenote...Tazz sucks major donkey cream! Shut your mouth, you orange piece of shit!

Finally, Extreme Expose (Kelly Kelly, Brooke and Layla El) are finally being utilized in a storyline that's bound to keep our attention for months to come. A love triangle with my dogg...The Fucking Miz!!! HOOOORAHHH!!!

The Main Event of the night came down to the smark-friendly CM Punk and the only guy on the ECW roster who seems to know how to work being a heel, Marcus Cor Von. Good back and forth action, with Punk getting the win after the GTS.

Sure, I wanted Cor Von to win, but it's for the best. Give Benoit and Punk twenty minutes and I'm sure they'll give you at least a four star match. I did not see Punk getting into the title match, but now that he is, I predict him winning the title.

Even with the thirty minutes of McMahon storyline coverage, ECW still delivered more action than the last episode of "Raw". And, a more fluid show than TNA has delivered in God knows how long. Some people complain that the matches are given no time, but that's what pay-per-views are for.

What's the logic of having half of your on-air time filled by only two members of your roster? Give me four or five 8-10 minute matches every week, highlighting the guy's skills, and building the feuds. Then, when the PPV comes, let the feuds that have gotten over with the crowd be displayed in a grander match...It's not that complex of an idea, it has worked for years.

6 comments: on "Tha TNE Throwaway"

Tim Haught said...

Unfortunately, I highly doubt WWE will give Punk vs. Benoit 20 minutes.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit I popped when Benoit came out at the end. I was hoping to see this match and now I get to see it on a PPV for the ECW title.
I really dont care who wins but if the E lets these two cut lose they can steal the whole PPV. I do feel that Benoit will be our next ECW champ.

Anonymous said...

Straight up honesty coming from me. The Burke-Benoit match we werent dead for. The WWE seems to really blow ass at audience volume. I'm sure during my Friday Night Fallout article I'll have more bones to pick with the E for their noise-o-meter. The only dead part of that match was Burke's entrance. It was a mixture of light boos and hang on a sec, I gotta get this wedgie out.

I swear to God I missed the Boogeyman match. Do you know why? Because I leaned over and asked someone(forgot if it was my mom, or the guy next to her) if that Sean Alexander guys tights said Sean or Sears, because in the dark it looked as though they said Sears. After I got the question out and the good ol' shrug reply I heard the bell and turned around anticipating the match beginning only to see Boogey placing the worms in the mouth of the former NFL MVP.

Thorn vs. Dreamer wasn't all that entertaining, and the crowd was dead except for an ECW and a Dreamer chant. I think Tommy really messed the ankle up. I know they sell all the way to the curtain, and with Thorn gloating towards the back it could be a work, but when Dreamer screamed SLOW DOWN to the ref, I kinda think he screwed it up.

Thank God I couldn't hear Taz. His entrance music is Cypress Hill's Thug Superstar by the way(chorus on edited loop at that)

Nunzio got a surprising pop. Nitro got a little negativity, but I swear to God, and I will re-touch on this for Masters Friday, but the women in that damn arena lost their shit. Decent match, good pace, and a good way to get the crowd back in it.

The Miz? That got several boos, and even a creative Boo-rah chant.

You wanted Cor Von to win? Come on Jeff. Cor Von is good, but he isn't Punk good, or vs. Benoit good yet. His little interview was pretty good. The best part was me and 4 guys below me had a little TNA chant going when he said shutup, bet that didn't make air. Did anyone see him fuck that powerslam up? That was plain terrible. GTS and a victory for Punk=4 star match at Vengeance. If the E gives these 2, 5 minutes, it'll be the best 5 minute match the E has ever put out.

The Benoit-Punk ending was good, and if WWEshop don't have CM Punk's shirt in it's top merch section, somethings wrong. I went to 4 different merch stands trying to get my little sister one, and the smallest size 3 had was XXL. Found one on the other side of the arena. Pepsi signs and Punk shirts galore. Somebody tell HHH that Punk's over.

Another reason Punk winning is brilliant, now the guy can do what he does best, TURN THE HELL HEEL.

Anonymous said...

I think Benoit vs. Punk can steal the ppv if given enough time. I would love to see these guys go 60 mins like Punk and Samoa Joe did.

Downtown said...

DJB: I pull for Cor Von cause I want heel v face and I want Punk and Burke to have another 5 matches... and that powerslam from MCV was damn near a VERY SERIOUS botch... we rewound the dvr a good 5 times to see if he broke Punk's neck... it was an inch from something potentially serious

Anonymous said...

In all honesty, MCV is a great heel, but isn't on the wrestling level of Punk, Benoit, or Burke. A heel v. face will be well represented at Vengeance, and this match will be a nice change of pace with two really GREAT wrestlers. Not to mention, if Punk is given the chance he will be the #2 if not #1 heel in the dubba duh bee