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Police Raid Office Of Benoit's Doctor

State and federal authorities raided the office of Dr. Phil Astin, the personal physician to Chris Benoit, last night shortly before midnight. Authorities removed computers and medical records as part of the raid.

Dr. Phil Astin was quoted as saying he prescribed Benoit with testosterone and that Benoit was in his office just last Friday, hours before the murder of Nancy Benoit took place.

The testosterone that Astin gave to Benoit was prescribed because there was a low count of this naturally occuring hormone being produced in Benoit's body. As heard on Tha O Show Radio, Big Daddy Hammer said that testosterone is commonly prescribed to men who have used steroids and that low testosterone counts in the body is a common side effect of steroid use.

Tha O Show will keep you posted on this latest development.

1 comments: on "Police Raid Office Of Benoit's Doctor"

Anonymous said...

Hey here's a minor update on the wikipedia thing if anyone read about it...