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UFC Shootout Recap

Well, I have been officially humbled. As have thousands of other UFC fans who shared the opinions of the masses. From the start, barely a soul thought that a title would change hands last night. But the plucky young fighter out of Long Island, New York managed to topple the highly regarded Georges St. Pierre with a devastating first round TKO victory.

Serra came into the fight with an almost Rocky-like underdog status, something that obviously took some pressure off him.

Just to prove the world wrong, Serra utilized a barrage of punches and elbows, knocking St. Pierre out in the first round. St. Pierre, often considered the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world was looking stiff and unconvincing as he took his second loss in the octagon.

To say this is a shocking result is an understatement, but with Serra now at the top of the pile the division looks much more interesting.

The division may however suffer from the complete farce of a match that was Josh Koscheck VS. Diego Sanchez. The weigh-in for the fight with Sanchez pushing Koscheck probably saw more action than the fight itself. My pick for fight of the night slowly turned into bore of the night, predictably so as Koscheck utilized his tedious fight style for the three round decision.

I pray to the MMA gods that Koscheck doesn't ever become champion; although he's somewhat talented, his marketability as a champion is somewhat tarnished by his reputation as the Human Blanket; I'd much rather see a fighter that actually excites a crowd at the top.

But where does this put 'Kos'? With previous champ Matt Hughes looking to avenge his loss to Georges St. Pierre, this could easily pave the way for a title shot for Josh. The fights that could be had in this division are multifarious, every one of them exciting; much more exciting than the other divisions the UFC has to offer.

Elsewhere on the fight card, Yushin Okami saw off Mike "Quick" Swick after a 3 round decision that was definitely well deserved. Swick was largely uninspiring except for the second round which he somewhat controlled with barrages of punches, but Okami managed to whether the storm and gain the favor of the judges.

Roger Huerta and Leonard Garcia put on a show that the 15,000 strong crowd at the Toyota Center felt was the best of the night, with the two guys exchanging punches and engaged in a ground war that could easily be considered the best of 07. Relativley unknown Garcia came into the fight at short notice, but still managed to send the highly respected Huerta to a judge's decision; that was a decision, however, that Garcia didn't get the better of.

Overall, an entertaining night of fights. I wouldn't say it's the best that UFC had ever put on, but to be honest the card didn't exactly promise that anyway. If you're an absolute UFC nut (and you didn't catch the show) by all means get the replay or buy the DVD, but I don't think this show is a must-buy.

28 comments: on "UFC Shootout Recap"

Anonymous said...

the divison now supposely looks like this.

matt hughes vs sierra
josh kos vs GSP
Diego vs cant remember

thats from matt hughes' blog so i wouldnt even believe that

Anonymous said...

*Bruce Buffer in the middle of the octogan*
*Jim Ross in the audience*
"Slobberknocker,Slobberknocker,Slobberknocker,Slobberknocker. Boomer sooner govament mule.(Translation: Hey that match went pretty well and had a very surpising ending. I better call Mr. McMahon and tell him about how everything went.)

Anonymous said...

That was for Donnie
Hope you got a laugh outta that

Anonymous said...

if ufc was a work id die thanks

Anonymous said...

Screw Matt Hughes... i hate Koscheck, but i say give him a shot a Serra... and as much as i like Sanchez feed him to GSP... you never know what you might get out of those matches... i think of you lose the title via tko then you shouldn't get an automatic rematch...

Anonymous said...

the rumor thats going around is that koscheck is next in line for the title and i cant stand that fuckin guy either, i chris leben more the fuckin big baby he is.i swear to god if i ever make it to that high of mma i will be on a ufc card fighting that dumb bitch.Ill knock the blacknail polish off of him

Anonymous said...

whoa look at those typos i needa read shit over

Anonymous said...

UFC isn't a work...bullshit

Wake up and smell the dogshit brother.

Anonymous said...

wtf are you fucking stupid. if it was a work tito wouldve won in december so they couldve dragged on the fued more and made more money. why dont you get just stop warming up hogans balls for his wife.

Anonymous said...

the only MMA works ive seen have been from IFL... if anyone has heard of it... very lame

Anonymous said...

Jbrown, the IFL is a poor man's UFC right now. It's a unique concept that is very poor in delivery, i don't even bother watching it 9 times outta 10.

Anonymous said...

trust if the names gracie or shamrock are involved its the poor man's something... but i gotta watch something before Raw... so its either IFL or Deal or No Deal... and like you said its a unique concept... another shot at trying to legitimize MMA as a reputable professional sport... once all these promotions and "leagues" come together it'll all work out... like every other modern day pro sport

Anonymous said...

did you just diss the gracie name if you did your on fuckin cocain.

Anonymous said...

yeah i did... cocaine? no thanks

Anonymous said...

royce gracie was the FIRST ufc champion and this wasnt some weight class,weekend tourney. THIS WAS FUCKIN AN OPEN NO RULES ONE DAY they must be one of the greatest family of trainers in the world today. i think you are on some drugs but the shamrocks do suck especially frank

Anonymous said...

Hogan doesn't have balls anymore, Linda chopped em off, it was either that or the steroids. Life is a fight, and as cliche as it is, when the money is on the line the underdog doesn't always win, as a matter of fact 7 out of 10 times he gets his ass stomped right back to obscurity. Unless of course its in the UFC. Then the underdog always wins. It's cool that you hang onto the hope that MMA is 100% shoot, and it may be mostly a shoot, just not 100%

Anonymous said...

if the underdog always wins guess what TITO WOULDVE WON IN DECEMBER. stop sniffing paint. ufc is not fucking boxing with its fixed mathces.its cool the you hang on opinions of JEALOUS WRESTLERS that are most likely jealous that they will never be in as shape as some of those guys and never be able to do a thing like that ever. kinda like yourself. please explain ufc in the old days when it first came out how that was a work too. also explain why tank abbott has such a shitty recon please whats your logic in all of that

Anonymous said...

oh and then you are saying every sport in the fuckin world is a work

Anonymous said...

Oh and then I am saying every sport in the fuckin world is a work. No, but most sports have a workish feel to them. Especially sports in which two men are going at it and SOOO much money is on the line. Boxing and MMA are most likely complete works. Wrestling isn't a work because dammit they tell you it's a work, and thats a shoot. MMA, Boxing and wrestling aren't sports in the way we look at basketball, baseball and football. I guess you could throw soccer in too whatever. With that you could include golf, and womens volleyball. These are sports when played at an amateur or collegiate level are most pure because it isn't over grown bitches griping about not getting paid enough. Wrestling is entertainment with a sport attached or vice versa it is still marketed as entertainment. MMA should go the same direction, but they don't. Boxing is whatever you want it to be. It doesn't do much to grab my attention anymore but I will watch the old matches that include Marciana, Lewis, Frazier, Ali and Foreman, but these days boxing doesn't have the pinash it used to. Buryme do me a favor and keep your mark ass comments to a minimum, but please if you have something insightful or meaningful to say be my guest. Love you man.

Anonymous said...

your calling me a mark are you fucking stupid. so if i sport makes money that means its a work thats ridiculous. another thing boxing is not a work its fixed like a mother fucker.theres actually been shit that judges got in shit for getting paid by someone. a prime example an oscar fight that he clearly won, the annoucers even while they were talking that he won before it was announced that he lost. i dont know how hockey has workish feel but it sure has a fixed feel sometimes with the refs theres a different between a work and fixed.
please never call me a fucking mark again im not some stupid fan thats been watching a sport for like 2 years and knows nothing. i just have poor grammar and poor volcab and sometimes my way to argue things sucks

Anonymous said...

wow so many typos see im not very bright and take out me calling you stupid

Anonymous said...

Unless you post as anonymous I dont slam your grammar. Dont worry about it, all sports have fixed times to them, we feel that way because the way it should go and the way we don't want it to go is the way it goes it pisses us of so we call it a work. Thats just the way shit is. I didn't call you a mark either, I said the question you asked me was a mark question. I don't believe that UFC is a 100% shoot. Any sport that has 2 men going at with so much on the line in my opinion is worked, or fixed. I personally don't differentiate between the two words. I can see why you do, and I'll even go towards that, and give in a little and say that UFC may be fixed.
Worked and fixed are differntiated to most by work being completely totally over and done with at the booking or drawing board. Fixed means that everything is shoot all the way up until the end and then it is fixed in some way, am I correct in that assumption? I don't believe that UFC is totally legit, but thats my opinion. If it isn't yours oh well we disagree. It's not like I haven't disagreed with anyone on here before.

Anonymous said...

Guys, can we keep the discuss on topic and pleasant please? We don't wanna see flaming on the site.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what he said.btw it is pleasent

Anonymous said...

Look man, nobody on here is threating anybody, or saying I'm going to come to your house, rip out your intestines, take them to your old lady and use them to climb up to her window and then screw her after I tell her what I did to you. Calm down, like buryme said, it is pleasant. Apparently you've never seen unpleasant arguments.

Anonymous said...

Just a polite reminder. I agree that good arguments are a good thing, but theres no need for the way things were slowly heading.


Anonymous said...

You're welcome.