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Tha Raw Report - Next Stop: Judgement Day

At least John Cena acknowledged that there are fans who feel that he sucks last night on "Raw". If only Vince McMahon would acknowledge this fact as well. Sadly, instead of heelifying Cena and giving him another program (beltless, of course), we fans are forced to watch John Cena in a feud with an even worse wrestler than himself.

And here's why...As Big Daddy Donnie mentioned on a recent episode of Tha O Show Radio, pitting Cena against The Great Khali is a 'great' way to get the fans back behind Cena. FIRMLY behind him.

For marks, The Great Khali is a bad man. He's stole John's belt and that's just wrong. He's mean and he'll pay for that. For smarks, Khali sucks ass as a worker. So it's win-win for the E.

And the proof was in the pudding last night as the fans cheered Cena as he spoke passionately about his quest to reclaim the title belt that he hasn't even lost. I must say, Cena's coughing during his backstage beatdown at the hands of Khali represented some of his best selling jobs to date. For all we know, perhaps this feud with Khali is actually punishment for his previous non-selling ways.

I can just picture someone in the E's office yelling, "You hold the title and THAT'S how you put over your opponent's offense? Well alright, if you won't sell, we'll hurt you for real. Singh, sic 'em!". Yeah, I know...only in my dreams, folks. With the abuse Cena has been taking lately, it could only mean one thing. He will defeat the odds and go over at Judgement Day on Sunday. Big surprise.

Anyway, why was Davairi not a good enough mouthpiece for The Great Khali? Easily one of the company's best on the mic, Davairi has been relegated to every-so-often on "SmackDown!" duty. Now we have some new cat translating for Khali, who doesn't even seem to be speaking a real language. Perhaps, Khali doesn't need someone to speak for him, after all. Wouldn't it be better for the ultra-heel to not be understood?

I haven't really made mention of the Hardys/Cade and Murdoch angle in my Raw Reports as lately as I haven't been too sure what to make of it. With the cowboys playing the part of the "fake faces", there are only two reasonable places this story can go. One - they show their true colours and expectedly 'turn' on the Hardys. Or two - they somehow get 'backstabbed' by the Hardys turning the brothers heel. I feel the latter is the more intriguing conclusion to this currently ho-hum storyline.

I love how WWE is trying to put over Edge's capturing of the World Heavyweight Championship as a "shocker". After winning the Money In The Bank briefcase last week on "Raw", was there any doubt that he would cash it in and save the "SmackDown!" title picture?

Edge was the best logical choice for new champ. A great worker on all accounts, it's no secret to Tha O-ster Nation that Tha O Show is Edge-mark central. Jim Ross said it best himself when commenting on the footage from "SmackDown!" as Edge prepared to spear The Undertaker before claiming the gold: "Look at Edge, his eyes tell a great story here".

In that one sentence, J.R. summed up Edge's prowess at being a great professional wrestler. He is able to tell a story. With his facial expressions, selling of injuries, promos, in-ring name it...Edge is top-notch.

I remember seeing a Batista montage recently with Big Daddy Donnie that included footage of Batista with a surprised look on his face. We both reacted at exactly the same time saying something along the lines of "wow, Batista is showing emotion!". The ability to tell a story...not just through wrestling or a talent that cannot be underestimated.

So why the hell was Edge defeated cleanly by Shawn Michaels last night? Nothing against HBK but the fact that Edge has JUST won the World Title coupled with the idea that Shawn is suffering from a concussion due to his run-in with Khali last week on "Raw" made Edge's loss look like a burial. Why couldn't Randy Orton have jumped HBK before the pinfall on Edge?

The booking in the E always seems to have more holes in it than apple pies at Frank Fronte's house....Zing!

Either way, by all accounts Shawn Michaels should be in line for a shot at Edge's title. But alas, he is involved in a last second battle with Randy Orton at Judgement Day this Sunday.

The McMahons are hilarious. Vince's pink blazer/doo-rag combo and Shane's "I'm not touching you" taunts to Bobby Lashley is classic McMahon heelism. Sad thing is, with their ability to continue to get one over on Lashley, it smells to me like Blackberg may get his ECW title back this Sunday. What a NO that would be.

In other news, I'm still not sold on Santino Marella. So as to not beat a dead horse, I'll stop there because I really have nothing new to say on the subject. Is anyone out there still finding this underdog Intercontinental Champion storyline interesting?

It just doesn't seem fair that Judgement Day is so chocked-full of "Raw" matches when "SmackDown!" is providing the best wrestling on TV these days. I personally would love to see the WWE tag team titles defended this Sunday. Paul London and Brian Kendrick deserve pay-per-view exposure.

Finally...GREAT news for Toronto area wrestling fans! In case you didn't already know...if you've purchased tickets to see "Raw" at the Air Canada Centre on May 28th, you will ALSO be seeing the taping of "Saturday Night's Main Event", which will air June 2nd.

As a kid of the 80's who was too young to stay up and watch this show in its heyday, I'm psyched about being in the audience for it. Two shows for the price of one folks...another reason Toronto is the capital of the wrestling world. We don't spell our city's name with three O's for nothing!

22 comments: on "Tha Raw Report - Next Stop: Judgement Day"

Downtown said...

Santino is showing SOME improvement... not enough to be holding that title though... and why against Masters? Where's Nitro?

I got a feeling the ECW title is by some circumstance going to wind up around Shane's waist sunday... that's my official prediction

And surely by the end of friday night they'll announce another smackdown match

fallen0ne said...

Did Johnny Nitro die and no one was told about it?
What a dumbass promo by Cena. What was the point? You're still champ, who cares if he grabbed your belt. BTW you say you respect and love the business so much, GET RID OF THE FUCKIN SPINNER JACKASS!
Santino Marella, you don not impress me and I'm siding with Dan here.
I was kinda wondering about HBK winning too, and clean to boot. BTW Edge offered Michaels the match without him asking for it, I thought it was funny.
All in all, RAW sucked last night as it has for the most part this year

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Toronto has three O's.

So does Orlando Jordan. And if Fronte wants to get fucked, he should become a Sabres fan. We get fucked all the time. Watching Khali is less painful these days. >_<

I'm only looking forward to Judgment Day because my friend is paying for it. And there's gonna be soda. And all Edge marks know that soda totally rules.

Anonymous said...

As the guy who seems to defend RAW alot of the times, I will again do my job. RAW was good...well, it was decent, no but it had some ok spots, no honestly there is no way around it RAW SUCKED LAST NIGHT.

Having Michaels lose to Edge cleanly, then Michaels go over clean on Orton wouldnt that have made more sense? Doesnt the E want to bury Orton for a while, until they feed him to Preparation H this summer? Or have they changed their minds and want him to look really good until preparation H comes back, and H goes over with a pinky to the chest? I got sidetracked, but why did HBK go over clean on EDGE? WHY?

I like Santino cause I marked out for the story and the way he won it. But I'll go towards Dan-e-o's argument. This is bad for the belt. Here's a guy who has the #2 belt in the company, and he wins, but it's quick wins, he has no finishing move. He doesnt have much offense either. So Sunday night at Judgment Day when Chris Masters wins the Intercontinental Championship nobody is going to care about Santino Giobasco getting a rematch, nobody is going to remember him in a month, and this further buries the belt. The E dropped the ball on making him a superstar. Johnny Marella could have been an immediate star and taken seriously as champion, but the hopes of that are dead for now. Chalk up another failure to the E booking team.

Even though Cena will leave Judgement Day as the champion, I find solace in the fact that he was beat down last night. That was the highlight of the night, other than Edge's promo before he jobbed clean to a concussed HBK.

By the way, did anybody catch Edge doing the cross body from the second rope and missing, then King says, "he must have been trying somoe sort of spear there."

In closing, Candace Michelle really seems to be working on her in ring skills, and she may get to the point where she could carry that prestigious Womens Championship. Ok, ok, so the belt dont mean shit but she really has improved. By the way, what happened to Mickie?

Anonymous said...

Don't people normally lose on their last night before switching brands? Adam Copeland, you are not a god.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I was thinking Edge lost because he's switching.

Anonymous said...

lol they are trying to make cena like hulk hogan. im sure the older people remember wrestlemania 2 with king kong bundy. then wrestlemania 3 with andre. if somehow cena loses i'll be shocked. on another note i havent watched a full raw since 24 has be on ha

fallen0ne said...

I was thinking the same thing about him being made into the next Hogan.
Only problem is, he's got one move too many and sure as hell not even 1% the charisma Hogan had.

fallen0ne said...

On a side note, Vito has been released, although I doubt anyone still cares.

Anonymous said...

Hey Billy the Kid, he's the closest to it right now that gets a shot to show it.

Anonymous said...

Nice catch, DJB.

I dunno, I think pretty much everybody on TV these days is incredibly stale, with a few exceptions like CM Punk, Kennedy (to a degree), and Elijah Burke. I still watch, of course, I just don't get as excited as I used to.

Here's a topic for a future O Show article - Why is WWE Afraid to Make New Stars? They have like 1-3 pet projects a year and everything else just remains status quo.

Anonymous said...

get me a ticket!!

Anonymous said...

Well Jugement day was alittle early for Sabu, he was let go today when he showed up for the SD/ECW tapings. Now rumors have it that Sandman is next, ECW is almsot dead for good.

fallen0ne said...

Seems he was late and had no wrestling gear with him.
Sounds to me like he's been pulling this shit on purpose for the last few weeks now.

Downtown said...

ECW died long ago, this is Vince's way of adding another night of programming and shutting up those damn ECdub chants

Anonymous said...

ecw died the moment he brought it back to tv

Downtown said...

really? it didnt die on TNN?

Anonymous said...

no i thought it had decent matches on tnn. come on look at the loyality, will wcw ever come back. i sure as fuck hope not

Anonymous said...

actually alot of the matches were better then some of the shit thats on raw

Downtown said...

you'll never hear a WCW chant... EVER

Anonymous said...

Dubya C Dub, Dubya C Dub, Dubya C Dub, Dubya C Dub. You didn't hear it but you f'n read it.

ECW didn't die on The Nimrod Network, it damn near tried to resurrect itself, the Network just didn't allow it. Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka ring a bell?

Billy, yoohoo I'll make you famous.

Anonymous said...

yea what one night stand was that one