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My 'Mania Memories

With the biggest PPV of the year this Sunday, I wanted to lend my memories of this annual wrestling tradition. WrestleMania has provided moments in my childhood that I can remember to this day and I have no doubt will remember for the rest of my life. One of my fondest memories of this event came in 1994 and WrestleMania X was coming live from Madison Square Garden.

The entire event told an incredible story that began with the unbelievable opening match with Bret Hart taking on his brother Owen. I can remember being so surprised as Owen stepped into Bret's attempted "victory roll" to steal the win. However, it was the main event that provided the most emotional moment of the night.

I can remember thinking as I watched with my dad on that Sunday afternoon (yes, this was a 4pm start time on the east coast) that Bret was not going to defeat Yokozuna. In what was one of the greatest finishes in WWE history, Yokozuna slipped off the middle-rope as he attempted the "Bonzai Drop" and Bret covered the big man for the shocking pin to culminate a brilliantly told story. I almost miss being a naive child watching wrestling and being genuinely surprised with a finish to the point where I scream, "he won!" like I did that day into my dad's unsuspecting ears.

Though I was never a big Bret Hart fan, The Hitman has provided some of the greatest moments in the entire history of WrestleMania. As Bret Hart left the ring at the conclusion of the "60:00" Ironman Match from WrestleMania XII, I couldn't help but think that a match of this importance couldn't end in a scoreless draw. The drama in the overtime portion of the Ironman Match was some of the most compelling action ever to take place at a WrestleMania and to this day is one of the greatest matches in the history of the event.

My first live WrestleMania was number 18 (X8) when the "grand daddy of them all" came back to Toronto. Seeing wrestling live is a big part of my life, but there are few times that I can honestly say I had chills running up and down my back. The reaction Hulk Hogan received that night at the SkyDome was unlike anything I have ever experienced. In that moment as Hogan walked to the ring, time turned back and I was suddenly a 5-year old mark screaming for The Hulkster.

I still can't help but think five years later that Hogan should have gone over that night. There are few times when you can create special matches and ensure that the moments they create can last a lifetime. To me, there was no reason why Hogan shouldn't have won that night and cement a moment in history that would live forever.

I sense this Sunday we may be in store for some special moments as two all-time greats look to solidify their respective legacies. Special moments aren't created by great matches, they are made by telling stories with characters people have an emotionally vested interest in. The unfortunate part of this event is that there are two similar stories happening. Two legends facing two babyface stars of today in an attempt to reclaim championship gold.

I can't help but think that if both Undertaker and Shawn win on Sunday that the significance of their respective bouts becomes diluted. So if you had to choose, who gets that moment? If only one of the legends goes over and does what Hulk Hogan should have done at WrestleMania X8, who is that man? Any suggestions?

In an era of the monthly pay-per-view, it is difficult to be truly excited for a particular event. Though some have said that the build-up for this WrestleMania has been weak, it is still the event that has provided life-long memories for a generation of wrestling fans. It is still the event that history remembers and the event that fans associate with as a part of their lives. Long live the memories of WrestleMania.

6 comments: on "My 'Mania Memories"

Anonymous said...

It's gotta be Taker... I think everybody can deal with HBK losing to Cena... but I will lose my shit if Batista wins... The one thing no one has brought up is... does Taker really give a shit about the WM win streak? is it possible that its no big deal to him? and that the win streak just sort of came together and after a while they just kept with it and he never really put any thought into it until after the 6-7 time... DOUBT IT... Taker is so OVER... Dave cant win without going heel and I just cant see him being able to pull a heel turn during a match, his tiny brain just cant work that hard... Cena can win as he is, sure the crowd boos him but there are a millions of women and children cheering their f'n heads off at home and everybody knows it...

Anonymous said...

This article was definitely refreshing. Its good to see the fan side of people for a change. Good writting.

Anonymous said...

Thanks boys

Undertaker really needs to go over b/c his character is so strong right now.

Just wondering if it would be easier for both Shawn and Undertaker to win if you had Shawn vs Batista and Undertaker vs Cena. I think Shawn playing face off the monster heel would have been much better.

Anonymous said...

Said it before and I'll say it again, Frank Fronte is the man. That article brought back alot of memories, some I only got via DVD or VHS, but memories nonetheless. I remember sitting in the living room floor though and hearing the Hulksters reaction, and then almost being crushed that The Rock went over. The Rock went over at a time he didn't need to, and the same will go this Sunday if Cena and/or Batista win.

If it was Shawn vs. Batista and Taker vs. Cena it would definently be a bigger payoff if both Legends won. It would somewhat skew the perspective of the fans of not buying the older competitors as much, and not investing so much on the newer, fresher talent. I won't say younger because Batista is around 40. Taker needs to win at Wrestlemania, I don't give a shit if the streak means anything to him or not, there are millions upon millions of marks and smarks that it means alot to. To have someone as crappy as Batista end a streak of truly legendary proportions would in a sense cheapen Wrestlemania. Not that many marks out there buy that Batista can beat Taker, and to have him do it the grandaddy of em all, would ruin alot of peoples night. Hopefully Vince Mcmahon, Brian Gerwitz, Michael Hayes, Dusty Rhodes, Stephanie Mcmahon and Paul Levesque-Mcmahon will realize that. Not only that, losing to the Undertaker at Wrestlemania will not tarnish, nor cheapen anything you've done in the past or in the future. Losing to the Undertaker at Wrestlemania should be a badge of honor, and a stepping stone to future accomplishments, but for those with no passion for the business or it's history this may be lost on them.

Excellent work Frank.

Anonymous said...

i was gonna go to mania this year but i knew taker was gonna lose right when he won the rumble, i wouldnt wanna be there when he loses because i will try to huck something into the ring.

my wrestlemania memory was being at X-8 finally able to see hulk hogan live. i dont give a fuck how money hungry he is or the politics i still think hes the greatest. ive been a fan of his for like 17-18 years of my life. speaking of that i dont think these days theres a wrestler that everyone of all ages can like and i dont think there ever will be again

Anonymous said...

I'll agree Ben. Taker is that. I don't think there is a fan alive that really wants Batista to win. I know several marks, one being my 8 year old sister, who I went out of my way to get a Batista autograph for, isn't even pulling for Batista this Sunday night. With that being said, I doubt seriously that the crowd at Detroit will be receptive when and if Batista wins the match. I would really love to see a riot or a walkout if that happens, especially considering there will be 1 maybe 2 matches after that.