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Tha Raw Report - Monday Night's Main Event!

WOW! It is a very rare occurence these days for "Raw" to provide a match as incredible as last night's main event was. Hats off to WWE for finally (seemingly) listening to its fans and providing us with what we've been begging for - wrestling!

Perhaps, taking a page out of the book of "SmackDown!" (or perhaps because someone in the office has been logging on to Tha O Show one too many times), "Raw" was stellar last night - thanks in no small part to the main event match between Shawn Michaels and John Cena.

Yep, I said it. I popped for a match involving that ever-loathed champion of the E, John Cena.

Now O-sters, don't go jumping to conclusions or anything. Before any of you assume that I have resigned from my position as President of the Worldwide Cena Hate Club, there was a lot left to be desired about the champ's performance last night.

So here goes...

1) Cena's "I have a lot of respect for you" promo was lame, predictable and a simple cover-up for the fact that JUST like in Canada, the States and Italy...Cena gets booed in England too.

2) HBK worked Cena's left arm pretty well last night - lending credibility to the 'story' that perhaps by weakening the arm, it would impede Cena's ability to lock in his dreaded STFU to finish the match. Seconds after 'shaking off' the pain in his left arm, Cena nails Michaels with a series of shoulder blocks. Yep...using his left shoulder. Way to sell, champ.

3) As if the move didn't already suck, do I even have to mention how bad the STFU looked last night? Jim Ross did his best to unshitify the hold by referring to it as a 'modified version' of the move. Folks, 'modified version' is just code word for 'he's fuckin' it up!'.

Okay, now that you know I haven't gone totally crazy, let me get back to enjoying myself. Last night's "Raw" devoted HALF of its broadcast to its main event giving the match the ability to take on a pay-per-view quality. It was nothing short of sensational. It told a great story about Cena and Michaels' need to one-up the other and prove dominance and rightful ownership of the WWE title.

Cena's "this close" references to almost capturing HBK in the STFU a few times during the beginning of the match were annoying...but did help set up the story of how 'evenly' matched these two are.

This continued to be evident as in classic PPV fashion, an initial superkick could not keep Cena down for a three count...just as an FU failed in keeping Michaels down for the pin. Great suspense. The match actually kept me guessing...unsure of who was going to go over.

When I saw the combatants take the match to the outside of the ring and even to the announce table, I remember thinking that if it ended in a double DQ, I wouldn't even be disappointed. The set up for the Fatal Four Way confrontation this Sunday at Backlash, had already been done beautifully.

In fact, I wish that IS how the match ended. Because HBK's CLEAN victory over Cena...done in a great almost out-of-nowhere climatic style...almost certainly secures the fact that Cena will hold on to his title after the pay-per-view comes to a close.

More proof may be found in something I noticed when the match was over and Cena lay flat on his back while HBK knelt beside him. Reading Michaels' lips, I am almost certain he said (about the WWE title), "I don't need it. I just needed to make a little point".

A shoot comment perhaps? HBK certainly made his point last night. He is still the showstopper. ESPECIALLY since he can get a solid match out of John Cena. And while I'm giving credit where credit is due, last night's performance on "Raw" - with all its flaws - was among the best I can remember seeing from John Cena in recent memory. There...are you happy?

While the main event of "Raw" most certainly deserves to take up most of this article, it wasn't the only match last night.

I was happy to see Shane O Mac back in the ring. The always O-worthy son of the boss didn't disappoint. His now-patented "Shane O Mac-inator" (hey, if the E still hasn't named it, we will!) is always good for an O. But with respect to the match, I can't help but wonder if, once again, someone in the E isn't tuning into Tha O Show Radio Hour every week.

Big Daddy Donnie recently commented about how WWE may want to adopt their old school formula of never having their stars lose on free TV. A return to the 'jobber era' may be necessary for proper pushing, he remarked. Interestingly, a jobber going by the name of Robbie Brookside was used for a 3 on 1 squash last night. To prove what though, I'm not sure. Sorry Don, the idea still doesn't work for me.

On a side note, with all of Vince McMahon's money, you would think he could afford a decent suit. Yes, I know he has plenty. But his gear last night was ridiculous. And I know what you smarks are thinking...he was heat-seeking right? But does the biggest heel on the planet really need to? Vinnie's suit gets a NO.

Giving the tag team division a boost, however, gets an O. Kudos to the E for finally getting back to some old school booking by having a singles match between two tag team competitors who will competing for the gold at the next PPV. Here's a NO, on the other hand: to the predictable booking. Last week, Lance Cade beats Jeff Hardy. This week, Trevor Murdoch beats Matt Hardy. Guess which team goes over at Backlash?

Another NO goes to Murdoch's finisher. His attempt at what can only be called a horrible rendition of Petey Williams' Canadian Destroyer was plain ugly. Definitely not a move someone who wrestles his style should use.

Something O worthy: Backlash this Sunday will showcase no less than six title matches. In fact, ALL of the matches announced so far are for belts! The WWE Championship, the World Heavyweight Championship, the ECW Championship, the United States Championship, the World Tag Team Championships and the Women's Championship will ALL be on the line! What a difference a month makes!

Something NO worthy: As if it needs mentioning, The Great Khali and Carlito had a sloppy match last night. I'm still not sure what's up with the Carlito/Flair storyline and where it's going...but it still doesn't interest me.

Another NO: Todd Grisham as the ring announcer. He sucked.

And since this report has, in part, become a somewhat of an "Os and NOs" affair, allow me to rip-off the original ripper-offer, Brian Plunkett. Last night's "Raw" also contained more than one "OH?".

Wasn't there an Edge VS. Randy Orton match announced for last night? I'm sure Edge told Mick Foley that he was set to fight Orton after watching HBK and Cena 'tear each other apart'. I thought it was weird when he mentioned it...weirder when it didn't even happen. Now I know Orton is in some hot water, but wasn't this the case before the broadcast?

And lastly...whatever happened to the new Intercontinental Champion, Santino Marella?

19 comments: on "Tha Raw Report - Monday Night's Main Event!"

Anonymous said...

Good article good RAW, I wont even get into the negatory comments. Cena can't sell what else is new, but I o'ed so big for Michaels winning I wanted to make an ass out of myself. I wanted to do that soccer celebration. I was that fuckin happy. Another major O came from Michaels picking up the belt. Santino will be brought back in north america, I guess only one international star per week. I just hope they don't further trivialize him or the belt by leaving him off tv again. Major O for Shane'O'Mac.

Unknown said...

Okay, first of all, Ben came up with the "Oh". If you're gonna throw me pounds when you see me in the streets, at least do it for the right reasons, haha.

God, you're more kayfabe than Hulk Hogan's book.

Apparently the story that WWE came up with to explain the Orton/Edge incident was that "because of the length of the main event, there was not enough time left for any other matches." At least they're being semi-honest about it. It would have been nice to have seen Edge vs. Orton (for Backlash storyline reasons), but I was content with the near hour long main event they gave. Best Cena match in months. I do have to admit that I felt very stupid for a moment at the end of that match; with how much they were hyping it as a "WrestleMania rematch", I thought it was for the title.

I'm going to get so much heat for this comment, but...
So what if I've ripped off gimmicks before? JBL was a ripoff of Ted DiBiase and nobody gave a fuck. Heidenreich was a ripoff of Sycho Sid and nobody gave a fuck. Dan-e-o was a ripoff of Flava Flav and nobody gave a fuck. Okay, that last one isn't true, but the first two are.

Johnny Giobasco (spellcheck, Donnie?) was not on RAW, which means that he did not drop the title this week. They probably don't think he could draw for Backlash yet, so they decided to build up the matches that were going to happen.

By the way, is that now the running gag with me-that I rip people off? Are we slowly trying to find something to pick on all the writers about (since so far we've already got gags for me, Donnie, Dan-e-o, Tim, and Frank)?

Downtown said...

I think they left Santina off last night due to being in England... i doubt they wanted to take the risk of having him booed for being Italian... good ol' european prejudice

Dan-e-o said...

Er, oops, you're right...I meant Ben Boudreau is the original ripper-offer.

Sorry Ben, sorry Brian.

Unknown said...

It's cool. Any opportunity to get mentioned is good.

Your CD is dope, by the way. I lost count of how many times I O'd while listening to it.

Dan-e-o said...

Thanks about an article putting it over?

nah, i'm playin'...but hear tha O-sters! Buy a Dan-e-o CD today!!

Unknown said...

I'll mention it in my next Sharpshoot article. Why the hell not?

Anonymous said...

So Dan-e-o knows that me and Brian are Dan-e-o marks, who else on here is? If you aren't you should be. Buy a cd, or mp3 or something to check it out.

Anonymous said...

Randy Orton update
By Noah Starr
Written: April 25, 2007
WWE has taken action against Randy Orton for unprofessional conduct.


What an article, what an update.

Unknown said...

Or for the cheapies out there (*cough*Jbrown*cough*...just playing, Jeff), go to Raw Is War is the one you want to listen to first. You will O more times that you did during Al Snow's entire career.

Downtown said...

my comment on that is NO COMMENT

Unknown said...

No comment on the Al Snow thing? I must concede, I was a little rough on the Snowman. After all, he was the leader behind such powerful stable such as Head Cheese and The J.O.B. Squad. Truly he was a great talent.

Big Daddy Donnie said... to hear MY fav Dan-e-o track, "It's Over"

Anonymous said...

I was gonna give you two imaginary points for the Snow joke but I forgot lol. 2 points...

Anonymous said...

sorry i dont like rap or hip hop. it really sucks now these days always something about guns,drugs or rapping about how good they are.even tho i do like the game and he does rap about all 3

Anonymous said...

Mr e-o doesnt rap about any of that. The title of the CD I have is See no Evil, Hear no Evil, which is against this current bullshit we're force fed. Dan-e-o has real shit, good shit, shit that you can listen to over and over, trust me, it's been on the only CD in my trucks CD player for 4 days now, and I've heard it all the way through twice and I'm back on RAW is WAR the 3rd time around. Sekkle down buryme, no need to be hostile, we are all bredren here.

Anonymous said...

RAW last night was very good especially the main event, I think hhe match bettwen HBK & Cena was better then the one they had at WM 23. I thought for sure it was going to end up a double CO or got to a time limit draw. HBK proved last night he is still one of the ebst in th business.

Downtown said...


Anonymous said...

In Cena's case lets hope 30 is the new 60