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Rated O Radio - Episode 12

Tha O Show Radio

To quote Chuck D of Public Enemy, "once again, back is the incredible..." team of Big Daddy Donnie and Dan-e-o with another edition of your favourite internet radio wrestling program: Tha O Show!

There is plenty in this two-hour extravanganza to make you "O" this week, O-sters!

Tha boys, along with their trusty punching bag-slash-wrestling intellectual F'n Frank Fronte, bring you another power packed episode that you won't soon forget!

This week...

Big Daddy and Dan-e-o go to town with their patented "Os And NOs" segment.

Tha crew talks pay-per-view to the tune of this past Sunday's TNA show, Sacrifice and this coming Sunday's WWE event, Judgement Day.

Longtime member of Tha O Show, Kingdom James finally makes his debut on Tha O Show Radio with a classic contribution to "Road Stories".

19-year old Ontario Indy Wrestler, Jay Fenix is the next contestant (and a very worthy one at that!) on the world's greatest quiz show: "WrestleTrivia!" - this week, it's the "managers of pro wrestling" edition.

Tha O Show superstar, Jason Sensation joins tha crew to deliver yet another amazing 100% true-to-life shoot for "Jason Sensation Shoots From His Ass". This week, Jason discusses the debacle surrounding his "retirement match" and challenges the promoter of the indy fed where it took place to retort!

The entire segment, as always, can be heard by literally clicking on Jason's ass in the sidebar here on Tha O Show!

Jason also responds to comments made on the internet about his shoots being publicity-seeking works and REALLY shoots on those involved in the story surrounding his incident with Kevin Thorn. This is can't-miss shit!

Big Daddy Hammer revisits Tha O Show and takes a seat with Donnie, Dan-e-o and Frank at "Tha Round Table".

All this and more on this week's episode!

Please take a moment to visit all those who made this week's episode possible:

Secret Suburbia

Vote for Secret Suburbia in the Battle of the Bands at

Dan-e-o's Online Store

Living Legends Wrestling

Big Daddy Hammer

Jay Fenix

Kingdom James

To download the mp3 of this show:
Right Click On This Link then Choose "Save Target As" in Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" in Mozilla FireFox. If you have problems with this, please e-mail us at

21 comments: on "Rated O Radio - Episode 12"

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

cm punk supposely got that pepsi tattoo because he got dared or some crap.he was right about the belt crap kinda made me say what.if vince is a doctor im going to be a i just read on a dirt shirt that dana white is talking to kurt angle and lesnar fighting in ufc. brock 100% could do it.i knew ottawa was going to win anyway. i dont want ottawa to lose tho because the cup should be in canada thanks.. chris sabin is fuckin awesome. sorry i wanted to go look at the other titles they are nice they make the shitty wwe titles looks like shit well not the spinner belt. i laughed at my friend for going to judgment day it sucks.that khali impression is funny as fuck.batista will win kennedy will prolly cost edge the match.calling a girl guy is gayer.its not big daddy hammer its big regular daddy friend thinks the jason thing is a joke and i laughed at him.supposely rvd is gone now, got released today

Anonymous said...

royce gracie was suppose to train with lesnar but their schedules didnt help.he trained with miltech camp and the minnisota wrestling team.

Anonymous said...

Punk got the tattoo because somebody in one of his favorite bands had a cocacola tattoo. He thought that was cool, but he liked Pepsi so Punk got the pepsi tattoo.

Buryme, another thing Slow down, use punctuation.

Anonymous said...

Punk got the tattoo because somebody in one of his favorite bands had a cocacola tattoo. He thought that was cool, but he liked Pepsi so Punk got the pepsi tattoo.

Buryme, another thing Slow down, use punctuation.

Anonymous said...

Sorry the comment came in double, my computer is fuckin up so it froze in the middle then came back like it was so I hit publish again and BAM I got a twofer. Anybody good with computers? Everyone I asked told me my solution would work, but really hurt my computer.

My solution by the way was a Louisville Slugger about 34 times.

Unknown said...

Damn. Fired again. Time to go test my indy marketability.

I already got a huge contract offer from LAW.

Anonymous said...

That's a work...
I know what the Law pays...

Anonymous said...

What a great show!! I love how you guys are so casual and chill!

Anonymous said...

lol uhhh i said before, i dont care about puncation i cant even spell the word which is why i dont care. that and im dumb to begin with

KittyLuv69 said...

damn you bastards that are going to would be a nice day away from the hell that is my family...*shakes fist and accidently punches dan-e-o* OOPS!!!!

morning dan-e-o what the hell is the meaning of morning

titology and titologist...great words

fucking fuckity fucks?

i was at was pretty cool....i think i missed the trifecta thinger......... :O i missed that holy fuck...i may have to buy the DVD just to see that..OR i will see the video on

i agree with you guys...eddie is pretti awsome...i love his hair ^^ carrot top on speed lol

wow dan-e-o is worse then me at math...and hey dan-e-o at least you pass your math classes ive taken the same class like 5 times.....yes i fail at life i know...though it may also be because i barely go

oh god hockey......FUCK HOCKEY...yea i fuckin said it fuck hockey the only ONLY good thing about hockey is the fuckin fights

rhino is awsome...ill never forget what happened when i met was good....though im not gonna tell the story but it was funni

lol that hello made me laugh kinda hard ^^

okay god dammit the hellos are makin me laugh

u know i havent seen a wrestling ppv for months since...i think the last one i saw was the fuckin punjabi (pajama lmao theres only like 4 people that will get that) prison match and i didnt pay for it

theres that hyena laugh again

hey dan-e-o ur hey girl wats up thing....FAILS!!!

u know i love the wrestletriva song...

nice cell phone intereference

wait dan-e-o why did u not make fun of the princess whatever thing U FAIL!!!

lol im glad im not the only one that doesnt like jay fenix..but those are for my own reasons

ok its kool theres a new commcerical for living legends but i liked the old one with dan-e-o in the backround going HELL YEA!!

HA i dont have to get to hamilton im seeing styles daniels and raven at GCW the day before

wow jason........thats all i have to OH AND *gets all gir like* SOMEONE NEEDS HUGGLES!!!

WHAT THE FUCK!! it stopped *cries* why did it went to a commercial then it gonna kill something thats just sad

Big Daddy Donnie said...

shouldn't stop.....
try redownloading the file from here...

Anonymous said...

OMG i love it Titology! Is that what they teach at University in Toronto???

KittyLuv69 said...

i dont download it unless its going on my mp3 player which got stolen by my little sister i just use the little player thinger

KittyLuv69 said...

okay so the rest of my stupid shit comment

the new

i like andy douglas' blog better lol

ok dan-e-o u said franks laugh was like a me it sounded like a friggin monkey

Anonymous said...

Here's what I know. Anybody who doubts the shoots of Sensation deserves to be kicked in the teeth. What possible reason does he have to lie? If those bitches in florida don't appologize to Jason on-air, I'm making the trip down their to fuck them up.

Anonymous said...

I loved alll the random-ness this week! keep it up homies!

Anonymous said...

Brian, it is officially time to take Fronte and like you and I talked about take over LAW.

Good show, and tell those fuckers in Florida tha o show sends a collective FUCK YOU for doubting Jason.

Big Daddy Hammer..."go fuck Fergie or something." Quote of the night.

Anonymous said...

Hammer rules! He should be on all the time!

Anonymous said...

either someone paid him(hammer) or it is hammer.

Anonymous said...

Love the Public Enemy reference. That's from "Bring The Noise" right? Another great show even though I JUST got to hear it today cause of comp troubles.