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WrestleMania? Pass.

Seriously... are there any O-sters out there who are truly excited about this year's WrestleMania? If you are, can you please tell your Uncle Kingdom why?

The line-up that's been announced so far doesn't interest me in the least and, for the first time in many years, I don’t really feel a desire to watch the event. That being said, I almost certainly WILL watch it in just the same way a lapsed Catholic still makes it to church at Christmas and Easter.

Let’s look at a rundown of the matches we know about so far and then I’ll proceed to run them down, if you catch my meaning.

First of all, there are the two World title matches as "Raw" champ John Cena defends against Shawn Michaels and "SmackDown!" champ Batista defends against The Undertaker. Both of these matches will only be as good as the challengers make them.

I’m not a big John Cena fan but I definitely wouldn’t call myself a Cena-hater. He is what he is and that’s a case of charisma over workrate.

The WWF may have prospered for years with such a champion (Hell, they STILL make money when that guy shows up) but I’m not inspired by this match-up. This match is an attempt to make the best of a bad situation (the Triple H injury) and I haven’t been given any particular reason to get enthusiastic about it. That being said, Cena VS. Michaels is completely about where Shawn leads and how well Cena can follow.

The "SmackDown!" match-up of Batista (and his World title) VS. Undertaker (and his WM winning streak) is even more of a thrill-killer to me. I can’t think of a day in his career where I was excited to see Batista step into a ring. The guy is a primal scream in a pair of trunks. His only concept of the word “finesse” comes if his girlfriend leaves her hair care products in his hotel bathroom.

Big Dave is one-dimensional at best and although I respect the ring general, that Taker has become over the years, enough to trust that he will carry Batista to at least a decent match (even if he has to install a handle in the champion’s back and tattoo the word “Samsonite” on his ass) I’m just not interested in sitting down to watch it.

The Women’s World title is also on the line with Melina Perez (why can’t more WWE “divas” have last names) defending against Ashley Massaro. Honestly folks, I hope they steal the show and put on a wrestling classic that puts Flair VS. Steamboat to shame. I’m all for top quality women’s wrestling and WWE has a group of women who, if nurtured and then allowed, could put on some fantastic matches. (Torrie Wilson could be every bit as good as Trish Stratus if she wanted to be.)

And that does it for the titles being defended. The ECW champion isn't even defending his title. Neither is the Intercontinental champ for that matter. Nope, those two men are fighting each other with the bouffants of two obnoxious billionaire media whores at stake.

Try and grasp the message you’re subtly being sent. You're being told, in a rather subversive manner, that Donald Trump's hair is a more valuable trophy than either Umaga’s Intercontinental title or Bobby Lesnar *whoops* Lashley’s ECW World title. (That Lesnar thing is just Vince McMahon’s deepest wish.)

This angle is purely about bringing in a little bit of mainstream press and trying to convince some casual or even non-wrestling fans to give their product a try. And it’ll work too. Think about how many TV outlets around America and around the world will play the video after Steve Austin hits the Stone Cold Stunner on Donald Trump.

Terrific. No, wait... actually that sucks because if you ARE a wrestling fan, the titles SHOULD mean something to you. They should certainly mean more than the promoter’s hair, shouldn’t they? And while this angle was originally planned with Hulk Hogan as Trump’s man and The Big Show representing Vince McMahon (neither of whom would have been carrying a championship belt into the match) the current set-up really speaks to me about how the WWE will go to any lengths to get people interested in their product, but once they become loyal to some aspect of said product, it’s in danger of being completely de-valued to help bring in the next crop of newbies?

The “Money In The Bank” match is a eight-way ladder match. Why? Wasn’t last year’s six-way ladder match enough of a clusterfuck? This match promises excitement and suspense but it does so by using up almost every piece of available talent capable of guaranteeing a homerun match. You could break this match up into 3 or 4 other contests that would be really great wrestling matches.

This eight-man is asking them to work a style that WWE has all but abandoned in order to minimize the risk of serious injury to this very group of top stars. The winner of this match will spend the next few months being pushed into position for a run at his respective World title. Do you think anything as hazardous as a ladder match will be part of that push? Nope? So why use it as the starting point? It's kind of like being asked to win a drag race on a busy city street in order to earn your driver's license.

An eight man tag match pits the ECW Originals team of Sabu, Sandman, Rob Van Dam and Tommy Dreamer against the ECW New Breed of Monty Brown, Matt Striker, Elijah Burke and Kevin Thorn. As “New Breed” stables go, this foursome is MORE interesting to me than WCW New Breed that battled the Millionaires...but far less interesting than the NWA New Breed that traveled back to 1987 from the distant future (2002) to destroy the Rock and Roll Express.

This is another clusterfuck in the making with The Alpha Male getting the chance to make a name for himself by destroying the four Originals and probably pin Van Dam.

Ric Flair VS. Carlito will get thrown in there. Carlito is this year’s Shelton Benjamin. Inches away from super-stardom, he’s been booked down to after-thought status. Beating Flair won’t do anything to improve Carlos Jr’s lot in life. Then again, losing to the 16-time champ couldn’t really hurt him in any appreciable way either.

Oh, and The Great Khali will “wrestle” Kane. Kane, who’s way up in the top ten as far as WWE tenure is concerned, has almost always been booked incredibly well or, more precisely, in positions with incredible potential. The fact that I’ve almost never been interested in anything Glen Jacobs has done since he stopped working as “the New Diesel” says more to me about what he brings to the table skill-wise than it does about the booking.

Khali, mind you, is finally being programmed better. By programmed, I mean having his appearances choreographed from the time he appears through the curtain to the moment he lumbers back through it. You can’t exactly let that guy go out there and make it up on the fly. Khali is this generation’s “Zeus”, so let’s build him for a massive title shot, have him lose and get him back to Hollywood in time to ride a bicycle up to Ice Cube’s house and steal his gold chain.

Chris Benoit will defend the United States title against Montavious Porter. If Porter is decent, Benoit will make this match work, but I haven’t seen enough of Porter to have really formed an opinion of him or, more importantly, to care whether he wins or loses. Are the powers-that-be sure they wouldn’t rather have Benoit wait backstage then sweep up the arena after the show?

What else will be added? Kendrick and London VS. Sha-Na-Na? More likely some giant tag team gauntlet match with some or all of Nitro and Mercury, Regal and Taylor, Haas and Benjamin, Cade and Murdoch, Eugene and Duggan, The Highlanders and Cryme Tyme added. Then maybe Chavo will defend his Cruiserweight title. And of course there will be some sort of bra-and-panties train wreck.

You never know... maybe I’ll sit down and watch this show and be blown away, but walking into it I just don’t feel anything for any of these matches. No excitement. No anticipation. It just doesn’t feel like “the Fed” is giving me their best this year and ‘Mania should be about the very best WWE can offer.

This WrestleMania, however, is more about missed opportunities. Some are being missed due to unforeseen and/or unavoidable circumstances. Some are being missed out of spite. Some are just being missed.

Here's the WrestleMania we could have had...

If Triple H hadn't blown out his quad, there wouldn't have been a need to reposition Shawn Michaels. Personally, I would have put the World title on Umaga at the Rumble (or earlier) and topped it off with an injury angle. Mania could have featured Cena's valiant return and inspirational victory to reclaim his title.

Meanwhile, DX and Rated RKO could have blown-off their feud once and for all with a giant tag team street fight for the "Raw" tag titles. This would be the final straw in dissolving Rated RKO's partnership with Edge, Orton and Cena then starting a three-way feud for Cena’s World belt on the next night’s "Raw" that could have carried them until SummerSlam.

Undertaker VS. Batista is probably about as good as "SmackDown!"'s main event scene was going to provide with the emotion of The Undertaker winning the Rumble leading to the streak VS. title match.

But the ECW main event picture could be a thousand times better than it is. If RVD and Sabu hadn't been arrested...If RVD's contract weren't about to run out...If CM Punk hadn't suddenly become a whipping boy...and I guess if water weren't wet and Santa Claus was real...We could all be watching ECW Champ Van Dam defend against challenger CM Punk. Think of the promos as a Raven/Punk-redux with Punk screaming about the moral superiority his straight edge lifestyle gives him while Van Dam tells him to mellow out through a thick cloud of blunt smoke.

As previously mentioned, the billionaire buzzcut match was supposed to be Hulk Hogan VS. The Big Show. I’d watch that. Especially if it were preceded by a monster truck sumo challenge and brawl on the roof of the stadium. (WCW blew that by not sending a camera to “check on” The Giant after he fell off the roof and getting a shot of a limo with a crushed-in roof but the Giant nowhere to be seen. Fell in the river? Come on. The river’s like half a mile away from the Joe Louis Arena!) Besides, Hogan fighting a giant in Detroit is always gold, right?

Anyways... I started this by asking if YOU were excited for WrestleMania and why. So it’s time for your feedback, O-sters. Do you agree with me? Disagree? Are you like me and you’re going to end up watching ‘Mania purely out of habit and hope to be surprised? Or are you really revved up and think I’ve got this whole thing backwards.

Anthony "Kingdom" James is a professional wrestler, booker, announcer and the undisputed messiah of strip club joints. Visit him online by going to or visit him on MySpace

44 comments: on "WrestleMania? Pass."

Unknown said...

Honestly, this is a 'Mania that I could get excited about. Edge was able to carry John Cena through great matches last year, so I see no reason why Shawn Michaels, the longest tenured WWE star (I said WWE, not wrestling, for all of you Flair marks) can't do the same. Undertaker slamming Batista and winning the World title is all the excitement I need to watch that match.

The thing I have to disagree with you the most on, however, is Money In The Bank. The MITB at WrestleMania 21 was a hot match because it featured so many superstars that could be considered legitimate title contenders should they have won the match. Last year's wasn't as good, as it was fairly obvious that Rob Van Dam was going to win his specialty match. This year should make for another interesting one. Orton, Kennedy, Edge, King Booker, and maybe even Finlay or Jeff Hardy would make believable title contenders should they win. That's 6 out of 8 guys who have a very legitimate shot of winning this thing.

If they don't overdo the parity booking, this will be a very hot event. I can honestly say that I am very excited about WrestleMania this year.

Dan-e-o said...


Good to know you're still alive you might not write often but you still have a lot to say...hope to read more.

Truth though sound just like all those guys I know who simply don't watch wrestling anymore (you kinda proved it by suggesting Eugene and Duggan were still a tag-team or could even still be one...not that important anyway).

I get excited for Mania every year just like people do for the SuperBowl...regardless of what teams are playing...that game isn't even about football. Sometimes Mania is just about the hype...and often it can be a let down...I agree.

But to not get amped for it is no longer have that love for wrestling in your blood...I know I will O at least a couple of times at's practically our job here at Tha O Show to diss the product...but to show love for it as well.

Simply paying attention as often as we do gives us the right to do both. You haven't really seen MVP? You're missin' out bro...maybe spendin' too much time at the strip club (not that I blame you...).

Here's hoping WM23 is off the hook...and in the likely case that it won't be all that it's cracked up to's to pro wrestling in general...lots to hate about it...but even more to love.

And that's the bottom line...

KittyLuv69 said...

im looking forward to seeing wrestlemania..(though i cant lack of money) and i cant say i wouldnt be excited to see a bra and panites match..hopefully including maria *drools* or candice,, though ive already seen her naked so whats the point, be looking forward to the undertaker match..but i cant not like a 'taker match he was the wrestler that got me into wrestler however many years not gonna comment on the rest of the matches..too much crappy typing and puncuation (sp?)


Anonymous said...

I am seriously pumped for Wrestlemania this year, its the year in whcih its The new Breed vs the Vets almost throughout the card.

You have Shawn Michaels facing Cena, I can see Michaels winning the belt here one last time, it would be nice and I can see it going well, it would be nice to see a Michaels and Edge feud till HHH comes back and we can then have a Michaels and HHH feud for the title which you know that excatly what they are going to do if Michaels wins at Wrestlemania!

Then you have Undertaker putting up his Wrestlemania record against Baptista for his title. I can see this match being very slow but with the wrestlers in it as long as they dont make it go to long it should be alright (I think that Cena vs Michaels should headline Mania and take a good 30-45mins) I not sure excatly what the WWE is going to do, the smart thing would be for Undertaker to win the title and keep his streak alive, I can't see the WWE being stupid enough to give Undertakers streak up to Baptista, that would be such a waste, once again I think Undertaker can have one last title run, and lose next Wrestlemania to a desevering wrestler to build them.

Then you have Umaga vs Lashley not I am not going to lie I have no interest for this match at all we all know excatly what is going to happen, Umaga is going to lose McMahon is going to have to shave his head, the finish will not be clean and Austin will Stunner all members in the ring. So thats that match in a nuts shell.

Now we have the MITB match, I agree with James on this one this is a pure Clusterfuck!!!! Like seriously why did they have to put 8 wrestlers in this match, even with 6 the past two years has been a bit much I can just imagen how bad of a Clusterfuck this will be. Now I am not saying that this match is not going to be good because clearly with the talent in the ring we are in for a treat. This is definately going to be an "O" fest. Now as for a winner we all know its going to be either Mr. Kenndy, Orton, Edge. I would like to CM Punk win this match and move to either Smackdown or Raw so that he can be used which we all know he can. I can't see Edge winning even though I would love to see home town boy win but this match is clearly in the past years to build a certain superstar, Edge doesn't need to be built anymore then he already is. The money in the bank match to give someone a chance who isnt nesscarly over with the fans enough to get the title. The WWE can put Edge in the title picture any time they want! and the fans with go with it. Orton not as much but still can be put in without much work. As both Edge and Orton are teased and in the WWE title picture for a while on RAW. The person who I believe who will win this match and who would benifit from this match is Mr.Kennedy I believe that the fans are not yet convinced that his is WWE Championship material, I believe that if they give him a great match at MITB that he could be the next contender on Smackdown.

So what I would like to see during MITB is that CM Punk gets the win he desevers and get pushed on either RAW or Smackdown. What I think will happen is that Mr.Kenndey will win and become a contender for Undertaker title on Smackdown.

Flair vs Carlito, I am a huge fan of Carlito ever since he took that turn and started to Wrestle amazing, when he first came in he didnt show his true colours but then after I turn on RAw on day and saw him flying off the ropes doing flips and turns and doing some sick moves. I can see Carlito getting the push, but I sorry and I know that this is going to cause alot of hassle but What is a win over Flair any more they have barried Flair so bad a win over him isn't anything big anymore.

Ashley vs Melina All i gotta say is both of them are extremely hot...and thats all i worrie about.

ECW Originals vs New Breed should be another Clusterfuck!!! but once again shouldnt be a bad match, hopefully they will push Monty Brown in this match so that he can be put in a program against Lashley to get the title off of him and to a guy who can actually talk more then two words because he is the AAAALLLLPPPPHHHHAAAA MALE!!! LMAO!!!

The one thing that will completely piss me off is if McMahon's battle of the billionaires goes on last and main events Wrestlemania, if this happens we can finally if not already have said it that McMahon has gone to far!!!!

Thats my Rant
Peace Brother

fallen0ne said...

I''l go with Dan-e-o on this one. If you can't get excited about Mania then you're missing something.
HBK will make the match and I'm sure Taker can pull a good one out of Batista. Hell he made me O against Mark Henry!
Hair vs Hair, is what it is. The only thing that sucks is that two titles won't be defended because of it.
I'm sure they'll throw in The tag titles and cw title before it's all said and done. Plus MVP vs Benoit has been added.
It may not be the best card out there, but dammit, this is Wrestlemania.

Anonymous said...

If it was up to me i would have the money in the bank winner cash in his chance right after the last match, that would be something different and worth watching. IF i had my pick Carlito would have done this and won it all

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I'm not so sure about that. Here's why-

The four guys in the match who would make legitimate contenders after winning MITB (Kennedy, Edge, Orton, and Booker) would be set into either old or bad storylines.

For instance-
If Kennedy or Booker won, and cashed in that night, beating either Undertaker or Batista, Undertaker loses his streak either way, whether it be to Roidtista or the MITB winner. I think he should end his career undefeated at WrestleMania; it'll be his biggest legacy if he does.

If Edge or Orton won, and cashed in the MITB that night, there's different problems with each. In Orton's case, he's not nearly over enough to main event a WrestleMania, regardless of whom he faces for the title. For Edge, either Michaels is going to be denied the one last long title run that he deserves, or we're going to have another year long Cena/Edge feud. Their feud last year was fairly good, but don't waste Edge's talent on a subpar talent like Cena.

Here's what I would love to see; I may have said this before on Tha O Show, but I'll say it again anyway. Kennedy wins, cashes it in at Survivor Series in a Buried Alive match against Undertaker, cutting a promo claiming that it's the one match that he and Undertaker have not competed in and that he intends on ridding the WWE of Undertaker once and for all by beating him in his own type of match. Kennedy wins. Undertaker has a smooth, kayfabe way to quietly retire, and Kennedy gets put over as the biggest heel on SmackDown, a show that, let's face it, has lakced a top heel ever since King Booker lost the title.

Just my two cents. I'm not the greatest fantasy booker in the world, but I think this would be a fairly rational, believable way to go.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

No way in hell will Taker still have the belt at Survivor Series. Plus your stipulation takes away heel advantage of MITB - to cash in when opponent is in trouble.

Undertaker is nowhere near retiring.

Tim Haught said...

I like the analogy of a wrestling fan who comes back around for Mania being compared to the Christmas-going Catholic. You have a way with words Kingdom.

I also think that you make a very logical case for John Cena as being a case of charisma over workrate. There are people who LOVE John Cena and others who hate him. Their political equivalent is really far right leaning conservative republicans and really far left leaning liberal democrats. The more intelligent and rational among us end up somewhere in the middle, understanding that Cena has something special, but that doesn't mean he wrestles like Chris Benoit.

I also like the idea of the Undertaker turning Batista into a suitcase, so he's easier to carry. Haha, I assume "The Animal" will provide some fine leather.

I have never heard Melina referred to as Melina Perez on anything related to WWE. Outside of WWE, I have heard it many times. It's very similar to me as to what was going on around 1988-89 with Sherri Martel. I don't think Ashley and Melina can deliver a great match though. They need throw Victoria and Mickie in the mix so that if Melina and Ashley are suitcases, there is someone there to carry them.

You are dead on about the Battle of the Billionaires and Money in the Bank as well.

God Bless your reference to the NWA New Breed. Haha.

With Shelton Benjamin being one of my personal favorites, your allusion to Carlito being in the Shelton spot was uber-depressing to me.

Tiny "Zeus" Lister would be a great opponent for Kane. I assume that now that they are incorporating the hook and chain from See No Evil, Kane could use it to rip the Z off the side of his forehead.

I do disagree however with any idea that the World title should have ever been on Umaga. Way too prestigious of a title to be thrown about like that. Umaga is not a proven commodity, and after losing to Lashley, it's likely to get worse for him. People would remember his title run in 5 years like Mabel's win at King of the Ring.

I think that no matter how often you watch now, you have more interesting and for me, agreeable, commentary than most.

I think the majority of wrestling fans will be upset if Michaels and Taker both don't win. WWE is in a bind because they keep pushing their past over their future. However in this case, it is probably the right decision. I am not sure what you can do with Cena if he's not the champ and can't feud over the title with a heel, however.

As RatedRStar said, Umaga vs. Lashley is painfully obvious. No way is Trump shaving his head. We lose two title matches to get an obvious outcome.

MITB, way too overloaded, huge clusterfuck. As I said, they need to take Orton and Edge out somehow. Have them blow up with personal differences prior to Mania and opt out to get a one on one match, possible a street fight or something.

Fallen One said "It may not be the best card out there, but dammit, this is Wrestlemania."

I think that's exactly the point that Kingdom was making. The card is fairly weak considering that it's not Unforgiven or No Way Out, it's Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania is not good simply because it's Wrestlemania. Don't believe me? Go watch Wrestlemania 9. On the other hand, two good matches can save an otherwise shitty Wrestlemania card and make people believe they got their money's worth. Don't believe me? Go watch Wrestlemania 10. Outside of Owen/Bret and HBK/Razor, that whole Mania blew, and some people consider it the best ever.

Anonymous said...

Taker having the belt until Survivor Series was kind of a pipe dream. He'll most likely hold it until The Great American Bash or SummerSlam. As for the retiring thing, you are right about that, Donnie. The guy's in the best shape of his life. However, should he want some time off, that would be the ideal way to do it, regardless of what pay-per-view it happens at.

A more realistic booking-have Undertaker defend his title in a Triple Threat Match against Kennedy and King Booker. Undertaker gets the hell beat out of him during the match, but manages to pin Booker following a Kenton Bomb. Kennedy grabs a mic, irately claiming that he wasn't pinned, and Undertaker only won because he capitalized on Kennedy hitting his finisher. He announces that he wants to cash in Money In The Bank, beats Undertaker, becomes the champ. Booker, angry about this, attacks Kennedy the following SmackDown. Kennedy goes face, and a Booker/Kennedy feud ensues.

Anonymous said...

MVP is just there to take up space. All these guys that kiss his ass are buying into the hype. Like I've said other than catching on fire and having a gay ass suit he hasnt done shit. I'm just glad Kenny suck a Dyckstra isn't booked. Well they could book Dykstra vs. MVP for the OOW title. Overrated and Overhyped. Cena and Batista could also compete.

Anonymous said...

One more thing, why is everyone so excited about a Michaels/HHH fued? It's happened already and drug on forever like a good fued is supposed too, but really do we need it again? Because seriously this one will go on from Summerslam through Wrestlemania then continue on with others thrown in just like the last one. Why are you excited about that. They can do nothing more this time than last time unless they have a hair vs. hair match, or a loser gets castrated match.

Edge should go over in MitB and cash in later in the night beating Michaels mere minutes after his glorious win(talk about heel heat) I said that in a comment earlier on a different post, but thats what I want to see happen. Shriveled monkey penis vs. Lashley SHOULD SHOULD SHOULD put Umaga in the prime spot to be the next major champ or at least 12-14 months with the IC strap. Who knows maybe Trump will allow us to be swerved and shave that shit he calls hair.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone...

First I want to fix a couple of mistakes I made before sending this article to Tha O Show for publication. First, I forgot to mention in the paragraph about the Women's title that I HOOPE they deliver a classic but I doubt they will or will even get the opportunity to do so.

Second, the paragraph about Benoti/Porter should obviously come right after the paragraph about Melina/Ashley since the next paragraph starts by saying "that's it for title defences".

Now to answer some of the comments you O-Sters have left for me regarding the article....

to Dan-E-O: You know what, I actually watched the episodes of Raw where Eugene turned on Duggan and pummelled him. I think it says less about my viewing habits and more about the impression the barely followed-up-on angle left on me as a viewer that I so casually included their names together as a team. And the Super Bowl is a PERFECT example of something I watch out of habit, not excitement. Most Super Bowls BLOW! Give me a good Grey Cup game any day of the week.

To Brian: In my comments about the MITB match, I acknowledged the skills of the 8-man field and the inherent suspense of wondering which man will win. My concern is that an 8-man ladder match is more of a car wreck than it is a wrestling match. And neither Finlay nor Hardy really has much of a shot at it, IMHO.

To BabyGoth: The "baby" in your screen name leads me to believe that you are a girl. The word "drools" after you mentioned Maria's name makes me think you are a fun girl.

To RatedRStar86: FiRsT, sToP tYpInG yOuR nAmE lIkE tHiS. IT'S EVEN MORE ANNOYING THAN TYPING IN ALL CAPS!!! Second, you want to give John Cena 45 minutes? Maybe you can the Great Khali into a play-by-play man while you're at it. LOL. Kidding, man. I'd love to see more main events that long, but I can't imagine watching John Cena for that long and not being disappointed.

To fallenOne: I think my whole point was that I AM missing something. I just don't have any love or faith in the product this year.

To GMONEY19116: That's not something you do at Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania's main event is supposed to be about THE biggest match of the year. Following the match you've been building to all year with another match means the match you originally built up WASN'T the best you could have offered. Want proof? WM9 when Yokozuna beat Bret Hart and then Hogan came out to challenge Yoko. DAMN that sucked.

To my man Harry in Erie, PA: I think you're right about Kennedy. I think this is the year they at least try to make him their next main event draw.

To DJ B: Wow. You have anger issues. Let's be friends.

To Tim Haught: When you agree with me and compliment me, I get confused, so I'm going to take a nap now. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't think MITB will be a car wreck. WWE has a habit of, in matches where there are more than two competitors, having only two guys in the ring while the rest are either laid out in the ring or outside of the ring. The only "car wreck" I could forsee in this match would be if they did a spot where Hardy jumped off a ladder onto every other competitor, who for some coincidental reason are all clustered together.

The reason I said Finlay and Hardy had outside shots of going over is that they are considered as upper-midcarders/low-level main eventers. Edge was in a similar scenario two years ago. He got good crowd reaction, but didn't really seem to have enough of the huge push needed to be a main eventer, and an eventual champion. Winning Money In The Bank took him from the level that Finlay and Hardy are at right now up to the level he was at in 2006.

Plus, Finlay could always go face. I'd rather see him with the title than Batista (or three-quarters of their roster, for that matter) any day of the week.

Now, with all that being said...Kennedy's going to win. Bank on it. MITB is a match that helps guys break through the glass ceiling, and right now, Kennedy is the guy who is closest to breaking it (not counting Edge, who already did).

Anonymous said...

I dont have anger issues, but yes lets be friends. The MVP thing wasnt a shot at you or anybody in general, but something I noticed, and don't understand. Wrestlemania will definently not be the best one ever, and probably not a top 5er, but I'll watch cause it's Mania, and Kennedy, Edge, Orton, Punk, Both Hardys, Shawn Michaels, Taker, and Melina are booked. I too hope that the womens match steals the show and that Melina further cements her status as a great worker. Mad props to any female who has had her teeth kicked in and still looks that good.
I only think 3 guys have a shot at winning that match. Edge(yes please), Kennedy and Orton. I'm going to stop typing now my anger is flaring up because this damn Mountain Dew just spewed all over me.

Unknown said...

DJB, I love how your comment started with "I don't have anger issues" and then ended with "I'm gonna finish now, my anger is flaring up."

DJB brings the funny to Tha O Show.

Anonymous said...

Thats just how I roll when I type my name like that, don't hate. Yes I would like to see Cena go for 30-45 mins not because he is a good wrestler but remember who he is in the ring with I am sure that Michaels can get a good match out of Cena. Your going to have at lease one longer main event so I rather see Cena and Michaels go a bit longer then Baptista vs Undertaker or Umaga vs Lashley so I think I made a vaild point

KittyLuv69 said...

i dont think im too fun and yes im a girl....wait *looks* YUP!!! i have the girl parts and the drools after saying maria just means i find her fuckin sexy

Anonymous said...

I'm bringin funny back, yup. OK now I've got that out of my system for the rest of my life. Wait isnt the first step to recovery admitting you have a problem?

I will officially go on record of saying Babygoth, you are cool in my book.

I swear I would honestly rather watch Cena do 45 minutes with Michaels than see Batista wrestle, or Lashley period. I pray to the lord above that McMahon's ego isn't bigger than Mania to him. If Bbby Lashley and Umaga main events the PPV I will definently be one pissed dude...

Anonymous said...

It might not be Mcmahon's ego, but Stone Cold and Donald Trump's. I would say Donald Trump's ego is the one to truly worry about messing up mania. I would love to see Cena and Micheals go 45 minutes. It would work, Micheals is an awesome worker and Cena is decent. Batista doesn't even deserve a mania match with The Undertaker. I know in my heart Kennedy will win, but could see Punk going over simply to have a strong competitor for the ECW title. Melina has to bring her A game from what I have read.

KittyLuv69 said...

lol well u need a better book cause im FAR FAR away from cool, bitchy, mean, cold heart and sometimes rather insane..yes cool NO

Anonymous said...

Maybe thats why my book is unpublished. Who knows. But hey, my girl shares those characteristics, and she is indeed cool. I think Carlito would agree.

KittyLuv69 said...

haha u people are all werid

Anonymous said...

Thats the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.

fallen0ne said...

This is turning into fuckin love connection.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

DJB is workin an angle with BabyGoth. Careful dude... you go to make a move and she'll carve you up with the spikes in her face!!

It'll be an Abdullah style blood bath!

Anonymous said...

Haha, damn this shit escalated quick...Abdullah style blood bath, I'm out. Unless I get a paycheck. I will however say, in complete honesty making jokes began this angle, and will continue to keep it going. Fallen0ne, create your own Franken-O, we'll call TNA and get a Love Connection battle royal. Complete with curtains, announcer, backdrops, and I bet Vince Russo would give us a main event spot.

KittyLuv69 said...

HOLY FUCK Donnie...i laughed so hard at that i cried...then i got thirsty....*shakes fist* BLOOODDDD mmmmm yummy...if i wanted to carve anyone id use my beautiful knife that has the handle made from human bone THATS RIGHT IM FUCKIN INSANE weeeeeeee... (just worked 7 hrs on 2 hrs of sleep ^^)

and fallenone... if you dont like it..why keep reading the new comments?? just wanting to start happy to ___________ (enter any threat im sure its nicer then what i could think of))

Anonymous said...


That was apparently the first promo on our road to lockdown.

KittyLuv69 said...

id think oif something good to say but my brain is dead

Anonymous said...

If thats the case string together as many profanities and violent acts and/or threats you can think of. Or if you want to be an ECW Champion talk very softly and wink at the crowd, and have no point, and make everyone want to look away and long to be hard of hearing.

KittyLuv69 said...

actually im already succeeded in making my friend wanting to be hard of hearing....everytime i talk about

Anonymous said...

You are now the #1 contender to the ECW title, and if all works out you and Bbby Lashley will be a team by the end of summer.

KittyLuv69 said...

or i might end up taking my knife and gutting like him and all...he amuses me.....but i like blood more

Anonymous said...

Get Roidtista while your at it.

KittyLuv69 said...

lol if i was going to kill anyone else it would have to be booker

Anonymous said...

I hope you mean the booker. Because if you mean King Booker, thats just not cool.

KittyLuv69 said...

sorry i completly meant king booker....i told you i wasnt cool

Anonymous said...

Eh, you're still kind of ok. Booker is the man, but I'll let that slide.

KittyLuv69 said...

lol i love how i went to being cool to kind of ok

Anonymous said...

Well, its all in how the business is. Listen to NewJack. You go from being on top to working for nothing. I'm kidding you're still cool.

KittyLuv69 said...

id say yay...but really lol i dont all kinds of not cool and i know it..i a nerd

Anonymous said...

are you a nerd or a raging psychopath?