Check This Out...


A Shocking Update

Various sources in the Fayette County Police Department are now working under the belief that Chris Benoit actually killed his wife Nancy several days ago, then killed his young son Daniel before taking his own life earlier today.

Lt. Tommy Pope recently told ABC News that "the instruments of death were located on the scene," but didn't specify what those were or where they were found. Pope said the department was not currently searching for any suspects outside the house, believing that they have plenty of evidence at the scene.

Benoit was found dead in his weight room.

23 comments: on "A Shocking Update"

Anonymous said...

I pray to God this isn't true.

Anonymous said... is now saying that chris benoit killed his wife and kid then today killing himself

Anonymous said...

I talked to a wrestler on myspace who said he has meet Benoit and Nancy and believes that maybe Nacy did it cause she never really seemed right to him. I pray to God Benoit didn't do it cause it will tarness his legacy.

Anonymous said... is now saying chris benoit killed his wife and kid days ago then just monday killed himself if thats the case then burn in hell chris benoit

Anonymous said...

No one knows the truth yet till tomorrow whenthey do the autopsies. Yes the whole thing is surrounded in darkess but please don't tell Benoit to go to hell cause we don't know anything yet. Nancy could have done it, someone esle could have killed Nancy and Daniel and Benoit found the bodies he was so upset he killed himslef. We may never know the truth cause the only ppl that do and gone and nothing we do or say will bring them back. All we know for sure is that 3 ppl , one of them a great wrestlers and one of my all-time favorite wrestlers are dead.

Anonymous said...

sorry signguy its offical police have confrimed chris benoit killed his wife and kid over the weekend and monday killed himself thats all on iam sorry but burn in hell chris benoit

Anonymous said...

You fucking moron, read it again.

It isnt confirmed you fucking dumbshit retard. Stop acting like you fucking know shit. It's being suggested. Wait till tomorrow loser.

Anonymous said...

How come when anyone on wrestling message boards have something bad or rude to say have to use "anonymous" as their name ? WWE also reported two weeks ago that fucking Vince McMahon was dead to.

fallen0ne said...

That's exactly what I'm gonna do, wait till tomorrow. It does sound like a fairly bizarre case though. Especially after everyone hailed him for being a family man and about respect and everything.
Man I hope the news is better tomorrow

Anonymous said...

who ever called me a retard fuck you asshole if you even took time to read than you would have read that police confrim this at a press conference look i know it hurts but we will never know why chris benoit killed himself nancy and their kid

Anonymous said...

Night everyone I hope when I wake up the news will be better on this bizzare death of the Benoit family. I know I'll have troubling sleeping thinking about this all night.

Anonymous said...

look iam sorry if i got it wrong but thats what the police have confrimed that it was a double murder suicide within the home cause of murder wepons found at the house now if iam wrong sorry but no need for name calling

Anonymous said...

Wrestling, as a whole, is like a giant family. Whether your a wrestler, a fan, a mark, or a smark, we're all connected by the same passion and love. As a family, today's news has been beyond hard to come to grips with, it has gone from being a stalker, to a gas leak, and now to a murder/suicide. The facts are not official. I personally don't want to believe Benoit killed his family, it just doesn't sound right to me. But that may be just be me playing the role of the blind man. I know everyone connected to wrestling in any way is going to find sleep hard tonight.

Anonymous said...

No need for name calling? You fucking asshole. This web site only exist because of great workers like Chris Benoit. One of our hero as fallen today. Double murder suicide or not this is not place or time to be posting that kind of remark. Listen you gossip mongering whore you are nothing but a fucking cowrad. Type in a fucking name next time jerk!!!!

Anonymous said...

fuck you sir jimmy whos dads cock you suck everynight before you go to bed i said if i was wrong i was sorry again no need for name calling

Teabone said...

I'm reading lots of immaturity in these recent comment posts. I just say wait till tomorrow then once again debate.

By the way, awesome site Dan-e-o! You guys provide instant news, faster than anywhere else i could find.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous you stupid cock sucking piece of shit youre fuckin immature. thats all i say for now.

Anonymous said...

This is a sad day in wrestling. Never in my 20 yrs as a fan have I ever experienced this. It is sad that a guy who was so respected and worked so hard to make it could lose it enough to do something like this. Yes, he is wrong. but look at the whole picture. What could have gone so wrong for someone to go that far?

As far as the prick who wont even state his name.. you dont come to a site for fans and bad mouth someone like that. Show some respect. Have a fuckin heart.

Anonymous said...

fuck you white thunder you suck your dads cock too dont fuck with me as i said for the third time if i got any info wrong about chris benoit than iam sorry again no need for name calling that goes the same for you the eagle

Anonymous said...

ok i want to say sorry to white thunder and sir jimmy i was wrong the investigators are lokking into the double murder suicide of chris benoit and his family even the district attorney said when the word comes out it will be bizzarie theres new info up right now on this web stite again iam sorry if i got any info wrong before now lets get past the name calling and lets try to find out why

Anonymous said...

Jesus I hope he didn't kill them, why the hell do that for, if it is true it will ruin his legacy and that would be a crime but if he did, what the hell made him do it?

Anonymous said...

I hope to christ that he didn't kill them, will ruin his legacy which would be a crime but if he did, what the hell made him do it?

Anonymous said...

now what if this were oj...