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2007 is clearly not going to be TNA's year. As if the product hasn't gone far enough downhill this year already, last night's Destination X pay-per-view just helped to dig the hole deeper.

The booking didn't make sense, the storylines seemed rushed and carelessly thrown together, and the overall event, not surprisingly, was abysmal. As this article's title would suggest, it left a lot of questions beginning with "Why".

The pay-per-view started with LAX VS. Team 3D in another cheesy, re-named gimmick match...a "Ghetto Brawl". Why does TNA feel the need to keep making every match between these two teams a match with some sort of special stipulation? Is it because they're viewed as that uninteresting by themselves in a standard wrestling match?

If so, why are they facing each other on the pay-per-view? In a non-title match, no less? Alex Shelley made an appearance in this match for no apparent reason, and ended up being the deciding factor in the match. Weak. Homicide pinned Devon for the non-title win.

Apparently this is how TNA plans on writing off the NWA tag titles. Just don't ever defend them anymore.

Petey Williams and Gail Kim VS. James Storm and Miss Jackie in the "Double Bullrope Match" was next. I don't even remember how this pointless feud started, nor do I really care. Petey is continually being used as a jobber for the company - why he sticks around, I have no idea. There have got to be other wrestling companies around the world that drool over the marketing potential this guy has. Storm gets a pointless win in a pointless match.

Why does TNA still have Bob Backlund around? I know that he was a running joke with the PCS, but that has run its course...what is the purpose of having him around now?

Senshi and Starr competed in another lame gimmick match...winner can go over only by using a Crossface Chickenwing a la Bob Backlund. By this point, I am so tired of hearing about chicken wings on TNA shows, it's not funny. It was, however, a decent match between two athletic guys. Talk about a pair of guys who got huge pushes within the last year, only to be very forcefully pushed down to the midcard. Senshi got the win by slapping the chickenwing on Starr.

I took a well-timed piss next. At least, I wish I had. VKM had a match next against The Heart Breakers (a.k.a. Romeo and Antonio, The Heart Throbs in WWE). You could have heard a pin drop during this match; there was no buildup, no excitement, no nothing.

Why is Kip James even with the company? His shoot interview could have created so much bad P.R. for the company, and it's not like he's ever done anything for TNA anyway. Mafia wins after a Pumphandle Slam following a botched double team spot by The Heart Breakers. Lance Hoyt had a run-in for some reason.

Next was one of the biggest disappointments of the night. Jerry Lynn VS. Chris Sabin sounds like an O-fest, right? This, my friends, was a NO-fest on this particular night. Even the referee couldn't keep his attention on the match - apparently something interesting was going on in the crowd. Great job, TNA. You have one of your titles being defended and everybody's looking elsewhere in the arena. The match seemed too rushed, and it was another gimmick match as well, this time a Two Out of Three Falls.

The biggest disappointment of the event, however, came after the match. Apparently, all Christopher Daniels' extended absence and multiple promos meant was that he was going to grow a beard. That's right, everybody - no main event push, no title shot, just some new
facial hair. Compelling stuff, isn't it?

"Elevation X" was next. 12 minutes of two guys trying not to lose their balance. Amazing. Rhino won by stomping on Styles' hands. Maybe I expected too much considering all the hype this match was given. It was a huge letdown, though. Even the Styles fall at the end didn't get an O out of me.

Angle VS. Steiner didn't feature run-ins, didn't feature gimmicks, just featured two guys who wrestled like they were still in their prime. Counters, finishers, drama...this match, arguably, was the match of the night. The finish was somewhat weak (a sunset flip), but this was still more than I expected out of this match.

Next was the "Last Rites Match" between Sting and Abyss. The fans actually started chanting "Fire Russo!" during this match! I O'd big time. The premise of the match - the ring was set up like a hybrid between a funeral home and a graveyard. After all the hype, all the fancy weapons places around the ring, this thing still boiled down to a damn Casket Match.

I suppose there is nothing more symbolic of Abyss' burial than to have him lose a glorified Casket Match. Afterwards, they raised the casket to the ceiling. No clue what's going to come of this. Don't really care either. If Abyss is going to be used properly, I would suggest that TNA not waste him by throwing him into a crappy storylines like this one.

Finally, the main event. Samoa Joe VS. Christian Cage for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. A lot of people figured that Joe was going to win the title tonight, myself included. Especially after Joe had a tricked-out entrance with dancers and fire twirlers, I would have bet money that he had it in the bag. Let's face it - why would TNA have put on an entrance like that unless the guy was going to get the big win tonight?

The answer is simple - because nothing Russo ever does makes sense. Joe and Cage brawled throughout the "iMPACT!" Zone, then brought it back into the ring. Cage tried to get a count-out, only to have half of the faces on the roster come out and throw him back into the ring.

Referee bump, Cage and Joe battle for a little while longer, and then Cage wins in anti-climactic, heel fashion by pinning Joe with his feet on the ropes. All the hype this match got, all the momentum Joe was being given going into tonight, even going so far as to give him a stylish entrance, was all for nothing. Christian Cage is still the champ.

On a quick side note, TNA needs to stop surrounding this guy with flunkies. Christian has spent the better part of his career in factions or tag teams, and he's usually never portrayed as the leader. It's a very hard stigma to shake, and instead of realizing this, TNA is just surrounding him with more and more henchmen. It's very tricky to create a heel stable - do it wrong and instead of getting heat, suddenly nobody cares about seeing that person anymore.

Let's hope Lockdown doesn't disappoint. If it does, the writing may be on the wall for TNA.

16 comments: on "Destination...Why?"

Anonymous said...

This was one of the hardest pay-per-views that I have ever watched! It made me sick to my stomach what Vince Russo is doing to this company. Please TNA fire him so you can make a decent product!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't believe how hard Hernendez worked in the Ghetto Brawl. That guy should be on WWE's radar after last night.

Steiner may have worked his best match in the last 5 years last night.

Anonymous said...

I have to say I care very little for the TNA product and have not watched iMPACT in over 2 months. I was gonna watch this (we get it on Wed in bonnie scotland) but I reckon i'll give it a miss. Big O's for NWA in pulling out, I don't think either party is benefiting from this arrangement anymore.

Unknown said...

It's sad when one of the guys who shined the most on a pay-per-view is a has-been like Steiner.

With the garbage TNA has been putting out, no wonder Angle thinks every match he does is so great. Compared to everything else Russo churns out of his ass, his matches looks like gold.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I think Mr. Plunkett is being a little stiff with his judgement of the show.

Here's the bottom line.

The whole thing was horribly over booked with some stupid stips but most of the matches were solid.

I'm officially a mark for Hernandez. From that belt-ring he was rockin to his no hands dive over the top to the floor, to his insane power moves... Hernandez is the truth. Call him Hornondoz cuz he deserves three O's.

The stips all night were stupid.

The Elevation X match had me legit worried about those guys... well not about AJ... but Rhino looked scared as a shoot. The crowd was eating out of the palm of Russo's hand for that match.

But then... the stupid "death bed" and the last right's match. It's A COFFIN! A CASKET! A death bed? Oy.

You've got one match where there are guys balancing on a 20 ft structure, then you go anti climactic by having a match where as guy gets tossed in a box and raised to the rafters? Bad booking.

The crowd shit on that match big time. The dollar store candle holders didn't impress anyone.

I thought (as I said he would on this week's radio show) that Steiner worked hard... but that match seemed awfully snug.

From Angle's headbutt that cracked them both open and on from there.

What was the deal with the finish?

Steiner held onto the top rope and then eventually went down like a puss.

Was he holding on to the ropes and denying the finish as a public "fuck you?"

Was that actually the spot? If that WAS the spot, why didn't he manage to roll a shoulder since Angle had no control of Steiner's upper body and hadn't done anything to "hurt" him. Steiner just lay there and took the pin.

The finish for the main event was well done by the workers. Joe with a rear naked choke - Christian floats backwards while still being choked and gets a pin while his legs are on the ropes.

To me, Rudy Charles gave this one away though. As soon as Joe went for the choke, Rudy hit the deck to issue a 3 count instead of checking Christian to see if he was out.

Overall I give this a 5-10 and it could have been much higher without the stupid stips.

The Last Right's Match has taken a place in history as one of the worst gimmick matches ever. Move over Dog Kennel match.

Anonymous said...

Just think about the next PPV. All cage matches. TNA, please fire Russo ASAP!!!

Unknown said...

A little stiff? Perhaps. But compared to the stuff TNA used to put out, even a ridiculously strong performance by a few guys isn't enough to overcome the bad booking of this. 5 out of 10 is completely unacceptable for a pay-per-view. Too much of the show was highly questionable. Russo needs to go, and I will be highly critical of TNA until this horrid booking ceases.

Anonymous said...

Not the best ppv by far, but im not gonna crap on the whole night.

3d v lax started off like a joke with johnny rodz laughable promo and ended with a black v latino brawl featuring a run-in by "the sleeping tiger"
Hernandez worked well in that match, and brother ray had a few good stiff shots in the match... not sure where alex shelley comes in to play

vkm v heartbreakers... christy hemme has gotten better on the mic slightly, sadly no one can care about the things she says... but damn what a body... hopefully that was the last of the heartbreakers

How can anyone say that Steiner worked a good match last night?! You're out of your mind... Angle carried that entire match... it was ALL ANGLE!!!!!! I gave the match the benefit of the doubt going in but was let down completely... Screw Steiner!!! but he did have a few nice valets

Lynn v Sabin was a great match... though im not sure what was going on in the crowd... if you watched closely you could tell lynn and sabin were trying their best to bring the attention back to the match... but whatever was happening mustve been some crazy redneck antics

Starr and Senshi were both sick in the CFCW match... but starr is almost TOO GOOD... where is this guys push?

the elevation x match scared the crap out of me... period... but can it be done again? or should it be done again?

Christian is gold... im glad he kept the belt... joe is an amazing talent, but im a long time peep of the instant classic himself... Captain Charisma... right now there is no one better on the mic IN EITHER COMPANY... and hes beyond solid in the ring... while joe brings it in the ring... vocally i wouldnt want him representing my company... he tries real hard to cut his promos but their just above bibby lindsay level

the casket match was a laugh aside from sting's color... im not sure what was the lamest part of the setup, the dollar store candelabres, the "tombstones" marked RIP, or the smoke and light show for the lowering of the "death bed"

either way im not sure what all was russo's idea but hes catching heat even when he doesnt show up on camera... pathetic

Unknown said...

The big problem I had with the matches was that, aside from the lame gimmicks, they were WAY too rushed. A two out of three falls match, for a title no less, lasting less than 13 minutes (give or take, I believe the official bell-to-bell time was 12:43). The Sting vs. Abyss match was 9 and a half minutes. The only match that went over 15 minutes was Cage vs. Joe, and I believe that match was only about 18 minutes. Cram TV reigns supreme. If you're going to give me a hot match, throw in some ring psychology instead of rushing all of the matches. Curtain jerkers and midcard matches, I can understand them being shorter, but their "triple main event", and I use that term VERY loosely, took place, bell-to-bell, in under 40 minutes.

Get rid of all the lame stipulations, let the big money matches go a little longer, this could have been a very solid pay-per-view. I feel those two factors brought this event down way too much.

At least at Lockdown, Russo is semi-handcuffed to the lame gimmicks he can throw in.

Anonymous said...

Damn signguy we must live in the same area, or all cable companys suck my nuts. TimeWarner charged me twice, and on top of it I didn't get to see shit. I'm on the phone with some Trina or Tina lady right now trying to get my money back.

Anyway, even though I didn't see it I will go out on a limb and say that Stiener DID work a good match, he also worked a good against Joe at a house show a while back. He still has it in him when he wants it. Since I didn't get to see the finish I figure I'd be pissed. But K.E.L.L.Y why are you giving the NWA props? You and Ben have been talking haven't you? I'm kidding but even though neither side is benefiting, neither side is losing. If not for TNA people wouldn't know the NWA belt still existed. Anyway, Russo has got to go, this isn't '98, nor Germany and he is not the gestapo, somebody should realize that he doesn't run shit so kick him the fuck out. Why does TNA want this joke to move to TN, even he said his future as a booker is uncertain. Russo=Shit, and to think I once took up for that guy. Damn me to hell.

KittyLuv69 said...

i wont comment on all of it cause that will be more useless rambling..but i think the ending of the elevation x match was shit... the had the great suspense all through the match...but then at the end AJ fell yea...but he didnt fall from the top of the x he fell from holding onto the bottom with one of his hands....hes taken a fall like that before.. so it was kind of boring

KittyLuv69 said...

i wont comment on all of it cause that will be more useless rambling..but i think the ending of the elevation x match was shit... the had the great suspense all through the match...but then at the end AJ fell yea...but he didnt fall from the top of the x he fell from holding onto the bottom with one of his hands....hes taken a fall like that before.. so it was kind of boring

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that was the fall from the elevation x match... the closer we got to the match the more i didnt want to watch... i will give it credit, it had me and my boys biting our nails... i was literally scared for both guys lives... so yea i marked out for that match... of course the ending lacked luster, but anything else couldve came with a steep price

oh, why hasnt anyone crapped on DW and Tenay? im glad i have selective hearing and can block unwanted noise... but time to time is hear a remark or DW start to loose his voice and go all nasal with his speech... dreadful

Anonymous said...

I dont watch impact with volume. No shit I usually watch with CC on with the tv muted. Don West is always so damn shrill and annoying, how is it he got a job as a wrestling broadcaster? Did somebody at TNA think he had a Joey Styles quality to him? Well he doesnt, he is shit. They need a heel color guy, that way Tenay could play off of that, otherwise it's going to be those two assclowns, one in his tux, and the other in his metalic tie and ugly ass shirt rambling for 1 or 3 hrs.

Anonymous said...

Oh ok, I happened to be in Kings Mountain NC Sunday and got charged for the 8oclock showing and for the replay. Usually the replay is free, at least on WWE and was for BFG too. This area didnt get it through our time warner boxes, Directv I'm told got it, but when I talked to the rep she told me that it was because of daylight savings time, and after about 30 minutes of explaing that every WWE PPV and all but 3 TNA PPVs over the last 13 months have been purchased at this address, I kind of understand the process, so refund me, or the next call I make will be DIRECTV, or DISH who has a killer special right now. Anyway thats all beside the point, but I bet TNA's buyrates will blow.

Anonymous said...

Time Warner is seriously screwed. Maybe they had more to do with WCW than anything.