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McMahon Calls Benoit A Monster

Vince McMahon appeared this morning on NBC program "The Today Show" to discuss the Benoit tragedy. Immediately the link between steroids and Benoit's actions were raised as even before McMahon appeared they ran a pre-packaged piece discussing "roid rage" as a possible cause.

McMahon defended the fact that his company does test for steroids and that the actions of Benoit were "acts of deliberation". McMahon told Meredith Viera that there has been "hysteria" in the media related to linking this incident to steroids.

The interview concluded with McMahon defending the value of the WWE's Wellness Policy.

"I can only speak of our wellness program and how effective that is … All we can do is the best we can with anyone else and establish the wellness program the best we can … This is a horrific tragedy. There is a rush to judgment here as to what caused this. There’s almost a hysteria around us. I don’t know whether it’s justified or not. We won’t know until we get the toxicology reports back. Once we get those back, we’re dealing in real facts. There was no way to tell this man was a monster. He was a mild-mannered individual."

At no point during the interview did Meridith Viera mention that NBC and WWE have a business relationship as "Raw" appears on a NBC Universal network.

7 comments: on "McMahon Calls Benoit A Monster"

Tim Haught said...

I think WWE is handling the situation way better than I ever would expect, but I think that they also need to be more willing to let their superstars comment.

You have Lex Luger and Brian Christopher out there, and how in the hell are they relevant.

Jillian Hall, Victoria, and King Booker have all had some poignant comments.

The tribute show has obviously messed with people's perceptions of a man in comparing his professional accomplishments with his tragic final circumstances.

A lot of the superstars seem to be angry with him, having a hard time understanding, and are reluctant to forgive at this time.

No one really knows why but Chris Benoit was a monster over a three day period this weekend.

I am not saying WWE has a responsibility necessarily to help fans cope, but it would be nice to see some respected superstars helping fans get a grip on reality.

Anonymous said...

I think Vince handle it as well as he can. He had some good points like pointing out that deaths and murders happen in all walks of life not just wrestling.

Anonymous said...

I don't recall reading exactly when Chris Benoit left Texas to go back home - or was he at home the whole time? If the latter is true, disregard the below. Otherwise . . .

Am I just grasping at straws in thinking that maybe those text messages were him telling friends/coworkers that he had arrived back home to find a side door open, possibly worried about a break in? Maybe I'm not reading the reports right, but I haven't seen anything about forensics yet, and I'm wondering how they can say they're doing this right without that kind of information. My dream is that I'll wake up one day soon to the news headline "BENOIT CLEARED," but it looks less likely every day.

Tim Haught said...

That scenario wouldn't explain the text messages about his physical address. Also, the reporters found no signs of forced entry, so Benoit seeing the door open would likely have not worried about a break in, but wondered why Nancy had left the side door open. It is unlikely under those circumstances that he would have texted various people.

If we are really going to attempt to come up with a Benoit Cleared scenario based upon the evidence, the killer would have had to have been let in the house either by Chris or Nancy, committed the acts to make them look like they were the actions of Benoit, and then sent the text messages himself.

All of that seems more unlikely because of the time duration between the killings and no signs that Benoit encountered any struggle. It wouldn't make sense for another man to kill Nancy on Friday and for Benoit to have no knowledge of that until Sunday when somehow the killer hung him from his weight machine with no struggle.

Your optimism really got me excited for about a half a second, but the more we think about it, the more that that dream headline seems to fade as being a possibility.

Anonymous said...

Vince is a freaking liar! Obviously he isn't go defend the worker, because it would drastically ruin the WWE, Benoit was mentally ill, and Vince fails to acknowledge it, instead he runs 20 feet away from Benoit and points his finger.

Anonymous said...

No shit he's a monster.

Anonymous said...

Tim, I'm definitely torn between my hopes that it really wasn't him and the reality that it probably was. I would really like to see a coroner's report about time of death, etc. not so much because I think it will clear him but because it could turn speculation into reality, and at this point I think all anybody really wants is the truth, good or bad.

I just want to believe SOMETHING. I don't necessarily think someone else would have setup the whole scene, but its possible that Nancy and Daniel were killed and left for Benoit to discover, and he placed the bibles as a way of blessing the bodies before he hanged himself in grief. Again, forensics/time of death information could settle that. I don't like this "Police estimate that Nancy was killed one day and Daniel the next" stuff because police work should not equal guess work. I've read as much as I can and I still haven't seen anything definitive, and until then, we really have nothing.