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Talkin' Smack!

Bobby Lashley. The proverbial cart has definitely been firmly attached behind him. The man is on three shows a week, is headlining WrestleMania 23, and has rechristened the ECW brand as "The Bobby Lashley Power Hour". All these accolades and the man still uses a running power slam as his finisher.

It was a stretch when the late great Davey Boy Smith used it as a finisher in the late 80s and early 90s. Fast forward to 2007. The era of 630 splashes, shooting star presses, and the freakin' FU (wink wink)...and the man's still using the power slam to finish off his foes. PS...What happened to the Dominator?

Now I'm not one for tirades about how a wrestler sucks at his craft. I have the utmost respect for anyone that laces the boots and performs for milions of viewers on a weekly basis. Vince has obviously made up his mind about Bobby Lashley, and no doubt my fellow O-sters have made up theirs as well.

The fact is Bobby Lashley is a tremendous athlete. In my humble opinion, he's only going to get better. However, we are all aware of the "too much too soon" backlash a wrestler can receive from his audience (see Rocky Maivia).

Bobby Lashley is unstoppable. While I find the monicker "Bibby Lindsey" to be a bit on the lame side, I have no exceptions to the nickname "Blackberg". Like Goldberg before him, Bobby Lashley has become the predictably unstoppable force. Last night on "SmackDown!" it took two of the top wrestlers on two different rosters to try to stop him, and they were again unsuccessful.

Randy Orton; the youngest world champion in the history of the business. Ken Kennedy; no doubt a future multi-time world champion and potential saviour of professional wrestling. Both men were subsequently annihilated by Bobby Lashley.

Where does it end? Certainly not WrestleMania. Undoubtedly, he will be victorious over the previously unstoppable Umaga, and the wrestling world will be treated to a bald Vince McMahon. Where does Lashley go from there? Where does he go after headlining WrestleMania as the non-defending ECW champion? I'll tell you where. "Raw".

I mean the guy's on there every week anyway, why not make it official? On "Raw", he will no doubt rekindle the "Chris Masters Full Nelson Waste of Talent Challenge" program long enough to discard the young and rather promising Masters like the refuse at the bottom of a bird cage. But I digress.

On "Raw", Bobby Lashley will no doubt have the opportunity to squash some of the best in the history of this business. Ric Flair immediately comes to mind. How will the fans react to Bobby Lashley power slamming his way through the incomparable Ric Flair?

I sincerely hope the inner Canadian will be awakened in each in every one of our hearts. How long will fans take the "Blackberg" path of destruction before it starts to impeed on their sense of pro wrestling justice? I'm predicting we're one Flair squash away. Hopefully that backlash will be ushered in sooner than later.

While I feel it necessary to apologize that this edition of "Talkin' Smack!" has been hijacked by a guy not even on the "SmackDown!" roster, I will not. If the WWE is not going to apologize for Bobby Lashley dominating all three brands on a weekly basis, I certainly won't for merely reacting to it. It deserved to be discussed at length and I feel confident that I have done that

While we are treated to such matches as London and Kendrick VS. MNM, Chavo Guerrero VS. Jimmy "Don't Call Me Wang" Yang, and absolutely anything Finley touches on a weekly basis, unfortunately the internet community is condemned to discuss all things Bobby Lashley. I am merely a victim of my subculture.

Unfortunately, Tha "O" of the night goes to my boy JBL for a Kendo Nagasaki reference during the Chavo/Yang match. Oh yeah, and Bobby Lashley put two guys you may have heard of through tables.

16 comments: on "Talkin' Smack!"

Unknown said...

Bobby Lashley even turned tables vanilla.

Anonymous said...

We touched on this in an earlier column where I too said that Lashley can only get better, and hopefully he will. But right now he's treading water instead of swimming toward the shore of greatness. That was sooooo lame, I'm glad I put it in there. Maybe if Vinny Mac's ego wasn't bigger than Dan-E-O's palacial estate we wouldn't have to deal with this.

Onto the topic of finishers, I don't know if this is a topic thats been discussed alot on Tha O Show but the impact and overall quality of finishers has diminished over the years. It all started with a legdrop one fateful day. It is now an FU(a terrible version of the DVD, and STFU which probably makes Chono cry himself to sleep) a powerbomb that once was devasting and is now as lame and fake looking as a Big Show or Hogan phantom punch or headbutt. Now they make it a champion trifecta with a running powerslam. The Dominator is one of those moves that still carries a "devastating" tag. But, Lashley dropped it to become a superstar. Maybe Lashley didn't use it because Big Show was about 525 when he was powerslammed by Lashley to lose his ECW title to said Blackberg. Maybe after beating BigShow with that move the powersthatbe said well since it beat the biggest man(besides Khali) so I'll say biggest wrestler on the roster why couldn't it put down every other guy on the roster.

Sadly you're right, Ric Flair will probably go down in 3-5 minutes to the powerslam, and I've noticed, why is Ric the job guy to future "stars?" I'd understand if he did it AFTER they were legit, or the ONE match to make them Legit. Not just to make an impact. Lashley wouldn't really be in this category but Ric was Umaga's first victim and has played Jobber to too many guys on the WWE roster.

KittyLuv69 said...

before wrestlemania i mildly liked lashely but dammit all this talk about him is starting to make me want to kill the damn guy *shakes fist* at the moment the best thing about TNA is that it doesnt have bobby lashley

Anonymous said...

this whole backberg nickname is stupid. lets be for real the guy might be like a five year old white rapper on the mic but atleast he can wrestle and he is at least belivanle as an unstopable force and his finisher is a cry back to old school wrestling a mean it actually involves contact with the mat unlike ow say silly top rope splash that one person move into position count to a wait for the other to jump on him. but when you compare him to goldberg your telling the bobby is both gatbage on the mic and in the ring with no redeaming quaility at all, are you guys for real. I belive kennedy is the future but eventually some of his best matches will be wars fought against both lashley, finlay and king booker and i cant wait to he pits the overrated cm punk in his place with that being said see me at ford field

Anonymous said...

SmackDown has been getting better, and hopefully, once Lashley stops making appearances on the show, it will only continue to improve.

I still can't believe I missed SmackDown! to go and see the Sabres/Leafs game. Goddamnit.

Tim Haught said...

I dunno where the "Bibby" came from. Lindsay, Black Lesnar, or Black Lindsar will suffice for me.

Anonymous said...

The second letter in Bobby is O, this being the O show, and most of us agreeing that he gets no O's. Thats where Bibby or actually Bbby Lashley came from.
Also Frost, if somebody pits CM Punk in his place that'll teach him.
I too find Lashley to be belivanle. I just wish I knew what it meant.
Question to Tha Osters. Is Lindsey the most belivanle superstar in wrestling?

Anonymous said...

WOW we trying to style on a typo come on at least come up with a valid pro/con argument. And I’m not saying he is the most believable guy on the roster I’m just saying he looks a lot more believable then o say a cm punk struggling to lift someone over his head to give a cheesy knee to the face my argument as a black man is why do he have to be the black somebody the black lesner or blackberg why can he be Lashley hell Even Lindsey better then that I’m not going around saying o say Dan-e-o is the mailto Most def or tupac just cause he is a rapper grow up please. Again ill admit I don’t even like the guy I think he is garbage on the mic and until he grows an action hank style beard the guy is just not intimidating to me but in the ring he has not only improved but he keeps getting better and if you watch the crappy tables match from Friday you wil even see as bObby is doing his running power slam on OrtOn he even tucks the man head and protects the man neck something neither Goldberg or Lesner would ever do

Now for a group of educated people choosing to rebuttal an argument with pointing out a typo especially on website that has people posting in short hand of OMG LOL ……“STFU”….. instead of a valid point kind of diminishes you’re your on point of view or stance it’s the equivalent of your come back being “O YEAH” are it because your tall.
Come on people

Kennedy is the future, Cm punk as of right now is over ratted, Edge should not win the money in the bank he actually needs to fight a real match and hold the tittle till HHH returns Cena the face isn’t even half the man as Cena the heel was and ill be at Mania with a smile on my face and maybe an o show t shirt depending on how fast it is delivered


Anonymous said...

Well, darth, the reason he is referred to as Black anything is because that's exactly what he is packaged as. Ever watched him come to the ring? Notice the jumping to the apron, and the Brock Lesnar pyro. It is the exact pyro they used for Lesnar. As a matter of fact, I liked Lesnar, and those who didn't didnt like the fact that he was pushed too quick. Brock was that one rarity that the WWE truly had no choice. Brock Lesnar would not be believable on a mid-card level. He was main-event all the way around. Promo's weren't awesome, so they gave him Heyman. MAIN EVENTER. I've took Lindsey's side before, but I will not back down from calling him that, or Black Lesnar or Blackberg because somebody doesn't like it. It is simply how he is sold to US the audience. Making the comparison to Dan-E-O(if I'm out of line I apoligize Dan-e-o) is far off. There are quite a number of rappers in the world, and I don't see Dan-E-O as Danpac, or Most Dan, or putting himself over as them. Lindsey is! He is simply packaged as that. Go back up a few lines and read it again. I do believe that we aren't the ones who need to grow up. If the reason you used is your only argument, its a weak one.
Calling CM Punk overrated is far from the truth. Any night of the week Punk could go out and put on a wrestling clinic that John Cena, Batista, and half the WWE lockerroom would be embarrased by because they have nothing close to the skills he has. Tell you what Darth to make you happy, I'll refer to RVD as White Benjamin, since he and Shelton seem to poses somewhat similar styles. Kennedy is the future you will get no arguments. However, Edge can't work a real match right now due to his jaw being dislocated or broken. However, nobody will go over clean on Cena and beat him in a "real" match. WWE booking will not allow it. HHH and Edge will most likely not work together upon the return of HHH, due to the main fact that Edge and Orton will not be a unit. It would be a natural fit to resume that tag team fued, but that is not to be. I suspect the HHHBK fued AGAIN. Edge and Orton for the title would be nice and interesting, but sadly will not take place. Edge is the #1 heel on RAW, Kennedy I'll assume is on SMACKDOWN to to Batista being a tweener and shitty worker. MVP is also on the SMACKDOWN heel list(yes I said it) Though I could see EDGE and Kennedy being the best two heels altogether, give MVP actual time to develope a persona and show something in the ring(hopefully he'll impress against Benoit) and he'll be #3.

Anonymous said...

Didn't you hear New Jack? Tazz is a stooge. Seriously, I have no clue about Tazmaniac. I couldn't tell you why race plays a factor to anyone. I know a few people who it does, and I don't understand it. I come from the south, apparent;y the most racist area on the planet. I have probably an equal amount of black friends to white friends if it matters, and I'd rather see Shelton Benjamin on top of the card before I'd want to see Cena there. I O for Benjamin and quite often mark out for his O spots, and I also find his exploder/tbone to be an excellent move, although not a finisher. Big Vis is the man, and I think everybody on Tha Show would agree, that there isn't a more entertaining interview than New Jack.
By the way Darth, my Oshow tshirt was here(south carolina) in less than 8 business days, I don't know where you are, but it got down here(in the black hole for mail) that quick, maybe it'll get to you quicker.

Anonymous said...

apparent;y is a word too dammit.

Unknown said...

I agree, give that "fine black gentleman" a better finisher. Maybe something that puts him over as a big, strong guy, like Hernandez' Border Toss (a much better looking version of the Razor's Edge) or maybe even give him the F-5 as a finisher. According to WWE logic, marks should have already forgotten that was Lesnar's finishing move.

Anonymous said...

Bobby Lashley makes Brian Gumble look like Malcolm X. I thought it was kinda funny that they gave Lashley Brock's pyro. I seriously thought that they were just redoing all of Lesner's gimmick in "Blackberg". I say at Wrestlemania Bobby attempts a shooting star press and screw it up like Brock did. That would make me O. Just a little.


Anonymous said...

Not one mention of Benoit v Helms.... damn shame...

Anonymous said...

Helms had the flu, and still put on a good match. Kudos Mr. Helms

Anonymous said...

This whole race arguement reminds me of an episode of "Sealab 2021"...I don't know how many of you watch that show but it's hillarious.