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My Thoughts On The Benoit Tragedy

It would seem that a few people are interested in my take on what has unfolded over the past few days in reference to former professional wrestler Chris Benoit. In many circles, I am the "wrestling guy", so I will try to fufill that role and give as much perspective as I possibly can into this almost unbelievable series of events to ever occur in pro wrestling history.

On Monday Night, I signed online looking for my friend Tuna to be on. WWE had scheduled a three hour "Raw" to air, ironically with a theme of a funeral for Vince McMahon based on an angle they had shot two weeks prior. I assumed Tuna and I would watch together.

Immediately when I signed on, Pittsburgh independent wrestler, Kid Cupid instant messaged me to see if I had heard the news. I expected a joke about the girth of his genitals or something.

Simultaneously, I was hitting my standard rotation of wrestling websites to make sure that I was up to date on all that I needed to know in preparation for that night's "Raw". The IM window flashed...Chris Benoit is dead.

I made it to the first wrestling site immediately and it confirmed the news. I was shocked. I was numb. I went to a popular wrestling blog that I frequent and people were already mourning. To non-wrestling fans this may sound stupid, but I thought of Chris Benoit as an entertainer. Anyone can be a bit shaken when one of their
favorite entertainers is taken unexpectedly, especially if that person had been entertaining you for over a decade.

Not knowing any details, I composed the following message in response to someone who was chastizing Vince McMahon for his ficticious death angle:

"This is not about Vince or his angle. This is about the best wrestler that the WWE has ever seen being dead. Rest in Peace Chris...You were an incredible performer. I will miss seeing you do what you do best."

There was a part of me wanted to write a long memorial, but also a part of me felt it was too soon. I read that not only was Chris found dead, but also his wife Nancy and his son Daniel.

It's funny how wrestling fans get in a huff over a fake Vince McMahon death angle, but as soon as they hear about a real death, they pray for it to be a tasteless WWE storyline. We were all praying hard on Monday night that this was the case. If not a storyline, perhaps it was a gas leak. No one wanted to think there was foul play involved.

At the time, I figured it was most likely a domestic dispute, as I had read that Benoit called off a house show and knew he missed a pay-per-view for "personal reasons." I couldn't imagine what was really transpiring.

I received a text message before "Raw" that night from a good friend asking if I thought this was real or just the worst angle ever. I responded:

"Unfortunately real"

I saw groups and sites pop up in great numbers paying homage to a guy who had always been considered a class act in the world of pro wrestling. A traditionalist who gave his 100% every night in the ring. I read as people were ready to throw Nancy's body over the coals if she had done something to kill Chris Benoit. I decided not to comment until I had some details.

Some people suggested that Kevin Sullivan may be to blame. Sullivan, also a wrestler, used to write the storylines for World Championship Wrestling. He paired Nancy (his then wife) together with Benoit in a storyline, and they ended up sparking a true life romance. I was asked if I thought Sullivan was the culprit. I replied, it's been ten years, you'd think he'd be over it by now.

People wanted to believe anything other than that Chris Benoit could be responsible for the deaths. I sat in Tuna's house as we watched the tribute to the former World Champion. Vince McMahon broke character to announce that he was not dead, and it was just a storyline. They then showed some of Benoit's most incredible moments in the business, which admittedly he had no shortage of.

Fans listened as Benoit's peers talked about how much respect Benoit had, how he would always give 100%, and how he was a great family man. It made the events that would later unfold that much more unbelievable.

In hindsight, many people have been critical of WWE's decision to run the tribute show. Well, to all the Monday morning quarterbacks, or in this case Tuesday morning bodyslammers, you have to understand that at the time of the event, WWE had no idea of the details that would soon be unveiled. The live show was cancelled and the tribute emanated from an empty arena because the arena was decorated for McMahon's faux funeral.

It would obviously have been in poor taste to have fans cycle into the arena among those decorations and mention Benoit's real passing. The week before, former WWE valet Sensational Sherri had passed, and WWE received a lot of heat for not giving that enough attention while promoting the McMahon storyline. By all means, for what they knew at the time, they were handling it as best as they could.

By the time "Raw" was over, speculation was very heavy that Benoit was indeed a killer. Fans were making up their own scenarios as to what may have happened. The next morning I wrote:

"I feel as though I know nothing, yet I still know too much. As more details appear, I will force myself to read them, but it seems to be everything I dreaded upon hearing all three were dead is reality. It's just unfathomable to me. If the early reports are indeed confirmed by the investigation, it will be hard for us as wrestling fans to reconcile our feelings on the fantastic performer that Chris was. His in-ring abilities certainly do not go away, but how do you celebrate him? Do you even want to?

This is a PR nightmare for World Wrestling Entertainment, and another hard shot for wrestling fans as this event is likely to shape the mainstream opinion of professional wrestling for years to come. It is just too early, I feel, to really go into my comments or feelings on Chris Benoit.

We are so conditioned now to get our news and information so rapidly and immediately make a statement upon it. However, I think some of us really need to take a step back and wait for some real details to come out before we form our opinions on Chris or Nancy.

I think out of respect for the victims and respect for ourselves, it's best if we stop worrying about immediately pointing fingers, wait for authorities to sort the situation out, and then digest the facts as they come."

The next day I followed the news closely. It wasn't hard as all mainstream media outlets had picked up the story. I was notified that WWE had made a decision to quietly take down all references to Benoit. This was all but confirmation of a wrestling fan's worst nightmare. I wrote:

"I went and visited and the site is certainly backing down from the tribute it had up last evening and early this morning. The main article is still obviously in regards to Benoit, as many WWE fans would likely be pissed if they went looking for an update this afternoon and found nothing. The link inside that would have clicked to Benoit's bio now loops you back to the same article. However, if you go through to the ECW section, Benoit's bio is still listed on the Roster page and his tribute stuff can still be found there for now..."

In a matter of four minutes, his superstar page and bio had been removed. I wrote:

"They have taken all his stuff off of WWEshop, and went so far as to take his name out of the description of the WrestleMania 23 winners plaque, despite the fact that he is clearly pictured.

Also, this is a direct quote from the description of the WrestleMania XX DVD, from which Benoit won the title:

'The entire event is here. Seven championships are on the line, featuring Eddie Guerrero VS. Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship & Triple H defends his World Heavyweight Championship against Shawn Michaels.'

If was your source for all things wrestling, it is almost as if Benoit never existed."

I sat on google refreshing the news about Benoit, knowing that something big was about to break. The distance that WWE put between themselves and one of their most celebrated performers was a clear signal that it was going to be bad.

Before the AP broke the story, I had already read the details on I was floored. The whole thing was just terrible.

Some wrestling fans focus shifted to if Benoit really did this, does he deserve to get into the WWE Hall of Fame. I wrote:

"Benoit was arguably the greatest wrestler ever. Still, that doesn't mean he should be unconditionally honored. With more of these reports coming out, it shows that he truly had no honor".

One fan said he didn't know if we should pray for Chris or damn him to hell. I replied:

"I pray for Nancy, Daniel, and the two children left behind.

I also pray for Chris, but it's very different.

I am through celebrating him, but I don't think it's our place to damn anyone. That's just my belief."

I got home just in time for the beginning of the press conference. By dinner time I knew that Benoit had bound his wife, driven her into the floor, and choked her to death with wire. He had waited a number of hours, and smothered his son with a bag. He waited a number of hours again before hanging himself from a weight machine in his basement. He left no suicide note. All the communication he made were text messages suggesting that his dogs were in an enclosed space, his door was open, and his address.

The whole thing was sickening. WWE released a statement saying they were stunned by the details. Anyone who was a fan of professional wrestling can tell you the same. WWE was also "concerned" about the sensational reporting.

I must admit, I was too. Shepard Smith immediately began blaming the encounter on steroids. WWE has gone on record to say that Benoit passed a drug test in April. Plus, the fact that Benoit did this act over the course of three days, bounding his wife, and placing bibles with the victims doesn't support this at all.

Shepard Smith said that 60 well known professional wrestlers under the age of 45 have had steroid related deaths in the past ten years. This is simply not true at all. Owen Hart died from a fall at a pay-per-view when making a superhero like entrance to the ring. Earthquake died from cancer. Mr. Perfect died of acute cocaine intoxication. Miss Elizabeth died from a combination of alcohol and pain killers. Some deaths referenced happened over ten years ago, and still weren't steroid related. Dino Bravo was murdered. Kerry Von Erich shot himself.

Yes, there is an overabundance of dead professional wrestlers: (The British Bulldog, Brian Pillman, Bam Bam Bigelow, The Big Bossman, Ravishing Rick Rude, Chris Candido, Yokozuna, Andre the Giant, Eddie Guerrero, Johnny Grunge, Rocco Rock, Gino Hernandez, Chris Adams, Louie Spicolli, Terry Gordy, Eddie Gilbert, Road Warrior Hawk, Hercules, The Wall, Crash Holly, Pitbull #2, The Renagade) But they all died of various causes.

Reporting Benoit's act as though it comes with the territory in the life of a professional wrestler is irresponsible journalism.

Nancy Grace chastized WWE for running a tribute show to a murderer. Well Nancy, that would make sense had WWE known at the time of the tribute he was murderer. Instead, Vince was dealing with a lockeroom who felt as though they had lost a brother, 20 million people who tune into "Raw" on Mondays who would have been outraged if the show went on as normal, and three hours to figure out what to do while being tremendously distraught himself. Get off your high horse. Better hope Anderson Cooper never pulls something like this and lands you in the same position.

I've noticed a lot of fans having trouble with Benoit's actions. It's hard for them to watch their hero being villainized. Many people have no frame of reference for Chris Benoit outside of this incident, and it's almost as if fans want to defend that he wasn't really like this.

Unfortunately, he proved otherwise. Fans want to show the world that they are shocked and never believed anything like this could happen, thus distancing themselves from the fact that they spent years cheering for a would-be murderer. It's similar to when a murder happens in a small town and the mayor consistently wants to reiterate that he never thought anything like that could happen there. You want to defend some semblance of yourself from the judgement of others.

As a child, I was a huge fan of He-Man cartoons. Then one night flipping through the channels, I found Hulk Hogan, who for my four year-old brain was a real live-action He-Man. I was immediately hooked. These were real life superheroes. As I got older, I became more intrigued with the business side of wrestling, and how decisions were made. Being older I learned many things that were dissapointing about my childhood heroes, probably first feeling that impact when I heard Jake "The Snake" Roberts talk about his life on the road.

Someone asked if Jimmy Snuka hadn't also killed his wife. I explained the story of how Jimmy Snuka had been travelling in the very early 80's (before I was born) with a ring rat (wrestling groupie) and they had gotten into an argument on the side of the highway. Snuka shoved her and she had cracked her skull. She died hours later in what was ruled an accidental death, and Vince McMahon did a great deal to help cover up the incident and make sure Snuka never had to serve time.

Telling the story made me exclaim:

"Unfortunately, pro wrestling is full of drug abusers and woman beaters."

The funny thing is, I have known this for at least ten years, but it's probably the first time I have ever said it outloud. I guess I just didn't want to let myself believe it. Professional wrestling was an escape from the real world to me.

So I guess this is my final stance on what happened this weekend:

"I am done celebrating Benoit. I would much rather celebrate his wife Nancy, who portrayed the character 'Woman.' I knew Woman many years before I ever knew of Benoit. Nancy Daus debuted as Robin Greene, the love interest of Rick Steiner. She later turned on Rick and his brother Scott and aligned herself with Butch Reed and Ron Simmons, who were known as Doom.

She was a beautiful woman, and a fantastic wrestling valet in the late 80's early 90's. I was not really familiar with her work in Florida as the Fallen Angel, and I think she was less intriguiging in her later roles in WCW, but she was fantastic in the Steiners/Doom storyline. Wrestling fans seem to be missing the fact that the wrestling world has lost two personalities, not just one.

Now onto Chris Benoit. As I have said, this incident doesn't take away the fact that he is perhaps the best in-ring performer EVER, but to read wrestling fans everywhere defending him makes wrestling fans everywhere look retarded. Just because you drop a few thousand perfect diving headbutts doesn't excuse his actions.

Think of the most vile gangsta rapper you can think of, and Benoit is way worse. They sing about rape and murder. Benoit smothered his 7 year-old son.

It's hard to reconcile as a fan, because all you ever heard was good about Benoit. There are other guys where it would seemingly be more fathomable. Unfortunately though, facts are facts. Benoit murdered Nancy "Woman" Daus Benoit and his son Daniel, and no matter what influenced him, the act was sensless and horrible.

I don't agree that we should condemn him to hell, because it's not our place. I pray for Nancy, Daniel, the two remaining children, and his extended family and friends.

I also pray for Chris, but I do so in a different way.

It's funny because I usually go to wrestling to escape life. Now I am looking to life to escape wrestling. Chris Benoit, the guy who was so passionate about tradition and respect has raped professional wrestling of its innocence and fun. In time, I think things will return to a sense of normalcy, but this is a black eye that professional wrestling will wear for a very long time.

If the reports are true, there is no one to blame but Chris Benoit. He did just about the most reprehensible thing a person can do, and I refuse to make excuses for him just because of his workrate. The thing that pisses me off the most is how ready people were to damn Nancy initially when they assumed it was her doing, but now that she's the victim, people are still looking at Benoit as some type of martyr. If I were not a fan of professional wrestling I would look at these fansites and tributes and barf in their general direction.

Chris Benoit does not deserve to be honored, as he was a man who had no honor. Chris Benoit is not a hero. Period!"

24 comments: on "My Thoughts On The Benoit Tragedy"

Tim Haught said...

Edit (for addition to the end of this article):

I just read a report on a website in which the author says, "So in spite of all that has happened, I am not afraid to say this: Chris Benoit, you where (sic) my hero and I shall remember you for every good match, for every chop, for every flying headbutt, for every crippler crossface and more importantly, for every tear I dropped at the end of that Wrestlemania. Because for those lasting minutes, wrestling was real."

Well I got news for you Armando, wrestling is not real. The deaths of a lovely 43 year old woman and an innocent 7 year old boy are.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic article Tim.I've been literally speechless with regard to the horrific acts Chris Benoit committed, but I agree with everything you've said here.I am also outraged since I've found out the truth about what's happened that people are focusing on Chris.I was fortunate enough to grow up watching ECW, (thanks to my older cousin) and I've always thought that Nancy Benoit was a fantastic valet when she worked with the Sandman (let's face it you have to be whe you're working with someone that unpredictable!) and people are almost ignoring the real victims in this case.A defenceless woman and a seven year old child.I am personally disgusted with Benoit's actions and although he done fantastic things for the business,these things pale in comparison to his deplorable actions this past weekend.Not only has he created a sense of disillusionment,disgust and shock among his peers and us fans but he has damaged the wrestling business,perhaps irreparably and more importantly he ended the lives of two innocent people, quite violently and quite tragically and for that I will never forgive him.

Anonymous said...

While we agree on many things, most all things, I will still state that we do not know ALL details.

Chris Benoit has been said to suffer from paranoia. Chris Benoit led a life of 2 decades of travel. That is mental, physical and emotional stress. Chris Benoit could have very well snapped.

Trust me, I do not at all condone or excuse his actions. I do however believe that not all details are in, and what IF there were more serious conditions to his health, mental health, that we do not know?

If Chris Benoit was a schizophrenic, had bipolar disorder, anything like that, things he may have very well been able to surpress over a long period of time, but finally, something within him snapped, or broke, cracked or melted? What then? Is he still a murderer, a monster, a bastard?

I realize the fact that none of these could have been true, and if not, he was a murderer, a monster and a bastard. But as of this moment, we do not know. If it was a disorder, or disease that did this to him, he is no different than any other sick person who belonged in a psychiatric ward.

Sadly, whatever it was was not discovered, be it a disease or disorder, or be it downright evil. If you have the opinion that everything can be helped, then Chris Benoit is still in the grey or to be, or not to be damned.

If it was something that he knew about he should have sought help, or maybe he thought he was strong enough to fight it, and for some 40 years maybe he was. But apparently no longer.

The man was a not a religious man, and for that I will not damn him, that is my God's job. I will however say that he could not have been an atheist. He placed bibles by the bodies of his wife and young son. A way of setting them free.

With the incredibly strange text messages, and the way things happened, it's almost as if there was something amazingly sane, yet insane at the same time going on in the mind of Chris Benoit. Sadly, we will never truly know.

God has accepted Daniel into heaven, the afterlife, call it what you will. Daniel was an innocent child, and that does truly sicken me. No matter Benoit's reasons.

We can still pray for Nancy, Daniel, David and Megan, but I think we should, in the SAME way pray for Chris. Our God will judge him, but we do not have the right to condemn him in any way. Do we?

Chris Benoit inside the ring was a hero to many, and yes, he was the greatest in ring technician maybe in the WWE's history.

As far as the accusation that wrestling is full of drug abusers and woman beaters, I will agree. But so is the profession of any athelete, and any entertainer.

The teaching profession. The custodial profession. The criminal justice professions. The stock brokers of the world. There is no profession in the world that is free from these things.

The numbers seem larger in the wrestling community because there are far less wrestlers than most other professions. Also, there are far more wrestlers in this world who are well known than there are non-celebrity professionals in any field.

Had this been another human being who did this, and trust me there are, and one case is going on in Ohio, it's nothing more than an evil human. Is this case so different?

No, this case is only different in one way. Chris Benoit was a celebrity.

Tim Haught said...

I never meant that praying for him in a different way meant condemning his soul. I thought I made it clear that I don't feel that is my place. What I do mean is that I don't look at him as a victim. Nancy, Daniel, and the people left behind are victims. I will glorify the memories of the those who deserve it. I will not glorify the memory of Chris. The same way I wouldn't glorify the memory of Kurt Cobain. It sends the wrong message to anyone who would ever think of taking the same way out. I am not attempting to choose his fate. As I said, I just choose to no longer celebrate him.

Anonymous said...

How do you know Benoit was not a victim? I don't mean of murder, I mean of a mental "demon" as it is so eloquently put by most media.

I didn't mean you damned his soul. I just meant that I personally would not pray for him any differently than I would for both Nancy and Daniel.

As far as Daniel, I said he was accepted home by God.

We know nothing of Nancy. She may have caused this and she may not have. Therefore I will pray for all 3. I am not accusing anyone. Not Nancy, not Kevin Sullivan, not anyone.

Chris Benoit did this. I just want to know 100% that Chris Benoit did this with sound mind before I will accuse anyone fully.

Anonymous said...

I'm still kind of depressed over this cause I don't how I or we should remember Chris Benoit. Should we remember him as a great in ring performer ? Should we remember him as a cold blooded murder ?
What made him snap, was he mentally ill, could he have had post concussion sydrome ? Was Nancy cheating on him ? Was she going to leave him ? These questions will haunt his fans for a long time, I know it will me.

Anonymous said...

As will it me signguy.

The post concusion syndrome is an excellent point. I hadn't even thought about that.

Especially with an HBO outside the lines, that aired quite recently highlighting Chris Nowinsky's study on it, and the professional atheletes that have ended their own lives because of this.

Anonymous said...

Bret Hart is going to be on the Nancy Grace show to talk about the whole thing. It's on CNN and it's airing right now, 8-9pm est. time. I believe they will talk to Bret around 8:30 cause they are talking abouta different case right now.

Anonymous said...

Bret says he thinks it was some kind of domistic dispute and not "roid rage", Nancy Grace keeps saying it was "roid rage" and this other guy that is on CNN right now Glenn whatever. They also said they found track marks in Daniel's arm.
Nancy Grace also said maybe he was depressed cause he got demoted from being Horsemen and going to RAW. They also said Daniel was his only child. Get your fucking facts straight before you start bashing ppl.

Anonymous said...

Good article, but it was announced that Benoit has had paranoia, and felt as if he was being watched, if you read my comment in the other article, it will all make sense, I mean was Benoit killing people for all his 40 years? If it was premeditated, signs would've showed earlier, which it hadn't. You think we're retarded by defending our hero, but what you fail to understand is a wrestler doesn't show his true character, but his heart is displayed for us all to see, Benoit was not born evil.

Anonymous said...

I too watched Bret Hart on Nancy Grace.

On a side note, Nancy Grace is the most smug, ignorant, and arrogant, female on news.

She stated that, Chris Benoit went from being an elite wrestler, as a member of the 4 horsemen to RAW. And that was a demotion. Wow, she understands the situation. What a moron.

Why will people not let go of steroids? Well, at least the roid rage part of it.

If anything the steroids rotted the mans brain.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Grace and Bill O Riely are stupid cunts. They get ratings by making fucking stupid comments. We don't know what happened in there home. Daniel had mental and physical health problems. While this is no reason ever to mistreat a child it can cause stress. 300 days a year causes stress. Add in concussions and steroids(he obviously took them at some point) and being bipolar are mentally ill and you get what you had here. We will never know if he was an evil man(his friends seem to make him look quite the opposite) or if he lost mental control. The WWE for the past two years has been showing that they check for steroids and want there wrestlers healthy. Well why not check these guys mental stablity. Make sure chairshots and headbutts aren't destroying there brains as well. I am not saying that this effected Benoit, but no one is saying it didn't. I am not condoning what he has done, nor am I damning him. I don't see how anyone can memoralize him at this point. I understand respecting what he did in the ring, but unfortianatley his out of ring actions tarnished his in ring actions. No matter how this pans out it is only bad news for WWE and professional wrestling.

Anonymous said...

I want to know if a football, hocky, or baseball player killed someone would they said it was "roid rage" ? Would they bad mouth the team or the sport he played ? The only time the mainstreem media talks about wrestling is when something like this happens. The rarely talk about the good like a wrestling visiting a dying kid, giving money to NYC after 911 or going to Irqa to visit the troops.

Anonymous said...

One last thing, you know how I would liek to hear form on this subject, Kevin Sullivan and Chris' first wife. They probably could shed some light on this since were married to Chris and Nancy.

Anonymous said...

Reports are that Danile Benoit had fragile x syndrome, here is link which explains it. Reports also said Nancy talked to the family doctor about this on Thurs and Chris did on Friday. It's possible Chris and Nancy had a fight over how to treat Daniel.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the man was psychotic in the last days in his life. I believe in my heart of hearts that the man, person or thing that did those horrible acts. That was not the Chris Benoit that Showcased Wrestlemainia or that was trained in Stew Heart’s dungeon. I believe that some where along his road of life Chris became sick. He became mentally ill; there are thousands of these cases every year. The husband of a family gets to a point where something in his head says that his family is not safe in this world. So he dose what his natural instinct is he helps his family. It has also been written that his son was a very sick child. And the family was having a lot of trouble trying to find a way to help him. I will say this I am a father. My little girl is 4 years old about to turn 5 and I love her with all of my heart and I would never want her to be hurt be it physical or mental. I am not saying that I would do the same thing but to truly understand what the hurt of your Childs pain is you must have gone through it and if you have not then you shouldn’t have an opinion on how that feels. I loved watching Chris Benoit over the years. And it has saddened me and a lot of my friends to hear this news. The media has blown this thing out of the water and it is going to be some time before it comes down. False things have been said without consequence and accusations have been made without the proper test results. But that is the world we live in. And for the people who say Chris Benoit is a man of no honor. Fuck you! You never knew the man, I never knew the man. But the people that knew the man loved him. And for you people to take one incident that happened and base it on a mans life is outrageous and it is down right disgraceful. Benoit was not a career killer. Somewhere along the lines the man went clinically insane and he should have been in a hospital. I know this whole episode has been a strain upon every wrestling fan in the entire world. But instead of ridiculing Chris for something that I personally believe was what he thought was right (AND YES I KNOW ITS WRONG PEOPLE DON’T TAKE THIS AS ME SAYING I AGREE WITH WHAT HE DID BECAUSE I DON’T!) we should be more worried about his other 2 children. How this is going to affect them. Or his mother and father if they are still with us. Or his friends that truly loved him for the real person he was. We should be more action oriented about reaching out to them with love and remorse then to bash a dead man that will never hear your calls.

I will say again the man that did this act was not the man we knew as Chris Benoit. I won’t believe it until I die and I ask somebody who knows. But I will do what I know is right in my heart and that is to celebrate the man I knew and everyone else knew was the real Chris Benoit!

Tim Haught said...

Are people really attempting to justify Benoit's actions because he was a good wrestler? Seriously?

I have read all of your comments and they just dumbfound me.

There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for what happened in that house over the course of three days. NONE.

Your wife cheating or leaving, your son being ill... None of these are reasons that excuse the murders of two people.

You being a great technical wrestler who had a lot of respect for the business also not a free pass.

Benoit was seen by a doctor on Friday and seemed mentally sound and stable, and he was never diagnosed with any type of bipolar disorder or anything else.

I know it's hard to believe, but fans have to view the situation for what it is. Chris Benoit shockingly killed a woman, his wife, and a boy, his 7 year old son.

Fans should be outraged, not apologetic.

Anonymous said...

Okay, this is m take.

Chris Benoit is said to have killed is wife and son in a "roid rage". That is ridiculous and disgusts me when people at work say "Oh, yeah it was because of the steroids." (It doesn't disgust me as much as the act itself, but the fact that the media is making steroids the culprit is absolutely ridiculous and is just obviously a scapegoat that gives them a 'credible' reason for the event.) Now I'm sure every single wrestling fan thinks that it is not 'roid rage', thinks that it is not typical Chris Benoit, but most likely some form of mental breakdown. Regardless of what it is, we don't know all the facts and it a bizarre and disturbing case. Apparently 'innocent until proven guilty' is a phrase and not a real notion. And personally, until the case is done and closed I will give Chris(as I would anyone else) the benefit of the doubt.

However, the main reason I commented is actually to say that we're all doing this completely wrong. We're combining Chris Benoit the wrestler and Chris Benoit the person. As wrestling fans we should remember and still honor his in-ring work because the loss of Chris Benoit the wrestler is a huge shot to the industry and us as wrestling fans. But Chris Benoit the man is a different story. If he did this in sound mind he's an extremely terrible and disgusting person and God will take care of it.

But, as wrestling fans we shouldn't be judging what Chris Benoit the man did; as wrestling fans we should be judging what Chris Benoit the wrestler did. In the same light we as human beings don't judge Chris Benoit the wrestler's work; we as humans judge what Chris Benoit the man did. It doesn't matter our opinions on either subject, as long as we don't let one subject change our view on the other.

For example, John Cena the wrestler is absolutely terrible. However, John Cena the man is a very nice guy, family oriented and gives to charity. We don't say "he gave to charity, so I'll excuse his workrate." and much the same we don't say, "He's a terrible wrestler, fuck his charity work." Now I understand the example and the case in point are EXTAORDINARILY different in degrees of extremity, but the principle is the same.

All I'm saying is call a spade a spade and a diamond a diamond. Chris was a great wrestler. Chris is also a terrible human for what he did to is family. But we're all looking from the case to the ring and the ring to the case and bringing our subjectivity in to each and carrying it over to the other. We need to look at both seperately and objectively. This allows us to both acknowledge Chris Benoit as an outstanding worker and not take anything away from is memory or career and to also acknowledge him for being a disgusting and deplorable person without needing to "defend him" because he is/was our hero as a wrestler.

Tim Haught said...

Are you saying that you watch the Hard Knocks DVD and enjoy his matches without thinking about this?

No matter how I would want to feel about him, his legacy is tarnished, because I can never sit down and just enjoy his matches without thinking about this situation.

Anonymous said...

To claim yourself as being not at all judmental you are being incredibly judgmental.

You've taken your opinion and turned it into the gospel. You are not taking the time to read and try to understand the opinions of anyone else.

In this case, prejudgment has clouded your judgment. You refuse to accept anything other than the fact that Benoit is a monster.

You will not look into any mental problems he may have had. I'm not saying he had them, but if he did, what then? He's still a despicable monster?

Almost every single person has said they do not excuse Benoit and his actions, but have provided what if's. You refuse to look at the what if's, but the fact of the matter is, there are still alot of what if's.

Anonymous said...

I'm not trying to be judgmental... I didn't think I did seem nor did I mean to be.

Tim Haught said...

I think he was talking to me house. Oh, and I love your TV show.

Anonymous said...

I only called your take jugmental because not only did you nearly immediately write off benoit, you called EVERY comment a defense, because he was a good wrestler.

I will never watch the Hard Knocks DVD apparently, because it wasn't really carried around here. WalMart hadi t for like two weeks during it's initial push, same with all singles star DVD's. I digress.

I will never watch a DVD I own in which he wrestles and not think about it.

When I found out more facts that will completely finish my thoughts. Until at least the toxicology reports are finished I will not give a complete opinion.

But to kind of answer another question, until we know EVERYTHING, and absolutely everything, I will still respect the mans matches, not necisarily the man in the same way, but I will not lose respect for the matches.

Tim Haught said...

I am just so angry about the whole thing...

Did anyone hear about Geraldo Rivera's coverage of the incident? Same asshole who discovered nothing in Al Capone's vault insists that Sherri and Nancy died on the same day, and that they were connected through Kevin Sullivan.

The media, ESPECIALLY FOX NEWS, is doing a horrible job of this story.

Hey Geraldo, if you read this, here is an easier way to connect Sherri to Benoit (not that there is a reason, as Sherri died a week before in a completely unrelated incident) They worked together for years in World Championship Wrestling.