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Tha TNE Throwaway

Two months ago, you would've had to pay me to stay home and watch ECW...that was "Titty Bar Night". Now, I'm up at three in the morning with Marcus Cor Von's theme music looping in my head (I think i deserve a FREE Tha O Show "Negative" t-shirt for that alone...size XL).

But, it's all good 'cause Tuesday Night Extreme is making strides in giving me something to feel good about.

Hell, Tuesday Night Extreme is so hardcore, they kicked their champ’s ass to Monday night. And thank God for that; I’m sick of Lashley and I’m tired of trying so damn hard to find the guy's silver lining. The guy is sick on the mat, but he’s shit in professional wrestling. PERIOD.

I’d take anybody on the ECW roster over Lashley as champ.

Starting with Vinnie Mac’s EXTREMELY crappy promo. Last year it was DX, this year it's Bobby Lashley...Trust when I say it'll go over just as well. If anybody can come up with a positive note for any of this...feel free to put it out there, so that I may verbally defecate on it.

On to the first match of the night, Tommy Dreamer VS. Kevin Thorn. If you didn't catch last week's TNE main event you missed quite a few sick bumps, especially from these two guys. This week, they squared off in what was surprisingly a damn good opening match. Both guys were laying into one another, Ariel looked so nice in that Misfits shirt, and the finish was sick. I know people dump all over Kevin Thorn, but I like the dude. At least we got someone representing the pale people out there.

Speaking of skin issues...THEY'RE STILL PUSHING SNITSKY!!! Did Test leave the rest of his cycles with this guy? I get it...he's gross looking, the back-ne has spread to his chest, and he has a "crater-face" issue, but what's his angle?

So...yeah, he's stalking the "Extreme Expose" chicks, he "no-sold" a chair-shot, and botched a "Big Boot" to Balls. Tazz said it best when he said, "Bad things happen... when Snitsky's around", like bad TV.

On to better things, like CM Punk...and what we’re all dying to know: Who’s he going to side with? The Originals? Or the New Breed? He’s a face, he’s over big (for whatever reason), and this week we had the pleasure of Punk VS. Stevie: Part Deux.

Same exact match as last week, which I’ve been saying for the past two about the guy. I know Punk is great, the tapes don’t lie, but talk about running through the motions. And, what were Sandman and Striker doing at the ring in the first place?

Finally, our Main Event...RVD VS. MCV (Marcus Cor Von). I know I hit on it earlier, but what is up with MCV's theme music? Worse than Rob Conway's entrance music, by far. I can just hear the conversation with "creative".

Writers: "So, what kind of entrance music were you thinking of Monty?"

MCV: "Something between Bell Biv Devoe and Bobby Brown...after he started smoking crack".

Writers: "That sounds fly!"

Solid match between these two, as we all know I pop for the "Pounce", but moreso I pop for sick DDTs outside of the ring (check it out on

So, MCV gets the win over RVD; but more importantly than that, CM Punk made his decision. Of course, he has aligned himself with the New Breed. There was no way he was going to side with the Originals, just listening to RVD’s banter with him last night (earlier in the show) was enough to let you know.

CM Punk is nothing like the ECW Originals, expect a semi-shoot promo from Punk next week on Tuesday Night Extreme. How can you align a man whose character is completely straight-edge with a group of drunks and druggies?

All in all, Tuesday Night Extreme was a good step in a positive direction. And one last note: For everyone crying about the “no-sellers” in the company, last night, everybody on camera was selling something from last week’s show, or WrestleMania 23 even. So maybe if you haven’t been tuning in (and the ratings still show it) you might want to.

24 comments: on "Tha TNE Throwaway"

Unknown said...

He's going down, down down...just call him smooth, he'll make a move...

Okay, so Cor Von's music leave a little to be desired. He's still damn solid in the ring, and I'm hoping he gets the shot in WWE that Cage stole from him in TNA (for those of you who don't know, Brown was originally going to be the top guy in the company until Cage showed up).

Thorn did better than I expected last night. Whether it will turn into a trend in his work or whether it was just a blip is to be determined.

With how over Punk is, and with how exciting he is to watch in the ring, I expect him to still get cheers even though he's a heel.

Everyone did a fantastic job of selling. But that's probably because, unlike RAW or SmackDown, the wrestlers in ECW are viewed by creative as third-rate has-beens or still prospects. They have to sell or they'll be out of jobs.

TNE is getting way better every week. I think once word leaked that it was planning to be used solely as a launching pad for Lashley, a lot of workers got put out and became determined to show McMahon up.

And they are.

Anonymous said...

Name one match Punk has been EXCITING in since his WWE debut. He's had good matches, but FAR from exciting.

Unknown said...

Okay, so maybe exciting was a stretch, but look what he's been fed in ECW. Shannon Moore, Steven Richards (sorry smarks, the E made him shit), Mike Knox, Hardcore Holly...the only legit wrestlers he's faced are King Booker and Johnny Nitro. When you're going up against shit, it's harder to be exciting. Put this guy on RAW or SmackDown!, and have him feud with an actual wrestler, and he would be absolutely electric.

I'm hoping for a Punk vs. Van Dam match for an upcoming pay-per-view. That match would be sick.

Anonymous said...

Excellent point... Punk vs The Originals will sell much easier than Punk v (Any NewBreed member)... This move made perfect sense to me... Punk as a tweener/heel is much more entertaining than some babyface... "Straightedge means... I'm better than you!" so classic

Unknown said...

I'm guessing that creative will probably throw another Original in to make it 5 on 5...they may already be building up for Survivor Series.

I wonder who they'll put in though. The most obvious choice would be Balls Mahoney, but it would seem that he's about to feud with Snitsky. Richards is another Original, but I doubt people would buy into that. Maybe we'll see the return of Masato Tanaka, or, even better, New Jack. This site as a whole would mark out. Literally. The webpage would start audibly cheering.

Anonymous said...

Being a fan of the old ECW, it's hard for me to watch the watered down version. Actually, more like painful; but I gotta say, I'm starting to enjoy it more and more every week.

I agree with Signguy shooter, there should be a ECW televison title. Have it trade hands amongst the Origanals (Rightly named because of the O's they produce) and the New Breed to spark more angst. I'm intriged to see who if any Origanal they have join the Origanals. I'm praying it's New Jack, though they could have Cabana join and let him and Punk have a feud within a feud.

Pretty good show though. The Origanal vs NB angle is great. I love watching SELLING for a change.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so Punk joined the NB, YAY. The world new it was coming, but could they have done it in a more anticlimactic way? Maybe next week, he'll beat the piss out of or cause a NB member a match, then double up and beat on an Original. Thus going back to be by himself. C.M. Punk is one of the top 5 on the ECW roster, but throwing him in this angle is pointless. Unless they bring Big Stevie Cool into the originals and try and get him over he will have nobody to fued with. Sure an RVD-Punk match would be the match of the year most likely, BUT that's going to alienate one of the current New Breed members. WHY? It's a bad move, but maybe in the end it'll work out, but right now it leaves a bit to be desired.

Brian, though we usually agree, I only have this to say about Cage taking Brown's spot. Cage=Big name good worker, and as far as Brown in TNA...See Carly Colon.

Kevin Thorn is one of the most underrated underapreciated guy on the ECW roster. He's stayed around through Jim Cornette's temper tantrums directed at him, and he picked up Jason Senstation at the airport. Anyway, he stayed around after the Mordecai gimmick was the shits, and he's a good worker. His finisher is SICK. That damn stunner propped on the top rope just lookes wicked. I remember Little Guido taking it in Thorns first match, and me just staring at the TV going DAMN. Then the E tried to ruin that by having him scoop him up and hit the crucifix powerbomb. I personally think that there is no need for a secondary finisher to come into play with a sick as move like the top rope stunner. Sorry I missed the name Taz called it.

After nearly 3 months of not watching ECW I am now glad I watch it again, because it is a solid product with a good roster, and they have Snitsky too. a shirt man. Thats all you gotta do.

Anonymous said...

Signguy-shooter: A tv title would be a lot more interesting... and if you read closer i noted the injury selling from the guys...

Skitlez: WWE is not going to sign New Jack. PERIOD
Plus, thats why I review Tuesday Night Extreme... they can call it ECW all day, but I'm not selling that... Ali is Casius Clay, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is Lou Alcindor, and WWECW is TUESDAY NIGHT EXTREME

DJB: the end was very anti-climactic... i blame Punk for that... and maybe production for lack of close camera angles

Thorns finisher is called the Dark Kiss... and it is sick... the crucifix bomb is useless and made no sense after such a devastating move
And I know i could BUY a shirt, but i'm a cheap bastard

Anonymous said...

Dark kiss, thats actually not a bad name.

How do you blame punk? I'm lost on that one. It's creative that dropped the ball. They could have laid out a much more elaborate and impactful, and CLIMACTIC one. Dusty and Michael(I guess thats still the TNE team) should have done something better. Two great minds who have turned TNECW around, and that's what they came up with for their #1 talent of the future? What in the name of hell?

Yo Dusty and Hayes, take the Infamous DJB's idea and bring back the Second City Saints.

Anonymous said...

How do I blame Punk? Well, Ive seen better guys do more with less... But I am fair and i'll admit that creative didn't build it up to be extremely climactic...

A few weeks of "courting" from both sides, Sandman (the drunk) whacks him with that cane, he runs out at the end of MCV's match, checks on Sabu, shakes hands with the NB... he hasn't even struck an Original yet... they just needed to hurry up and turn the guy heel, and now things should improve drastically

And you were joking on the Snitsky pop, right?

Anonymous said...

I know they wouldn't sign New Jack, but a hardcore fan can dream...

Ya, I pretty much saw the Punk joining the NB coming.

I think one of ECWWE problems is a lack of roster size. I mean, Punk and Stevie?

Anonymous said...

Anytime I refer to Snitsky in a positive light, it is sarcasm. At one point I had high hopes for Gene Snitsky, but no more.

Skitlez, what do you mean by lack of roster size, Punk and Stevie? I don't want to comment since I don't know what you are refering to exactly.

Anonymous said...

punk is shit because THATS WWE. thats why he hasnt been any good matches on ecw and guess what the SAME thing is gonna happen to colt and dont you dare say colt sucks because hes one talents fucker.the same thing happens to every fuckin wrestler pretty much that the wwe gets they put their own spin on them and tell them to slow down.

Anonymous said...

punk is shit because THATS WWE. thats why he hasnt been any good matches on ecw and guess what the SAME thing is gonna happen to colt and dont you dare say colt sucks because hes one talents fucker.the same thing happens to every fuckin wrestler pretty much that the wwe gets they put their own spin on them and tell them to slow down.

Unknown said...

The only time I ever found Snitsky remotely entertaining was when he had those backstage promos with Heidenreich.

I like you, John...
I like you, too, Gene...

They can repackage him all they want, he's never gonna live down that "it wasn't my fault" gimmick.

Anonymous said...

What I mean is, it seems like ECW doesn't have enough wrestlers. The same guys are wrestling every week. I'd like to see more talent get on air, I know it's only an hour but you can get more talent on air. Did Stevie have to face Punk again?

Anonymous said...

If only Bobby Lashley had a mouthpiece to match his athletic ability...But I think that Burke and Cor Von would make a good tag team.. the Elijah Express followed by a POUNCE!!! would be grand.

Kou said...

I must say, that is one fine hat Vinny Mac picked up for his bald head.

Anonymous said...

Skit, heres my thing. If TNA wasn't dealing with a pay talent per TV appearance they would be much better off. TNA could learn a bit from the way ECW runs it's one hour show. Granted they have 4 extra hours of exposure do to the fact that they are now being incorporated into RAW and DownSmack but nonetheless it would be quite benificial for TNA to work new contracts and drop the by the appearance bullshit. TNA could highlight Sabin and the X-Division one week, with vignettes for the heavyweight and other feuds, and the next week take a vice-versa approach. That is where ECW is doing so well, they have their "top" draws in one larger scale feud, minus Lashley, and all 8 do NOT have to wrestle week in and week out. But while not even wrestling they are still being put over and marketed for the simple fact that they are tied in to the feud being shown on television through whatever match. Where ECW is juggling, though not dropping the ball, is with guys like Snitsky, who if pushed properly could be utilized and be believable. The way that he is being used is as a monster. Using a monster type character should only be used in certain times, and certainly not when there is another character of that background being pushed within the same company A la Umaga. I personally don't have an idea for Snitsky right now, but if one comes to me I will put it up, though it would have never involved cutting his hair or shaving his beard.
Big Stevie Cool vs. C.M. Punk could be a good feud with EXCELLENT matches, and it wouldn't take much for the E to get Stevie over by utilizing him in a way that he was/is an ECW OOOriginal, and highlight the triple threat with he and Funk and Raven years ago, the E doesn't realize that they have so many guys that could get over with a simple snap of the fingers, as opposed to these either limited talent guys, or no talent hacks who they shove down the throats but still can't get over.
Thats just MY take on it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you D.J.B. that TNA needs to take a page from ECW. At this point, TNA is dead to me.

About ECW, they could have had someone else lose to Punk. I don't think there trying to push a Stevie Punk feud and I don't know if they could get Stevie over to the marks as an origanal. Even though he is, how many marks know that? He's always been a WWE pushover.

Going full circle about getting more talent on air, they could use Snitsky as a monster and have some of there lesser used talent job to him, which puts Snitsky over and puts some new guys on the air. That's just how I see it, but overall I think we both agree ECW is doing a great job right now.

Anonymous said...

Boys, hold on to your hats, cause I've got one hell of an idea. Check this out, the newest original to join,"The Francise" Shane Douglas. Money right there.

Downtown said...

is he done with TNA?

Downtown said...

DJB: here's an idea for Snitsky

With all this "chaos" he's been causing, well...

That WAS my fault! (as oppose to "it wasn't my fault")

its that simple

Sad thing is... his new in-ring style is more watered down than his old style... and he's not even good at it

Anonymous said...

I agree with you his style is way more watered down. His kick that once looked as if it legit knocked Kane out, now looks like an, "oh my balls itch, let me lift my leg and scratch."

Screw Shane Douglas, he would fit in the WWE about as good as Donnie would fit in a six year olds playhouse.