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Tha TNE Throwaway

We're four days away from Judgement Day and I really just couldn't give a Frank. I remember a few years back going to Charlotte to see Judgement Day live - brought to you by Clearisil - how hyped we were for the card, meeting Ric Flair, and watching Christian win the newly reinstated Intercontinental title.

Fast-forward four years: Flair is working Carlito in a match that should've taken place at WrestleMania 23, the IC title is being buried by some jabrone, and it's painfully obvious that Clearisil has cut all advertising ties with WWE. (Insert nasty-ass Snitsky picture here).

I know I phoned that one in, but either way...this is Tha TNE Throwaway.

Let's go ahead and start this mutha off with the opening match. One rolls "thunder", the other looks like he rolls around in Crisco: RVD VS. Snitsky. All joking aside, I gotta say this match wasn't terrible. Matches like this just go to show the difference between guys like Sandman or Balls Mahoney and a talented performer/worker like Rob Van Dam.

Snitsky is a decent wrestler when it comes to BIG guys, but it takes someone like RVD to bring it out.

And for everyone that has been curious about why Snitsky's vignette has been appearing on "Raw", it has been reported that he may be moving to Monday night to face John Cena in the near future FOR THE WWE TITLE! So, have fun with that one, Dan-e-o.

Second on the card was an O-ster Nation favorite, CM Punk, and the snubbed EC-dub Original Stevie Richards. Now, as of late, I've noticed that the words "squash" and "job" have been thrown around very loosely. Just because you lose to a clean win doesn't make it a "squash".

Of course Stevie's gonna lose, he's 0-2 with Punk, Al Snow sees more wins than Richards, but the match in itself was really good. Back and forth action, with the match mostly focused on Punk's "rib injury" sustained from Elijah Burke and Marcus Cor Von last week. It was almost at the point of "over-selling", but it was a solid match on both ends and I'm sure Punk and Burke will deliver the match of the night come Sunday.

Now we come to a man, whom last week was exposed as a bully and pervert by Jason Sensation in his weekly segment, "Jason Sensation Shoots from His Ass"... Kevin Thorn. If you haven't heard it, go check it out! Hell, if you're not anticipating and downloading this shit every week then you're not a real Fuck Ya!

Thorn's match tonight was originally booked to be with Sabu who was let go Tuesday afternoon after apparently arriving late with no gear. On one hand, some might be understanding as to his attitude lately, but in my opinion you're a fucking professional so ACT LIKE IT! Don't pout around because of your lack of ability, which over the years has been overshadowed with sick spots and blood and has been exposed over and over since you signed with WWE.

Anyway, Thorn squashed Nunzio in a match that can be appropriately phrased as a "job". It is sad though that Nunzio has been traveling with "ECW"/"SmackDown!" for this many months and he hasn't been on TV since the fall. Eh, easy paychecks.

Finally, we come to the main event. Lashley in yet another 3-1 handicap match, against what's left of The New Breed.. A prep match for this Sunday's 3-1 handicap match against the McMahons and Umaga for the title, in which I called earlier and am even more convinced (after VKM's promo) that Shane McMahon will be walking away with the title.

Anyways, back to the match at hand. It wasn't garbage. It wasn't a five-star match by any means, but Lashley looked a little bit more natural in the ring.

Of course he went over, on Matt Striker none the less. On a "markish" sidenote, I received an e-mail last week from the Extreme Teacher himself. The e-mail was in response to me calling him out for biting lyrics from an Atmosphere song in his weekly "Word of the Week" column. Apparently this was due to editing by the guys at Striker claimed that "the original text read : 'Sluggo said smart went was changed to a man once said...'".

So hopefully that clears things up for Tha O-sters that caught that...Skitlez in particular. But, yeah I marked out for that big time. He asked about Tha O Show, I told him to check it out, at least for the Jason Sensation segment about Kevin "SEVEEEEENNNN!" Thorn. So, Matt if you're reading this... Welcome to Tha O-ster Nation, and I apologize for my shitty punctuation.

4 comments: on "Tha TNE Throwaway"

Unknown said...

Here's an idea I don't think anybody has mentioned yet. Don't move TNE's loveable baby-punter over to Raw. Instead, following Judgment Day, have Flair and Carlito challenge Cena for the title. It makes perfect sense-Carlito and Cena have history, Carlito and Flair are currently involved in a feud that could use some life, and besides, who wouldn't love to see the title take one more ride around Space Mountain!


Anonymous said...

heres a funny thing supposely the reason sninsky(i dont care if i spelt his name wrong he sucks) is on raw so much because hes supposely gonna fued with cena for the title. vince needs to get his head checked

Downtown said...

I was wrong...

CM Punk is now 5-0 in television matches against Stevie Richards. He beat him once last September, once in late February, twice in April, and again last night in Baltimore.

Thanks Daniel Pena at

But is that really dirt sheet worthy facts?

Don't you have a story on Brooke Hogan to post?

Anonymous said...

I was alittle mad I missed last nights TNE but now I'm not too mad.

Sucks Sabu got released, he wasn't super tech but one of my favs. He just always seemed like he put EVERYTHING on the line. Damn. I do agree he should be a man about his job. Ehh.

I was gonna email Striker too but you beat me to it lol. Glad I got a shout out though.