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AP: Benoit Strangled Wife, Smothered Son

ATLANTA (AP) -- Pro wrestler Chris Benoit strangled his wife and smothered his son before hanging himself in his weight room, a law enforcement official close to the investigation told The Associated Press Tuesday.

The official spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Authorities also said they are investigating whether steroids may have been a factor in the deaths of Benoit, his wife and their 7-year-old son who were found dead in an apparent murder-suicide.

Fayette County District Attorney Scott Ballard said test results may not be back for weeks or even months.

Autopsies were scheduled Tuesday by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation in DeKalb County.

Investigators believe Benoit (pronounced ben-WAH) killed his wife, 43-year-old Nancy, and son Daniel during the weekend and then himself Monday. The bodies were found Monday afternoon in three separate rooms of the house, off a gravel road about two miles from the Whitewater Country Club.

Fayette County Coroner C.J. Mowell did not return calls seeking comment. The answering service for his funeral home said he was out of town.

Authorities also declined to say whether drugs or steroids were found inside the house. "We're not releasing any information as far as what was located inside the house," sheriff's Sgt. Keith Whiteside said Tuesday.

Asked about the condition of the interior of the house, Whiteside said investigators found "nothing really out of the ordinary." He said Benoit was found in the home's weight room, his wife in an office and the son in an upstairs bedroom.

Whiteside said toxicology tests could take up to a week or longer to complete.

Neighbors said the Benoits led a low-key lifestyle.

"They were nice," said Lorre Jones, who lives across the street. Her daughter Alaina said: "We would see Chris walking in his yard from time to time. He wasn't rude, but he wasn't really outwardly warm."

Jimmy Baswell, who was Benoit's driver for more than five years, placed a white wreath at the Benoits' gate Tuesday.

"I saw him with his family all the time," said Baswell. "They always seemed like they were the happiest people."

World Wrestling Entertainment said on its Web site that it asked authorities to check on Benoit and his family after being alerted by friends who received "several curious text messages sent by Benoit early Sunday morning."

The WWE, based in Stamford, Conn., said it had been asked by authorities not to release further information on the deaths.

Benoit, born in Montreal, was a former world heavyweight champion, Intercontinental champion and held several tag-team titles. His names in the ring included "The Canadian Crippler."

"WWE extends its sincerest thoughts and prayers to the Benoit family's relatives and loved ones in this time of tragedy," the company said in a statement on its Web site.

Benoit had maintained a home in metro Atlanta from the time he wrestled for the defunct World Championship Wrestling. The Fayette County Tax Assessors Office lists the value of the house, situated on more than 8.5 acres, at nearly $900,000.

The WWE canceled its live Monday Night RAW card in Corpus Christi, Texas, and USA Network aired a three-hour tribute to Benoit in place of the scheduled wrestling telecast.

Benoit's wife managed several wrestlers and went by the stage name "Woman." They met when her then-husband drew up a script that had them involved in a relationship as part of a story line on World Championship Wrestling, the newspaper said.

Benoit has two other children from a prior relationship.

Benoit became a standout at an early age among wrestling prospects who trained in the dungeon basement of the house where fellow Canadians and professional wrestlers Owen and Bret Hart trained. Owen Hart was killed during a wrestling event in 1999.

"He was like a family member to me, and everyone in my family is taking it real hard," said Bret Hart, a five-time champion with the World Wrestling Federation. The federation has since changed its name to World Wrestling Entertainment.

21 comments: on "AP: Benoit Strangled Wife, Smothered Son"

Anonymous said...

hey donnie:

the score has decided to pull raw today, i just got the email from work....thgey did'nt give a reason why

Tim Haught said...

Just terrible...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this :(

Unknown said...

Having a hard time believing this. I want to believe that something even more bizarre happened involving someone else. This is hard to handle.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't believe it when CNN started reporting that it was Benoit who was responsible.

My first reaction is to try to understand how something like this could happen. I found this article that goes into the factors and psychology behind family murder / suicides. It's brief but informative.

Anonymous said...

That sick fucker

JC said...

no words can put this into perspective at all.

it still seems so surreal.

i think we're all hoping for some even sicker 'framed' twist to this case... and yeah anything is possible... but this is not good.

And although it may not be the right thing to think of or discuss at this point in time... where do we go from here?? This is going to hurt this business... badly.

Still in shock. I just wish this was some horrible, over the top, unbelievable storyline...

Anonymous said...

i know what you mean i cant belive chris benoit would kill his family then taking the cowrads way out by hanging himself but we should pray for nancy and her son dont know if we should pray for chris benoit or damn him to hell for what he did or why

Tim Haught said...

Benoit was arguably the greatest wrestler ever. Still, that doesn't mean he should be unconditionally honored. With more of these reports coming out, it shows that he truly had no honor.

I pray for Nancy, Daniel, and the two children left behind.

I also pray for Chris, but it's very different.

I am through celebrating him, but I don't think it's our place to damn anyone. That's just my belief.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to think but I praise "Tha O Show" on not only taking an unbiased stance but keeping us informed. Thanx guys.

Anonymous said...

your right tim i just dont know what to think thats why wwe took everything down of chris benoit cause they must of known what we know now chris benoit is a cold blooded killer that took the cowards way out and hung himself after killing his family the only thing left to say is why chris why

Anonymous said...

This must be real hard for you guys up in Canada cuz I know you guys LOVED Benoit and to be this objective is really impressive.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Where does this leave Vince ? He has now done a 3 hr tribute show 2 a murderer.

Didnt know it at the time, but once again another black eye 4 professional wrestling.

Anonymous said...

chris benoit killed his wife nancy saturday then watched the pay per veiw with his son before killing him in his bed i feel sorry for chris benoit

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I don't see this as being any fault of Vince McMahon. He didn't do anything wrong.

I have heard that he wishes that hadn't run the show last night, but that's in retrospect, after getting more of the facts.

What could they do? Dealing with a mourning locker room and mourning fans, they decided to pay tribute to the professional career, not the dark last few days.

Frank The Rocker said...

When I first heard about this from one of my cousins I thought he was kidding me, but I guess it was all serious... Wow... I mean wow..

Downtown said...

if you're the kind of person to pray, then I think you should pray for Benoit... It's not our place to "condemn" or damn anyone to hell... I'm glad to see people's true colors shine through, in this time of tragedy... even if they remain anonymous

I'm far from the compassionate type for those that harm others (especially women and children... but obviously the man completely lost control of himself... I'd leave the damning and judgment to God

Anonymous said...

I agree Jeff, I pray sometimes, and I know I should more. But in the last 22 hours I've prayed alot. If Benoit truly did snap and lose control, I really want to know what caused it. If this was himself, I don't know what I'll do, but if it was under the influence of something, I'll have to take a step back and search my heart and mind to find out if I can call this man a hero.

I still believe that something is wrong and it wasn't just Chris on his own.

fallen0ne said...

All I can say is, I will never look at Benoit in the same way again. I'm not saying anything bad about him, but if he did do it, than he deserves no more mention from this moment on.
Somehow I'm still wishfully waiting for the swerve, sadly I'm sure that this is the story and there's no way around it.

Anonymous said...

i think we should remenber chris benoit for the good wrestling he gave us and leave the damning up to god and pray for nancy and daniel

Anonymous said...

April Hunter put this quite well...

"Roid Rage" and Benoit

Like everyone else, I am shocked to hear about the Benoit family. There have already been many moving commentaries written.

However, I would rather comment on another part of the story. I've always felt that "roid rage" label was a media cop out to sensationalize a story or blame it on something.

A roid rage is a flash of heat, like a child's temper tantrum. It a quick outburst of violence or aggression and usually leaves as fast as it arrived. It certainly does not last an entire weekend.
--When Phil Hartman's wife killed him and then herself not long ago it was never called roid rage.
--There are a lot of athletes (and people) who take steroids. Most of them manage to not kill family members.
--Is anyone investigating Bobby Cutts Jr for roid rage? He's accused of killing his pregnant girlfriend. But he's not a wrestler (he's a cop) - so no...they're not.
--PITTSBURGH PA. March 2007, George Terry, A retired custodian fatally shot his wife and two sons in their sleep, then turned the gun on himself, police said Thursday. As far as I know, he was not investigated for steroids.

"Wrestling" = "Steroids" to the general public. And "Steroids" = "Bad". That's the light it's been painted in.

A few facts: Anabolic Steroids have used for numerous medical purposes including stimulation of bone growth, appetite, puberty, and muscle growth. They have been used for prisoners of war to help them grow. For bone marrow stimulation, for children with growth failure (dwarfs), stimulate appetite, stimulate libido, testosterone therapy, fight many age related problems and bring on stalled puberty. The most widespread medical uses of anabolic steroids are used to help people with chronic wasting conditions, such as cancer and AIDS.
Despite rumors and heresy, no scientific evidence has shown any long-term serious health defects from proper use of anabolic steroids.

If someone's a violent, controlling person, using or not using steroids isn't going to change that --- or make them murder another. (That's like assuming that everyone who has ever used cocaine is an ATM robber or prostitute.)

I believe it's much deeper than that.

As someone who escaped a bad relationship that was very much headed in this direction, I know now that many entertainers have two personalities: the public/TV persona everyone knows and the private version few will ever.

I am not defending legal or illegal drugs. What I am questioning is why we can't look at things deeper and for what they really are, instead of giving them a sensational LABEL or placing blame elsewhere.
RIP Nancy & Daniel Benoit.

April Hunter