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I'm Hot

I'm hot.

I'm hot at the writers who thought having Trump no-sell Boogeyman was a good idea.

I'm hot at the people who thought The Money In The Bank Match should pull the curtain. I'm hot at the fact that the match that was supposed to be an O-fest ended very anti-climacticly, even though the guy I wanted to win did.

I'm hot at the fact that Edge's Mania win streak is over, when he never should have been in the match to begin with.

Ya, I'm hot. And guess what? I'm just warming up...

I'm hot about the fact that Stephanie's baby had a fucking camera in the stroller with her. What the hell?

I'm hot about the fact that the fuckin Diva match was second last on the card. Didn't they learn their lesson at Mania 18?

I'm hot that Flair was in a freakin dark match!

I'm hot at the fact that someone within the WWE (Vince) thinks that Cena STILL deserves to be on top! WHY?

I'm hot that Cena STILL can't sell. HBK works his knee forvever, to the point where he can't walk. Seconds later he fires up and is tossin shoulder tackles, FU's and 5 knuckle horse shit like it ain't no thing. With appologies to Fronte for gimmick infringement: Fuck You Cena.

I'm hot st the fact that Kennedy didn't do a run in when there was 28 minutes left of air time, and cash in his briefcase to walk away as the new champ.

I'm hot at myself for lettin Dan-e-o's brother get under my skin by sayin how BAD the Undertaker sucks and how he has NO MOVES. Fuck you B.

I'm hot at the fact that they dropped the ball with MVP and could have had him begin his climb up the WWE ladder. Instead, he lost in a match that means NOTHING to Benoit.

I'm hot that Khali pinned a vet like Kane with one fuckin foot and a lame ass choke bomb.

I'm hot that Shane O Mac got more offence in than Elijah Burke. Sure, Shane was dope, but c'mon! Give that heat-seekin bead head a break.

I'm hot about the fact that fucking marks at Live Audio Wrestling, a radio show I founded and hosted for years, put this shit over. I listened to the intro of their show for the first time since I left the show years ago. I was driving home from Dan-e-o's crib and decided to see what they had to say. Wow. They actually put this shit over. Sure they heeled on the Boogeyman spot but then they also shit on some of the highlights: like the dance party, and Booker's Mania-a-roonie.

They put over Hardy's spot as highlight of the night. Umm, hello? A 6'8" 300 plus pound Undertaker flew OVER THE TOP rope to the floor without touching the ropes. He did it like a cruiser. I ask you, which spot is TRULY more difficult to pull off, and takes more ability? They also questioned Edge's ladder and if it was actually gimmicked? Oh boy. They called Kennedy's Samoan Roller off the ladder a Kenton Bomb. Ok, I know - so what? But I'm hot.

I listend for 17 minutes, and I plan on suing them to get that wasted time back.

Two freakin idiots sitting there agreeing with each other on everything. That's compelling radio. Not to mention they use wrestling terms like and use them incorrectly. I crown you, King Of The Marks.

Mostly I'm hot that muthafuckin Dan-e-o beat me in the Mania predictions AGAIN. And, that unclassy bastard did the gay Jeff Hardy dance to celebrate it. Bastard.

Right now, I'm a red hot 6'8", 260 pound pissed off wrecking machine. So, everyone Fuck Off.

33 comments: on "I'm Hot"

Dan-e-o said...

So bro, what you're saying're hot?

Truss...I know...I'm halfway through my article as I write this...taking a bit of a different approach...but I blame you not.

Anonymous said...

At least it was better than last year's Mania.

And I continue my streak of five years in a row of watching Mania and not having to pay for it by going over to a friend's house.

Anonymous said...

Fuck man, you said everything I was thinking. I'm glad I'm nowhere near Toronto cuz I wouldn't want to cross you right now!

Unknown said...

Yeah, 'Mania sucked. Fuckin' Dan got 7 out of 8 picks right.

MVP put on a way better show than I think most of us expected. He deserved the win and the title. Go go Power Rangers.

MITB didn't really turn out to be that big of a clusterfuck, considering how the rest of the night went.

The dance party was dope. Anytime Ron Simmons shows up, the skit is instantly funny.

Honestly, because of all the doubt that started swirling around the IWC in the week prior to WrestleMania, I actually was legit worried that Taker was gonna put over Roidtista. Considering that Batista was in the match, it was good. Anyone else notice that Batista got booed so bad during his entrance that WWE techs just completely muted the crowd by dubbing his theme music over everything?

Honestly, I did not expect Trump to be willing to take a Stunner. I also really didn't expect Umaga to go after Austin as much as he did. I expected them to butt heads a little bit, but not nearly as much as they actually did.

The only thing that would have made the Boogeyman segment any good is if they actually did later show him bringing Trump his sandwich. It'd be well times comic relief.

Rob Van Dam was dope tonight. Either he wanted to put on a strong showing at his last WrestleMania, wanted to stiff and put a shoot beating on the New Breed, or both.

Undertaker's spot was better than Hardy's. After the break, it was very obvious that it was a wooden-framed ladder.

The STFU is the truth, and the truth is...Cena SUCKS. He couldn't sell a life preserver to a drowning man, he's not over with the crowd, and he can't execute moves worth a shit! Yet somehow, Vince still thinks this is the guy who's going to raise buyrates and generate more interest in his product.

The only plus I could pull out of that main event is that this storyline is not done since they are still the tag team champions. Therefore, I am now very optimistic that Michaels will eventually wrest the title from Vanilla John. Tha O Show's resident freestyle king, Dan-e-o, probably dies a little inside everytime something like tonight happens with Cena.

The biggest positive I was able to pull from tonight was that I got to see it for free.

Man, that's saaaaaaaaad.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tim Haught said...

Jeter: Five years without paying. That is truly a streak that matters. Usually I get people to chip in and come to my house. This time, I chipped in elsewhere.

Otherwise: I also don't understand why the Boogeyman who makes wrestlers like King Booker shake in fear was punked out by Donald Trump. His gimmick is now Wrestlecrap only. Maybe he is getting released again soon.

I was suprised MITB opened the show, but more suprised that Taker/Batista happened so early. It wasn't the clusterfuck I expected, but it wasn't as good as most were probably hoping. That's what they get for burying Shelton Benjamin.

I picked Edge only for the fact that it would maintain his winning streak. Big props to him on that spot. I don't give a shit what that ladder was made out of, that was sick. Sucks though that he is now 5-1 because of an overbooked ladder match, when an Orton/Edge one on one match writes itself and sets the winner up as a valid number one contender.

I was ok with the Stephanie McMahon and baby skit because of one thing. Years ago before the King of the Ring I said, "wouldn't it be weird if RVD's ponytail came out and he just had long flowing hair everywhere," and while wrestling Lesnar it happened. Tonight I said, "wouldn't it be weird if someone shit their pants. I predict someone shits at Mania" I was more thinking Batista but I will take McMahon's camera grandson.

I don't think you should be hot that the divas wrestled second to last. Second to last is not a good spot on a card. It's a piss break before the main event. WrestleMania V was Red Rooster vs. Bobby Heenan. Wrestlemania 22 was a playboy pillow fight. This spot is reserved for junk.

Regardless of anyone's feelings on Cena, which have been discussed way too much this past year two facts remain: Fact One: Cena had his career match tonight. Fact Two: Cena's career match featured him only hitting punches, a shoulder block, his back suplex to powerbomb, the five knuckle shuffle, the FU, and the STFU.

Here is my beef. If WWE really wants Cena to be the guy in the company, and they aren't dumb, deaf, and blind to the fact that he is not getting the desired reaction at live shows, regardless of the t-shirts he sells or media he generates, why wouldn't people work with him to give him some offense for the first 20 minutes that is more than a punch?

Batista actually showed some new moves in his match. Why the fuck couldn't Cena pull out some new offense? Other than a really good reversal spot that lasted four seconds, Cena did nothing of note in the match that to this point has been his best big match offering. No matter where you are sitting, that's weak. John Cena should have done some fucking moves. I think Khali did more.

As far as Cena selling goes, watch the Rock, Austin, Triple H, and anyone else. All Mania main events consist of a worked body part followed by an adrenaline rushing comeback that shrugs off the first 20 minutes of wrestling. That's why fans appreciate so much when a dude like Michaels or Benoit will do something to acknowledge the story of the match. It's unfortunately rare in wrestling today, so I don't blame Cena in particular. P.S. Kudos to Benoit for selling his arm that he couldn't apply the crossface, and instead winning with the headbutt. I hadn't seen him win with the headbutt since WCW. I knew that match would be good.

I think there is more intrigue to Kennedy keeping his MITB for later than spending it tonight. Had Kennedy won the WWE title at Mania in Wrestlemania 9, Hogan-esque fashion, I guarantee that he would have dropped it back tommorow or at the next PPV. I'd rather wait til WWE wants to give him a run.

Not sure why you are putting LAW over. They say no press is bad press. I could see people thinking the fact that they have seen Taker do his dive before makes it not as special. Tonight, the people I was with all thought that was the best it's ever looked. Umaga is also 300 pounds plus, and he also flew over the top rope to the floor without touching the ropes, and instead of crashing into a body waiting to catch him, he bumped on the floor. That was sick.

Unknown said...

I had Melina and Cena, so I'm hoping they got me enough points to hold on. I was REALLY hoping for an MVP win; that would have clinched it for me. But, I guess we have to wait until midnight tomorrow night to find out.

Unknown said...

I would be so disappointed in myself if keeping Cena on my roster for week 10 ended up being what propelled me to victory.

So disappointed.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

They've already got the WrestleMania scoring done.

The final standings for Tha O League are:

1 Tha Hitman - 2639 pts
2 Team_Rated_RKO - 2590 pts
3 Goatbusters - 2533 pts
4 Smashin' Masters 2K7 - 2501 pts
5 Methods Of Mayhem - 2451 pts
6 The O Noes! - 2391 pts
7 Dan-e-o loves Cena - 2381 pts
8 TheEndustry - 2330 pts
9 Team Boudreau - 2286 pts
10 wrestling4life - 2229 pts
11 Kelly's Killers - 2163 pts
12 Rizo's Roster - 2120 pts
13 Dan-e-o - 2093 pts
14 Sketch - 2072 pts
15 The Kickassters - 1963 pts
16 Metal Gods - 1945 pts
17 D-Generation Next - 1940 pts
18 BigDaddyDonnie - 1938 pts
19 Rapsfan - 1890 pts
20 I love ThaOShow.Com - 1441 pts
21 Illinois' Finest - 1439 pts
22 JorJorBynks - 1402 pts

Anonymous said...

Tim: Considering how bad the last three have been, I wouldn't have paid for a Wrestlemania if I was paid to sit there and watch it.

I finally figured out why they always put a divas match in between world title's so people can go get some snacks. Me...I simply got a beer, went outside and enjoyed a cigarette. The match was done before I was finished. Thank you God.

Anonymous said...

lol whoa divas match was 2nd last at mania i forgot about that, ha i didnt even watch the match. i thought mania was good last night but everything you said was right but i can understand why money in the bank was first. they were trying to make the crowd get into the ppv quicker but they were stupid for putting the sleeper next i wouldve turned it off but my friend likes khali and i already disses cena in the other one ha

Anonymous said...

one more thing ive seen taker do that before too but he got more height then he usually does which is why it was so sick.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Honestly, MVP vs. Benoit was such a good match (save for the anti-climactic ending) and both guys put on such strong performances (I was surprised with MVP's performance, I did not expect him to outwrestle the best pure wrestler in WWE; go go Power Rangers), that had this match been the curtain jerker, it would have been a very strong opening to the show and would have allowed Money In The Bank to occur at a better time in the event.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

MVP did not outwrestle Benoit... let's be serious.

And buryme... sure Taker has done that before, but keep in mind he's 40 fuckin 3 years old now!

Anonymous said...

lol MVP outwrestled Benoit are on crack.

i thought takers older then 43. its funny tho when flair was his age or hogan they werent even close to the ability of taker. i hope to god they give him a good run with the title but knowing the wwe it wont be long.

Unknown said...

Okay, so I exaggerated about him outwrestling Benoit, but he still did a far better job of wrestling than I think any of us expected. We were all expecting Benoit to have to carry MVP; I don't think Benoit had to carry him at all during the match.

Anonymous said...

I told you guys MVP would put on a great match. I loved it.

Cena winning made me so mad. He looked so dorky too. My dad, who hasn't watched wrestling in years summed it up when Cena stepped out of the car "Who's that dork?"

Glad Taker won. I'm glad my city made there feelings apparent. At one point, when Taker and Batista went punch for punch, it went "BOO! YEAAAHH! BOOO! YEAHHH!" Gotta love us.

MITB was pretty sweet I thought. I expected a few more high spots from the Hardy's though. It was cool how CM Punk actually got close to winning. Maybe this is foreshadowing...

Overall, this was the first PPV I've watched in 2 years and I got the O Show to thank for that, so thanks guys for getting me into wrestling again.

Anonymous said...

Ben, can I ask you a serious question? Does everything really taste better when you eat it out of the asscracks of those the WWE tell you to? Cena's match of a lifetime showed his true ability to be carried like a 2 month old. Maybe 7 offensive moves, how the fuck does that earn your respect? I don't do this much, but damn. You shit on Shelton Benjamin, who isn't a main eventer by any means but is a damn good wrestler, and O spot guy. You love Batista and Cena, or should I say you "respect" them. Newsflash Ben they suck. Hands down, suck. 1 has charisma, one is shit. 1 has 5 moves, one has 6. You love MVP and Dykstra, who at some point may be or will be superstars, but they aren't there yet, but you talk about them like they are gods among men. You said before you give credit where credit is due, but there is hardly any credit due to your boys Cena and Batista. I'm done now.

Onto other shit, I'm in total agreement with Donnie, except I didnt listen to LAW, Mr. E O's bro didn't piss me off, and I'm not 6'8. Everything else is dead on. While I like Jeff Hardy, Taker hitting that dive was the moment of the night, and may end up being the moment of the year. Hiphiphooray, Trump no sold Boogeyman, while Ms. USA ran the hell out. What the fuck was the Kane match? I forgot that there was a diva match, thank God. Fuck it, fuck mania.

Brian G said...

Last night I watched "Little Miss Sunshine" with my wife.

It was very funny, and had one scene in it where we were both literally holding our sides from laughing so hard.

I think I made the right decision.

Stupid WWE.

This Saturday night I'll be watching an amazing PPV in which a Canadian will headline. UFC 69 baby.

Anonymous said...

Dykstra came from you asking me several times why all the hate for Dykstra and MVP.

As for as HHH goes, its ok to call him a good maybe even great worker at times, but to vest that much into him is again buying into all the shit that the WWE throws your way.

I respect several of the WWE performers, and all the ones that can work, and that busted their ass to get where they are. Cena gets a bit of respect for actually working(not ringwork)to get where he is, but Batista, gets nothing. He's a body, and HHH liked the fact that he was big and muscular and said, "oooh, he can make my legacy greater!" Fuck Triple and his legacy for that part.

I really like the argument you used for Shelton Benjamin, and will agree that his charisma level isn't on the level of any of the greats, which may be why I said he isn't a main eventer. I like that argument too for the simple fact that other than that comment about charisma that argument describes John Cena to a T. No wait, nevermind it said decent worker, what am I thinking? When I think of things Cena is not, decent worker is at the top of that list. But, if you say neither one is your favorite why do you talk about them week after week after week after week after week?(I could do this for a while, but I'll stop at that) Do you like getting a reaction out of the Osters? Are you going to tell me next that John Cena could hang with Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit or Ric Flair? Or that Batista would not inspire, but look good against, Ricky Steamboat, Dean Malenko, Jake the Snake Roberts? Any of those guys would laugh at the notion that these two men were champions. Much as do most of us here. I don't give a damn what any WWE superstar or person who doesn't want heat says, they may respect Cena, but you know that it really bothers them to have to put over, or see these 2 men as champion of a wrestling company, when some of the best wrestlers in the company get absolutely no respect, because they want to push the Cena's and Batista's, or the political pussies like Hunter.

Unknown said...

Okay, I kinds got caught in the crossfire of that last comment, so allow me to sort of clear the air between you and I.

Do I believe that Hunter doesn't deserve his spot? I'm not saying, nor will I ever say, that Hunter doesn't deserve his spot. Sure, banging the boss' daughter didn't hurt, but he did work his way up, because jobbing to Ultimate Warrior in 1996 is about as low a career point as you can start out as. He got buried for a while because he broke kayfabe on Nash and Hall's last night, and was still able to climb to the top. He cuts great promos, can make even horrible wrestlers look passable in the ring, and is a legit draw because he knows how to get pops/heat.

Do I feel bad that he got seriously injured? Yes. I don't ever want to hear about someone suffering an injury that could possibly leave them handicapped, especially since a motorcycle hit-and-run 8 years ago left my dad with a third of his spine now made of plastic. However, maybe this time off will let him see that there are a lot of stars on the show that he should not be burying.

Triple H did a lot to bury Owen Hart and keep him from becoming a main eventer. Had Hart become a main eventer, do you think that he would have been given that embarrassing Blue Blazer superhero gimmick again and be forced to make that cartoonish entrance from the rafters (which ended in tragedy)? I doubt it very highly.

The guy does deserve his spot in the ring, but he plays too many backstage politics with other wrestlers. If he doesn't like someone backstage, unless they're already an established main eventer, they're screwed. If he likes someone backstage (i.e. Batista) they get pushed to the moon, whether they have the tools yet or not.

I'm not going to say that Batista is the worst wrestler ever, but do I feel like his stuff has been watered down since returning? Hell yes. You could debate for days whether it's the fault of Batista/Cena for their respective shortcomings or if it's creative telling them to do that, but that's a whole other issue that I will delve into some other time.

Anonymous said...

Triple H is a good wrestler. Does he deserve where he is yes. Did he get there by work ethic and busting his ass alone? No. When he showed up in WWE he went straight up to Michaels, Nash and Hall and said, I heard you were the guys to hang with. Michaels says that in his book. It didn't hurt him. It held his megapush back a year or so. But lets look at it. That too in effect helped him. Had his push come earlier, the attitude era may have never hit like it did. Face it, he's no Austin, hell he's no Rock. And as far as asses in the seats he's no Foley.

Speaking to Brians point about the Blazer, that character had been dead and buried for a while. Then magically resurrected when? After a fued with H, where I betcha H felt Owen outdid him, I don't know, but I'd bet on it.

Ok I tell you what, if you get it, then why do you defend them? Do you like to argue, or prove that you could be a WWE yes-man? There's no purpose to it, and actually no fucking merit.

As far as who I respect, its the guys who busted their asses for everything they have, and thats not half of what the guys who don't bust their asses have. You want a list, here it is, and so you can shoot it down I'll just list the E.
Greg Helms, Rey Mysterio, both Hardys(whether you're a fan or not they worked so damn hard to get where they are), CM Punk, Chavo Guerrero, Charlie Haas, Finlay, Regal, Benoit, Henning, Hart(Owen and Bret) but I'll stick with modern day, Shawn Michaels(no matter the political shit he pulls nobody can outdo him when the lights are on bright), H, Ric FUCKING Flair, Kane, Taker, MVP(yes, because being young and having the ability or charisma to get noticed does mean something I just dont have to fall in love with it), Elijah Burke, Kevin Thorn(with all the shit he's put up with ie. Jim Cornette, and the failed Mordecai gimmick), RVD, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Sandman, Balls, all the guys who deserve what they have and more.

Ben, I don't give a fuck who you discuss, but don't come at me(only because I refuse to speak for the entire site) with this holier than thou bullshit of oh, I know I don't know everything, but what I do know, I know better than you.

Anonymous said...

Oh so you travel with the WWE guys, you know what it's like, you could do it? Tell me this Ben, how the fuck do you know what I do and don't do? I don't travel all over the country, but I'm 19 years old. I travel back and forth through the northern part of south carolina and southern part of north carolina to help out, volunteer on indy shows around here to get my foot in the door so those guys may remember me when I'm done training. Random question, is the WWE's schedule more intense than the guys working indy dates in the us, then flying to japan to work a tour or various dates, and then flying back to work a few more, then to mexico or puerto rico to work a few dates. That way they come home do laundry for a day or two and then continue the cycle. I distinguish the WWE from other companies because it is THE one company and respect the travel they endure, but considering the money they are paid, they have it 10X better than indy workers on the road that many days or more just to make ends meet.

Speaking to never getting to see your family, H has always had a companion with him. Chyna then Stephanie. His fucking family is on the road. Wrestlers don't come into the business not knowning they are going to be slammed with travel. If they have a family it's the sacrifice they CHOSE, not the one they have to make. I was given a piece advice recently when I asked a guy about making it, and he said to me, "don't have a family, unless wrestlings more important. Don't expect a glamorous life, and don't expect to enjoy every second of it." I'm pretty sure thats standard stock advice of vets to the guys trying to break in, so like I said they knew and know what is coming.

So, I can only speak on my opinions? But you, Mr Boudreau can speak on any and everything because you think that you are an authority. Dude seriously, if wrestling isn't your life or career, you have no right to speak on shit either.

Anonymous said...

Ok look Ben, we don't know each other, and to be arguing over this is retarded. I don't like Cena, and you do. I utterly hate Batista and you respect him. Ok, let's agree to disagree.

Honestly, I think we enjoy two different aspects of the sport. I may be way off, but this is my thoughts. We both love wrestling, you love it for the Entertainment aspect, and you still love the sport aspect. Me, I love the and live for the sport, and care only for the entertainment as a filler not the other way around. I respect every man, women, dog, cat, mammal, chicken duck whatever involved in wrestling, but I truly don't feel all are where they should be. You don't either, with your comments about Miz in the past. Look bro, I want to squash this shit, because I love wrestling, you do to, and this site is devoted to it. Not to us fighting like a couple of school girls because we don't share each others opinions and tastes in favorite wrestlers, or wrestlers we respect the most, you get my drift. So at first, I was intending to piss you off, it worked. You pissed me off, lets call it even, move on, and agree to disagree. If thats not cool, though let me know, and we will continue this verbal joust that we both know is going nowhere.

Anonymous said...

Whoa...DJB just wrote a swerve angle. Will we see the mighty Ben Boudreau team up with DJB?

Okay, I know, it was cheesy, but after how nasty the arguments got, I figured a little humor wouldn't hurt.

Anonymous said...

Well ya know something Bustin Brian, the DJB and Ben Boudreau could make a hell of a team brother. I could come at em with the code of the O show, and Ben could come at em with the respect, and they'd be so confused that they'd have no argument. Let me tell ya brother, DJB can come from over here *Jumps out of camera angle then jumps back in from the other side* and Ben could come from over there *camera pans around feverishly looking for Ben* and brother we would show the world that brother, this, *points to palm* this is where the power lies brother.

All kidding aside, I'm sick of arguing over dumb shit that has no merit, so why not squash it and rip up other p.o.s's that mean jack to any of us. IE MIZ

Unknown said...

DJB, are you aware that you just said that your palm is where your power lies?

Maybe you should team with Fronte too.

Anonymous said...

Ok Ben, we do seem to agree, and I know I get amped up when I'm arguing about stuff.

I look at wrestling as pure sport, and as much as I respect the entertainment aspect, I just wish that the atheltics where more a focal point than they are. With that being said, I do realize Cena is a hellacious athelete, given a career in football, although when he delved into wrestling, the atheletic part of him is still there, it just doesn't show to me in his in ring ability. I've studied the very basics of this business for several years, and have tried to perfect several aspects of it before I went into training. I wanted to go in knowing things, and come out knowing virtually everything. I admire the WWE and its wrestlers for being our sole source of entertainment on TV for a while, and for their dedication to what they do. I will occasionally bring into question certain peoples dedication, only because they lack a little in my opinion.

My biggest problem with certain peoples spots is the ones with the top spots, have very limited move sets. While cruisers, and midcarders and countless indy workers have vast movesets that include moves the likes of which we haven't seen on WWE programming. Gregory Helms, for example has one of the nicest most complete move sets off the top of my head that I think of and he will never be a top guy, because the E doesn't like his size. I totally disagree with the aspect that size = wrestling ability. That may be because I'm no Dave Batista or even a Triple H, I'm more along the lines of Carlito. I believe that most of my problems with wrestling are because I dream of being involved in the business for a very long time, but in the E longevity isn't an easy thing to attain.

I'm sure we would have a lot of common favorites because when I mentioned a list of wrestlers, you mentioned them in the same way I would in which there aren't many people that would fit in that category.

If your name is brought up on the roundtable tonight, trust me it won't be in a "fuck Boudreau" type of way, because dude straight up I respect you, 1 for having the balls to take up for the guys that 95% of other osters hate, and 2 sticking by your guns and giving full arguments, instead of, "no they don't suck they rock, you suck."

Unknown said...

I think the reason behind that is that Vince badly wants John Cena to be the next Hogan. Especially after Hogan gave Cena his personal endorsement. The problem is, no fans see Cena as the next Hogan. Not a one. And either nobody backstage realizes that, or they're sticking to their guns, hoping that something will magically turn him into the next Hogan.

I believe that was the reason for Angle jobbing to him. Think about it-former American hero suddenly turning on American fans and stating a disdain for Us citizens...yeah, that wasn't done in a Hogan storyline before (*cough*Slaughter*cough*). The problem was, it backfired. The Angle storyline was supposed to make Cena's character take off Hogan-style. Instead, his character fell flat, and it has been flat ever since.

That being said, I hear he's a very cool guy outside of the ring and he is indeed athletic. His in-ring skills may be lousy, but he is athletic, which I have to appreciate (especially since my body is the exact same size as Samoa Joe's).

Anonymous said...

See also Rocky Maivia? Isn't that what they've been doing with Cena this whole time?

I understand your point, and I certainly think he could have a better gimmick if he was a heel, but the E needs to stop likening him to The Rock.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Brian, and with you to Ben, but Cena's character will not be white hot unless they do an ULTRA heel turn. Just a usual I'm a badguy screw you fans wouldn't do it. He'd hafta basically commit some kind of felonious act to be taken as a true heel. He is so SO hated by at least this 10% of the audience. And probably by about 50-65% of the rest of the audience. It's pathetic that Vince see's greatness in him. The dude has a terrible moveset, it was terrible when he was white hot and even when I liked him, but then he seemingly knew how to pick his spots on delivering those moves. I honestly hate comparing Cena to The Rock, because there is no comparison. Rock had it, Cena doesn't. Cena could have it if he and the WRITERS dug down deep enough to try and find it, but Gerwitz has his head up his own ass, and Vince's ass as well. Gerwitz is a glorified yesman. I hate yesmen with a passion. Cena will never have the appeal of a Hogan or a Rock. He could honestly have the appeal of a Michaels or HHH, which may not be saying as much, well it isn't saying as much, but is saying something. Cena may put asses in the seats, but I have a sneaking feeling he isnt the only draw on RAW. Think about it. He was complimented by Carlito, Angle and several top midcarders upon his trade. He was complimented by DX upon his title loss. He is now complimented by Jeff HArdy, who like him or not(I do) is so friggin over it's pathetic. Now Matt Hardy(who is somewhat the peoples champ) a very strong midcard yet again. There is always strong help throughout the midcard, but it isn't always utilized as it is with Cena. I think Vince knows he's dropped the ball on Cena, but refused to admit or acknowledge it. If the days of old(which were better) were back, and they only promoted 1 or 2 matches per PPV, I dont think Cena would have his spot. After so long of a big percentage of PPV buyers realizing dude isn't going to be beaten, they'd stop buying, sales would decline, and Cena would not retain that spot. That is if Vince wasnt a complete cock, and refused to give in. I have said it before and I'll say it again, Cena has a lock on the championship til at least 2010 if not farther into the future.