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More TNA O's And NO's

Mike Tenay last night on "iMPACT!": "How often do you see Rhino in a situation where his opponent is actually larger than him?"

How about every match, you fuckin' idiot! Like Rhino is a super heavyweight or something. You know, I honestly wanted to write a TNA article that did NOT bash the company...but Tenay doesn't make it easy. He's a bonified NO week in and week out.

Here's another thing that doesn't make it easy: How excited are wrestling fans supposed to be for the 5-on-5 clusterfuck waiting to happen at Lockdown? No feud for the World Title (although TNA is trying to get one brewing between Christian and pretty much everyone involved in that maybe that is compelling) so therefore, so belt will be on the line.

Worse...TNA is still not focusing on wrestling. The 8 Mile Street Fight between Rhino and Tomko last night was pretty messy and simply didn't look all that hardcore...something they keep trying to say is the War Machine's M.O. To be fair, the table spot looked pretty stiff...and Rhino's GORE! is still looking better than most Spears these days (and yes, that goes for my boy Edge too).

Here's something NOT bash-worthy: AJ Styles' Spiral Tap...always worth an O. It is good to see him back n a main eventish-like program. I hope he eventually does get his shot at the big belt again.

Cornette is a pro but his promos are too forced: "You make more static than a two dollar radio!" he says to the loud group in his office. Was that supposed to make me laugh? What the hell is that even supposed to mean?

Now back to handing out O's: Gail Kim. It's been commented on many times on this site...she's hot. And yes, I will continually brag that I had the honour of working with her in AWF when I was Traci Brooks' manager. Every show, I couldn't help but thinking the same thing over and over again...damn, I'd love to do her.

By the way, as lame as TNA's backstage skits continue to be, Christian Cage is still a promo-king. He's as natually funny and witty as they come. I hope his title reign is not short-lived.

Question: why should anyone really be afraid of the "monster" Abyss when he gets punked out so easily? By Sting, by Christian, by James room cleaning duties? Or else I'll call your mommy? With promos like this, three year-olds wouldn't be afraid of this guy.

Don West: "There's Latinos everywhere!" after the scrum following the LAX/VKM match. Do I really have to say anything about that? NO.

Anyone else see the crazy amount of spit that came out of Samoa Joe's when he screamed "Are you kidding me Kurt?!". Don't know if that's an O or a was just funny. Sometimes you gotta stretch to find the entertainment here, folks.

Mike Tenay: "Don, did you just hear what I heard? J.B. interviewing Kurt Angle...". No Mike, Don was busy straightening Jay Lethal's hair. Man, I hate the TNA announce team.

Another O: Austin Starr's Suicide Dive THROUGH the ropes on Senshi. It always looks dope when a guy can hurl himself over the top ropes. But when a worker flies through the ropes with such speed and precision and hits his opponent with such force...he definitely deserves props.

Interesting how Bob Backlund threw the towel in for the finish of the Starr/Senshi contest. With Lethal's current gimmick being a "Macho Man" Randy Savage rip-off, does anyone else find it somewhat strange that many TNA storylines are based on WWE history? So a guy can't use his name when leaving the E and going to the A (I don't know, we'll try it, see if it sticks) but an entire angle can be stolen? I'm just sayin...

Probably makes sense considering original TNA storylines are pretty lame. The Abyss/Sting thing is overkill. Why the hell does the Stinger care so much about Abyss? Is he the Donnie to the monster's Kanyon or something? (Ha ha...couldn't help that bro).

Thankfully, Robert Roode will actually appear on a pay-per-view at Lockdown. The X-Division Championship match seems like a Money In The Bank bite, but should be pretty O-worthy. Anyone else wondering though...why TNA is only JUST announcing these matches...with a little over a week left before the show?

Let's hope Lockdown is NOT bogged down with as many gimmicky happenings as TNA's last PPV. Whoops, a blindfold match will take place. And oh yeah, there will be an 'electrified' cage for the NWA tag-team title match. And how long and convoluted was that damn end-of-the-show promo by Cornette anyway? Thanks make more trouble than a three dollar pastry.

Oh yeah? Well, the booking in TNA doesn't always make much sense either!

3 comments: on "More TNA O's And NO's"

Anonymous said...

I tried to support TNA, but once they brought back Russo I knew they shooting themselves in the it's more like shooting themselves in the head.

I realize not EVERYTHING is Russo, but even if it's Dutch Mantel that's coming up with it, it's all still very Russo-ish. Which means he has influence by osmosis.

I don’t know why Jarrett is so in love with Tenay and West. West is the worst color man going. He brings nothing to the table. I'm no fan of Tazz's work as color, but at least he has knowledge of what goes on in the ring. What does West know about wrestling? Selling the matches to the fans at home is not the same as selling cubic zirconium to grandmothers in Tampa. Tenay has a great amount of knowledge, but he doesn’t use it. He’s too busy trying to make us believe that Rhino is as big as Booby Lindsey and as hardcore as Sabu. Sorry, but Paul Heyman, the king of pushing crap flavored Kool Aid, couldn’t sell me on Rhino being a “monster.” Tenay has no chance.

I still feel Christian is holding out on his promos, but a 75% Christian promo is still better than most everyone else’s in that company. Perhaps, like most of us, he can’t believe in the BS they creative team is coming up with either.

ENOUGH WITH THE GIMMICK MATCHES!!! It’s like anything else in wrestling, if you over use it, you kill the reactions to it! It’s to the point that the only way a match will get over is if it’s a gun-on-a-pole match and the winner must shoot his opponent.

This is more based on how they have being using (or not using) Robert Roode. How do you not put over a guy that has his look, his promo skills, his work rate, and his potential? Roode should be slow building to the Main Event, not just now getting a PPV spot!

The June PPV is expected to be in Nashville (my area) and I was planning on going. However, I just don’t know if I can sit through it if they continue this garbage booking.

Bottomline, you have 1 ½ wrestling companies (TNA is half a company) that could be drawing better money and ratings if they can wake up and realize what they are trying to feed the sheep, we don’t want to eat. (is that Corney enough for Jim?)

BTW: Thanks guys for what you all do here!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I pretty much agree with everything you said Dan-e-o,particularly with regard to that God awful announce team.They're so bad I can't even laugh at them.I disagree about what you said about Styles though.He's held the big one 3 times and by his own admission in numerous interviews Styles has said himself that he's more suited to the X Division.I too love his program at the moment though and his mic work has improved drastically since last year.Heel AJ=good viewing!

Anonymous said...

Big O anytime I see the spiral tap. It's one of the best and sickest looking moves in wrestling. The A doesn't need to book these gimmick matches thats a given. The only gimmick match I'd like to see is boot on a pole match. Robert Roode vs. Dutch, Jarrett, and Russo. Winner gets to shove the boot up losers ass.

I've said it before on this show, I watch TNA on mute. Thats not a joke.

Jim Cornette is that way because it sold around here back in the day. It still somewhat sells, but as Donnie said on Tha Show this week, mostly in this area. B4 you seem to be a country boy too, and you may get what I'm saying. Maybe, maybe not.

As far as the Sting/Abyss thing goes, from what I hear, Abyss isn't that easy to work with and is quite annoying. He's ran programs with AJ, Raven, Sabu and Hardy that were somewhat succesful, but to me, I have never been one to buy into the big guy equals wrestler thing, and I personally only buy into Abyss when he has an opponent that makes him look legit. Those are few and far between. Plus the gimmick is old, stole, and straight outta the shit hole.