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Talkin' Smack! - Is Edge Losing His Edge?

Adam Copeland. This Toronto native has done it all...literally. I needn't produce a laundry list of his accomplishments in WWE. I'm sure everyone on this site already knows the level of greatness he's achieved.

2006 was the year of Edge. It was the pinnacle of his illustrious career thus far with multiple title runs and a more than memorable feud against on again off again champ John Cena.

2007 hasn't started out too shabby for the "Rated R Superstar" either. Already he has become the new World Heavyweight Champion by usurping The Undertaker's throne. Although it was due to extraordinary circumstances, Edge once against reigns supreme in the E.

However, is this the same Edge he was just a year ago? I'm not so sure. The dude's been out of full time action for months while rehabbing from a jaw injury. So what the hell has he been doing? It sure as hell wasn't wrestling. The old "spear and run" bit is getting a bit stale. He hasn't been training his promo-cutting skills because those are noticeably weaker as of late as well too.

The most apparent thing he hasn't been doing though is hitting the gym. Aren't wrestlers supposed to get jacked during their time off a full schedule? Edge on the other hand has been looking noticably unbuff lately. Is the "Rated R Superstar" in danger of becoming PG-13?

The gimmick was initially gold. Edge quickly became the unpredictable loose cannon of the E not totally unlike the late great Brian Pillman. As of late, however, he's become a bit predictably...unpredictable. Was he simply at the right place at the right time like he finds himself once again? I honestly don't think so. I believe Edge seized the opportunity and ran with the ball like never before during his memorable feud with John Cena in the summer of 2006.

I have no doubt whatsoever that Edge is every bit of the amazing performer he's always been praised as being, and is definitely capable of achieving that level of greatness once again. My only concern is that he's been slipping lately. My concern is magnified due to the fact that currently Rey Mysterio, Booker T, Ken Kennedy, Gregory Helms and The Undertaker are all on the injured list. The return of Mark Henry off that very list concerns me even more.

With Edge still not 100 percent and weekly Mark Henry squash fests on the menu, "SmackDown!" could potentially be in trouble. Mind you I'm not counting Edge out just yet. He's instilled enough faith in me over the years to believe in his abilities, but I still maintain this is not the Edge he was just six months to a year ago.

For now, I will continue to enjoy the tremendous under and mid card action "SmackDown!" always promises to deliver. Who knows? If Edge continues to slip off the top of his game, it may pave the way for guys like Mr. Kennedy and MVP to seize that proverbial brass ring even sooner than suspected.

I would prefer, however, that Edge continues to raise the bar even higher than he has in the recent past. We all know when he's at the top of his game, Edge has very few equals in the locker room.

8 comments: on "Talkin' Smack! - Is Edge Losing His Edge?"

Anonymous said...

I can sort of see where you are going with this, but I don't really agree with it. Edge was in the right place at the right time last year, and this time it's just out of need, so it isn't going to be the fireworks, and the holy shit this is amazing. It's going to be another title run by an incredible superstar.

The buff thing though, that's my big disagreement. While I understand it wasn't a main point, you still made it. When it comes to unbuffness after time off or while being champion, JBL takes the cake. But he was never known for having a superstar body. The guy who got fat while still champ and remained fat after his time off was your boy HHH. I don't care about the bodies, as long as they are performing and doing a good job, I could care less. Note I could care less, cause they could look like Dusty.

MVP and Kennedy will grab the ring sooner than later, but to their benefit they will have Edge to feed off of in a feud.

Anonymous said...

I think Edge is similar to Austin when it comes to promos , he is better when he feeds off of someone. Edge had Cena to feed off of who is also good on the mic . he also had HBK, Flair and Orton. Edge doesn't really have someone like that on SD right now with Booker and Kennedy out with injuries. I mean Batista sucks on the mic, Benoit and Matt Hardy aren't that great either. So I think till Kennedy returns or perhaps Booker, Edge's mic work won't be as good as it was on RAW.

Anonymous said...

During Edge's first title run alot more heat because he was pared with Lita. Ever since Lita's retirement in November Edge dosn't seem the same. I'm not saing that Edge isn't the man beause he dosn't have Lita by his side anymore. I just think that she added something to the gimmick that made it alot more enjoyable. I would like to see another WWE diva invovled in an angle with Edge. Isn't that what the whole Rated R-Superstar thing was about.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Jimmy he needs another woman with him.

Anonymous said...

I'm a woman and I want to make a few personal comments on how I feel about Edge at this time in his career...

I feel slimy when I see Edge...
While I have no doubt that, Adam Copeland, the man must love to play all of the sides of Edge~but for me, ever since "Rated R"
"feeling too sexy...a la Lita" :)
His body-image became mind-focused.
If he looked in a "truth-mirror" (3-way view) and had a photo of days past to compare his then to now look...He'd see, maybe that
all that imaginary sex appeal had NONE of the benefits that great sex gives both mind & body.

He works well with his beautiful voice and does both Baby-face & Heel with an seemingly effortless beauty~even transitioning between the two to gain different reactions and fans surprize to his shocking behavior~all the while not giving a crap either way because he's selling seats & making money hand over foor~compared to most of us.

But I miss the Edge of old that never had to say he was a tough sexy bastard that would give you one helluva fight because he could.

Thanks for listening...
Crazy Bitch from Hollywood....

Anonymous said...

Ben Boudreau says...

DJB, I agree with you about buffness not being necessary for greatness.

I was a huge JBL mark during his run as WWE Champion (and still am). We both know he wasn't the poster child for cardio.

My point is that Edge seems to be lacking the motivation he had last year. His body is just one of the reasons that makes me question if this so.

Anonymous said...

Ok Ben, I get your drift. But now, in my not so humble opinion, I think Edge will get back on track. Let us look at the positives of not being on Monday Night Helmsley, shall we? He is not going to be held back, he is not going to be playing second fiddle to tag team, he isn't going to have to deal with all the politics, and basically he won't have to deal with H.

Edge will have more talented writers who don't have to get their stuff approved by the son-in-law, and if you doubt what I'm saying, screw a time honored tradition, do you honestly think HHH had nothing to do with Shawn going over clean on Edge? It is said that Michaels even suggested a non-finish and to center it around the ass beating he took from Randy.

Edge will be on Smackethdown with good WRESTLERS. Kennedy, Benoit, Hardy, MVP(yes I've gone to the fan side of MVP), Kane, Regal(if no move to RAW)Taylor, guys like that when on RAW it was buffed up mic workers and merch pushers. Edge fits in both scenarios, but on SMACKDOWN it is his time to shine. While only time will tell, I for one can see Mr. Copeland taking the ball like last year but this time running with it Forrest F'n Gump style.

As far as Jimmy's comment I'll agree, his gimmick works much better with a female. You want a chick to go in that gimmick? I'll give you 3. Jillian in her current heel/Brooke Hogan gimmick, VICTORIA who is better known and better suited as a heel. But the diva I personally think would get over better with Edge would be Maryse. She's french, who the fuck likes the french? Not me, not Donnie, not 90% of the non-french population of the world. Insta-heat. She aint bad looking either, so have the dispicable sexpot and the renegade champ in rated-R stuff and you've got what? $.

MISSLE said...

Personally, I'm not a fan of Edge but his gimmick is great. His work on the mic is the only thing (IMO) that is keeping him hot at the moment. But, he should do well on Smackdown! due to the somewhat weak division on top.