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Open Mouth, Insert Foot

In the wake of the Don Imus controversy, I got to thinking of other times when people just should have kept their mouths shut. Sometimes, opening your mouth could get you in some serious trouble, or worse, fired.

Most wrestler interviews are pretty textbook and straight forward, especially when wrestlers are interviewed by the mainstream media. However, once in a while you get a real gem and often, that precious quote lands a wrestler in hot water.

The most recent example of this was Carlito, who complained to a Canadian newspaper about the politics of not being involved in WrestleMania 23. Carlito has since been on job duty as has been seen in recent weeks. According to sources, Carlito thought he was going to be fired.

Carlito is not the only wrestler to have complained to the mainstream media about politics in wrestling. Several years ago while still in WCW, Konnan did an interview with a major U.S. newspaper in which he complained openly about the politics in wrestling. Konnan didn't lose his job, but was certainly doing more of them after Eric Bischoff got wind of his comments.

Konnan may have been lucky compared to some others who have made questionable remarks to the media. The late John "Earthquake" Tenta was suspended while wrestling for WCW in 1996 for comments he made in a radio interview. Tenta complained openly about Kevin Nash and Scott Hall who were, as Tenta said, "playing politics" to get their way in the main events.

And then there are some who don't get punished at all for burying the company they work for. Kip James recently ripped into his current employer in an interview in which he said, "I would leave TNA in a heartbeat." James also blasted the entire X-Division claiming that once you've seen one X-Division match, you've seen them all. As is tradition with people who are perceived to be "proven stars" in the company, James was not suspended or fired for his comments.

I can respect someone for shooting from the hip and saying what is on their mind. However, I don't think blasting the company you work for makes too much sense. Though the word "loyalty" isn't always synonymous with pro wrestling, I think as an employee, you should be loyal. If, for no other reason, there are few options in 2007 for professional wrestlers. Unless you are willing to work MMA, it may be smart for many professional wrestlers to keep their feet away from their mouth.

8 comments: on "Open Mouth, Insert Foot"

Unknown said...

Kid Kash is one of the best recent examples. He blasted the way TNA was run, the spot he had in the company, the low pay he was getting, and the lack of a push he was getting. He lost his job shortly after that. And he's been viewed among the wrestling world as a locker room cancer ever since.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Well, we love the guys who say heat seeking shit

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is entertaining, but it's always the idiots in the midcard and/or the curtain jerkers who bitch. To those wrestlers-if you've been in the midcard or curtain jerking for a long time, the company probably sees you as expendable.

Even if the media loves what he gave us, David Cash was still retarded for making those comments. TNA was starting to utilize a lot of new talent right around that time (Team Canada, The Naturals, Monty Brown, Jeff Hardy), so when you have talent like that coming in, a guy making those kind of comments about the management and his pay should get the axe. The old "If you're not happy here, there's the door" scenario. I'm surprised Kip James didn't get fired for his Don Imus-like comments. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing him gone from TNA.

Carlito has kept causing problems for himself this year. This is either all a huge work, he's got no fear of losing his job, or he wants to get fired. This was the worst time for him to do it, too. Last year, right around WrestleMania time, he was over like nobody's business. Now his character's not nearly as over as he used to be. If he keeps this up, he'll be on HEAT and dark matches soon enough.

Kanyon shoots a lot and says stuff that could be construed as heatseeking. Maybe that explains the whole thing with Donnie. Man, I felt like such a dick typing that just now, but O-ster nation apparently loves jokes about Donnie and Kanyon. Gotta keep the fans happy. Hey, there's an idea that McMahon could learn from.

Anonymous said...

Kip James comments couldn't have come at a better time. VKM was "hot" at the time(tongue firmly planted in cheek) and TNA doesn't want to drop any of their names. Face it, the New Age Outlaws are still around, just under a different name. The James Gang mind you was better than VKM, but whatever.
Carlito is either a part of the biggest work since Brian Pillman, or is getting a little too big for his britches.
Kid Kash is an awesome talent, but his ego seems to be bigger than Donnie is tall.

Anonymous said...

Well said Plunk..........I totally forgot about Kid Kash, a classic example of a guy who's mouth cost him a job.

Anonymous said...

No problem, Fron. Most people probably forgot about him running his mouth in TNA after he got fired for being a dick in WWE.

Downtown said...

Fuck all this... I don't care what job you have... if you're not happy with something, let it be known... you'll never get ahead just doing what you're told... these guys are actually just trying to be a part of something bigger than a paycheck...

Anonymous said...

In a way I agree with Jbrown, but then again the wrestling world is far removed from the corporate world, or the normal employment world. Wrestling is much more cutthroat than most other business', so if you don't do what you're told unless you're HHH, Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, The Rock, or even Cena, you ARE expendable. New talent can be created, pushed properly and outsell you.
Let the writers know you're unhappy and maybe something can be done, let the world know and your ass is grass and Stephanie, Vince and Johnny Ace are going to smoke it. If Carlito doesn't shape up and deliver in this Flair program, he's most likely had it. Given that I totally admire his willingness to stand by what he believes in(cause I just quit my job after cussing my boss' ass out, then being told I was elible for rehire) but maybe his choice of wording was a little wrong. It all remains to be seen, though.