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Tha Raw Report - Winners Announced!

Well, it's the day after WrestleMania and yet again, I'm forced to watch another edition of "Raw" that has John Cena uttering those redundant, mundane and played out words: "The Champ is Here!".

Oh, the champ is here alright. The champ of NOT selling injuries. Cena has definitely got that title locked down. There's not much more that I can say about the champ's lack of selling prowess. I'll just let the "Raw" announce team do it for me:

Jerry Lawler: "I'm surprised this man is able to walk out here into the ring".
Jim Ross: "He got pile-driven into the steel steps last night. His knee was assaulted".
Lawler: "I think that's the point you lost your voice, on the pile driver that John Cena got on the steel steps".

I don't know about J.R.'s voice...but that's about the time I nearly lost my lunch. Actually, it was moments later...when John Cena was bouncing around the ring NOT selling his back, knee or head injuries.

J.R. and the King appeared to be narrating a story that John Cena had no idea he was part of. Why wasn't Cena playing up his injuries? If Lawler is so surprised that Cena could even walk into the ring, how come "the champ" doesn't feel it necessary to appear somewhat uncomfortable, disoriented or just the slight bit bruised up?

Take notes John. When Jeff Hardy appeared on "Raw" last night for the tag-team battle royal, he was STILL selling the injuries he incurred the night before. Limping, grabbing his know how it works, right?

When Edge show up last night, he made mention of how it took every ounce of energy in his body to get out of bed that morning. He was STILL selling his injuries from the previous night. Hobbling, walking gingerly, bending over...stuff like that.

Why can't you do that John? Why is it so hard to play along with the rest of team? Why must you be so damn brutal as an in-ring performer? You obviously take for granted that Vince likes your look and has granted it as the face of the company. Because dude, you have A LOT to learn about how to work in this business. Wow, are you ever lucky you got marks who actually believe that you are talented. 'Cause you suck balls John Cena. Big hairy, salty, stinky balls. Fuck you.

Now, on to other things.

Needless to say, it's about damn time Cena and Shawn Michaels dropped those tag titles. I was truly afraid they were on their way to squashing every damn team on the WWE roster again. In a way, they actually did, considering that HBK eliminated his own partner and finally put an end to their miserable, unnecessary run with the tag belts.

On a side note, I used to poke fun at my mom for watching soap operas like "All My Children". No other genre of entertainment could be more fake (or so I thought). I can't begin to tell you how many characters have come back from the dead on that show.

Watching WWE programming lately, I wonder if the E is in a "most inconsistent writing" contest with my mother's afternoon stories. Somehow, Eugene and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan can be a tag-team again after losing a match where the stipulation indicated that they could no longer tag together. Okay.

Matt Hardy is no longer supposed to wrestling on "Raw" as a result of a "Loser Leaves 'Raw'" match he lost months ago. Now he is one half of the World Tag Team Champions that are represented on that brand. Okaaaay.

Not as if this was much of a surprise, but apparently any title from any brand can be defended on any show. Just as the ECW Championship was defended by Bobby Lashley last night on "Raw" to Umaga...AND Armando Alejandro Estrada in a Handicap Match? Ah...okaaaaay.

As if "All My Children" wasn't looking more like a documentary by now, I had to then put up with seeing a ridiculous skit where Vince McMahon was apparently wearing a video camera on his forehead. Or perhaps he had transformed into a video camera for a moment. Or maybe Vinnie Mac was born with special superhero-like eyes that can actually transmit a signal to our T.V. screens just so we can see what he sees.

At this point, any of the above suggestions would appear to be plausible as WWE is continually sinking to new lows. Mom, I'm sorry I ever poked fun.

Johnny Nitro "tagged" with The Miz last night. Yeah, that's a better version of MNM. Who needs Mercury, right?

The teams of Flair and Carlito and The World's Greatest Tag Team were NOT involved in EITHER of the TWO ten-team battle royals! To make room for a whole host of teams that don't actually exist. Yep, that's logical.

And while we're at it. Whatever happened to Vladimir Kozlov? Not that I was really looking forward to him entering the ring or anything. But I got to thinking when I saw that moron Todd Grisham hand a mic to super producer, Timbaland last night.

What a mistake that was. Dude is an international music superstar and while at a "Raw" event, he asks the crowd, "Are you wrestling fans like me?". No Timbo, they're there to watch curling. As a fellow rapper, I was embarrased.

More importantly, as a wrestling fan, I am even more embarrased. Are any of you really injesting the garbage WWE is feeding us happily?

Anyway, the results are in and I'd like to make the following announcement:

The winner of Season 2 and the NEEEEEEWWWW O League Champion, Tha HITMAAAANN!!!

Congrats Plunkett, you held on and can now begin your reign as champ. Good to see an O Show member step up and get the job done.

Here's what I find most interesting though. Illinois' Finest, who was chillin' in the basement ALL season long, digs himself out of the last place spot in the final week! JorJorBynks, what happened? Ha!

Details on Season 3 of Tha O League will come as soon as WWE begins a new season of their Fantasy Game. For winning, Brian Plunkett will soon be receiving a special prize pack from Tha O Show. Here are the final standings:

1 Tha Hitman - 2639 pts
2 Team_Rated_RKO - 2590 pts
3 Goatbusters - 2533 pts
4 Smashin' Masters 2K7 - 2501 pts
5 Methods Of Mayhem - 2451 pts
6 The O Noes! - 2391 pts
7 Dan-e-o loves Cena - 2381 pts
8 TheEndustry - 2330 pts
9 Team Boudreau - 2286 pts
10 wrestling4life - 2229 pts
11 Kelly's Killers - 2163 pts
12 Rizo's Roster - 2120 pts
13 Dan-e-o - 2093 pts
14 Sketch - 2072 pts
15 The Kickassters - 1963 pts
16 Metal Gods - 1945 pts
17 D-Generation Next - 1940 pts
18 BigDaddyDonnie - 1938 pts
19 Rapsfan - 1890 pts
20 I love ThaOShow.Com - 1441 pts
21 Illinois' Finest - 1439 pts
22 JorJorBynks - 1402 pts

By the way, speaking of winners...a winner has been selected for our O Show t-shirt contest but he has NOT sent an e-mail to Tha O Show, as previously requested, to claim his prize.

We ask that if you have purchased an O Show t-shirt during the time that this contest was on to send an e-mail with your name, address and phone number IMMEDIATELY to We need to confirm that you are the same individual that has been selected in our draw. Thanks!

45 comments: on "Tha Raw Report - Winners Announced!"

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Thank god they finally dropped the tag titles.

Man, the main event w/ Umaga and Lashley was awful.

The World's Greatest Tag Team is becoming The World's Worst...

Someone please stop giving Khali wins.

Unknown said...

Before you read this, please be advised that this comment is in no way meant to be personally offensive to anyone mentioned. It's all in good fun, and if anyone is offended by it, I apologize. I just felt like showing John Cena how a real champ should rap.

Yo, check it-

I keep yo' mom's mouth cool like a stick of cherry lip balm,
I rock the E's fantasy league on
Rated RKO could've had me, but he blew all his chances
Should have given me a fight, but he was busy givin' Miz lap dances
And 2K7, I took him out from under and damn near cut his feet off
He should have tried to beat me but instead he went and beat off
And if Dan-e-o's lovin' Cena, he must be rollin' and smokin' a fatty,
But I guess I'm not surprised, he rolls with a bro named Big Daddy.
Who betta than Kanyon? The Hitman, and if you don't agree, you're queer
Yo, Vanilla John, go fuck yourself, 'cause the real champ is HERE!

Unknown said...

Now, as for RAW itself, I am glad that HBK and Cena finally lost the tag titles, but the promos cut tonight lead me to believe we're going to have a Backlash main event similar to last year's. I know WWE likes to recycle storylines now and then, but to do it a year later is a slap in the face. Plus, Michaels deserves another run with the title. Cena does not even deserve to have the title. Hopefully creative will see it that way.

The ONLY good thing about the McMahon segment was Ron Simmons showing up. Call me a mark if you so desire, but I love it everytime he shows up out of nowhere and busts out with a "Damn!"

Dan-e-o said...


mad props on the rhymes kid...

Anonymous said...

I disagree. There is no way you go out on a stretcher one night and WALK OUT on stage the next. A neck brace, some crutches, something. That you give him credit for selling because he "walked gingerly" is incredibly asinine, not to mention the yawn-inducing promo that was only outdone by a dreadful main event that proved a few things: 1) The King will always be a color man; 2) they will do anything to make Umaga look good, even if it means sacrificing a world champion; 3) they really don't give a rat's ass about the ECW title because Lashley has looked absolutely weak on consecutive nights against Umaga; 4) wrestling fans are the ficklest bunch of folks on the planet. Dead silent when Umaga is beating up Lashley, booing when Lashley is beating up Umaga. I guess dislike for one doesn't always equate to cheering for the other. Unfortunately these two will fight again, and without the billionaires behind them, there will be zero pop, and maybe they'll finally realize they need to make both guys more interesting. Don't even get me started on Khali. I have skid marks in my underwear that I find more entertaining. And why the hell are there TWO monster superheavyweights on the same show? God help me if they ever get into the ring together. They way they've built these two assclowns up, I'm surprised one of them isn't the champ. Maybe they at least they know that would be commercial suicide.

That's all I've got this late, except to say that after the two battle royals, the show pretty much went into a downward spiral. Oh, and to the WWE writers: the next time you want to give Melina a microphone, just stop.

Anonymous said...

Within current storyline context Edge sold that injury perfectly. Had he come out in a neckbrace or crutches the title picture would not include him and the title would be far from his grasp. He did a perfect job as almost always. His promo, spoke to truths, and what the fans want to hear from an injured heel. Microphone silver, not quite Gold because while selling his injury, didn't "have" the emotion to put into it. Asinine though, is thinking Cena is believable yet having 3 other guys toss their names into the hat. Because after Mania it's going to take 3 good workers to make that fucker look good twice in the same month.

Also, wasn't Tim and Luda supposed to be at Mania last night?

Lashley has to look somewhat weak while facing Umaga. The only guy that can look unstoppable facing Umaga is the...the, ah fuck it, you know who I'm talking about. Holds 2 of the 3 now I guess 4 defeats of Umagas run.

fallen0ne said...

Did anyone else catch a hint of disgust when Edge said that Cena was still champ?
All's I got to say about RAW is, Mickie James has the meat in the right spots!

Anonymous said...

I was hoping on a Kendrick and london win to unify those titles but its still gonna happen... a Hardys v Kendrick/London program would be nice... and its likely considering the brand merger for all upcoming PPVs

Does anyone really care that cena doesnt sell a "knee-work"?
this is the same ol' bias i've came to expect so im not even gonna worry about it...
as far as edge goes... dude took a sick bump sunday... and his multiple spears were weak... thats called fair and balanced criticism... and i was SO impressed how he kinda acted injured, sort of, in a roundabout way last night... it made the show

Look for the annual 4-way dance SOON... cena v hbk v edge v orton

Anonymous said...

Why is Umaga allowed to no-sell within his character, but Cena's has to sell for everybody all the time? I'm just looking for a little consistancy here over another overblown anti-Cena rant.

Yes, Mickie looked hot last night. I hope this means she'll be back soon and they're going to try once again to revive the women's division.

I was satisfied with how the tag team thing turned out. Why wait until now to point out that Matt lost a "loser leaves Raw" match when he's been on that show on-and-off since Jeff came back? I was more hoping though that an ECW combo (preferably RVD/Sabu or Burke/Striker) won and took the belts to ECW. I know there aren't enough tag teams there, but hey, if people are going to cross brands, they might as well cross to fight for titles. Besides, if ECW became THE premiere show for tag team wrestling, it would be a boon for ratings. Of course, the Hooliganz could have won and done the same thing. Oh, and of course the one bit of revised history Dan-e-Boy omitted was that Cryme Time wona #1 contenders match a couple of months back and still have yet to receive their title shot.

Yep, they dropped the ball on Raw last night, now we've got three guys who LOST at Wrestlemania (and not just lost - lost a title match AND a match for a title shot)demanding title shots. That to me is not believable. Edge and Orton potentially getting a Fatal 4 Way with Michaels and Cena at Backlash sort of cheapens the whole MITB concept, doesn't it, if two of the losers turn right around and are granted a title shot?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how boring the main event was. Umaga beats up Lashley for like 10 minutes, and then in the last what? 3 minutes? he SUDDENLY perks up and gets the win? Dumb.

I thought the Vince McMahon has a camera head skit was stupid too. And what about Melina's so-called photo op? What the hell was that?! I'm glad Mickie came out and put a stop to that shit with that wicked DDT!

EC said...

1st hour of Raw, pretty good. 2nd hour of Raw, made me wish WCW was still going head-to-head so I could change the channel.

The main event was POWERFUL WEAK, in the words of Riverboat Bart Simpson. No one cares about Bibby Lindsey, UMAGA should be defending the IC belt to re-invigorate that badly needed midcard.

The tag titles, I agree, should be unified and put on another show. The Hardys are as good choice as any, but they should have eliminated one of the champs. Why wait until midway thorugh the SECOND DAMN 10-team Battle Royal to toss your championship away, HBK? It really makes the tag titles look like that old TV Title Duggan found in the trash can. HOOOOOOOO!

Anyway, A poor Raw took place when the Raw after WM is supposed to be one of the best for the whole year. If CENA is the champ, put him in the last spot and treat him like the champ. Hunter never has a match in the first hour and then disappears when he is holding the strap. If CENA is the man, then he should BE the man, know what I mean WWE? How many more ways can you keep CENA as the champ, have him run through the roster for 3 years, and keep him away from people on weekly tv? Run with it or give the title to EDGE already.

fallen0ne said...

BTW the Hardys should never eeeeeever get a mic put in front of their mouths again. "Yeah dude, we like lost a shot for the big time last night, but like it's OK cause we got the tag golds again for like the 100th time, and like you're my brother and shit".
Could someone please shoot Grisham in the head? And Timbaland looked like the biggest goofball of the night.
If I see Simmons again doing that damn "damn" skit again I'll go bonkers. It's overplayed and has turned into a novelty act.
Last but not least, why the FUCK is Dinsmore still stuck with that stupid gimmick?!? The dude can wrestle and I've seen some older pics of him where he has a good look. Hell if Snitsky can get an overhaul, why not Eugene?

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that if given the chance, Miz would rather do something with Nitro's ass other than wiping it.

Anonymous said...

That rap wasn't too bad B...I was messin' around one night and made this dope freestyle about Cena. The only line I can remember is
"Your lines got more holes than a
Plot by Vince Russo" You know that was dope.

Anyways, boring Raw. I fell asleep.

Anonymous said...

jbrown it's real simple:

Umaga's character is that of a MONSTER... unable to be hurt. Cena still thinks he's playing the Prototype charcater (half machine). He's just a regular guy. I'd rather see Cena SELL NOTHING, than sell for a minute and then forget the injury is there and run around the ring.

Anonymous said...

he sold the damn thing throughout the match... trust me i watched closely because i knew itd be a subject here... im talkin about him not selling it a day later... i dont know how well people are expecting him to sell but no one consistantly lives up to those standards... and John Cena's character isnt a regular guy... hes THE CHAMP

Unknown said...

Thanks for the good review. Considering I'm a fat white boy, I don't think it was too bad either.

Last night show was lame as hell
halfway through I tapped and quit
Hey Vince, RAW ain't war anymore
You gotta change it to "RAW Is Shit"
Yo Great Khali, get out of the E
Go back to playing ping-pong
Only way this giant is watchable
is by hitting a giant bong
Orton in the main event? Yo creative, don't wreck Backlash
If Orton gets put in the main event
Somebody backstage is smokin' good hash
And watching John Cena no-sell his shit
Makes the minds of all the smarks hurt
Those dumbass marks just need to catch on
And stop saving "You suck" chants for Kurt
Matt Hardy doesn't deserve that belt, it should've gone to rednecks
Didn't he leave RAW anyway once his friend and ex-wife had sex?
Lashley and Vince, don't none of us care
This storyline just ain't a hit
Wanna know the reason why Lindsay's so dark?
'Cause his skills are a big piece of shit
Cena needs to step off, him with the belt is just gay
Hey Vince, snap back to reality, the champ should be HBK!

Anonymous said...

Miz is a perfect fit to MNM... he has served no purpose thus far as a loner... and considering he is a d-lister hed fit in with the MNM gimmick

fallen0ne said...

Anyone else read about HBK being mad at Cena for no selling?

Anonymous said...

take Meltzer's stuff with a grain of salt... this whole thing was relayed into hbk's promo last nightand meltzer isnt ashamed to take some pay to relay the kayfabe... but i dont know if anyone else noticed hbk refer to something as "pussy ass shit" to Cena after the match (thats what it came off as and we wore the dvr out tryin to decipher what he said)...

And if this is a shoot, whats that say? that michaels isnt the professional that Taker is? or Batista is better than Cena? i mean Taker didnt respond like that... he just told the ref to get him out of his ring

Anonymous said...

Wow, congratulations, we agree on something.

Marcus K Fabian said it perfectly about Umaga and Cena.

Anonymous said...

No, signguy, if I wanted to sound like Cena, I'd cut a promo like this-

*raises belt*
The champ is here! I respect Shawn Michaels...
*raises belt again*
I respect Shawn Michaels, but I'm gonna no sell him anyway. I got the shit kicked out of me last night, but I'm gonna dance around like nothing happened, because Shawn's just a big God-loving meanie!
*raises belt again as 8 year olds in crowd cheer*
And if Vince wants to get in my way, that just makes him a bald doo-doo head!
*raises belt again*
The champ is here!

Now THAT'S how you sound like Cena.

Anonymous said...

YO, YO, YO!!!!!

Im bout to take you back, like WWF LIVEWIRE
When Cena had the ability to set the crowd on fire
Top of his game, no shame in the name
Top draw, future champ of the world
When the audience was more than 12 year old girls
Back when the world respected Big Johnny C
Again this was before he no sold the WWE
Tripping over bad booking, no control of himself
Might as well put this new shit back on the shelf
Cena was hot, lighting a flame burning white
With everybody poppin he had the money right
Like even he said he was too RAW for Monday night
When the champ was here
And we didnt think the champ was queer
Back when Cena was Cena and Cena was gold
Before he got stale and even his kicks got old
Damn right 99% was poppin the lock
He was laughin at you while your girl was suckin his...

That touches a little on the fall of Cena.

He had cuttin edge shit that kept you on the edge of your seat. Given that was back when John Cena was an up and comer, or "blue chipper". He was so real, so gritty, so now. He had the throwbacks going, the ruck fules attitude, the merch that was truly hot, the jock tag on his stuff, which was a first i believe. Cena was at one point awesome, and I didn't think he'd lose fire. Although I guess he didn't, like I said I believe he tripped over bad booking. He;s such a watered down version of the former rapping freestyling dude that almost 99% of the audience popped for heel or not.

Heres a quick question. I was browsing Toys'R'Us looking for a Ravishing Rick Rude classic figure to add to my collection and I looked at his 2 deluxe aggresion figures and the road to WM23 2 pack with he and Edge, and in all of those he was still sporting the word life brass knucks. What ever happened to those? Those added a whole element to the character, while they were small and somewhat obscure they secured him big wins, most notably over Show at WMXX, his first of 4 straight(so far WM wins)

Anonymous said...

Ok literally, I'd kill to have a Hollywood Blondes set. I can't find a Roode figure around here anywhere. I had a guy tell me they had one in friggin Columbia, more than 3 hrs away, and the only place I can find em online screwed me out of a Roddy Piper one, so I'm sketchy on that. They have like 9 Fab Moolah's and a gillion Ultimate Warriors. I almost have my wall lined across the top with the ones I want but I'm missing a select few. Arn Anderson, Rude, Bad News, The 2nd Flair, Kane, Masahiro Chono(if any company makes them I'd like to know), Muta, and I'll stop now.

Anonymous said...

Bein' an emcee I gotta get in on this rapping. This is for John Cena.

Cena, you ain't charismatic
If you had a balloon on your head
You still couldn't start static
My words from this mic are like automatics,
The only reason you hot is cause the WWE is like Cuba, non democratic
You no sell stay fake don't even got your reeboks laced,
You shoulda stayed on Smackdown so they can edit your bad takes,
Your fans got bad taste,
It's 8 year olds and soccer moms,
You got no love on the 0 show dot com,
You got like what, 5 moves,
Your only better than what, like 5 dudes,
You wanna rep like you hard, what happened to your bling,
You say you got money in your pocket, bitch you still green in the ring,
Shut up on the mic, you just stealin the Rock's gimmick,
Who the fuck anymore says monkey penis,
I ain't said that since I was like six,
Get back to the lockeroom to choke on more of Vince's dick.

I just freestyled that. Think it's pretty dope.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

We may have to have an O Show battle rap... winner gets to battle the king of free styles, (man who's never lost a battle) ... Dan-e-o

Unknown said...

A battle rap would be the sickest thing we've ever done on this site. B-Cool is totally up for something like that.

Oh my god...did I seriously just call myself "B-Cool"? Damn...I really am the whitest guy on Tha O Show.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Okay, since Don's been getting on him hard the past two weeks about it, and since if there was an actual battle rap, I'd probably lose, I'm gonna just do it now for the hell of it, and hopefully he takes it all in good fun. Here it is, for my bro Dan...

Dan-e-o, let me start off by apologizing, brother
Why didn't anybody tell me last night that that was his mother
You like to think you're the bomb
But I think you off your nut
Yo, you're a rich-ass rapper, bro
So can't you afford a haircut
You must be getting weighed down with all them huge-ass dreads,
Shit, Tran Van Hay don't even got that much hair on his head
You talk about palms, 'cause on yours, you got blisters
And the only "O" you get is with Rosey Palm and her five sisters
Yo, you think that you're tight
And you think that you can hustle
So then why did your boy Big Daddy
Give you the five-knuckle shuffle
Your beats are like Kanyon, they're all totally homo
And your lyrics are more wack than a Dave Batista promo
I got mad mic skills, they gonna remember me forever
You got less charisma than Cena and Lashley put together
I'm calling you out and I'll beat you insane
Hell, you couldn't even beat a stomach inside some teen's brain
I'll come out the winner 'cause I know I got your number
I'll pop sick "O"s, while you go out and try to pop some hunger
Yo, take me on, Dan-e-o, we can start this anyday
I'll be patient 'cause I know you been busy fuckin' Frank Fronte.

Holy shit, I can't believe I just came up with that. By the way, Tran Van Hay holds the unofficial record for the world's longest hair, for those who didn't know who he was.

Anonymous said...

Lol nice completely obscure reference "B-Cool". Pretty good though. So far I'm 5-0 in freestyle battles so I fancy myself pretty good. It's too early in the morning right now for me to rap though (it's 1:49 AM) I might kick another flow after school. Wow that sounded dorky....

Anonymous said...

Weird... i was gonna ask if that was Dan in the pizza pops spot... thats really fuckin scary

and plz stop with these terrible "raps" I read like maybe 6 good lines, but if 1 line bombs, ur whole shits dead

"cena's gay, im the best rapper to ever spit shit
If not for the E, the only way u could get rich is a $2 quick pick

"O" shit, that was pretty tight i jus came up wit that"

stop wit that pattin urself on the back shit, it makes u look like a tard

AND BTW, Skittlez... ur "rap" was the most god awful thing ive read in my entire life, so bad id legit rather gouge my eyes out than read it again.

Unknown said...

House, I'm the epitome of a white boy, of course my raps are going to be lame.

Yeah, that was Dan in the pizza pops commercial. He's even got the video of it in the January 2007 archives.

Ever since I saw the commercial about a month ago on CBC, I've been dying to try them. But they're only sold in Canada. Damnit.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, hold up, no battle raps without the next great mc, the infamous DJB

Plunkett and Dan I still got love for yall
But after a battle rap yo, chances are you'd fall
B-cool's your name are you playing the Rocks part
You'd lose the hot pants if you were smart
All this rappin bout hair and jackin off
Your lyrics are about as exciting as watching fuckin golf
No limit to my potential
I air your dirty laundry like WWE confidential
I been dope, after I shred you you'll be hanging from the end of a rope
Just like behind bars you seem to always drop the soap
You're about as entertaining as watching Craig Pittman matches
I'd rather watch Mae Young and wait til she flashes
If it goes down you already know I'm winning
So you can send me a championship, yo one that aint spinning
I got heat with the whole world I'm naturally hot
Up with the times, while you're still doing the robot
You best stick to wrestling and MMA
If you take me in a rap it just wont be your day
Undisputed, and highly recruited everybody wants a piece
I'm a rabid dog you just cant keep on a leash
SO Dan-e-o's never lost a battle cause he battles dudes that weak
He couldn't hold a candle to the infamous D J B.

Everybody knows I'm kidding right cause I wouldn't last two seconds in a freestyle battle rap with Mr. E O

Anonymous said...

That shot at me was completely uncalled for. I don't start trouble, I never insulted anyone. So what's with the hostility? That was completely uncalled for. Really. Sorry that you don't like my rap, you don't have to be like that though.

Anonymous said...

As far as I know there is 1 person here signed to a deal. Thats Mr. E O himself. So why the hell would you take a shot at somebody else's stuff? There's no purpose to it, we're all here to have fun, especially in a rapping context. House, I'm really glad you like our raps and contribute your own though. Thanks for the kind words.

Anonymous said...

Skitlez said "fancy"... ha

Anonymous said...

Do you also notice that all 3 of us poke fun at ourselves after our raps? Thats what makes it so damn good. We could care less who laughs or likes it. It's fun, we're white,(I think skitlez is, no offense if you arent) and we all know that our bro Dan...Mr. E O would destroy us.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm white lol. I agree we're just having fun. That dude did not need to bash me. Mine wasn't that bad anyway...and actually I'm on my way to a deal of my own soon :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the deal bro. House is apparently either unable to put rhyming sentences, or fragments together, or is just a HATERRRRR. Dude didn't need to bash anybody, it aint about bashing a person on here, in my opinion anyway. We bash the product and the shit wrestlers on the product. Not one another. Me and Boudreau get into it often, and fallen0ne and I don't often agree, but it's not like I'd say, you B or 0ne, you both suck, you know nothing, and since you aren't in my world, to quote frank, FUCK YOU. Thats not my style, and other than a select few and some anonymous assholes, not anyone else's style either.

Unknown said...

Good lord, what have I started here on this site?

I can't believe that one lame rap from me started this many good raps from other people. I agree with Big Daddy, we should have a freestyle contest on Tha O Show.

Donnie and Kanyon can be the judges.

Anonymous said...

IF we put donnie and kanyon that close together you think they'd pay attention to us? I highly doubt it. They'd be...busy.

I'm glad you started rappin on here, cause my myspace page is loaded well actually kind sprayed with some of my old raps and freestyles. From 2 years ago, but still.

Unknown said...

I feel bad about making fun of Kanyon since my high school guidance counselor was good friends with him in college. But gay jokes about Donnie are now a running gag, just like sex jokes about Fronte, who by the way, according to him, is trying to become Chambers' wingman.

Anonymous said...

Thanks D.J.B.

A rap battle would be dope but I'm alittle scared to go up against Dan-e-o. His shit is awesome.

It's almost funny how a bunch of hardcore wrestling fans are actually all closet rappers lol. Who woulda guessed...

Anonymous said...

Dude not to spoil anything, but I had a shot to go one on one with Mr. E O and verbally tapped.