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A Strange Twist

I just received a copy of an e-mail Chris Benoit sent out to a friend on Sunday night at 6:42 PM.

The e-mail has Chris discussing a few wrestling related items, but sounds as relaxed and easy going as can be. The early story we received today was that Nancy was killed on Saturday. If that's the case, how does anyone explain this email sent Sunday night? It honestly reads very coherently and intelligently.

That being said, why would a guy like Chris Benoit, who skipped work to deal with a family emergency, be sending out super relaxed e-mails during a time police believe he had either already committed a murder, a double murder or been plotting it?

Out of respect for the recipient of the email we won't publish it at this time, but I can assure you of it's legitimacy.

This is story is getting darker and more confusing.

19 comments: on "A Strange Twist"

Downtown said...

And it's probably going to get even darker and more confusing... I haven't really commented on this subject, seeing as I (like the rest of us) don't have the entire story. I do find it ridiculous and absurd that some of Tha O Show readers' comments have became so immature and jaded though. This is about a family, a mother, a child, and a father are dead. Get over yourselves!

It's all just a damn shame.

Anonymous said...

You guys here at Tha O Show are doinga great job staying on top of this dark & bizzare story.
What is weird yesterday about 2 hours before RAW me and my friend's brother were talking about Benoit not being at the ppv and how good the match would have been between Benoit and Punk for the ECW title. He also asked me "who do you think would win between Benoit and Samoa Joe ?" I said the fans espsecially if it went between 30-60 mins. Now he is gone and we will never find out.

Tim Haught said...

Based upon what I have read thus far, it's only going to get more and more twisted.

Kudos to Tha O Show on the fantastic coverage of the story.

I signed online at about 7:30 last night when a Pittsburgh Indy Worker asked me if I had heard the news. I was almost waiting for a joke.

As I began clicking ahead to the typical wrestling newsites, he dropped the bomb on me. I was just shocked. I immediately clicked over here to see if Tha O Show had any knowledge, and read Dan-e-o's post. Part of me wanted to write a long memorial, and part of me felt it was too soon.

I feel as though I know nothing, yet I still know too much. As more details appear, I will force myself to read them, but it seems to be everything I dreaded upon hearing all three were dead is reality. It's just unfathomable to me.

If the early reports are indeed confirmed by the investigation, it will be hard for us as wrestling fans to reconcile our feelings on the fantastic performer that Chris was. His in-ring abilities certainly do not go away, but how do you celebrate him? Do you even want to?

This is a PR nightmare for World Wrestling Entertainment, and another hard shot for wrestling fans as this event is likely to shape the mainstream opinion of professional wrestling for years to come.

It is just too early, I feel, to really go into my comments or feelings on Benoit, although I have read some very interesting comments, and some not so interesting 14 year old internet debate right here on Tha O Show.

We are so conditioned now to get our news and information so rapidly and immediately make a statement upon it. However, I think some of us really need to take a step back and wait for some real details to come out before we form our opinions on Chris or Nancy.

Tha O Show will continue to do a fantastic job in reporting new happenings. I think out of respect for the victims and respect for ourselves, it's best if we stop worrying about immediately pointing fingers, wait for authorities to sort the situation out, and then digest the facts as they come.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Well said Tim.

Right now we are trying to share as much data as we can without creating any real legal issues by breaking any confidentiality agreements...

There have been other bits and pieces of news we've been presented with and not published because

A) there is nothing to back them up

B) they serve only to incriminate

Anonymous said...

hey tim i agree with you man if what big daddy donnie is saying about that e mail it makes chris benoit look like a cold blooded killer i mean it donest look good for chris untill all info are in

Anonymous said...

I just read that the WWE is removing all references to Benoit and the death of his family off tehir website. The most be worried about the media outlash against wrestling .

Anonymous said...

no signguy_shooter i think the reason is that the wwe dont want to have to comment on the possably of chris benoit killing his wife and son till all info are in plus the police are still investigating

Tim Haught said...

Upon reading what signguy_shooter said, I went and visited and the site is certainly backing down from the tribute it was last evening and early this morning. The main article is still obviously in regards to Benoit, as many WWE fans would likely be pissed if they went looking for an update this afternoon and found nothing. The link inside that would have clicked to Benoit's bio now loops you back to the same article. However, if you go through to the ECW section, Benoit's bio is still listed on the Roster page and his tribute stuff can still be found there for now...

I think the idea of WWE running straight wrestling for their next two televised shows is very smart.

However I read here at that we are likely to get more superstar comments. Last night I really wanted to hear from Arn Anderson, Ric Flair, Finlay, and Booker T.

However, as more sordid details develop, I think it becomes much trickier to publicly speak on Benoit's passing. It will be very interesting to see how WWE handles tonight's event, as the celebration of Benoit's career seems to be turning into strict WWE public relations.

Also, this may be insensitive at the moment, but has anyone else noticed how the mainstream media outlets have done a fantastic job of finding pictures of Benoit where you would look at the guy and think, "he looks like a murderer"?

Tim Haught said...

Check the time stamps on these comments. In that much time, the Benoit superstar page and tribute are gone, all but confirming the worst...

Anonymous said...

tim thats why i think there taking it down cause they want to distance themselves just in case chris benoit is a cold blooded killer which i think could be true from what big daddy donnie said about chris benoits e mail sunday night it almost wants me to be sick

Anonymous said...

Ben Boudreau says...

This whole Benoit story is just surreal. I don't know whether to mourn his death or simply pretend he never existed. I am so confused and disappointed. No matter what happens, I've lost one of my true heroes in life.

Anonymous said...

hey BEN dont worry about the bad just be happy for chris benoits matches cause he had alot of kick ass matches

Anonymous said...

fuck his matches- he killed his own flesh and blood. he killed his son! if oj simpson kayfabed like gold would you "respect" him too?
if anyone wants to defend him for sending out placid texts to friends- that's what psychopaths do.

Anonymous said...

Steroids,steroids,steroids. This business has a drug problem, but let the show go on...

Anonymous said...

I know this my sound a bit sbsurd:

But whats next ?- A Wellmess Policy by Vince 2 prevent any further murders that may occur.

As there wuz a previous domestic situation involving Nancy and Chris, why didnt anybody bring it to someone in authhority's attention ?

Very sad- he wuz my favourite wrestler. I actually got 2 meet him and he was a very giving, friendly guy.

Who knows what goes on behind closed doors ?

Anonymous said...

I say we don't accuse yet. That's the mark in me, yes, but I'm not ready to accuse the man of that. He is a known family man for God's sake.

There is much more than we already know. I pray to God more details come that shed some light on this horrific incident.

I agree with Ben, although I'm not ready to acuse, I'm wondering if I should mourn his death, or forget about him. I've posted several times that the man was my hero, and he was, but IF and thats a BIG IF, he did this, I don't know exactly how to take it.

Anonymous said...

I don't really know where to start, like most people on here and other wrestling sites around the world I've spent most of my free time today waiting for info, updates and such like.

Firstly, this 'cold-blooded killer' statement is, in the context of this topic, utter horseshit. The police statement reads: "Sunday morning is when they feel he hung himself in the basement area." Yet 'Benoit' was sending e-mails at 6.42 on Sunday night?

Secondly, having been listening to Drive-This on Sirius, the constant push was steroids. Steroids found in the home, 'roid rage, McMahon and the WWE are at fault, nothing focusing on the actual events, but steroids. Does it have to be about steroids? Can a guy not simply lose his mind, and kill? We all know he can, but the Sirius team were, in my eyes, unbelievably biased and crass in their handling of the matter.

Thirdly, for those people unsure of their feelings towards Benoit, here's mine: like others, Benoit was my favourite, and for a long long time. Personally, I'd put him above Bret Hart. That's how high I rated Benoit. To sit here now, knowing that everything he gave the fans will be forgotten, I'm numb. To see some of the comments around the internet dismissing him, as a person, as a filthy child murderer, is sickening to me. He didn't take a child off the street, molest them and butcher them. He didn't torture children in the manner of Brady and Hindley. No sane man kills his family. The Benoit responsible for these acts is not the Benoit we all remember. Rage? No. Rage is an instantaneous emotion. To take the lives of his family, and then himself, over a time period like this is a complete mental meltdown. The man lost his mind. Simple. For whatever reason, and we'll probably never know, Chris Benoit mentally and emotionally collapsed, and having witnessed this occurance in a first-hand manner, it is not something I'd wish on anyone.

I'm not excusing his actions, nor defending them. I'm not making any judgements, because I didn't know him, nor do I have the facts. I'm simply not angry with him. Instead, I feel very sorry for him. No-one should have to endure the kind of mental torture that this man must have experienced, to culminate in the slaughter of his wife and his child by his own hand.

Anonymous said...

Very well said Ty. You conveyed the emotions of alot of people with that.

Numb doesnt begin though to describe this. I've stated that this man was my hero, and it's hard to imagine or accept a hero experiencing this kind of meltdown.

I'm praying for more details.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I may well be forming judgement on him soon:

" is now reporting new horrifying details, including the manner of Nancy's death and the fact that there were needle marks in Daniel's arms, likely the result of the family injecting him with Human Growth Hormone."