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Wack-Ass Backlash

It was the Championship pay-per-view. The one named after the concept that one would face the repurcussions of his actions at WrestleMania. You know, where you would face the "backlash" based on the last big show? Cool name, cool concept...mediocre event.

Honestly, I'm both surprised and disappointed that WWE didn't play up the fact that this was an ALL-Championship title PPV. Every single match had a title on the line. Only thing is, every bout didn't have that "big match" quality to it.

To Big Daddy Donnie's credit, his idea of having the competitors of last night's event get built up by having jobbers served to them over the past couple of weeks may have made for better matches at Backlash.

Having BOTH Shawn Michaels and John Cena as well as Chris Benoit and MVP compete in incredible matches against each other on free TV over the past week left the superstars with a lot of to live up to at Backlash...and they couldn't get the job done last night.

The aforementioned matches on "Raw" and "SmackDown!" respectively were easily much better than the matches involving these stars at Backlash. Last night, Chris Benoit and MVP had a sensational match with a lot of back and forth action. Complete with submission holds and some high spots, Benoit and MVP put on a show.

One low point, however, was MVP jumping up Cena-style to unleash some offense just seconds after receiving no less than FIVE German suplexes from the Rabid Wolverine. Again, my main criticism though is that Benoit and MVP's best match was on "SmackDown!" two weeks ago. In addition, Donnie's contention is that another loss to Benoit only serves as an MVP burial. Where does he go from here? He doesn't deserve another shot at the gold does he?

Well, if this was TNA, perhaps MVP would lose a couple more matches...non-title, of Chris Benoit before finally capturing the coveted U.S. Championship in very gimmicky fashion. I'm not as hot about it as Donnie is. I'm a huge Benoit mark and like the fact that he is being presented as a credible, fighting champion lately. NOT the "I tapped to Cena in a weak ass fashion on 'Raw'" guy we saw weeks ago.

Don't worry folks, MVP is not being buried. He will get his belt in due time...and will look better as a result of chasing it for so long.

As far as Cena and Michaels are concerned, it was no big surprise that Johnny Boy retained the gold at Backlash. A blindfolded bat could see that coming a mile away. HBK going over on John in their classic last week on "Raw" helped seal that deal.

Instead of shitting on the predicted outcome, I will at least note that I'm happy that the finish didn't involve either Cena's lame FU or incredibly weak looking STFU. Getting superkicked on his already knocked out opponent in Randy Orton made the end of the match a little bit more bareable.

However, again, the main problem with this pay-per-view main event...even though it was a Fatal Four Way match featuring our beloved didn't hold a candle to the one-on-one affair of last week's "Raw".

What is the E holding back? And why? I'm never one to complain about seeing great wrestling on free TV...but damn, if it's better than what we see on the pay-per-view, why would we pay to view it?

Here's another thing that will be hard to view: Vince McMahon as your NEW ECW World Champion. As much as this has got to be somewhat of a slap in the face to the history of this storied company, I am hoping for prosperity in having the CEO of WWE as the "king of extreme". God knows, the overrated Lashley is nowhere near extreme...except, of course, in the realm of crapulence.

My hope is that similar to when Vinnie Mac won the WWE Championship and relinquished it so that a REAL competitor could attain the strap, Mr. McMahon will forfeit this belt on the next ECW broadcast. Forget hope...I PRAY that the next holder of the ECW Championship is actually a member of the ECW roster.

Considering the great job that the ECW show has done recently at putting over the New Breed/ECW Originals feud as well as giving the ugly-ass monster in Snitsky squash match after squash dope would it be to see a tournament EXCLUSIVE to the abovementioned stars for this title?

The Hardys and Cade & Murdoch opened Backlash with a decent affair. Without a title switch, it'll be interesting to see where "Raw" goes with the tag team title picture from here on in. Who's in line for the straps now? Has any team on the roster been given enough time to even appear to be in contention? I'm STILL waiting for Cryme Tyme to get the title shot they earned in a match back in...what? January!

I would have much rather seen Deuce and Domino give Brian Kendrick and Paul London their rematch for the WWE Tag Team titles last night. It's always a pleasure to see those cats in action...and my guess is that they WOULD have put on a PPV quality bout.

Melina also kept her title. And the entire world shrugged its collective shoulders. I must say I was glad to see Mickie James FINALLY wear something that resembled in-ring wear. I've always thought she was hot...but thought she always rocked pretty frumpy clothes for her matches.

The Undertaker and Batista was also decent...but surprisingly they didn't take much of the match outside of the ring until the end. I would have preferred to see a decision in this match instead of a draw though...but as long as Taker still has the title, I'm good. Nice spot at the end...the tumbling 'trusses' were a nice touch...but with Batista delivering the final offensive move, why is it he couldn't rise before the count of ten?

Six title matches, only one title switch, one so-so pay-per-view event. At least we have "Raw" and DEFINITELY "SmackDown!" to look forward to this week...where, apparently, the E is saving the REALLY O-worthy matches for.

21 comments: on "Wack-Ass Backlash"

Downtown said...

Sounds like the PPV was lamegina

I'm glad I saved my money for Sacrifice

Anonymous said...

You are right even though every match was for a title didn't feel like a big ppv. I have to say it's dark day in ECW with Vince McMahon has ECW heavyweight champion, of course he was held the WWE title in the past so all he needs now is the World title perhaps he will win that at next year's Backlash.
It was bad enough that Vince won the ECW title then Cena had to retain his, I figure he would but I did have some hope that Edge or HBK would win the title.
I think the Taker, Batista match was the best match of the night besides it ending ina draw, reminded me of HBK vs. Triple H's last man standing match from a few years ago which I believe was at a Backlash ppv, when both of them couldn't get up by the 10 count and it ended in a draw. I was waiting for Kennedy to come out and cash in his money in the bank contract after the match.
I went to watch the ppv at the local Buffalo Wild Wings and they were packed and I had to wait for a table for about 20 mins, me and my friend got there about 7:50. So I think the concept of mixed brand ppvs is paying off for the WWE. The crowd was relaly into almost every match but the ECW title match, alot of groons after Vince got the pin though. Alot of Cena fans there of couse but HBK, Orton and Edge had their share of fans.

Anonymous said...

The interbrand PPV thing is good, but it needs a couple months to pay off big. The ending of the Taker-Tista match wasn't what I wanted, but while I initially thought it was only to save face for Batista(which it probably was) it made it seem like to take out Taker you have to damn near kill yourself.

There was a fatal-four-way? I must have missed it. I did however see the Cena-Orton backstage segment. I wonder if Cena got the little kids laughing with that?

My favorite moment of the night was Maria/Edge/Kennedy. The Kennedy neck jerk is already my favorite thing. I was just hoping that he would cash in the case. Though with that segment, are they hinted at Edge/Kennedy this summer, and maybe for some gold? Lets hope so.

Ms. James was smoking. Melina was smoking. It was a good womens title match. Ending lacked, but didn't they all.

Cade/Murdoch will stay in their spot they are too good to give it up. This feud will continue...hopefully.

MVP/Benoit was good, if not for Benoit I'd still be shitting on the Red/White/Blue ranger. MVP is fast becoming a fave of mine, and yes Ben the crow tastes decent. Apparently he is a tape-studier, as are Cade/Murdoch, so mad props to the boys that give a shit.

I honest to God, hated to see Vince win that championship. You know in his eyes it's a win over Heyman. I also thought the ECW Originals segment was un-needed, all it did was further bury the old ECW, and get Vince and his ego over even more. I know I take the ECW shit to far, but this time the E took it too far.

I wasn't disapointed that I bought it, until the finish of that match I refuse to acknowledge I saw.

Signguy, the match you are refering to is the last man standing at the Royal Rumble(I think '04 before MANIA-XX I also think that DVD has Cena on the cover) where Michaels hit his sweet chin music on H after having his ass beat and neither man could make it up. It furthered the point that they needed to keep their feud going, which 2 months later put Benoit on top.

Backlash has usually been a better show than Mania, the card is usually stacked for Lash, and it was this year, the E just didnt deliver...I'm shutting up now.

Anonymous said...

i hate vince, i swear if smackdown isnt good this week im done watching wrestling period. ill watch the indy shit and ring of honor but no tna and no wwe. ive had my intelligence raped from me for long enough. i absolutely hate the fact that vince is ecw champion, the man is an ego maniac and it sad to see hes saying with him having that title around his waist that the old ecw is dead. RIP ECW

Anonymous said...

Good finishes weren't good enough for Backlash.

Anybody know where I can find the full clip of that shoot?

Anonymous said...

Buryme I agree with you that the old ECW truly died last night when Vince won the title. I hope that someone form ECW wins the titel title tonight or Tues., even though I didn't like the belt around Lahley I would take him as ECW champ over Vince any day.
By the way I got my black O Show shirt today in the mail, wooooooohoooooooooooooooooooo !!!.

Anonymous said...

i love my black o show shirt. I wear it everywhere and tell people .. I'm Anoynmous from Tha O Show

Anonymous said...

Lol Buryme, every week isn't there something that you say will make you stop watching wrestling?

I thought the ppv was pretty good myself. The Kennedy/Edge bit was hillarious. I love how Edge kept doing the neck thing. I was disappointed at the end when Kennedy didn't cash it in. I was waitin' for it.

The Batista/Taker match, which I really thought I'd hate because I hate Batista but he surprised me. It turned out to be the best match of the night for me. Cool finish but I'd rather Taker got up at the last second.

Benoit/MVP was awesome. MVP really impresses me. He's on my top five current favorites now. I really like the fact Benoit won. I don't mind seeing MVP face him again lol.

The main event wasn't bad, but ehh. The ending was pretty good, kinda threw a curve at us. I'm guessing this will lead to Cena/HBK in some gimmick match, maybe a Hell In A Cell and Orton and Edge in a gimmick match too.

Of course the tag match was an O for me.

Vince is a dick. I can't stand to look at him in that belt. It scarred me for life.

Pretty good event for me. I had a good time and my friends here at Tha O Show will be happy to learn I won the lottery. 2700 dollars. Right before the event started. So I enjoyed it alittle more.

Anonymous said...

yes and for the last year or two i been trying to stop. ITS LIKE CRACK IM TELLING YOU CRACK.For real tho i think the only reason i still watch wrestling is because ive been watching it for so's been atleast 17 years, its like the god damn simpsons been on for so long so you have really no choice to watch it

Unknown said...

Lmao I like the comparison to crack. Suddenly I'm having visions of the Chappelle's Show sketch where Tyrone talks at the elementary school for Drug Awareness Day.

Anonymous said...

Lol imagine Tyrone "I love Wrestlin! I can't stop it! I need my Undertaker!!""

Anonymous said...

the chappelle show mustve been the best show ever made. IM RICK JAMES BITCH.

Anonymous said...

Shoulda called it Wacklash

Anonymous said...

The only major difference between wrestling and the Chappele Show was that Chappele cared that his shit was entertaining and pleasing to his audience.

Katie had some big tit-AYS One of the most underrated clips of all time.

Anonymous said...

Well, expect the phasing out of the ECW Originals starting tonight. Vince won the ECW Championship last night, last week Van Dam turned down the WWE's(supposedly last) contract offer, and with his contract ending in or around July expect the Originals to be buried over the next couple of months. Starting tonight. R.V.D vs. Umaga has been confirmed for RAW. Bye-bye ECW. R.I.P

Anonymous said...

This is a little more news from today.

Former ECW World Champion Bobby Lashley is in Birmingham, Ala. today waiting to meet with renowned orthopedic surgeon Dr. James Andrews to have his shoulder examined after suffering an injury during last night’s 3-on-1 Handicap Match at Backlash.

Lashley lost the championship last night to Mr. McMahon after the Chairman, Shane McMahon and Umaga overwhelmed him during the Handicap Match. It has been suggested that Lashley's shoulder injury has been lingering since WrestleMania 23. Lashley may have further aggravated the injury during his match last night. will give more updates as they become available.

Wonder if that's a work, but they usually don't mention Dr. Andrews if it's a work.

Anonymous said...

maybe he was in so much pain thats why he didnt talk during any of the promos up to wrestlemania

Anonymous said...

Haha, thats a good point.

Anonymous said...

Damn no more origanals with RVD leaving...this sucks...

Anonymous said...

im glad

Anonymous said...

Thats the way this business seems to go. Although with the current product, I can't say that I blame Van Dam