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Tha Raw Report

First off, I appreciate that WWE had dedicated last night's edition of "Raw" to the memory of Ernie Ladd...even going so far as presenting a montage on the Hall of Famer's career. But why no mention of Bad News Allen?

I remember thinking the same thing when Michael Lockwood (a.k.a. Crash Holly) died in 2003. There was no mention of it on WWE TV until many months later when tribute was paid to a number of wrestlers who had passed away that year.

Sadly, it seems 2007 is going to be one of those years we mourn the passing of many of our wrestling heroes. The year certainly hasn't gotten off to a good start, in that respect.

On to tha show...

Last night's "Raw" definitely did not lack interesting moments. You know that WrestleMania is near when the same broadcast can boast the appearances of Mick Foley, The Rock AND Stone Cold Steve Austin. In the world of promo-cutting, these three men are the cream of the crop. Easily among the most entertaining entities in the history of the business, it is clear that wrestling fans never tire of seeing these gentlemen.

I think the best was saved for last however. Stone Cold's patented "I don't give a shit about anybody" attitude-laden tirade was among the highlights of the night. I can't imagine anyone else in the world speaking to Donald Trump the way he did - kayfabe or shoot!

In a storyline that is almost Russo-esque with its childish stipulation and focus on elements NOT involving the actual talent competing in the match, Stone Cold's involvement actually has me interested in this contest. He should help for it be somewhat entertaining, to say the least. Second place promo (and a close one at that) goes to The Rock.

Easily among the best in history in the realm of talkin' the talk, The Rock hasn't lost a beat in portraying his character to a tee. Quips including his explanation of 'Umaga' meaning "shrivelled up monkey penis" carries with them an air of wit and charisma John Cena WISHES he had. I hope this isn't the last we've seen of The Great One before WrestleMania.

It must be said, however, that it is sad that the actual participants in the Battle of the Billionaires are the ONLY ones who are saying absolutely NOTHING about the match. Not that Umaga's character is allowed to speak...and not that Bobby Lashley can actually string two sentences together but...(actually wait, I get it now!). I guess it makes sense after all to not have these two say a word.

Thing is WRESTLING fans, this match does nothing for either wrestler. Interesting how Jonathan Coachman, in explaining to John Cena and Shawn Michaels about their impending tag match, mentioned that Vince McMahon couldn't "be bothered" with them on the evening. Even the title picture has taken a back seat to Vinnie Mac's inevitable haircut at WrestleMania 23.

This is a mark's world folks. Apparently, 'wrestling' doesn't sell wrestling. Evidently, Russo and McMahon have more in common than their first names.

In keeping with the concept of bad booking, the tag team title match sucked. Less about the titles and more about the lack of trust between HBK and Cena, this bout simply squashed three would-be tag-team title competitors. It sucks that when a stip like a three-pronged gauntlet match is announced, it all too obviously unveils the end of the story. The champs will go through all three rounds...also known as three sets of wrestlers who are gonna do the job in a "man, did they ever get beat quick" type of fashion.

So now, the smark-favourite World's Greatest Tag Team is shown as nothing more than Stage One of an easy-to-win-'cause-you-guys-are-getting-no-push bout. Sad. By the way, anyone know what the hell happened to Cryme Tyme?

Back to the discussion on promos for a must be said that Edge is slowly but surely creeping his way into joining the ranks of those previously mentioned in this article. I think that I've decided that I hope he wins the "Money In The Bank" ladder match at WM23.

As far as I'm concerned, Edge never REALLY got a true reign as WWE Champion. A couple months at a time, his title reigns are likely viewed by most fans as a transitional champ periods as opposed to showcasing Edge as a legit top guy in the game. He possesses equal parts charisma and in-ring skill, and quite frankly could carry both the MITB-winner title and WWE title better than anyone else involved in that contest.

Randy Orton's involvement (as predicted correctly by Brian Plunkett a week dirt sheet reader you!) does nothing for me. Other than King Booker...who already has his "I'm superior as a result of me winning a major contest" schtick...Edge is the man most deserving of going over in this match. While I still got love for Mr. Kennedy and think that he'd make both an excellent MITB winner and eventual champ, there is still a lot left in the tank of Edge.

Anyway, looks like we'll have a Ric Flair VS. Carlito match at WrestleMania 23 after all. If it's anything we fans should have learned about watching WWE all these years, it's to never jump the gun. Never assume we know what the E has up its sleeve. We figured...'oh, they gave the match away on "Raw" and now they're tagging, that's the end of that feud'. Here's hoping the resurgence of Carlito comes as a result of an incredible showing with the Nature Boy at the Grandest Stage of Them All.

In addition, Kane VS. The Great Khali is a lock. Expect a stipulation involving weapons of some sort (the hook on a chain perhaps?) to be included.

Couple of O's on the night for me: Mr. Fuji's induction into the WWE Hall of Fame. There's been a lot of talk on Tha O Show about Hall inductees lately. At least we can't complain that Fuji had no significance in WWE history. One of the all time great heel managers, Mr. Fuji will now take his rightful spot alongside Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Jimmy "Mouth of the South" Hart.

Another O...reading the Tale of the Tape between McMahon and Donald Trump. I know I shit on this whole event earlier but having the "walk" of each individual described (specifically Vince's "Arm Flapping Power March") was hilarious to me.

Say what you will about Vinnie Mac, the man knows how to capitalize on embarrasing himself. We all know he's getting a haircut April 1st (and how about that near trip as he entered the ring last night?...Seems for all of Vince's exposure to this business throughout his life, he still has trouble climbing into the squared circle. Remember him injuring his knees while entering the ring a couple of Royal Rumble's ago? Anyway, I digress...).

I O'd for this too: JBL is competing next week?? I know I missed "SmackDown!" last this the first time that this match with HBK has been announced? Super JBL-mark, Big Daddy Donnie never mentioned that Layfield would be back in the ring so soon...what's the deal? This should be interesting. I've become a legit JBL mark for his commentating...I also thought he played an excellent heel champ during his run. I wonder what's next for him.

It looks like we're headed towards crowning a new O League Champion. The reigning champion sits in 5th place and is over a hundred points off the mark. Only three weeks left O-sters! Here are the standings for Tha O League after week 7:

1 Tha Hitman - 1768 pts
2 Dan-e-o loves Cena - 1727 pts
3 Team_Rated_RKO - 1670 pts
4 Goatbusters - 1649 pts
5 Smashin' Masters 2K7 - 1621 pts
6 Team Boudreau - 1606 pts
7 TheEndustry - 1604 pts
8 The O Noes! - 1577 pts
9 Methods Of Mayhem - 1569 pts
10 wrestling4life - 1527 pts
11 Kelly's Killers - 1409 pts
12 Sketch - 1398 pts
13 Rizo's Roster - 1338 pts
14 BigDaddyDonnie - 1337 pts
15 D-Generation Next - 1337 pts
16 Dan-e-o - 1325 pts
17 The Kickassters - 1265 pts
18 Metal Gods - 1263 pts
19 Rapsfan - 1217 pts
20 I love ThaOShow.Com - 1060 pts
21 JorJorBynks - 900 pts
22 Illinois' Finest - 871 pts

19 comments: on "Tha Raw Report"

fallen0ne said...

Did it seem like RAW just flew by?
Show had a nice flow to it. Nice surorise by the E to throw the Rock in there. You could see even he was having a great time doing it.
Doesn't cutting to break and then coming back with the third gauntlet team already kickin ass in the ring take away from the fact that it was MNM?
Also, Ashley and Mickie were kickin each others' ass a while back, and now their pals? What was the point of Mickie and Torrie throwing Melina back in, if Ashley was just gonna dump her back out?
Ending promo was about 15 minutes over time!
Too damn long, especially with having to look at Trump's stupid smug face and having him call Vanilla Lindsey "my man".
I popped for his failed do we love Bobby line to the crowd.
Most celebs wanna see Trump lose the do. I think that wasn't the way the E wanted that to go.
All in all not a bad show.

Anonymous said...

It really feels like RAW is stepping up the game again and they have produced and excelant show.

I reckon the I.C belt is being wasted on Umaga but other than that the whole Vince Vs The Donald match is actually shaping up quite well and what better mouth piece for Mr Vanilla than The Donald!

I marked out big time for the Rock's promo but the best bit about last night's show was finding out that the wrestling GOD, JBL will be back in action on RAW next week.....I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Super skinny Rock via pre-tape = no O

Anonymous said...

I find it funny that you, and other self proclaimed "smarks" claim to know whats best for all wrestlers and wrestling fans. But obviously you just have a sort of limited insight only thinking of wrestling booking as a matter of "wins and loses", "pushes and doghouse effects", and "the deserving and the undeserving".

So John Cena isnt the greatest of all time, he isnt the worse, not by any stretch of the imagination. The fact of the matter is if you actually take time to actually reflect on his entire career, you can see he's worked hard to get where he is. And I hate it when people talk about somebody being a "tansitional champion". If a booker gave someone a belt for any reason, at least 90 times out of 100 its because they trust them as a champion. It's true that some title reigns are shorter and less glamorous then others, but that doesnt make them any less valuable in the grand scheme of things. Sometimes in wrestling, its not about making yourself look good, its about making someone else look good. And if you make them look good enough, then you make yourself look good. Im sure wrestlers like Ric Flair and Ted Debiase would agree with me.

Ultimately what I am trying to say is when your going on some "smark" (I hate the that term because the last adjective that comes to my mind when I think of internet wrestling fans is "smart") ant-mcmahon tirade, stop and ask yourself this question: "How many wrestling promotions/multi-national corporations have I run?"

It may be true that you, as a consumer, have the right to voice your opinion on a product. I just dont think your opinion is as informed as you like to fancy it being.

Unknown said...

In some cases, "transitional" runs are created because creative thinks a guy is ready to be champ, only to find out after he wins the title that he wasn't even close to ready. Randy Orton jumps readily to mind.

As far as the "deserving/undeserving" thing, it's evident in WWE programming. Why hasn't Carlito been given the title? One, his attitude a few months back just plain sucked, and he's not over enough as a face to be the champ. Ergo, he's not deserving to be champ. Going to a huge extreme, you are never going to see Scotty 2 Hotty challenging for the World Heavyweight Championship. Why? Because his gimmick is very stale, and his wrestling skills are not that impressive. He's not deserving to be champ. On the flip side, look at Shawn Michaels. He's got good skills on the stick, has good in-ring skills, and has great charisma. He's deserving of being the champ.

I also very highly disagree with the "wins and losses" remark. Wins and losses are kayfabed, brother. Wake up and smell the dog shit. (sorry, had to throw in the Hogan reference) Of course the main eventers are going to have more wins than curtain jerkers or midcarders. It makes sense, though. If a guy is a jobber, he's not going to be a prominent main eventer.

Cut and dry, guys who have an interesting gimmick and can use it to their advantage in the ring and in promos make smarks enjoy the product more. That's why smarks love fantasy booking; smarks will see who gets over more, and book accordingly. If a guy gets little to no crowd reaction, smarks won't put him as a main eventer. Which is how a company should do business.

"Marks" are more concerned about cheering on the good guys. "Smarks" don't give a damn who the bad guy or the good guy is, they're going to cheer for the guy who is a better showman. WWE programming currently caters to the marks (unfortunately, rightfully so for them since marks are the majority of their audience), which is why smarks are so critical of the booking.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I'm not sure what Annoynmous is all fired up about. All of Dan-e-o's points made sense and were backed up.

Relax youself dude. You're clearly one of the thousands of workers with an "us vs. the internet" mentality.

Wake up, and say hello to 1997. When you realize times have changed, travel 10 years and chill with us here.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

By the way...

Having HBK and Cena only half pay attention to their opponents and still defeat 3 teams without breaking a sweat is embarassing.

Why the hell add a cage to the final round? To me, that was the perfect chance to take the belts OFF these two...

Unknown said...

Most likely, Cena and Michaels will lose the tag titles the RAW before WrestleMania (hopefully to WGTT or Cade/Murdoch), a la Benoit and Jericho prior to King Of The Ring 2001.

Hopefully Cena will turn heel either during or after the match, and Michaels will register a clean face over heel win at 'Mania.

Tim Haught said...

WWE's acknowledgement of Ernie Ladd was fantastic. Yes, they should have had something for Bad News as well, but the reason they didn't is likely that they didn't have a premade montage of him, the way they did for Ladd. Hopefully they will make something up an acknowledge him later this week.

Rock, Foley, and Austin's involvements at Wrestlemania time are exactly what is wrong with wrestling today. Regardless of their abilities at cutting promos, it's time for the younger guys to shine. Rock, Foley, and Austin would have been nothing had WWE accquired WCW in 94, because Hogan, Savage, and Warrior would have shown up each year at Mania and been considered the real stars of pro-wrestling.

I do agree that Austin was great in his role last night, however I think that the Rock's promo was weak as hell, and I agree with Raider. Skinny Pre-Tape Rock = NO

That shriveled up monkey penis comment is the exact same type of thing they have Cena saying that makes him look like a moron. We accept it from Rock more, because he is the originator of it, but I am not a fifth grader. When I was 13 years old, the mention of the words monkey penis was sure to get a laugh. The Rock looked exactly as stupid as Cena has looked for months trying to pull off the exact same sophomoric-type humor. WWE created attitude because the 5 year olds that loved Hulk Hogan were now 15 years olds. They should create something now that the 15 year olds are 25. The Rock taking TV time from guys before Mania and putting under one of the company's best built stars in Umaga is worthless. I, for one, hope we don't see any of the Rock again unless he feels he wants to commit to the WWE once again. Coming back and stealing everyone's thunder only to dissapear is counter productive.

On that note, how insulting must it be to guys that aren't getting a spot at Mania that Austin's shirt reads "Arrive. Raise Hell. Leave." I am sure they all respect Austin and his contributions, as we all should, but seriously... How frustrating when you are a guy like Chris Masters trying to get your segment over that the dude who's t-shirt explicitly states that he really doesn't give a shit is ready and willing to come back at anytime and all of creative's energy will be centered around him?

With the IC title and ECW title held up for Mania, I thought for sure the Gauntlet with a Cage match finale would be an excuse to take the tag belts off Cena and Michaels. Why couldn't one have accidentally hit the other? Before the match, I suggested jobs for WGTT and Cade and Murdoch, although in reverse order, followed by an MNM title win. Unfortunately, when they took forever to lower the cage, then went to commercial, I knew fatigue wouldn't be an excuse to have Cena and Michaels drop their belts. How stupid was it to bring out MNM during the break? How stupid was the whole gauntlet in general? Totally pointless, as the whole tag division which has slowly been rebuilt is again destroyed, and the tag belts remain in limbo for at least another week.

I don't want to see Edge win the MITB ladder match frankly, because he doesn't need to. He's a main eventer regardless. I liked this match as it established that it was a time for some new blood in the title picture. That said, I want Edge to win because I would like to see him keep his streak in tact for Mania, as I think the longterm possibilities are worth more than having him lose out in this match. I think they really need to let Rated RKO explode, and have both men bow out of the MITB match. 8 men in a ladder match has clusterfuck written all over it to begin with. Have Edge steal a win over Orton to keep up his Wrestlemania upside for the future. Then have them feud all the way through Summerslam. The six man MITB will flow better, and you will have two great midcard matches rather than one.

Also a note on Orton. Brian commented about Orton as a transitional champion because he was not ready to carry the ball. The problem with Orton's title reign is that Orton was mad over as the cocky brash legend killer, and when Evolution turned on him, he turned into the same generic Rock ripoff that everyone else who is pushed as a babyface champion post-attitude is forced into being. If he could have just been his cocky self, and continued to spit in the face of Triple H, who the fans despised, the fans would have loved Orton. Instead, he was made into the lamest guy ever. Triple H squashed him quick, and no one has looked at Orton the same since. I don't think though that it was because he "wasn't ready." I think it's because WWE expects everyone to fit a mold created by Austin and the Rock during a very successful period of business.

Obviously Carlito and Flair were going to end up on opposite sides of the fence. It was just a matter of time. It was just hard to determine how that would happen, as Cena/Michaels and Rated RKO were going through basically the same thing. Wow, creative loves the tag team tension storyline this month.

Carlito hitting the backcracker on Flair seemed really justified last night, and him taking on Orton definetely lessened the impact of what he actually did. If Flair is bitching about it next week, he will look like a pussy who didn't understand the rules of the match. Not exactly an impactful heel turn. I assume the full fledged turn is yet to come. I hope they position Torrie with Flair then, as Flair is sure to take her to Space Mountain. WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Glad to see Mickie and Victoria moderately involved in the Women's title storyline, as they are the only talented wrestling diva's on the roster currently. Yes, Ashley forgot that Mickie stalked her and tied her up, but that's ok. It's all about forgiveness. In the end, Ashley and Melina are gonna stink up Mania, without doubt.

Kane vs. Khali could be another in a list of dissapointing Kane matches at Mania. Kane is a guy that always seems lost in a shuffle, turned heel or face based upon the leftovers of who there is to make a money match with at Mania time. This time he gets Khali. I personally have nothing against Khali who based on size and gimmick, shouldn't be busting out a lot of great moves. He simply doesn't need to. He is a monster. Still, when WWE puts two hosses in the ring against each other, something has to give, and usually the product delivered isn't pretty. I assume this will be better than Big Show vs. Akebono in a Sumo Match from years back, however.

I remember when Jake Roberts exposed Andre the Giant's fear of snakes. Now they are doing sorta the same think, except if you are Khali, aren't you more than rational in being afraid of some almost 7'0" psycho carring a rusty metal hook on a chain. I am not sure how you book a hook on a chain match, as the weapon should by all means literally kill you. I guess a sledgehammer should as well, and we've tolerated that for years. Thanks for continually insulting our intelligence WWE. I can't wait for Khali to get impaled with a hook, and come back the next week. "It's a miracle"

Fuji: Totally deserving, as are his former charges Demoliton and Yokozuna who will eventually have their days as well. I really think this HoF class is exceptional.

The McMahon/Trump stuff lasted way too long. Trump wasn't as awkward as most who aren't really involved in wrestling, but many of his adlibs just seemed like something you'd see at a really crappy indy show. "Do we love Bobby or what?" The crowd reacted like, "Who the hell is Bobby? Oh yeah, Lindsay. I forgot." Making up fake statistics as to the number of people who want to see McMahon lose is ridiculous. Hollywood wants to see Trump lose cause get this: Hollywood knows and cares who Trump is. Trump's hair has been hollywood fodder for decades. No one in Hollywood gives a shit about Vince McMahon. To them, he is the glorified ringmaster of a three ring circus. All in all, the segment didn't flow, as there was an awkward spot before Austin came out, and it should have been cut off as soon as Austin left. Austin is the star of this whole thing, and that is a problem, as this should be a vehicle to get the winner of the match over. It is more about the ego of McMahon, Austin, and Trump than it is about anything else. I can't say I would have expected anything less.

I understand that JBL's return to the ring is a major O, but I think it's a major waste. JBL is a former World Champion. If he is going to come back and wrestle, it should be a part of a significant angle that involves him, and not a byproduct of a current storyline which loses more heat to me each and every week. If WWE is set on this idea, he is the only real choice as Triple H is hurt and Big Show is no longer under contract, and Cena has no other Mania experience. Still, JBL's return should generate a buyrate and be an exciting big deal. As it is booked, it is nothing but an afterthought. JBL fans should not look at this as a positive, as he is not returning to full time active competition, but rather meaninglessly returning lay down to Shawn Michaels.

KittyLuv69 said...

I didnt really watch Raw, i forgot about it, but i did see one part and i only have four words to say
Shriveled up monkey penis.

Unknown said...

I'm gonna do Big Daddy Donnie a favor and say this for him.

Haught, you asshat, you did it again. You gave away a whole article, maybe even an article and a half, in a comment. I wish you were a booker for WWE, we'd never have to buy a pay-per-view ever again; we'd get to see it all on TV every week.

Just ribbing ya, Tim. Kind of.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Ya FYI Haught...
you are still allowed to email us articles...

Which currently you are just giving away in comments.

Meh, your call.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Ya FYI Haught...
you are still allowed to email us articles...

Which currently you are just giving away in comments.

Meh, your call.

Anonymous said...

annymus who gets absolutely no O's(by the way I think he typed verbatim an old Vinny Ru or HHH interview for that comment) but seriously RAW was good, but what a week to drop HBK and Michaels to add Orton(who did win anyway, Khali, and Ashley) it's all about the points and I think I lost some points even though I added 3 people. I hate week after week how they job top talent to Michaels and Cena to prove a point, problem is what is the point? That 2 dudes with attitudes, no wait different tag team that lost trust, 2 guys are so "great"(1 is 1 aint) they can distrust each other and still beat top tag teams? Give me a break. Cena worked to get where he was, but not that hard. He admitted and so have quite a few, had he never been heard freestyling in Europe he would be another mid-card guy, or on the TNA roster right now. He had the Bret Hart 5 moves of doom, and even in a 10 minute Mania match against JBL hit em and won. What exactly about him is hard working? That he left home hit the gas and entered body-building competitions? Got "discovered" by if you've got a body you're a great wrestler in UPW? The fact that they had Angle carry his shitty workrate ass through his first match, had him slap Chris Jericho to get him over, and then have Jericho carry him through his first PPV match? The fact that he went on to do absolutely nothing until his Vanilla Ice costume at a halloween Smackdown party? That they paired him with big and decent workers for a while? That he jumped on a script that Austin already turned down? That he was carried through both Wrestlemania title matches by 2 excellent workers, and make no mistake in 27 days it'll be a 3rd? Come on Vince Russos #1 fan, what abuot Cena is so hard working? I'll give him credit, he's got some charisma, and some of his moves look strong, but he can't sell, and can't work. The only reason he's a champion is because the E loves it's marks. He sells alot of t-shirts. WOW, there's a champ right there. If he had a good finisher it'd be different, but he uses a half-assed Death Valley Driver, that Perry Saturn would laugh at. Other than shoulder blocks, clotheslines and an FU he doesnt really vary that much. Cena deserves a spot on the roster, just not the spot he has.

Anonymous said...

OHHHH, and I forgot to mention this. I think Edge NEEDS to go over in the MitB match, 1 because he's the 1 of the only guys in that match that is going to be believable enough to win that match and have a sustained reign with the belt. Unless he goes after Cena who I believe has the belt until somewhere along the lines of 2010 or 2012. Seriously though, Edge and Booker could Finlay should be able to but marks arent ready for that, the others are decent workers and good for O's, but as far as big match WWE experience, Edge, and Booker are the 2 guys with it. What they should do is if Cena retains have Edge win the belt earlier in the show, come back out and cheap shot Cena just like at NYR, OR, have Michaels win it and then Edge take it from him 3 minutes later setting up for the obligatory triple threat at Backlash. Or even have Cena and Michaels in a rematch the next RAW to face Edge at BACKLASH, but if Edge does win the match, or the title he needs to have a reign lasting longer than 3 weeks and one longer than 2 months 2 weeks. In recent history only RVD has had a shorter reign with the gold, which he lost to Edge, but only because he got caught speeding, while he was weeding. As a matter of fact the last guy to hold it a shorter amount of time than these two was Kurt Angle, who only held it for about a month and a half in mid-late 03. July 27-September 18. Whatever ol dude up there said about transitional champions, he wrong, because Edge transitioned back to Cena after RVD's flub up, and Angle transitioned to Brock. Edge's first run however was not a transitional run, just a short one, because he lost it back to the man he won it from, therefore eliminating that.

Unknown said...

Well, that's the reason I had said in some cases. The cases you pointed out would be excellent examples of exceptions to the rule. In those cases, they most likely hotshotted the belt to create a hot feud. Edge vs. Cena ran for most of 2006, and the Angle vs. Brock feud both helped to further put Brock over (although he was over already), and, in a very roundabout way, set the stage for Benoit to enter into the title picture.

For those of you who don't buy that last part, let me explain.

Angle and Brock feud, leading to a Survivor Series style match at Survivor Series. Benoit makes Lesnar tap out, Lesnar goes postal for weeks, Benoit chases for Brock's title, gets screwed by Heyman, then SmackDown! GM, becomes the obvious favorite to win the Royal Rumble. He wins, transfers over to RAW, begins his feud with Triple H and Shawn Michaels. Eventually, it culminates in him winning the title at WrestleMania.

Anonymous said...

That was honestly some of SMACKDOWNS best stuff, if I'm right on this didn't Brock beat Angle in an ironman match on SMACKDOWN for the title? Also the way Heyman kept riding Benoit you knew Benoit was going to make him pay somehow, I remember marking out for that, and when Austin introduced Benoit during the HHHBK segment on RAW. That was great TV.

Anyone heard anymore from annymus? How come dude hasn't come back around since his brilliant and original ideas were shot down by smarks? If he does decide to show back up I would like to present this question. If you don't like "smarks" or their websites, why are you on one? I'm going to let it go now, that shit just pisses me off.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Lesnar won that match, 5 falls to 4. It had an ending just like the Angle/Joe match from Final Resolution; Angle had the anklelock cinched in good, but time ran out before Lesnar tapped.

Anonymous said...

What a match to give away on free TV at that. You'd think that the WWE would capitolize on that and give maybe 3-5 away a year, and imagine the ratings they'd generate. That may be a factor in generating another ratings boom, because in '98-'99 the title changed hands on RAW quite a bit, and things like that only happen once every few years now. Other than Edge winning the triple threat match on RAW in July(which was supposed to be a triple threat pick your partner tag team match way to put Edge over), and Lesnar, the only other match I remember being hyped like that and being a believable title change was the Benoit-Michaels "Showdown in the desert" when H made his presence felt to further his fued with Michaels, and ruin an excellent match.