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Notorious T.I.D. Injured

My long time friend, semi-regular contributor to Tha O Show, and former broadcast partner, Notorious T.I.D. (real name Chris Tidwell) was involved in a serious accident yesterday, which resulted in one of his legs being crushed by a roll of steel that weighed several hundred pounds.

Right now, it is unclear as to what Tid's recovery time will be. He was in surgery last night and is slated for another surgery tomorrow.

I personally will be going to the hospital to see Tid tonight, and most likely again this weekend. He is currently scheduled to be hospitalized for at least a week or two.

Notorious T.I.D., originally from Las Vegas, has been a professional wrestler for more than 10 years, and has always been a blunt, no-nonsense, shoot from the hip, stand up guy.

Every match I've called where Tid has wrestled, I tell the listeners that he is one of the most dangerous men on the planet. That's a shoot. I know he's tough as hell, and he will bounce back, and be kicking ass sooner than later, once again.

If any of you - workers / fans / whatever, have comments or well wishes for Tid, send them here or to I will print them off and hand deliver them.

16 comments: on "Notorious T.I.D. Injured"

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Already the promoters with Living Legends Wrestling and Great Canadian Wrestling have told me that they are planning to make each of their next events some sort of benefit for Tidwell.

Anything we can do will help.

Anonymous said...

This is official ---

GCW and GCW MAX have decided to make the May 2nd. show a BENEFIT show with a portion of proceeds from the gate going to TID.

We wish him our best, and a speedy recovery!

Big Daddy Donnie said...

LLW will be running a show May 12th and donating portions of the proceeds directly to Tid.

If you'd like to donate anything, email me and we will set up a pay pal account.

Anonymous said...

Even though I've never seen him in the ring and know him from his apperances on "Tha O Show" I've always enjoy hearing him. He's blunt, honest, and sounds like a great guy. My best wishes to T.I.D. I hope he has a speedy and flawless recovery.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to say a prayer right now for T.I.D. & his recovery & I ask everyone to do the same, faith permitting.

May God Bless You & Be With You Tidwell. Keep the faith brother.

Jason Sensation

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with TID and his family.

Brian G said...

Dude! This is shocking. Get well soon big man.

Anonymous said...

Tid, thoughts and prayers are with you for a healthy recovery. Get well soon.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I saw Tid tonight at the hospital. He's in remarkably good spirits. His account of the accident is truly frightening.

I saw photos that friends of his took of the injury... the bone in his shin sticking straight out, his foot twisted around and his calf muscle completely exposed.

Doctors told him that his muscle mass actually saved him from this being much worse. His calf muscle held most of his leg in place. Most people probably would have had everything below the knee torn off.

Doctors have told Tid he'll need at least 6 months recovery before he can get in the ring. Tid's response? "I'll be back in three".

He also wanted to thank everyone for their kind words and support. He got very sentimental when reflecting about the wrestling community and the support system there is for each other.

Truth is, the big guy is in rough shape and needs our help...

If you want to make donations, purchase some of his merch or do anything else to help him out, let me know.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to join with Jason Sensation and say a prayer for Chris Tidwell, and although I've never met him, nor have I seen him perform, I'm taking Donnie at his word. May God bless you Chris and I personally hope that you do beat this in 3 months, and I will be buying the DVD of your return to the ring if a DVD is made.

God Bless,
D.J. Batchler

Big Daddy Donnie said...

T.I.D. VS Bill Skullion

T.I.D. fucks up Steve Brown and Timothy Dalton in a handicap cage match

Notorious T.I.D and New Jack VS. Phil Latio and Mikey Madrox

T.I.D. rock bottoms Phil Latio onto thumbtacks

Anonymous said...

Thanks God he is alright and will be able to walk agian and even more amazing he will be able to wrestler again.

Anonymous said...

Donnie, any update on Chris since the weekend? Just wondering how he is doing. I hope is still in as good of spirits as he can possibly be.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I know he had a 2nd surgery yesterday morning... and he seemed to be doin well last night...

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I just got word...

The second surgery went well, but not well enough to close the wound, so he is going to be going for a third surgery, most likely on wednesday to get a skin graph.

Anonymous said...

Thats terrible, let us know about the third surgery and the progress he makes.

Hang in there Chris, we're still praying for you.