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Tha TNE Throwaway

Tha O Show would like to welcome Jeff Brown to Tha Staff. Jeff will be covering the ECW broadcast every Wednesday. The following is his latest column. Enjoy.

What says WrestleMania buildup like a “Big Boot” to Balls? That’s right O-sters, for the first time ever WWE was able to use ECW a.k.a. "Tuesday Night Extreme" as a catalyst into WrestleMania 23…and this is how they utilized their one hour slot on the Sci-Fi network to build up the “Grandest Stage of them All”.

So, Bibby Lindsay swears on TV now…that’s it…that’s all the guy did last night. On the program in which he is the #1 guy; six days before the biggest event of his life and all he can muster up is a threat to McMahon that after WrestleMania he will leave “a bald head son-of-a-bitch".

Really? That’s all you got? Seriously? Less than a week away from what should be the greatest night of your life, and that’s it? Oh well, what can I say that hasn’t already been said?

How about something positive? The opening match for example…Elijah Burke and Rob Van Dam put on a very solid match last night. Let me go on the record and say I HATE THE “ROLLING THUNDER”; I hear so much crap about John Cena's "F.U." but no one wants to say anything bad about RVD.

Well, I’ll say again for the ten thousandth time, it's the WORST MOVE EVER, so naturally I pop every time it’s countered (none better than Edge’s amazingly quick counter a few months back).

I was somewhat confused by last night’s main event, but considering that TNE’s roster is lacking, to say the least, I was plenty satisfied by it.

We’ve already said that the Money In The Bank match will steal the show this Sunday, so WHY NOT have all eight guys main event TNE? It’s a great idea; if you want "Raw"/"SmackDown!" ratings, bring in the "Raw"/"SD!" superstars. I highly doubt anybody is going to complain about MORE TV time; plus it helped further plant the Hardy VS. Hardy seed.

On a different note, is it just me or does it seem kind of wrong that Tazz is putting over the New Breed? Not that I like Tazz as an announcer, but he’s not a convincing enough heel to be backing the faction that is feuding with the guys that helped catapult him in this business.

One last thing, I want to get the O-sters' opinions on what they think Mick Foley’s “Big Post-WM23 Announcement” will be. This guy’s hoping it will be something to boost the fan’s interest in Tuesday Night Extreme.

21 comments: on "Tha TNE Throwaway"

Tim Haught said...

A small criticism: I know that I can read the reports elsewhere, but seriously, this article didn't tell me anything about the show at all.

Elijah Burke and RVD had a good match. Did Burke counter the rolling thunder as you talked about or were you just referencing a moment with Edge?

What did they do during the main event to help further plant the Hardy vs. Hardy seed?

I agree that Tazz supporting the New Breed faction sounds awkward. I guess I would have to hear it to really make a judgment. As I have said before, I don't make the effort to watch this brand.

As far as Mania goes, I really don't think MITB will steal the show, as 8 guys is just too many. I am guessing MVP/Benoit is the show stealer.

Anonymous said...

I agree Tim. I'm predicting an amazing Benoit match that'll steal the show.

As for Bobby swearing, it's better than him standing there and sweating profusely like usual.

I don't like Tazz putting over the New Breed...

Unknown said...

MVP is too young and will have to be carried a lot by Benoit in this match. Very rarely will a match of the night be a match where one guy has to carry the other. It generally only happens when the card is profusely lackluster.

Although the WrestleMania card somewhat fits into that category, Money In The Bank is going to be the match of the night. All the guys in that match know how to work, even Orton to an extent.

And what difference does it make whether there's 6 guys or 8? Watch the first two MITB matches, and tell me how many times they only had 2 guys in the ring fighting. It's still going to be the same even if there are 8 people. Honestly, it's actually a good thing that they added a small amount more; it means more high spots to make it believable that 6 guys are out cold outside of the ring.

Let's face it. All of the matches this Sunday are going to have one guy carrying the other (or neither carrying the other, i.e. Kane vs. Great Khali and Lashley vs. Umaga). Except for Money In the Bank.

I will have 'Mania predictions this weekend, but as it stands, here's how I'd rate each match based on expectations.

Money In The Bank: A+
MVP vs. Benoit: A-
ECW Originals vs. New Breed: A-
Michaels vs. Cena: B-
Undertaker vs. Batista: B-
Lashley vs. Umaga: C+
Kane vs. Great Khali: D-
Melina vs. Ashley: F

Unknown said...

Made a mistake. At the time I made that "all the matches are going to involve one carrying the other", I had forgotten about the ECW match. There have been a lot of good matches on ECW lately, so I have high expectations for the WrestleMania encounter.

Anonymous said...

Ok, yes Ben, I agree, if I hadn't watched the show I'd be lost as hell. Also, why is everyone exited about Hardy vs. Hardy AND HHH vs. HBK? Two fueds that have already happened. One of which nobody bought because it was rushed and didnt make sense just like it would if they did it now.

Anyway it was a good show, and Tazz putting over the new breed is such WWE announcing bs.

Also, why are people upset about 8 men being in the ladder match. Thats not really a complaint, unless you wanted there to be different guys in the match.

Tim Haught said...

I personally don't give a crap about HBK/HHH or Hardy vs. Hardy.

I think at Mania MITB will be what we affectionately term a "clusterfuck." I am sure some cool spots will happen, if that's what you are into.

I also think it's assinie to assume that the 8 man tag is going to be better than Michaels/Cena. Michaels will do anything to perform in a big main event situation.

The 8 man tag match will probably get 10 minutes at best.

Anonymous said...

Glad somebody agrees about the HHHBK and Hardy V Hardy fueds. Although I do agree that Michaels will do any and everything to steal the show at WRESTLEMANIA will Cena be able to help him? Cena had a decent match against HHH last year but Michaels style isn't exactly the same, and I think it'll be interesting to see if Cena can keep up with the Showstopper.

Multiple man matches are usually clusterfucks, but I think this years MitB has enough actually all good workers, and it will probably be the best one yet. It won't solely depend on highspots to get it over. With the underlying Edge and Hardy, Booker and Finlay, Orton and Edge, Hardy and Kennedy, and Punk and Kennedy things going it'll be quite entertaining and it will steal the show.

The ECW 8man is only going to serve as a burial for at least 2 probably 3, if not all 4(if RVD decides to leave) of the O...riginals.

Anonymous said...

sorry it sucked... ill do my absolute best to deliver a better article next week... but hey that's why its called throwaway

Anonymous said...

You know something Jbrown, I thought about it after I got done, and it didn't suck, it more or less gave more in depth to what was going on than what happened. I watched the show and I got what you were saying. I understood it, and I liked it. I just don't want to see a Matt vs. Jeff storyline. It's been overdone and the only two brothers that were able to pull it off were Bret and Owen. HHHBK I know you didn't mention it but alot of people clamor about wanting to see it. I want to tell em to go back and watch from Summerslam in 02 until the reformation of DX because that's how long it lasted. Last weeks was good, and so was this weeks, I think maybe some of us want results and rundown more than just rundown. So to each their own, you do good work, and keep it up.

Tim Haught said...

Hey Jeff,

I don't think it sucked man. Ten times better read than that shit Plunkett puts out. As someone who has sworn off TNECW, but still wants to know what happened, I just hope to see a little more detail. I might be in the minority.

Anonymous said...

lol i love this tim haught guy. on the thing about detail i dont wanna see a big huge thing come on and im sure some people dont. now on the ecw topic i havent watch a whole show since the damn thing started im sorry but fuck vkm. he prolly has some jealously that he could never do what ecw did. sure hes a smart guy but still.

o and i dont care about my grammer so dont ever insult it

Unknown said...

It was a great read. It actually is better than most of my stuff. Damn you, Jeff.

By the way, Tim, I'm sensing a little bit of hostility, so I'm going to attempt to squash it. For the record, I have no beef with you whatsoever, and any negative comments I make on this site about any specific O-ster/writer, unless I specifically state that they are for the purpose of heatseeking, are entirely tongue in cheek.

Anonymous said...

The only thing i have to say about ecw is that those who watch it and complain about how its not like the old ecw seriously needs a catscan. When i first heard about vince bringing ecw back this is for the most part what I envisioned....i pictured more hardcore matches though. Vince knew what made ecw great and he couldnt utilize alot of that because the very thing that made it great was also its greatest weakness. The old ecw could never last long term on national tv without changing.

And people should automatically assumed he would fill ecw up with his own wrestlers. 1. because vince always prefers his own home made stars and 2. because alot of the originals are people vince wouldnt have hired had they not been ecw stars. Talk up tommy dreamer all you want, hes really just some guy. When it comes to the sandman, i agree with ric flair, he cant do fuck all in the ring. And balls mahoney is someone vince would have laughed at years ago, and rightfully so. He can do a combo of punches that look utterly about high calibur.

Yes the old ecw was great. It had awesome wrestling matches and a bad ass attitude matched by very few. But lets face it my fellow wrestling fans, arent we over romanticising the old ecw a little too much? We've gotten to the point where people look back at it and act as if they never made a creative mistake, or a bad match, or pushed questionable people.

Im not saying the new ecw is great, or better then the old. But what i am saying is that it wasnt supposed to be like the old, and alot of you people should have known that from the beginning. Vince isnt doing this to spit on the grave of ecw, like some people would like to believe. Hes doing this because the ecw name makes money, which is a primary reason for a business man. And the storys and matches have been increasing in quality each week, so "smarks" cant put on their persecution complex act of "oh vince hates us and will do anything to piss us off and ruin wrestling for us".

The old ecw was fun but theres a reason it died, because "smarks" cant support a big wrestling promotion on their own. Im sure vince would agree with me as he enjoys dominating the wrestling world and the people of TNA would agree as they are figuring out new ways to become the next great national promotion.

Anonymous said...

boudreau, i agree with ya about tazz. He is an original but hes also retired. He probably realize that just like himself, sabu, rvd, sandman, and dreamer cant be around forever. So theres gotta be a new generation of ecw wrestlers.

Anonymous said...

Ben: my main issue with tazz putting over the NewBreed is not so much the fact that he is, but more along the idea of how hes doing it... its very passive... though the way some guys talk about him (coughnewjackcough) that's his M.O. anyways... He should get in the mix a little... Jerry Lawler is more active than tazz... i think it could add a littl emore "shoot" like fuel to the feud's "fire"

Anonymous said...

plus, all the shows this week SHOULD be used for nothing but to build up to the upcoming PPV

Anonymous said...

Tazz shows very little passion towards any of his commentationg. The way he supports or disses things is a little on the blah side. I've never been a big fan of Mr. Orange myself, that is outside of the ring. Tazz's commentary leaves a hell of a lot to be desired, and the only time I can think of hearing him sound truly excited was when Brock superplexed The Big Show and the ring exploded, and he kind of paused and his voice changed and he said what the...Holy Shit. He's dropped the Holy shit twice but the second time it seemed forced. Tazz isn't a color commentator, and God knows he couldn't be a play-by-play guy. Hell he refered to Kelly Kelly as an expeDITIONISH for about 2 months instead of an exhibitionist. The lady likes to show of, she's not a Ford SUV. Maybe that's why I don't like Tazz putting them over, I agree with you JBrown.

YO, Tim and Plunkett, I've got the idea to settle the fued. In the spirit of the old ECW, I say that the two of you duke it out in an oldschool hardcore showdown. And the special guest referee would be...D.J.B You guys are too damn funny, I think Tim puts out good shit, and I think Plunkett puts out good shit. I don't think that there is a guy on here(correct me anybody if I'm wrong) that gets on Tha Oshow to bury any of us. Except those anonymous fuckers. All jokes and shit aside(maybe), I'm not sure if yall are serious or working us, but in the words of a band of yesterday, WHY CANT WE BE FRIENDS?

Anonymous said...

the only BURYING goin on around here is Donnie burying me at the end of the latest show

Anonymous said...

Whats that kids name? I felt for you dude. I did. It's ok, Donnie was still too focused on Kanyon to think about anything else.

Anonymous said...

no doubt, and I'm a KID at that... eh maybe he was daydreamin' about his boyfriend... i do find it odd that Kanyon only mentions Donnie and not Dan-e-o in his O Show promo...

It's all good I still got a weekly article on the best site on the web and you better believe I push it on everybody to check it out

Anonymous said...

Who betta than Kanyon? Donnie Abrew is. What the hell is up with that? Is that what Kanyon screams to Donnie? Oh Donnie, you betta dan Kanyon? I'm just messing with you Don, but I do find it somewhat odd, as does Jbrown that Kanyon gives no mention to Mr. E O.