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Talkin' Smack! - New Champ!

The last time I was genuinely shocked that a world title had changed hands was Bret Hart's win over Ric Flair for the WWF title in 1992. In the age of constant pay-per-view events and blatantly manufactured championship programs (see John Cena VS. The Great Khali), it's extremely rare for a title switch to slip under the radar.

Perhaps the only reason this would occur anymore is in the rare occasion that the champ and the number one contender were both to become simultaneously injured. That very situation occured this past week on "SmackDown!".

Last week it was reported that The Undertaker required time off for an injured bicep. Speculation grew that the title was going to be dropped back to Batista. With Mr. Kennedy's push in full effect, there was also rampant speculation that "Mr. Money in the Bank" would be cashing in his opportunity much earlier than WrestleMania 24.

In a cruel twist of fate, however, Mr. Kennedy too would become injured. It was Kennedy's tricep that needed repair, and initial reports concluded that he needed to be put on the shelf for six to eight months. Fortunately, further consultation revealed it would only by six to eight weeks Kennedy that would be out of action.

However, that was still too long of an absence to put the strap on him. It seemed the initial prediction was inevitable. Batista would once again become World Heavyweight Champion. Thankfully, once again plans changed this past week on "Raw" when Mr. Kennedy defended his "Money in the Bank" title shot against the opportunistic Edge.

With Edge going over on the injured Kennedy, it was only a matter of time before Edge would cash in his opportunity against The Undertaker. That opportunity came sooner than later and to make a long story short, Edge is once again a world champion in WWE.

The question begs: Why not Batista? Why did the E see fit to put the title on a guy that wasn't even part of the roster in Edge? The answer is simple. Who cares? I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth and I suggest you don't either.

Edge as World Heavyweight Champion on "SmackDown!" opens up so many exciting possibilities. The first and most obvious one is an inevitable Kennedy/Edge feud that requires no hype whatsoever as this program should be off the hook.

Both are two of the best workers in the E and Kennedy is on the cusp of exploding as a babyface and potentially saving professional wrestling for the foreseeable future.

I also see the Edge title reign as an opportunity to turn a guy like Finlay babyface and push him to top contender status. Finlay VS. Edge is just one of the many possible smark-friendly possibilities. What about a title for title Benoit VS. Edge match? How about an Edge/MVP heel on heel program? An Edge VS. Matt Hardy title match certainly can't be out of the realm of possibilities either given their past history and Hardy's red hot push as of late.

Any way you slice it, Edge's addition to the "SmackDown!" roster is gold whether he's the champ or not. It seems he was becoming a bit stale as of late on "Raw", and his absence is also going to give Randy Orton the opportunity to break out as a potential babyface and future top draw.

"SmackDown!" has consistently been the top wrestling program on television for at least the past six months. With Tha O Show's 2006 MVP Edge as their champ, there's no limit to what the show can now achieve. Hell, it's worth the roster shift to hear JBL call an Edge match alone.

Also, with King Booker out of action for the foreseeable future, Edge returns the brand to heel champion territory which is always my favorite era of almost any company in wrestling history. Shawn Michaels' title run in the early 90s comes to mind as a rare exception to the rule.

What about the possibility of a King Booker/Edge match upon the King's return to find out once and for all who was the most dominant champ of 2006 and rightful heir to the "SmackDown!" kingdom? Who amongst us wouldn't pop for that? The bottom line is at least two of the WWE brands are in a transitional stage in "SmackDown!" and "ECW". I've said it before but it bares repeating: the most exciting time to be a wrestling fan is during these transitions.

After all, if WCW never forced a transitional period for the E in the late 90s the "Attitude Era" would have never existed. While it's a shame that the current transition is due to some of the best workers in the company's history being forced out of action due to injuries, Edge as champion on "SmackDown!" has cemented the dawning of a new era in World Wrestling Entertainment.

With Ring of Honor's first pay-per-view event on the horizon, the emergence of the New Breed in ECW, and now Edge's title reign on "SmackDown!", it is indeed a great time to be a wrestling fan. While I completely gave up all hope for TNA a long time ago, only "Raw" needs to change for me to be completely satisfied with the current state of professional wrestling.

4 comments: on "Talkin' Smack! - New Champ!"

Anonymous said...

I think the E had to move a wrestler with star power from RAW over to SD to help carry the brand with all the injuries. Edge was a great choice cause he showed everyone last year he can carry a brand as their champion. He is one of the better wrestlers in the ring, good on the mic, and he plays the role as a heel more like the old school heels ( he doesn't care if he gets cheered and when he does he tired to turn the crowd on himslef.)
I think the E didn't want to give the belt to Batista cause since he came back from his injury late last year his matches weren't up to par, he dropped the ball in other words.
With Edge has champ this could be a great summer for SD. Like you said already he could have feuds with Matt Hardy, Finaly and with Kennedy when he returns. I would also like to him have some macthes with Benoit, another one of my favorites.
Summer Slam could be a very good ppv maybe even better then WM 23,with everyone returning right before it, at it or right after it. Kennedy, Booker, Rey and Triple H sould all returing then.

Dan-e-o said...

Edge as new champ = brilliant!

There was no better choice. Don't forget when Taker returns, there is always a program waiting to happen right there.

One thing that deserves mentioning...the almost-always on JBL was kinda off this edition of SD! His use of hyberbole is getting stale...for eg. he'll say something like "this is what you call a fight"...not inventive at all.

But worse...when Edge comes to the ring with his MITB case, he screams "No dammit! Not this way!" and after Edge wins the title, he calls it a brilliant move on Edge's part and chastized Michael Cole for not realizing that.

What the?

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty much screaming inside for the anticipation of Kennedy vs. Edge. There are so many angles they can do with Edge on Smackdown that I gotta say, the WWE made a brilliant move. You're right Ben, this is a great time to be a wrestling fan.

Anonymous said...

Short and sweet...Edge vs. Booker would be awesome. Not only because the last one was, but this time they'd be going at it for more than a shampoo commercial.