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This Is Why I'm Right

After getting cornered 3-1 on "Tha Round Table" segment of Tha O Show this week, I decided to write a piece that further illustrated my point that may have gotten lost while I was getting hammered.

While discussing the Gabriel Gonzaga win over Mirko Cro Cop, I stated that I thought the win was terrible for UFC's business as they lost out on a potentially lucrative match with Couture and the former Pride star. I also stated that UFC management should have gone out of their way to protect Cro Cop and fed him a no-name fighter who he can destroy and come off looking impressive. I still stand by what I said.

This issue is not about me, as I have been accused, being a mark. My statements were made based on how sports business has been run for the last 70 years, more importantly the combat sport industry.

Secondly, my thoughts on protecting top-stars is not only related to UFC or wrestling. This is an issue in sports. I hate parody and I am not convinced that a healthy sports league is one where everyone has a chance to win a championship, I love dynasties and dominating teams.

First off, the boxing business has been forever predicated on creating charismatic stars by having them beat less than stellar competition. Two examples of this are Oscar De Le Hoya and Mike Tyson. Both men were stars created by the marketing machine that was boxing because they were charismatic and could potentially draw money.

They, much like John Cena, had the look and the ability to cut a promo. Promoters, mainly Don King, protected their investments by having Tyson and De La Hoya destroy no-name talent as they rose to prominence. In short time, both stars gained an aura of unstoppability. Their drawing power was protected because they were not fed stiff competition.

When Buster Douglas upset Mike Tyson, Don King was furious and wanted to decision overturned. That is how much the promoter cared about protecting the aura and marketablility of Tyson. Dana White, borrowing the Gary Bettman model of sports, has decided parody is healthy. Sorry for all you Kansas City Royals fans, parody sucks.

In sports, there needs to be dominating top teams and jobbers. The "every team has a chance to win" approach has yet to work and be successful. Major League Baseball for instance is healthiest when Boston and New York dominate. The NBA also saw a huge upswing in television ratings and business when the Chicago Bulls dominated in the mid-90s and the Los Angeles Lakers did so just a few years ago.

In reference to Donnie's comment where he stated on the show that, "all you need to do in UFC is win to get over", I disagree again. The reason why stars such as Ortiz, Liddell, Tyson and De La Hoya are created is because they have the charisma to play that role. In 2007, athletes need to do more than just play their respective sport well, they need to have the personality to captivate an audience. Gabriel Gonzaga may have just defeated Mirko Cro Cop, but that does not make him a viable top-star in the eyes of the fans.

In the end, UFC is a business by which they use television to create marketable stars that will draw money when they fight on PPV. Sometimes, in order to protect your top-stars that will draw money, you need to sacrifice match quality and parody.

I love squash matches in wrestling as they are a great way to create stars and I think UFC would do well in employing them in their business. Nothing captures the imagination of sports fans more than dominating dynasties. The sports world without the Chicago Bulls of the 90s, the New York Yankees, the Los Angeles Lakers and even Tiger Woods is boring. Parody doesn't create stars, it creates bankrupcy.

So am I still wrong?

26 comments: on "This Is Why I'm Right"

Anonymous said...

time out when the hell did chuck liddell have charisma

Anonymous said...

Ok Ok I disagree... I believe that if you are a true UFC fan that this shouldn't take away anything from the next heavy weight championship match.

Because now using me as an example, when I think about Gabriel Gonzaga I think about how he KNOCK CRO COP THE FUCK OUT!!

I could understand if Gabriel Gonzaga won a judges decision over Cro Cop how that can be terrible for the UFC business.

All the UFC needs to do to build this as a legit fight is to do a lot of build up on there shows leading up to this and keep showing that devistating knockout to Cro Cop, because if you watch that Knockout like I did 3 or 4 times then you will understand why he desevers to be in the ring with Couture.

Anyways who say Cro Cop would even have a chance with Couture, Cro Cop only has a stand up game like you guys discussed on the round table, all Couture would need to do is take him down and over power him. At lease with Gabriel Gonzaga he has a chance because he has a mat game and I dont believe that he would be scared of going down with Couture.

Take it from Couture, before the fight "I rather face Cro Cop, I feel Gabriel Gonzaga has a better game!" Who do you think will win tonight? "Gabriel Gonzaga!"


Anonymous said...

Frank you are an idiot. I'm surprised this article was even published. You are trying so hard to get your point over. You didnt have the balls to state your point against 3 guys who know something about the business, so you write this article comparing baseball and shit? Are you fucked?

Anonymous said...

no aruging seriously when did chuck have charisma.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is amazing. You have guys arguing that a valid and proven point is wrong. I'm amazed at the amazingness of the amazing arguments. No wait, I'm not. Buryme, all you got out of the article was Liddel and charisma? RatedGstar69 all you got was Fronte jackin his shit in the bathroom? You made some semi-decent points, but that last statement was balls to wall retarded. Ever heard of a work, I guess not? Anyway I wonder how many people I lost on the work comment, but anyway, how many times have you blew goo in a bathroom, you probably lost count at age 15. If I'm using you as an example, you think of how crocop got knocked out, I think of how a top star dropped to some guy. Gonzaga other than being a good college team means nothing to most people. Kayfabe, Fronte may have written the article to get his point across because he had 3 voices talking over his, and lets face it Donnie is SO loud he drowns out most noises. I would even dare say that Fronte knows more about the BUSINESS than most of us. We ALL know about the product of the business, but Fronte may be speaking over everyone's head as he is literally refering to the BUSINESS. He's talking about making money, utilizing the marketing machine, and all you guys are talking about is a match. One insignificant pimple on the ass of the sport. Thats like saying that The Hurricane should have been the next WWE Champion when he beat The Rock. Did anybody think of that, NYYYYEEERRRRPPPPPP! Another example would be like saying that the Arizon Cardinals should be the next Superbowl champs for pulling off an early season upset, or a late season upset over an injury plagued team. To speak to Fronte's Royals comment's, thats like saying the KC Royals should have been in the Series because they beat my Detroit Tigers several times before the Tigers made it the series. You all seem to be looking much more into the day-to-day and W-L record than you are the actual marketability and believability of certain stars. Gabriel Gonzaga could be compared to the underdog who got the upset against the big team, like the Dolphins destroying the Patriots on Monday night about 6 weeks before the Pats won another Super Bowl. He could go either way, he could be the next HUGE star, or the next BIG flop. Only time will tell, but for the average fan it's 50/50. You may all believe in Gonzaga this time, but if he gets hammered by his next opponent you will all be saying, "Fuck Gonzaga, he got lucky one time, and it didn't mean shit."

Anonymous said...

It's "parity" not "parody". Ya dick.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Dan is right, parity is like an equality of value or someshit, and parody is like Scary Movie 1-978. But how many of these fuckers know that?

Anonymous said...

First of all D.J.B it is Rated "R" Star!

First of all the comment about the Jerking off in the washroom was not a shoot at F'N Frank it was just a rib.

Second of all, dude if you believe that Gonzaga vs Cro Cop was a work then you need some help. I sorry dude but first of all do you think that the UFC would put one of there best stars out there and give them a kick to the side of the head like that.
You been watching to much wrestling because I sorry but if you asked me to go out and willing take a kick that brutally I would tell you to go FUCK YOURSELF!!!

I agree with Markus how can you place MMA in the same boat as football or baseball, in football or baseball you lose one game its not such a big deal, but you lose a match in UFC it is, you need to then prove yourself once again to get to the top, even though Gonzaga really didn't beat any top people he proved his skill when he needed to and that was in the cage with Cro Cop. I am sorry but if you watch that kick to the side of the head again that Gonzaga gave Cro Cop it makes it hard to believe that it was luck. It's not like Cro Cop went out there and dominated till the kick was deliveried, it was pretty even if you ask me.

Now not to discredit F'N Frank Fronte too much I do agree that if the UFC did put Cro Cop in a fight with a no name so that Cro Cop could go in a destroy the guy would be for better business for the UFC because everyone would have loved to see Couture vs Cro Cop but what I am trying to prove is that I believe with the knock out to Cro Cop especially the way it went down, people should relize that Couture has competition his way.

I just think that you guys are over looking the fact that Gonzaga Knock the Fuck out of Cro Cop on FREE TV with a 1.8 rating for the main show not even adding the replays, that many people seeing Cro Cop getting that serious injuried from this man we haven't heard much of I would be interested to see what this beast can do in the ring with Couture.

The thing is what your saying is becasue Matt Sera becasue he hasn't had many huge fights that he dominated that he isnt a convining champ even though he Knocked the Fuck out of GSP.

What I trying to put out is that Gonzaga knocked the Fuck out of Cro Cop which legitmental puts him in the title picture, do I think that it hurts the business, sure but not as much as you guys might think it will, but should it no! I think in MMA a one fight impressive win such as Gonzaga's win shouldnt justify anything
And as for if it was a work lol if it was a work wouldn't Cro Cop win becasue its "Better for Business"

Anonymous said...

I understand your points. I also know that you are ratedrstar86, but the RatedGstar69 was a rib(remember when Jericho never called anybody by the right name?)But I disagree with you when you say that UFC shouldn't be put into categories with baseball, football, and all that. UFC is a mulit-million dollar business, as is baseball, basketball, football and all competitve sports. I didn't say the fight was a work. Look at where I placed the sentence, have you guys ever heard of a work, and go backward. It doesn't matter if I believe UFC is a work or not, the fact of TOP DRAWS LOOKING BETTER is the point. In wrestling there are constant fall-guys. In all other sports there are teams who are running jokes and the laughing stock of their leagues, and when they play the top teams, it makes the top-teams look better. If the UFC had fed Crocop weaker opponents until the time came for him to lock up with Couture can you imagine that buyrate? You've got the unstoppable Crocop taking on the returning and dominant Randy Couture. Buyrate through the roof, I'd have bought that. But putting Crocop against an unproven who had a shot at beating him was idiotic. I don't understand that logic. Oh well, there will always be disagreement, and this appears to be one of those points.

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to say that I agree with Frank. Also, RatedRmark69(beacuse 69 is a sexual number and it's sooooooo cool to mention sex.) I think that your points are retarded... however, I'm not commenting on your thoughts and opinions, everyone has their own. But what my point is... and my pet peeve: GRAMMAR, CORRECT SPELLING and PROPER PUNCTUATION!!

Honestly, those three things make even the stupidest thoughts sound that much smarter.

Anonymous said...

Many of you are losing the fact that UFC is a sport, not sports entertainment. Sure certain matches would make more money, but would they be good to watch? Think about it. By not giving other guys a shot and feeding the big names jobbers you're creating a perpetual cycle of a couple guys on top and alot on the bottom. Sure people didn't want Gonzaga to win, but since he did that proves he's better. Would you rather see the top two fighting or two that have better promo and marketability? I'd rather see the best. Oh and Mike Tyson was a bad example, he fought some great fighters. Ever hear of Michael Spinks? He was undefeated before Tyson knocked his ass out in the first round. He was damn good too. De Le Hoya is harder to defend but in his prime his division was weak anyway. Another point, UFC is not in the same catagory as Baseball, Football etc. While being a sport, it doesn't have seasons or teams. A team can be upset but still be better (Like the aforemention Pats-Dolphins game). This is not to say that a fighter can't be upset but it doesn't work the same. You got to account the fact that late into the season more backups play, injuries set in, and most teams relax alittle if they've sealed a play off spot(Like the Pats).

Anonymous said...

i got alot out of the article just didnt really much to say. lol and who said gonzaga got lucky because he kicked the fuck out of cro cop

Anonymous said...

Here's the main problem I have with your point skit, while I do agree with a bit of what you're staying I'm still sticking by my guns, because yes UFC is a sport, but YES it is entertainment. Do you know why it is entertainment? Because it's point is to entertain people and make MONEY. Another thing, later in a season(which could be compared to a career or a span of fights) do injuries not start affecting one guy, does fatigue not set in? Yes these things all take their toll on every single person. Tyson was one hellacious fighter, but his rise to prominence came from knocking out no names, or guys with considerably less talent than he had. Remember his comeback a few years ago(the guys name escapes me, but I didn't care then and don't now) but he was fed an opponent with a glass jaw. Tyson toyed around for a few seconds, then BAM to the jaw, and dude bit the knockout. Tyson was back for a while, and re-gained a bit of cred. There is not a clear-cut line in any aspect of sports other than the rules are different. You buy wrestling merch, wrestling PPVs, you buy boxing stuff, and PPVS. You buy baseball, football, and basketball merch, and season tickets. All these things are money making machines, only the rules and goals of it's competitors are different. True wrestling and MMA don't have offseasons, but some competitors go long amounts of time without matches, while still training for matches, they aren't having them. That goes in boxing as well. Wrestlers have always taken time off, either to heal, or come back stronger, or just to relax.

Anonymous said...

ok if your comparing boxing fixyness to ufc then maybe yea your right anyway i dont feel like aruging any my points because im tired, good night

Anonymous said...

So House if all you can do is knock my grammar and spelling then why do you comment at all, stick to the topic. You think my points are retarded but yet all you can do is come on here a knock on my spelling and grammar and call me a mark.

Let see you come up with some decent points before you talk shit!

Anonymous said...

Oh God, lets not start with the grammar folks. Jesus can we stick to the point. House made the point that bad grammar makes you seem retarded, and can make good points go bad, he's right, but who cares. I'm sure Dr. Gregory could make good points, and hell he did by agreeing with Fronte. Lets not nit-pick.

Please though, somebody tell me they got the Dr. Gregory thing.

Anonymous said...

house is really not gonna like me my grammar and spelling sucks. i love that show lol

Anonymous said...

See this? This is Vicodin. It's mine. You can't have any.

Anonymous said...

D.J.B. every sports goal is to entertain and make money. That's obvious but in sports, you make more money and gain fans by putting the best against the best. Every year, who doesn't line up in front of the tv for the Patroit's and Colt's inevitable playoff game?

Yes, later in a guys career he loses stamina and such, but that takes alot longer than it does in the NFL in a course of a season. You ever see a guy breakdown over 4 months in UFC?

I have to disagree on the Tyson point. I am a hardcore Tyson fan who's watched about every fight he's had and in his early day rising up he faced alot of phenoms like himself. He beat countless undefeated and one loss fighters coming up. Sure he made it look easy, but Tyson is that good. If you're refering to his first comeback that was Danny Williams, but I think you're talking about the lanky white dude. Lol I don't know his name either.

I guess you could consider training for a fight "the offseason". I'll give you that.

Anonymous said...

Yeah that was the point I was making about off-season. In sports off-seasons they play scrimmage games, or SPAR. In between fights guys have sparring partners and try to stay in shape over the course of that time off.

The comparrisons aren't blatant, but can be made if you'd like for them to.

As far as who Tyson was fighting, yeah, I have no clue as to the dudes name, he was white, but he was a bigger guy. Not tall and lanky, he was more average height and stocky. He might have been Australian, shit I don't know.

100 points to buryme for getting the reference.

Anonymous said...

i watched tysons last fight he was fighting some tomatoe and lost poor tyson

Anonymous said...

hockey is fixed

Anonymous said...

Not a hockey fan, but hell I wouldnt doubt it.

fallen0ne said...

His first comeback out of prison was against a guy named Peter Mcnally

Anonymous said...

That might be the guy. Did he get knocked the fuck out with a righty to the jaw?

As a matter of fact, not only do I think MMA is fixed, fuck it all, I think life is a work.

Anonymous said...

It sure is, DJB. In fact, if you go to, you can find spoilers about Frank Fronte's future.

It even gives the exact date for the next time he gets laid. It's sooner than you think O-sters...