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Tha "iMPACT!" Dispatch

Slammiversary is just two days away. I know that Bound For Glory is considered by TNA to be their biggest pay-per-view of the year, but quite frankly, Slammiversary, if not actually eclipsing BFG, is a very close second.

Add on the announcement that this event is taking place in Nashville, Tennessee, the birthplace of TNA, and you've got yourself (kayfabe-free) the biggest event in TNA history. The only thing that would make this event even more marketable would be if it were held in The Asylum. Oh, well. A Hitman can dream.

The meeting in Cornette's office showcased a very good Cornette promo, and I think there may have been a little bit of shoot involved. When Cornette blurted out, "My job is to get ratings for TNA", I popped. Mostly because that should be TNA's goal right now.

Attract more of an audience, get more interest in your product. That's how TNA's going to grow, and increased ratings are a good sign that growth is starting.

As for the match announced during his meeting with the current King Of The Mountain participants, the concept was good, but the match was predictable. Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe and AJ Styles VS. the three men they beat to qualify for KOTM (Rhino, Sting and Tomko, respectively).

Tomko did not participate in this match due to being "taken out" backstage. This could have set the stage for a very good "whodunnit?" in TNA if not for the fact that the angle lasted all of 15 minutes.

Again, predictable match. Daniels comes in and costs Sting the match via Last Rites. I thought having Joe and Angle tussle for the pinfall was pointless given the stipulation of the match.

Sonjay Dutt's new gimmick...I'm really not down with it. Since when did Gandhi wrestle? My only hope for this angle is that Dutt turns heel on Lethal after he wins the X Division Championship. Anything else would be a massive failure on the part of the TNA booking committee.

The eight man tag team match was a decent TV match, although I think I was more entertained by the fact that I was watching a televised Scott Steiner match. It was like jumping into a time machine. I'm surprised that a rematch between Basham/Damaja and VKM has not been made for Slammiversary, but there is still time. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this article receives a comment stating that the match has been made.

Now for the only part of the article most people care about...Christian Cage. Holy shit, I died laughing during the Cage segment early on in the night! His "research" that proved his opponent to be Shark Boy was hilarious, and the look on his face when Abyss came out was just as good.

I may be in the minority here, but I like the fact that this match ended in a DQ. That way, Christian is still in King Of The Mountain, and Abyss can be once again be built up as a monster. I'm not sure how a babyface Abyss will go over, but the odds of TNA giving him the belt again anytime soon are pretty slim anyway.

There's still one member of King Of The Mountain missing, to be announced on Sunday. Now, I'm not one to speculate, but I'm guessing that it's going to be Jeff Jarrett. Reports indicated that since the untimely passing of his wife, Double J has been looking to immerse himself in wrestling to keep his mind busy.

As much as this guy has used his political stroke to his advantage in the past, I'm not going to criticize him here. The guy lost his wife eight years to the day that he lost his best friend. If wrestling all the time keeps him from going crazy, then he can put himself in the main event every night for all I care. I still think that Joe is going over in this match anyway, so it doesn't really make much of difference.

Earlier this week, WWE made a 'big bang' happen to Mr. McMahon's limo. Last night, TNA made a big bang happen in the ring. And this Sunday, an even bigger bang is going to happen. Watch Slammiversary - I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

3 comments: on "Tha "iMPACT!" Dispatch"

Anonymous said...


I hope that they don't completely blow the Steiner thing. This is the one of the setbacks of a pretaped show.

Expect a 2hr time slot by fall.

Downtown said...

WWE has completely overshadowed TNA this week... expect low buyrates...

Anonymous said...

Who knows maybe mega marks who just caught wind of the story and want to see whats up may see a wrestling PPV and watch.

Would that not be insane? TNA double their normal buy-rate because Vince commited suicide/was murdered.