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Tha Raw Report - F@#k You!

Why is Bobby Lashley the star of "Raw"? Now, I'll never be one to insist that John Cena should be the headliner on Monday nights, but isn't Bobby Lashley an "ECW" star?

The answer, ladies and gentlemen, is...fuck you. Yep, that's what WWE is telling us. Or, least that's how I feel about it.

Gone out the window is any scrap of logic that WWE may once have utilized to determine the course of their storylines. These days, it doesn't matter what brand you're on, what belt you hold or what angle you were most recently part of. The bottom line is...anything goes.

It doesn't have to make sense. It doesn't have to follow any linear pattern. It just is. Simply because they say so.

So, for example, a singles title can be defended against a three man the ECW Championship (you know, it REALLY shouldn't be called that anymore) will be against BOTH Vince and Shane McMahon AND Umaga at Backlash.

We will, yet again, experience another pay-per-view where the Intercontinental Championship will NOT be defended. As well, no one from the actual ECW brand seems to care that the world title that represents them is so far out of reach.

While four guys on "Raw" continue to battle it out for the WWE one who is part of ECW will even seem to get a sniff at the belt that apparently represents them. Fuck you fans...ECW wrestlers competing for the ECW Championship makes sense. So don't expect to see that anytime soon.

Although this has been both mentioned and hinted at numerous times recently, there really isn't any brand distinction anymore anyways. Jim Ross pretty much confirmed that last night on "Raw" by indicating that the upcoming Backlash PPV will be the first "tri-branded" edition of this annual post-WrestleMania event.

In addition to having three non-ECW wrestlers compete for the title on this show, Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton and Edge will ALL be facing John Cena for the WWE Championship at Backlash. How did this come about, you ask? Because both Michaels and Orton had their shoulders down for the three count in their #1 Contenders match last night on "Raw".

Am I the only one who is sick and tired of the double-pin-so-the-refs-can't-agree-on-who-won-the-match gimmick? In addition, although HBK had his shoulders on the mat during the count of three, he was laying on top of Orton while no part of Orton's body was covering how does it make any sense that Randy could be considered victorious in this match?

Oh yeah, nothing is SUPPOSED to make sense anymore. Fuck you fans, get that logic shit outta here!!

Well, perhaps there is a glimmer of hope that WWE Creative is actually still attempting to use sensible logic in their booking. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch will vie for the World Tag Team Titles at Backlash. Wow, the tag belts are on the line at a pay-per-view! And Cade and Murdoch, apparently, won't be used as jobbers or shmoz fodder. Interesting.

Now all they need to do is have these two begin an actual FEUD with the Hardys. Because, at this point, no one thinks that Cade and Murdoch are legitimate contenders. They have a few weeks to do it. Let's hope WWE puts down its middle finger directed to its fans on this one. Just don't hold your breath.

J.R. said it himself, Cade and Murdoch are "blue chippers"...I'm hoping they'll get some credit for being so as it is past due. Same goes for Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas...but considering their job to the Hardys last night, perhaps that would be asking for too much.

I really wish the E would treat the tag division like the Cruserweight division and reserve it for specific superstars. That way, no fly-by-night teams made up of two singles competitors would come in and make all the rest of the teams look like jokes. This would actually allow for a venue for guys like Haas, Benjamin, Cade, Murdoch, Cryme Tyme and others to shine. But we all know the E's response to this line of thinking. Fuck you.

Speaking of wishes, my hat goes off to little Michael Pena who, thanks to the "Make A Wish Foundation", was honourary general manager of "Raw" last night. This is a shoot...he was better on the mic than The Miz when he was given the role of mic man for the Diva Search. No stuttering or even a sign of nervousness. I wish the kid the best as I have no clue what medical condition he may have...I'm happy he got to live out a dream I'd love to experience!

But then again...for every wish I've made to WWE in recent weeks...their response is always the same.

You know what it is.

19 comments: on "Tha Raw Report - F@#k You!"

Anonymous said...

Its just beat right now thats all you can say,there is no reason for a raw report every week because it is as if there is no raw. They need some new people in the company to make things seem new again and untill they do that things will not change. Hell i cant wait for mondaynight football!!!

fallen0ne said...

What a fuckin waste! It really says something when the womens' tag match outshines your main event. And what's up with the predictability lately? Wasn't it obvious that the WWE championship was gonna be defended in a four way. Hell, Cena's got a 25% chance of winning, and if he pulls that one off, I will fucking gouge my eyes out! FUCK YOU Cena!

Anonymous said...

No comment on how good the Orton V HBK match was prior to the bs finish?

Didn't i call this backlash Main Event match last week?

The ECW title should be called the TV title and have Lashley defend it on EVERY WWE show

fallen0ne said...

Fuck. I was so pissed I forgot about that. Cena should have been watching that match, particularly Orton. That's how you sell Cena!!!
FUCK YOU again.

Anonymous said...

there was a lot more to that match than selling... PSYCHOLOGY... a purpose behind every move... not everyone can do that... even some SMARK favorites that shall remain nameless

And though WGTT did get somewhat jobbed... who else was going to do it? we complain enough about makeshift teams... besides Haas and Benjamin looked good in the match (particularly the kick Benjamin gave Jeff while he was on the top rope)... no shame in losing to new champs

Anonymous said...

I haven't been that irritated following a RAW broadcast in a long time. Unfortuantely this wasn't posted before I went to sleep so my ire has withered a bit. I can't believe the thinking backstage seems to be "Wow, that Umaga/Lashley match got us a lot of attention - let's keep the feud going!" There is nothing entertaining about two guys that can't put together a simple series of moves (although in all fairness, nobody seems to be allowed to get consecutives moves in on Umaga - heaven forbid his like-watching-flies-fuck beast character be even slightly compromised) and nobody wants to see it. And why oh why is a Samoan Bulldozer playing the role of Vince's little bitch anyway? Does this all go back to the "Get a guy over by putting him in a feud with or aligning him with the McMahons"? A band from Sweden called The Smackdown named their last album "Somebody Must Kill the Head Writer" or something. I couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

bringing in that little kid was prolly the classest thing the e has ever done. last thing my intelligence has been insulted enough but i swear to god if they ruin colt like i said before i will stop watching

Anonymous said...

Gentlemen, we are missing the big picture. JOHN CENA WASNT THE FOCAL POINT OF RAW. From that end, I was so happy I couldnt stand myself. Thats not because I'm finally able to talk or be conscious for more than 15 minutes after my alergic reaction to I dont know what, but by God I was happy. John Cena cut a decent promo that did involve some halftruths, which usually his promos dont. I loved how Michaels mocked him to his face while he did the You want some come get some. If Cena does however pull this match off and remain the Dubba dubba e champion, I will be extremely pissed, because there is no reason to have a defending champion pull out an upset over three of the companies top stars no less at a pretty big pay-per-view. Unless there is a spot in that match where Edge and Orton boil over and they fight out of the arena I see no reason for Cena to retain. Hey Donnie you talk about JR's lack of logic, how bout Johnny Boy's? He told Edge about beating him in the TLC match, does Cena not remember that in that match he defeated Edge to BECOME champion, or has Vince let him go over so many times that he doesn't remember losing the championship? I've touched on this before a number of times, since Edge is involved I almost expect Cena to drop the strap. Cena lost his championship the first time at NYR when EDGE cashed in his money in the bank briefcase. Cena lost it again when Edge speared Cena allowing RVD to hit a 5SFS and Heyman to count the pin. Cena only loses when Edge is involved. I just hope Edge's straight on advertised involvment is enough to do it. The other two times he wasn't advertised to be in the match. He won the triple threat against Cena and Van Dam, and he defeated at Summerslam in Cena's hometown, so it's a 50/50 chance. Let us pray.

I still stand firm on my opinion of Randy Orton. He is great, and is the future if he keeps his shit straight. He sold all friggin night, while Cena cant sell for 10 minutes. Orton tells a story, and is a great performer. So he doesn't read from a script...damn, guess he wont make it in hollywood.

Hats off to Mick Foley and his involvment with Make a Wish. Mick Foley other than being the Godfather of the O, is a good human being, with a bangin hot wife I might add. Dont know why I mentioned that, but his wife is very attractive.

The best thing about RAW last night, while not announced was to me the fact that the 3 Omasters where all on the show. Mick Foley, Shane McMahon, and Jeff Hardy. Shelton Benjamin was there too. Who wouldn't pop if a storyline was set in place and there was a triple threat O Championship match set up between Shane, Shelton, and Hardy, with Foley somehow involved.

Anonymous said...

My tiny brain must be easily stimulated these days... i loved raw last night...

There are no brand boundaries anymore... GOOD... who believed the brands actually feuded? marks didnt even buy into that... believe me i asked... DONE

The ECW title is up in a fatal-four-way... not a 3-1 handicap... heres the match: beat on lashley till hes bleeding... then argue/fight over who pins him till he takes everybody out... DONE

No O's for Shane showing up? the good McMahon... the one that's not TOO over the top... no O's for the bitch slap to Estrada? The guy is gold... DONE

I find more positive things to say about Tuesday Night Extreme...

fallen0ne said...

Okay, now that a bit of time has passed, here's some praise for last night.
Like JBrown said, O's to Shane for being the only Mcmahon worth watching.
O to Shelton for that wicked top rope kick to Hardy.
O's to Orton for actually giving a shit about selling and psychology. Dude came out for the cutting edge limping.
An O to the writing team for actually realizing the potential for Cade & Murdoch.
O's for Mickie James for being fine, and for planting sick DDT's on them bitches.

Anonymous said...

those have been some sick DDTs.. and she just gets finer every week

Anonymous said...

The tag team division fell off. I hope that it'll be ressurected once again because most of the tag team are doin singles on heat every week. I hope Cade and Murdoch win (even though they probably won't) because they are truly "the deal"

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORandy Orton should be the next champion. What better way to get him over than have him go over in that match, with the three most believeable guys on the RAW roster. If the E truly wants him over, this is the ticket.

Anonymous said...

then after orton goes through ALL that and is barely standing... Kennedy comes and takes it

Anonymous said...

Not time for Kennedy yet. He needed to either come out during Mania and win it, since he didn't do that, he needs to wait until SUMMERSLAM, SURVIVOR SERIES and then establish a main event winner out of himself. He doesn't need to jump the gun. He needs to be highlighted and built correctly so when he takes it he can go on his own and be a legit champion.

Anonymous said...

I didn't hate last night, just disliked it. Didn't do much to keep my attention and I was disappointed Shane O-Mac didn't do any sick spots. I worship him. He's even golden on the mic. Love him.

The make a wish thing was great. Made me smile.

Shelton's kick was out cold.

Saw the four way coming. I think HBK will win and lead to a HBK vs Orton card...or atleast I hope.

I think Lashley is cool and all but it's getting annoying. Can you imagine the anger if they did this kind of thing with the World title? Let Umaga interfere tonight and cost him his title and let him continue there feud while giving the ECW guys something to fight for. Btw, Lashley sounded REALLY over with the crowd last night, was it just me?

Anonymous said...

John Cena's promo sucked.



Anonymous said...

well, here's a question. what the F*CK ever happened to "Cryme Tyme" being the #1 contender's for the tag titles???

that was decided at the beginning of the year's ppv, no?

wwe makes me want to cut myself sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I'm so tempted to go tenacious d on you wonderboy. We've talked about that before, and honestly I'm beginning to believe that Gerwitz forgot about it. They got lost in the shuffle with the Cena-Michaels debacle.