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Report: Pro Wrestlers Linked To Steroids

The following is a news story published last night by The Associated Press.

Eleven professional wrestlers, including the WWE's Randy Orton, have joined the list of athletes linked to a nationwide steroids investigation. reported Monday that Orton allegedly received eight prescriptions for six different drugs — including stanozolol, nandrolone and testosterone — between March 2004 and August 2004. According to the documents reviewed, two doctors whose names also appear in Gary Matthews Jr.'s file, wrote prescriptions for Orton.

Orton, through the WWE, declined comment, said.

In its review of documents, reported it found Adam Copeland, a.k.a. Edge, and Shane Helms, a.k.a. The Hurricane, received HGH from Applied Pharmacy in Mobile, Ala., one of the pharmacies raided in the investigation led by Albany, N.Y., District Attorney David Soares.

Through the WWE, Copeland and Helms didn't respond to a request for comment, said.

WWE spokesman Gary Davis told that WWE policy prohibits performance-enhancing drugs but would not say whether any wrestlers have tested positive since the policy was enacted.

Also linked to the scandal, in various reports, are baseball's Jose Canseco, John Rocker, Jerry Hairston Jr. and David Bell, former heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield,
Pittsburgh Steelers doctor Richard Rydze, 1996 Olympic wrestling gold medalist Kurt Angle and bodybuilder Victor Martinez.

Monday, also reported Arizona doctor David Wilbirt's name has come up in multiple files, including Angle, Oscar Gutierrez (stage name Rey Mysterio) and former WWE star Eddie Guerrero, who died in 2005.

Through the WWE, Gutierrez declined comment to about the report that Wilbirt had prescribed him nandrolone and stanozolol.

Wilbirt told he's not practicing medicine now.

"I'll tell you one thing and then this conversation is going to end," Wilbirt told when asked about the professional wrestlers. "They had done blood work and had laboratory work done and they had come to see me."

14 comments: on "Report: Pro Wrestlers Linked To Steroids"

Anonymous said...

There goes Wrestlemania

Anonymous said...

I don't think that it's any coincidence that the media decided to break this story right before the biggest show of the year. This casts a dark shadow over 'Mania and pro wrestling in general. I guess it was only a matter of time before some wrestlers were added to this growing list of high profile athletes. It also puts more doubt in to the WWE Wellness Policy. Did any of these duys test positive for banned substances? If so then I don't recall any of the names, with the excepton of Orton getting in any trouble in the last few months with management. Makes you wonder if in fact some wrestlers are being penalized more then others. Really sad story.

Anonymous said...

Thats the dumbest thing I ever heard.

Ya the media were sitting on this story until two weeks before Wrestlemania with the hopes of fucking it up.

Information was released to the media and made public. That's it.

fallen0ne said...

Actually I think the Wellness Program was put in motion after the various offenses by the wrestlers mentioned in the article.

Anonymous said...

I agree fallenone. Why didn't they mention Sonjay Dutt?

But honestly that whole article would have been fine until they mentioned Guerrero. I guess they think its ammo because he's already died, but Fuck the bastard that decided to reveal Eddies name.

Anonymous said...

wait I forgot. Rey Mysterio and Steroids...especially HGH, thats almost laughable. He's 5'4" and weights 160.

fallen0ne said...

Well Eddie didn't look like a gasser either. So there you go.

Anonymous said...

Is this the column that affirmed that wrestlers used steroids? laughable... i dont crap on steroids like alot of people... if used responsibly its a legitimate healer... of course it contributed to eddie's death... along with a long life of self-abuse (pain pills, a plethora of illegal substances, and just being a wrestler)... this story is more directed at the doctors than the athletes

Tim Haught said...

Not to totally heel out here, but you can look at the difference between Rey and Eddie during their Halloween Havoc classic and their Wrestlemania showdown and determine that there was a little something extra in their Kool-Aid.

I respect the hell out of both men, but pro-wrestling is largely about your look, and I could only imagine how hard it is to find time to eat right and train extensively.

Edge has even gone on record stating that he got his push after he stopped "working out." There is a difference in Edge's muscle tone since the wellness policy has been in place.

Are these pro-wrestling's worst offenders? Of course not. They are however the men listed with this particular doctor. If this leads to a further investigation of men like Bobby Lashley, Batista, John Cena, and others the WWE may find itself in some trouble.

Anonymous said...

While I have never been a wrestler, much less a Professional Wrestler, there were times when I've been injured in my life and the first thing any of the doctors I've seen for treatment did after trying to get me out of pain, was to write me prescriptions for steroids. I was told to take them because they would enable the healing process and speed up the body's own self-preservation mode of healing. This was years ago before all the "worry" about steroids became such a public issue. What I noticed when taking them was I'd gain weight.
I never got "buff" or stroger than I was before my injury. I just gained weight.

Everyone has an opinion...
This is just another media ploy at hurting careers of athletes who get hurt while doing their job. I mean, come on...
Wrestlers do get hurt everytime they walk into the ring for a match. Who do the media think they are, doctors? Pain Specialists? And do they really think those of us who watch & love wrestling~No Matter What~really care what our favorite wrestlers have to do to get their bodies back into shape so we can watch them do their thing~that "magic" they have~anyways???

I say to Hell with what they write. If my favorite wrestler gets injured and needs steroids to help him heal~so be it! Give the person the best medicine and support they need so they can come back & kick ass! Period.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Are wrestlers using steroids to heal injuries or to bulk up on tv muscle?

Anonymous said...

Donnie, thats a good question, if it wasnt sarcasm. I'm not being sarcastic, I'm just wondering.

But with the constant injuries one endures wrestling is it possible, that some if not all, began using to heal, then noticed they somewhat liked the results and said, damn right this is my ticket?

Anonymous said...

There are lots of other things that could be used to help heal...

like creatin

Anonymous said...

Great! Now I can brush off the dust from my "RVD is my dealer" sign and replace it with "Orton stole my needles".