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Rated O Radio - Episode 4

Tha O Show Radio

Last week’s edition of Tha O Show Radio Hour had just under 100,000 downloads!

You asked for more, so here’s episode 4!

On this week’s show, Big Daddy Donnie and Dan-e-o shoot the shit, discussing the breaking of the Masterlock, the upcoming Liddell / Jackson fight, Benoit tapping to Cena, and more.

Last week on ‘Road Stories’, referee Dave Linton called that monster Asylum a “meat gazer”. Well, Asylum asked for some air time to drop a road story of his own and to issue a warning to Mr. Linton!

F’n Frank Fronte is back again, but this time he gets all cerebral on you – and throws a conspiracy theory for Tha O-sters to chew on.

Tha Round Table features a former WWE, WCW and TNA wrestler. He was also in the original ECW. He is very well spoken and brings thunder to the table. This same mystery superstar also reveals his secret plans to potentially enter the world of shoot fighting. Who could it be? PUSH PLAY and you’ll find out!

All that, plus more on this week’s episode of Tha O Show Radio Hour.

Leave us your comments, or send us a direct e-mail! Tell us what you love or what you hate! Our address is

Check out tha following sites belonging to people who helped make this week’s show happen:

Retro City
Living Legends Wrestling
Stranglehold Wrestling
Secret Suburbia
All New Comics
Ontario Indy Wrestling

Asylum On YouTube:

Asylum killing Sexxxy Eddy

Samoa Joe cutting a promo on Asylum

A compilation featuring Asylum VS. PD Skillz

To Download The MP3:
Right Click On This Link then Choose "Save Target As". In Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" In FireFox. If you have problems with this, email us at

25 comments: on "Rated O Radio - Episode 4"

Anonymous said...

fuck wrestlemania! this SHOW is Money In The Bank!

Anonymous said...

Another great show guys...

I gotta chime in on the main focal point of tha show... Benoit

The only place this can go, in my opinion (which can always be wrong), is he takes the bitch loss to cena, title drop to MVP at mania... maybe take some time off... come back heel (which he needs)... and takes a place as the leader of the "New Hart Foundation"... maybe having him tap to cena will be used to help him LOSE steam... which in turn will help the heel-turn

Anonymous said...

So, I was eating my Doritos, as you do, about halfway thru the show, thinking about the great comment I'm gonna leave, you know "Great show, you're so consistent" then I heard my name. I spit out my Doritos and rewinded it. Yep, that was my name.

Needless to say, I'm estatic. It was like a solid minute and a half about me. It really shoulda been 2 minutes, but that's ok.

Lol, kidding aside, it was so cool. By the way, my name is pronounced "Skittles" like the candy. I'm a rapper so I had to change the spelling (Like Eminem did) and I'm a dude. Sorry Frank.

Now about wrestling, Benoit tapping is so weak. He's CHRIS BENOIT, in my opinion, the last of the truely technical wrestlers. It makes him look like an aging, weaker wrestler.

Great show

KittyLuv69 said...

thank you ^^ i laughed so hard for some reason...and yes i get confused IM BLOND DAMMIT!!! and donnie u didnt have to make it sound like i was a complete only a little bit of a doofus...dan-e-o o-ster *raises eyebrow* and ur laugh amuses me cause its funny as wasnt a compliment OK..... out of slightly bitchy mode

*tunes out during UFC talk* yea i liek watching it but fuck i no shit all about it

*tunes back in in the middle of TNA convo*
wha.!.!.! there we only two matches *shrugs shoulders* i forgot about it again


aww poor dan-e-o *snickers*

DONNIE HAD A DOLL lol that makes me laugh so hard sorry but that one didnt amuse me as much

re-love wrestling lol....

if it wasnt for you guys id miss alot about wrestling cause lately ive been forgetting about the damn shows.


the music for ur different segments make me laugh

that road story made me shake my head

hearing about john cena is starting to make my head hurt

damn you donnie now i want to watch the simpsons *shakes fist*

i most likely missed something important in there somewhere..i was doing homework so i was distracted (u will never hear or see me say anything about doing homework every again)

that was a good show *thummbs up*

Anonymous said...

Holy shit Kanyon is one smart fag! Is he really going to try MMA?????

Anonymous said...

I saw Asylum a couple weeks ago in CZW and I was impressed. I had no idea though he had that much personality. The man is funny as hell. He has a great future in this business. I'm a mark for life - of Asylum AND Tha O Show!

Anonymous said...

i love this show.i said this before chuck will has a good chance of losing but chuck has hellueva good hands so he prolly will most likely pull it off because he has killer punches and will prolly get lucky and get one in. not saying chuck gets lucky but some fight some people get lucky with a punch hell even frankie can get lucky with a punch and knock someone out (fight kanyon frank) but i think if chuck wins it will be luck but im sure chucks been working on his spawls and working on his back so n/m erase what i said chuck prolly does have a good chance on winning damn this fights hard to call

i thought raw sucked this week and i gave up on tna ill just watch the fight network for now on theres usually some kind of fight on

Anonymous said...

i love this show.i said this before chuck will has a good chance of losing but chuck has hellueva good hands so he prolly will most likely pull it off because he has killer punches and will prolly get lucky and get one in. not saying chuck gets lucky but some fight some people get lucky with a punch hell even frankie can get lucky with a punch and knock someone out (fight kanyon frank) but i think if chuck wins it will be luck but im sure chucks been working on his spawls and working on his back so n/m erase what i said chuck prolly does have a good chance on winning damn this fights hard to call

i thought raw sucked this week and i gave up on tna ill just watch the fight network for now on theres usually some kind of fight on

Anonymous said...

o shit sorry for the 2 posts

Anonymous said...

Me in an MMA match against Kanyon? That's not the worst idea, I'll put it under consideration.

Yo Skitlez, feel free to send songs over, love to hear your music. However finding out you're not a skizophrenic lesbian does suck.

Anonymous said...

I just gotta say, i pop everytime i hear the song for Os and nos and road storys

Anonymous said...

Dan-e-o was all jacked up about Cena! DAMN BROTHA

Anonymous said...

You know what I like? Unlike SOME SHOWS (coughlawcough) you guys dont TRY to be funny or entertaining. You just ARE. It's kinda like comparing Cena (them) to the Rock (you).

I listened to THAT SHOW when Donnie was the host and i loved it. Then I kept listening when he left cuz, I'm a mark and didn't have any real alternative. THANK YOU for providing me with some great shit to listen to when I ride the train in to work.

You guys are the best. I will purchase my O Show shirt this week! :)

Anonymous said...

Lol this isn't the first time someone has thought I was some type of lesbian.

Yo Frank, you can hear my music on my myspace at I do some deep alternative rap. Not the best production (I create and record everything on my laptop) but I try. Sorry if it seems like I'm plugging myself for free.

Anonymous said...

its no problem, we're all big supporters of indy music here.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the support yo.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Donnie! Jim Ross blows

Anonymous said...

I agree with fu jr and with Donnie. Fuck Jim Ross. The other thing I agree with is JYD. As a young black man growing up in the south, I HATED JYD's character and all the negative stereotypes he portrayed. The white kids at school would call him a dumb nigger and whenever we'd fight at recess they made me pretend to be JYD because I was their dumb nigger.

I know that's mostly Vince McMahon's fault and not Junkyard Dog's but I was someone who cheered for whoever faced him because I legitmately wanted him hurt and off my tv on Saturday mornings.

I hate speaking poor of the dead, but that man cost me many whoopins.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You guys are wrestling gods!

Anonymous said...

Jim Ross is better than any current play-by-play guy in the buisness.

Anonymous said...

J.R. isn't the best, but he isn't the worst. Like I said Kris Kloss, and this is just personal preference, is probably at the bottom of the list, "did you see that chico?" But, while I do like, "ummm," Gordon Solie, "uhhhh," I will say that JBL is the best color guy in the biz, and I, in my opinion think Styles ranks up there at the top. Mostly ECW days, and he had some shining moments in the E, but most likely the announcers are being fed shit to say, if not line by line, bullet points, and its probably DO NOT STRAY FROM THIS bulletpoints. Good show again.

Dude Benoit tapping sucked balls as I've said before, Lindsey breaking the masterlock did nothing.

Off topic, I am now an Elijah Burke mark, he just needs a follow-up to the Elijah Experience. It's been said, but I figured I'd agree and say it again.

Anonymous said...

no WAY is Ross the best in the business

Anonymous said...

2 Mania main-events ended in submission. H tapped to Benoit, and he tapped to Cena. 20 and 22. Thoughts I'd throw that in there.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I was gonna say, I though Trips tapped out last year.

*marks out again for getting mentioned*

I also O'ed for the line about the palm, but it might work better for F'n Frank Fronte instead of Donnie. (okay, how the fucking one doesn't hate me by this point is beyond me).