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Who Would Make A Great Pro Wrestler?

You know your life is totally consumed by wrestling when you watch a movie and all you can think is, that person would have made a great wrestler. In recent years we have seen such stars as The Rock, Steve Austin, John Cena, and Kane make their way from the ring to the big screen. But what if people were going to go the opposite route and leave Hollywood to take up a career in pro wrestling?

Now as we all know, some people are simply much better suited than others to this strange game known as professional wrestling. Who in Hollywood right now has those traits that would make a big-time star in WWE? Who has the look? The ability to cut a promo? The athleticism? After careful thought I decided on a few names.

My first choice, Vince Vaughn.

Vince Vaughn has always reminded me of Kevin Nash. Aside from the obvious resemblance in size, they both have an arrogant smugness that perfectly fits with current wrestling. Vaughn to me comes off as a natural heel, but I can totally see him as a babyface given that he can easily cut comedic promos. Would he be a no-sell big man like Kevin Nash? Maybe, I don't see Vaughn as this amazingly mobile athlete.

Speaking of natural heels, Russell Crowe has the reputation in Hollywood of being one of the biggest jerks around. Russell reminds me of what Edge became in 2006. Adam Copeland was interviewed recently and said he wanted to make his heel character have no redeeming qualities. Russell Crowe does not appear to have any positive traits and could pull off a similar character. The one strange thing about Crowe is that he doesn't show much personality in interviews but his abilities as an actor are on another level of greatness. His success would depend on which Russell shows up to cut promos.

Last year there were rumors running rampant that Joe Rogan, UFC color commentator, was going to face Wesley Snipes in a MMA match. Those plans unfortunately fell through and we were never able to find out whether "Blade" could beat the host of "Fear Factor". To me however, if Wesley is looking to do something more physical he might want to consider a career as a professional wrestler. Snipes comes off as such a bad-ass babyface very similar to Stone Cold Steve Austin. As opposed to Vince Vaughn and Russell Crowe, Snipes actually looks like he could bring it in the ring and be a strong worker.

My last choice as celebrity turn pro wrestler is Barry Bonds. Other than the fact that Barry already cuts better heel promos then 90% of the WWE roster, his knowledge of nutritional supplements makes the transition that much easier. To make the Bonds into a superstar heel he would need a manager, preferably from the sports world, who could also cut promos on Bonds' behalf.

That's right, Charles Barkley as Bonds' manager.

Who to the O-sters think would make a great pro wrestler? Any actors, singers, or other athletes that you think would be a suitable fit in WWE of TNA

23 comments: on "Who Would Make A Great Pro Wrestler?"

Anonymous said...

How can you forget K-Fed?

Anonymous said...

I think Vin Diesel would do well, he looks like he might be able to throw down in the ring and i know he could cut one hell of a promo.

KittyLuv69 said...

i have a question you get bored sometimes?

Anonymous said...

Vin Diesel is a pussy.

How about Kevin James from King Of Queens doin the Rikishi gimmick?

Anonymous said...

how about Jerry Seinfeld?
"what's the DEAL with these tights? are we firgure skating here?"

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah man, Vince Vaughn would draw like crazy. Barry Bonds has enough roids in his system to make Mcmahon get a hard on and sign him, he'd be champ 2 days after a finalized deal.

But seriously...DAVID F'N ARQUETTE!!!!!!! Does that not count since he's already been a World Champ?

My picks, and maybe nobody will agree, but this is just me.

Bill Romanowski. Natural heel, he would have no problem getting so much heat the next town would already be booing. He's a decent size guy, he's freakishly strong, and he has no problem spitting on bitches. Case in point, T.O.

Vanilla Ice(Rob Van Winkle) would be pretty good, everybody knows him and has an opinion on him, if you don't like or love him you hate him. Plus, like me apparently he has anger issues, and he could make it easy to believe the program he was working was a shoot. Plus I'd love to see him kick Cena's ass.

Jason Giambi. Size, build, and marketability. If we're going on marketability though Derek Jeter would be a good fit, and plus he could team with his brother Johnny. KAYFABE

The last one I'll say for now is probably going to get some what the fucks from everybody else, but again this is just me. Colin Ferrel. Dude is a heat magnet in some way shape or form, in a weird way he has a Randy Orton trait to him. Women love him and or hate but want to screw him, guys hate the fact that they arent him, and he has a unique look, and background. I could see him easily being a midcard low main event heel, and then a transition into a managerial role once the wrestling run was over with.

Anonymous said...

I would loooooove to see Vanilla Ice in the ring.

A lot of the celebs TNA has used have been lame, especially the baseball players.

Vin Diesel, he hasn't made a movie in a while, he might need to consider pro wrestling as a means of survival.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Frank Thomas baby!

The Big Hurt! Tell me that's NOT a wrestling gimmick!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you guys watch the surreal life or something like that but Ice and Chyna are in something about Fame Games, and Ice flipped out on some girl because she was going to be ranking their friends on some kind of scale-I didnt pay attention, but dude lost his shit, and was like take all my shit off the board I'm out fuck this show. Dude went the hell off. His character, because I don't know if he's working VH1 and the people, but he works that shit so damn good he would be $.

On another note they should after Anna Nicoles passing take the clue and bring Chyna back in a Barry Windham, DDP type role...The Stalker.

I'm guessing though that Vin couldn't use Diesel, because of Nash, although I don't know since Vince probably owns the Diesel name, likeness' whatever, I dont know how that ended up when Nash left.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you guys watch the surreal life or something like that but Ice and Chyna are in something about Fame Games, and Ice flipped out on some girl because she was going to be ranking their friends on some kind of scale-I didnt pay attention, but dude lost his shit, and was like take all my shit off the board I'm out fuck this show. Dude went the hell off. His character, because I don't know if he's working VH1 and the people, but he works that shit so damn good he would be $.

On another note they should after Anna Nicoles passing take the clue and bring Chyna back in a Barry Windham, DDP type role...The Stalker.

I'm guessing though that Vin couldn't use Diesel, because of Nash, although I don't know since Vince probably owns the Diesel name, likeness' whatever, I dont know how that ended up when Nash left.

Anonymous said...

Fuckin A Donnie, the Big Hurt. Thomas is a decent sized dude as well, and he's got some arms on him.

Dan-e-o said...

Denis Leary would make a dope heel manager!

Anonymous said...

Before Vaughn cut a promo he could tell the kids to use earmuffs.

Damn I hadn't even thought of Dennis Leary, pair him up with somebody like...hell anybody.

I remember there was something going about K-fed awhile back and I said they could give him a stable of heels and have it like the Heenan family, I still think that idea has a future. Thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Lol ONE MILLION points to the person that mentioned Jerry Seinfeld.

Damn Vince Vaughn would be an awesome heel! I could see him being the guy everyone wants to see get beat but someone always comes in and saves his ass.

Anonymous said...

Ruban Patterson, Queen Latifa, Will Farrell kinda reminds me of Hidenrich.

Anonymous said...

Lmao yeah, Frank Thomas would be good. He could team with Edge-The Rated R Superstar and The Rated IR Superstar.

I think Bonds' body is too broken down and it wouldn't allow him to be able to do it.

Personally, I think the actor who would be the best fit in WWE would be Dwayne Johnson.

...oh, I'm gonna end up gettng heat for that one.

Anonymous said...

Nah, no heat. But I'm telling you, you may be right. Dwayne Johnson reminds me so much of a guy who used to wrestle. He reminds me of a more trim less muscular version of "The Rock."

Anonymous said...

I agree, he reminds me of The Rock so much, it's ridiculous.

The funny thing is that if he's referred to just as Dwayne Johnson, most marks wouldn't be able to put 2 and 2 together and realize that he is The Rock.

Anonymous said...

2+2 is Thomas Jefferson SUCKA. That was priceless when he was ripping on Booker T back in the Invasion days. And that my friends would be the answer some guys would come to. Dwayne"The Rock" he The Rock, or is he Dwayne Johnson. The world may never know.

Anonymous said...

The Invasion stuff from Rock (and Jericho, for that matter) was gold. Booker Wee is still one of my all-time favorite RAW segments.

Anonymous said...

Rock and Jericho out there together trashing on Stephanie was good. I'll never forget Jericho saying that since ECW's music was let the bodies hit the floor it needed to be changed to...let the boobies hit the floor.

Anonymous said...

"You're right, let's talk things over. There's a Hooters down the street."

"Tell Van Dam I wish him the breast of luck."

"We've got the Gore and the whore!"

Anonymous said...

"Look there's a man beast in the ring. And a man eater."