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Rated O Radio - Episode 5

Tha O Show Radio

Tha O Show proudly presents the BIGGEST O Show Radio Hour thus far! The trio of Big Daddy Donnie, Dan-e-o and F'n Frank Fronte have all agreed that Episode 5 is the best one yet!

This week's special WrestleMania edition of Tha O Show features a TON of guests from the world of professional wrestling, who all called in to share their thoughts, opinions, predictions and even fondest memories of WrestleMania!

The boys also have fun with their patented "Os and NOs" segment and break down many of the happenings in the world of pro wrestling over the past week - both on TV and on the Ontario Indy scene.

Former WCW/WWE/TNA superstar and O Show staff member, Chris Kanyon delivers on a hilarious edition of "Road Stories".

Tha O Show introduces TWO brand new segments including the as-promised "Big Daddy Hates Jim Ross" (not really a new segment, but Donnie definitely gets some shit off his chest!) and the brand new game show that you've all been waiting for: "WrestleTrivia"! (featuring our favourite theme song to date!).

F'n Frank Fronte gets down and dirty on 'ring rats' in his rant this week.

And "Tha Round Table" guest stars a former WWE Superstar and one of the most entertaining entities in wrestling history!

All that and more on this week's deluxe edition of Tha O Show Radio Hour. What are you waiting for? Press PLAY now!!

As always, we encourage your comments and ask that you send your feedback to

ALSO, you only have until this Friday to buy an O Show t-shirt and enter the draw for a special prize pack and the opportunity to join Tha O Show NEXT WEEK on "Tha Round Table"! If you have already purchased a t-shirt, please send your name, address and phone number to and/or so that your entry into the contest can be confirmed. The winner will be announced on Monday, April 2nd.

Please check out the following websites of all those who helped to make this week's show possible:

Secret Suburbia
Living Legends Wrestling
Ontario Indy Wrestling
Darrell S. Brown
All New Comics
Dan-e-o's Online Store

To Download The MP3:
Right Click On This Link then Choose "Save Target As" in Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" in Mozilla FireFox. If you have problems with this, please e-mail us at

26 comments: on "Rated O Radio - Episode 5"

Anonymous said...

run dmc was on wrestlemania 5 i believe. the only thing about edges promo was good was finlays comment chinsel chin that made me laugh and god i wish cm punk would win but we all know he wont.smackdown vs raw sucks this year and here you can make almost anyone you want, bunch of nerds made them. that road story made me laugh omg that made my day.kanyon did a good impersonation of knobbs thats the funniest part.ross is alright and the hall of fame is weak other then curt henning i met him at wrestlemania axcess when it was in toronto very nice guy. hell i remember seeing brock lesnar on there before he was big. jesus christ was that man huge.frank that was the funniest thing. ill help frank get laid ill give him 20 bucks so he can buy a cheap hooker or a rub and tug sure that doesnt count as getting laid but it will make him happy .i cant believe im actually gonna watch wrestlemania this year hell i cant believe im still watching wrestling after like 17 years. im done typing this ill listen to the rest no more typing for me

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

WWE logic sometimes tends to not work when Michaels is involved. Prior to his match at Survivor Series 2002, he kicked Triple H's head off weekly for a month straight. They have a fight, HBK wins. Prior to his match with Chris Jericho at WrestleMania XIX, he only got beat down by Y2J once, after kicking his head off for months. They have a fight, HBK wins.

Yes, more often than not, WWE logic reigns supreme, but once in a while, Michaels is the exception to the rule. Here's hoping.

KittyLuv69 said...

it wont let me download it to put it on my MP3 player D:

clusterfuckish lol

i like my favorite moment of this show was donnie going...well duh!

the whole sick kids thing makes me want to go to the secret suburbia show....i was one ^^

donnie.........the shirt thing....WERID!!!

ugh guys and their stupid video games

though i love vampires i have to agree kevin thorn blows

the jim ross thing...i just....cant think of anything good to say about it.....* is speechless*

u make me laugh frank

lol donnie ur gloating is stupid but funny

hmm id like to go to the thing in windsor to bad its too far away *shakes fist*

HAHAHAHA dan-e-o pizza pockets...hmmm im hungry *gets a pizza pocket*

the show seemed longer then usual...was it? maybe its just me being hungry and wanting to wlak around and do something

Anonymous said...

damn, now i know how Bibby Lindsay feels

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Finally! Jason Sensation HAS COME BACK to pro wrestling!

KittyLuv69 said...

it let me download it^^ i have to go listen to it again later...

and that was my last pointless comment

Anonymous said...

Ok, I love the theme songs you guys have. Yesterday I was humming O's and No's at work and now I'm going to be singing Wrestle Trivia!

Anonymous said...

I really liked the Drowning Pool theme for Wrestlemania. I believe it was for the Wrestlemania at Toronto.

Anonymous said...

This program was terrific. You guys have a great product. I loved Kanyon's story!

Anonymous said...

great show me and my crew have agreed to walk out of mania if batista wins and from what i hear most of detroit feels the same so there may be an empty house a ford field if they try to pull that bull shit

Anonymous said...

I'd O'd like a motherfucker when Jason Masterbation...I mean Sensation was on there. Actually I O'd 3 times during his segment. When Donnie realized that he and BG are on the same wavelength, and when Jason mentioned the idea he had for Cena's character. THAT WOULD BE $$$$$. Then when he described the difference between Rockys it factor, and Cena's shit factor.

You were right too, there were some osters sitting at home going, Jesus Christ I know this stuff, when you guys were playing Wrestletrivia. Which is without a doubt THE BEST DAMN OSHOW theme music ever.

I guess I'll have to get a black O show t now. I can't just be down with NWO white, no wait, I meant O show white, I gotta be down with O show black too. Thats for you Dan-e-o. Or Mr. E O as I will now call you.

Frank Fronte is the best shit since Andrew Dice Clay. Dude should have his own sub-show or something. No way can this man be limited to one segment.

Anonymous said...

Markus K Fabian from the Ontario Indy MSG Board here... This show was freakin fantastic... Lovin' all the articles and interviews too...Live Audio Whatnow ?

Anonymous said...

Great show. Theme songs are hillarious. I'm from the D, and I'm tellin' you guys, we are not gonna be down for Taker losing. We'll riot...well we riot after everything anyway...

Anonymous said...

Here are all of the WrestleManias that used taglines...

WrestleMania 2: What The World Has Come To
WrestleMania III: Bigger, Better, Badder
WrestleMania IV: What the World is Watching
WrestleMania V: The Mega Powers Explode
WrestleMania VI: The Ultimate Challenge
WrestleMania VII: Superstars And Stripes Forever
WrestleMania X: Ten Years in the Making and Back on Broadway
WrestleMania 13: Heat
WrestleMania XIV: dX raided
WrestleMania XV: The Ragin' Climax
WrestleMania X-Seven: Houston... We Have A Problem
WrestleMania X8: The One And Only
WrestleMania XIX: Dare To Dream
WrestleMania XX: Where It All Begins... Again
WrestleMania 21: WrestleMania Goes Hollywood
WrestleMania 22: Big Time
WrestleMania 23: All Grown Up

Anonymous said...

All GRown up is fuckin pathetic

Anonymous said...

Is it worse than superstars and stripes forever? I personally think not.

Anonymous said...

haha Jim Ross does suck!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow the round table was awesome! We want more Jason!

Anonymous said...

I have worked in radio for 17 years, and am currently the station manager at a popular station here in Montreal.

I understand what makes a top rated show. The model you guys have developed is outstanding. Unlike so many other shows in this genre, you aren't dependent on having an A list guest (even though you can land them). The strength of your show is the banter and the natural chemistry you all have with each other. I am very impressed. If you guys every want to leave Toronto, I may have a job for you at my station. Well done.


Anonymous said...

I actually saw that commercial on CBC a week ago. Now I want to try Pillsbury Pizza Pops. Anyway anybody could send a box my way?

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Ask Hayden Avery. I hear he stocked up.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yo RM, thanks so much for the compliment.

Drop us an e-mail, we're always up for a chat.

Anonymous said...

36 minutes away, from where I'm sitting. 6 minutes til the pre-show. Foods on the way to being ready.