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Orton In Trouble...Again

A story broke Friday that Randy Orton got himself into some hot water while on the European tour. According to reports, Orton was found passed out in his hotel room. The room was completely trashed, with the damages totalled an excess of 30,000 dollars.

This is not the first time he has been in trouble with the company. In the past, he has found himself in the doghouse for immature actions towards the divas (including defecating in one of their gym bags!), blatantly ignoring WWE dress codes, and having an overall unprofessional demeanor backstage.

As a disciplinary measure, Orton was sent home from the tour early. In addition, there has been some talk of taking him off of Backlash. However, these rumors have yet to be confirmed.

Tha O Show will keep you updated as we find out more about this situation.

8 comments: on "Orton In Trouble...Again"

Anonymous said...

that my friends is a true heel and thats why i like him

Anonymous said...

Darth, this is the truth. Who gives a fuck Orton is too valuable to the company. You can disagree all you want, but it's true.

Anonymous said...

Orton could be the future of the WWE but he keeps getting himself in trouble behind the scenes. It's almsot like he is living a rock n' roll life style. No wonder he got kicked out of the Marines.
If he does get taken off the ppv I wonder what kind of angle they will run.

Anonymous said...

im not sure if you agree with me or not but if you do thank you i myself am a huge fan

Downtown said...

i think theyll go shoot with it if they take him off the card... this is the kind of angle he needs... a real guy with a lot of money that parties like a real rockstar... or hey its a semi-work... wwe may have told him to go act crazy to get the internet fans interested in you again... but hey maybe randy is more fun off camera than on

Anonymous said...

Yo Darth, I agree with you 100%, wrestling has lost the edge(no pun intended) from the attitude era, good or bad, it was wrestling at it's hottest. Orton is the guy to bring it back. Edge, Orton, Punk, and several others, but those 3 could add a flare not seen since those days. Orton lives the rockstar lifestyle, Edge had so much legit heat, Punk can have it too, the E needs to allow him freedom to preach straight edge, do you know how many people would hate him. The attitude era wasn't the babyfaces, it was the bastard heels that made it entertainment, and the bastard heels that we turned good. Those 3 guys people could and do legit hate, and others love, that could rekindle a fire that needs one or two more proper igniting tools and we could have the 98-99 boom again, but thats just my opinion. I have a possible article I'd like to write about this, but, well maybe.

Anonymous said...

yo lets see i would love to read that article but i have a feeling this week gonna turn into another cena bash week here on the O show but hell shawn won

Anonymous said...

Petition to get me an article spot.