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Cody Deaner’s Thoughts On WrestleMania

Get ‘er done O-sters! Cody Deaner here. WrestleMania weekend is right around the corner, so I thought I’d give you guys a wrestler’s perspective of this year’s “Superbowl” of Pro Wrestling,

First of all, in general, I don’t think this year’s event has that WrestleMania feel. I can’t put my finger on it exactly, but I think one major problem is that there isn’t a focus on one major star or one major match.

In every WrestleMania that ended up being memorable or special there was always that ONE major match that everyone wanted to see. And WWE would capitalize on that. It seems that this year, that one special match is missing.

Let’s break this down match by match and I’ll show you what I mean ...

1) World Heavyweight Champion Batista VS. The Undertaker

I’m breaking this down in the order that the matches are listed on I find it funny that this match is listed at the top. I was assuming that Cena and Michaels would be the last match of the night. But with this listing, I’m not sure. I personally think Cena and Michaels will have the better match and the build up to Cena/Michaels has been much better and better received by fans.

Here’s the thing about this match...I really hope Batista doesn’t win. I think a lot of you fans would agree with me...Batista doesn’t deserve to win. He hasn’t improved since Triple H made him look like God. He looks extremely uninterested on TV, and overall simply lacks that “it” factor that makes you a true superstar in this business. Batista will never be a true superstar in my eyes. If they put Big Dave over, it’s going to come across as WWE ramming him down the fans’ throats even more.

Bottom line, Batista doesn’t deserve to lace Taker’s boots let alone be the guy that ends Taker’s WrestleMania streak. Having met The Undertaker, and knowing how much he respects this business, I know he’ll do the honors if he’s told to. However, I think if they put Batista over, it’s going to bite WWE in the ass. Why? Because Batista probably won’t even be around to see WrestleMania 24.

2) WWE Champion John Cena VS. Shawn Michaels

This is the match that I am looking forward to the most. And, I really don’t care to see it. So that shows you how much I really want to see WrestleMania 23.

This is what I mean by this year not having that WrestleMania feel.

All of the main matches, including this one, have only really been built for three months . All the matches started building at Royal Rumble. They were designed around WrestleMania. The guys had a beef simply because they needed matches at Mania.

In reality, a good feud is built around the guys hating each other, and the hate builds and builds until the only way it will be settled is at WrestleMania.

None of these matches have this going for it. It’s not like an Austin/Rock match that builds for an entire year. It’s not like a Hogan/Andre match that every 9 year-old on the planet wants to see the outcome of.

It just doesn’t feel like a WrestleMania match. To me, the top three main event matches feel like matches that would the headliners for Judgement Day, No Way Out, or some other throw-away pay-per-view. NOT WrestleMania 23.

The only reason I really want to see this match is because I’m interested to see how good of a match Michaels will get out of Cena. Umaga pulled an awesome match out of Cena at The Rumble.

Cena is capable of having a good match, however, his match with Umaga was based around a “gimmick”. It was intriguing largely because weapons and gimmicks were involved.

In this match, it’s straight up wrestling. It will be interesting to see how Cena deals with this. will be interesting to see how Detroit reacts to Cena. I think they’re gonna crap all over his rapper wanna-be ass. If so, it’s really going to add an extra element to the match. We’ll see how they deal with that.

3) Battle Of The Billionaires

This match has gotten the most hype leading into the PPV. And I know why: Mainstream media exposure. But here’s what I don’t get...does WWE REALLY think the intrigue of Donald going bald is going to bring in more PPV buys? I’ve talked with a lot of people that aren’t wrestling fans and they said they’ve heard about the match, but they aren’t going to fork out $40 just to see someone get their head shaved. They’ll just be able to see the footage the next day on "Entertainment Tonight" anyways.

I only really like this match because Austin is in it. Austin is awesome. Plain and simple. He’ll get the biggest reaction...which is sad, because he’s the ref...but it just goes to show you how WWE just isn’t able to really build a major star nowadays. We’ll see Austin stun everyone and it will make me smile.

4) Money In The Bank Ladder Match

All the marks are saying this will be the “match of the night.” It won’t be for me, simply because I’m an old-school guy that likes to see two guys go at it in a singles match and just have a good 1-on-1 contest. I’m not big on ladder matches. I don’t really like to watch them, and I REALLY hate doing them. Those friggin’ ladders hurt dude!

It will be interesting to see how much the young guys in this match bust their balls to get this match over. It's WrestleMania, so you KNOW these guys are going to work hard.

One thing I don’t like about the match, is I think they morphed too many feuds into it. Edge VS. Orton probably should have been a singles match on its own. Finlay and Booker T both deserve singles matches on the card too. But we’ll see how it turns out. For those marks that just love the crash and burn “O!!!!” style of wrestling, this match will be for you.

5) ECW Originals VS. The New Breed

I think this feud is the classic case of WWE giving away too much too soon. These guys just had a battle royal with all the members involved a few weeks ago on TV.

We’ve seen this match before, for FREE on TV. It really isn’t that intriguing. I think any mark just wants to see how much they are going to bury the Originals as there are rumors that they are going to be cut from the roster. If that ends up’s a shame.

I think that Sabu and Dreamer are two of the best workers on the WWE roster right now. They’re also both AWESOME guys too. I’m happy to see them get a WrestleMania payday.

6) Women's Champion Melina VS. Ashley

Melina deserves this spot. She’s the most over Diva right now. Ashley...well...she’s in this match because she did Playboy. End of story. Can she work? No. Will she pull off a good match at Mania? No. Will Melina do the splits? Yes. And everyone will smile.

7) Kane VS. The Great Khali

What do you say about this match? Two big guys fighting. It won’t be pretty, technically speaking. It won’t be pretty at all really...these are two ugly dudes!

This match will be short and sweet. I don’t know who is going to win...but honestly, I don’t care. And I don’t think the fans do either.

8) United States Champion Chris Benoit VS. MVP

Some people are saying this is going to be match of the night. I highly doubt it. MVP just isn’t good enough yet. He has a good character, he’s got some charisma, but he can’t hang with Benoit between the ropes. I really wish they would have built to Finlay VS. Benoit instead. I could watch those guys beat the hell out of each other all day long. Would that have been a huge $-making match? No. But neither is this one. And at least if Finlay was in the match, we’d be treated to a 5-star WRESTLING match, which is really lacking on this card.

I think that’s what the marks are expecting from this match, a tight WRESTLING match. It’s not going to happen. I predict the match is the first match on the show and it lasts 6-8 minutes. This will be the warm-up match to the show and won’t be given much attention.


So there you have it. A wrestler’s perspective on WrestleMania 23.

I will be doing the Living Legends Wrestling show in Windsor, ON on Sunday before Mania. If you’re in the area, you should check it out. It’s going to be good. I might be heading to Mania afterwards, I don’t really know yet. If I do, it’s only because the guys I’m riding with want to go.

For me, this WrestleMania 23 just doesn’t have that WrestleMania feel to it.

I don’t think this card is going to be all that great...but I REALLY hope I’m wrong. It’s time for wrestling to get back on a good cycle again. It’s time that it becomes “cool” again and people start watching again. For my sake, and all the other wrestlers in the world,

I hope WrestleMania 23 does really well, and that wrestling in general starts doing well again. That remains to be seen. With the above card...unfortunately, I don’t see it happening.

Until next time O-sters ... keep giviner!

Cody Deaner

13 comments: on "Cody Deaner’s Thoughts On WrestleMania"

Unknown said...

Agree and disagree with the article. I never really thought about the main event matches in the perspective you put them in, but it's true. The more emotion there is going into a pay-per-view match, the better it's going to be. Nobody cares about the Undertaker vs. Batista match, not only because of the fact that we know the ending, but also, they haven't shown any emotion in the feud. If you can even call it a feud.

Cena can have great matches pulled out of him, but as far as a showstopping (no pun intended) match, I'm not holding my breath. I want Michaels to win, but I have a bad feeling that he'll put Vanilla John over. Ick.

I said I'm looking forward to MITB not just because of high spots. Yes, I like to "O", and very few matches on the card are going to allow me to do so, so I have to get it all out during this match. Leaving that aside...all 8 guys in this match know how to work. Watching any of them in the ring is entertaining, so if these guys get turned loose on Sunday, I not only expect high spots, but maybe even some good technical wrestling.

Battle Of The Billionaires...refer to Goldberg vs. Lesnar from WrestleMania XX. Enough said.

The ECW match I'm actually interested in. I think this feud, for being on the C show, has been given the proper amount of time to develop. The only mistake WWE made was that Battle Royal, for the reason you mentioned. Excluding that, for months you had different O-riginals feuding with New Breeders in one-on-one matches. The ultimate payoff? Have the two sides (who are doing a great job of selling their hatred for the opposite stable, by the way) face off in an 8-man tag match to determine once and for all who's better.

MVP is still too young, and I think that putting the title on him at this point would be a big mistake. I can already see WWE trying to package him and Kennedy as the next Rock/Austin tandem (respectively), and there was a lot of backlash when Rocky Maivia won a major title after such a short amount of time in the company. MVP is in the same boat.

Forget about Finlay vs. Benoit, as Fit periodically drifts in and out of the main event picture. How about Benoit vs. William Regal in a No Mercy rematch? That's what I'd rather see, especially considering that Regal is a perennial 'Mania snub.

Personally, even though the card looks weak on paper, I am still excited about 'Mania. WWE has had a habit lately of booking pay-per-views that look bad on paper, and then putting on an amazing show (with the exception of No Way Out, but that pay-per-view as a whole is a joke anyway.)

Hey Cody, do you know yet if you're coming to Buffalo for Ballpark Brawl again this year?

KittyLuv69 said...

Can she work? No. Will she pull off a good match at Mania? No. Will Melina do the splits? Yes. And everyone will smile.:

lol that made me smile...melina doing the splits...makes me gag

these are two ugly dudes!:

i like kane..i think hes hot...but yea hes all evil looking and such and fo rme thats hot

Anonymous said...

Batista is gay and if he wins vince needs to be taken somewhere to be shot,but it wouldnt shock me because taker is always over looked and givin a hard way to go with things like this

Anonymous said...

The problem is, Undertaker has never really played politics too much. Think of all the times he's put over the champion (Austin, Rock, Angle, Lesnar, JBL, Hart, Yokozuna to an extent, and so forth). With that in mind, McMahon MAY have booked this match with the hopes that if Batista breaks one of most storied legacies in wrestling, that people will stop hating him and think that he's a legitimate main eventer.

It's the most fucked up logic I've ever heard, but to quote New Jack, "It is what it is".

Undertaker, for the love of God, do NOT put this guy over. At least, not at WrestleMania. As it stands, there is only one man in the WWE who is actually deserving of beating Undertaker at WrestleMania and ending his streak. That man is Edge, who is also undefeated at WrestleMania.

Here's hoping WrestleMania is going to be a reward for Undertaker being the jobber of champions, and not a horrible means to put an undeserving, jacked-up freak over.

Tim Haught said...

Quick Notes:

1. If Batista/Taker is on last, it's likely because WWE is putting the World Heavyweight Title on the Taker, and it's a "Wrestlemania Moment" to have taker pose with the belt at the end. I don't think the WWE has any intentions of changing both World Titles, although as brought up months ago by an O'ster, it might not be a bad idea to put the belts on veterans for a year and have them build the next main eventers who will get a touch of greatness just by being associated with them in a Main Event scenario.

2. I think sometimes you can get around a long build for a match. Rock/Hogan was a selling point of X8, and the NWO had only been on WWE television for a month. But that was Rock and Hogan. Goldberg/Lesnar was intriguing up until we all learned neither would be staying. Umaga/Lashley would have the same intrigue Goldberg/Lesnar would have had IF they didn't have Umaga lose to Cena already and IF an Umaga win didn't mean a bald Donald Trump. Way too predictable. I will say however, I do think that every 9 year old does want to see Batista/Undertaker. We don't, but the 9 year olds do. When I worked at a school last year, the most popular wrestlers were Batista, Cena, Mysterio, and Guerrero until he passed.

3. I know that everyone expects Austin to lay everyone out at the end of Mania, and Austin getting the Stunner on Trump is a great snapshot. However, I am tired of the newer superstars being so gullible and still putting over Austin in a sense. I personally would like to see Austin get McMahon, Trump, and Estrada, but be caught by one of the match participants. What better way to reestablish Umaga after a loss than to have him catch Austin's boot and deliver the Samoan spike?

4. I still think people are underating Benoit/MVP. MVP is a great natural talent, and Benoit is Benoit. Deaner hit it on the head when he mentioned time being a factor. However, this Mania has less matches scheduled than most, so all matches should get more time. With shitty offerings involving Khali and Ashley, I think this match actually will get some time. As far as Brian's comment about putting the title on MVP being a mistake, I think that couldn't be further from the truth. He's over, he's a decent wrestler, and it's the US title. Benoit established the US title, and now the belt is actually worth something when it comes to putting over other wrestlers. The belt is perfect for a mid-card heel the way WCW used to book the TV and US titles on guys like Regal and Austin. There was backlash on the Rock for winning the IC title because he was a babyface who wasn't over as Rocky Maivia. He was shoved down fan's throats. MVP is a heel, so any backlash is just more heel heat. He could have a very entertaining title reign if he plays up that classic heel character.

Unknown said...

That last bit was a good point, having him win the title early might help him. But there's one other factor that I think everybody has overlooked.

Who else are they gonna put it on?

SmackDown! has very few midcarders. This time last year, Kennedy, Lashley, Benoit, Booker T, Finlay, Matt Hardy, and Gregory Helms were all respectable midcarders. Kennedy, Lashley, King Booker and Finlay (to an extent) have all moved to main event status, Hardy and Helms will sadly never get the title put around their waist (at least, not as long as the title is over), and Benoit's moving to RAW.

SmackDown! has no real midcarders to speak of. So they have to build someone up fast. My first choice, as I stated, would be William Regal, as not only is he waaaaaaaaaaaaay overdue for a push, but also, if that match got booked, you know it's gonna be a show-stealer. MVP is athletic enough to put on a good match with Benoit, but it wouldn't be nearly as good as Regal/Benoit. Plus, putting the title on a young guy has blown up in SmackDown's face before. See Orlando Jordan.

I do hope MVP wins, though. My grip on first place in the fantasy league is riding on his back. Team Rated RKO caught up to me.

Unknown said...

Here's what I would love.

Have the Battle of the Billionaires be in the midcard. McMahon loses, gets his head shaved, then re-appears later that night to cost Cena the WWE Championship, a la WrestleMania X7.

WrestleMania 2000 really only had one match that could be considered a main event. Yes, it involved the meshing of several storylines, but I would go out on a limb and say that was the only match that could be considered a main event match.

Unknown said...

Yeah, he dropped the ball, but at least he had a good reason for doing so-it was so that he could hold syringes in both hands.

Anonymous said...

You guys all make some really good points.

1) "Forget about Finlay vs. Benoit, as Fit periodically drifts in and out of the main event picture. How about Benoit vs. William Regal in a No Mercy rematch? That's what I'd rather see, especially considering that Regal is a perennial 'Mania snub."

I agree. Any match involving the combo of these 3 guys would be really awesome. I just suggested Finlay because he's been wrestling as a singles wrestler lately while Regal is attached to Dave Taylor. But, yes, I agree ... Regal/Benoit would be an awesome Mania match and would REALLY a good WRESTLING match to the card.

2) "Hey Cody, do you know yet if you're coming to Buffalo for Ballpark Brawl again this year?"

I plan on making an appearance. And I have a few surprises up my sleeve (or ... in my fanny-pack). :)

3) "I will say however, I do think that every 9 year old does want to see Batista/Undertaker. We don't, but the 9 year olds do. When I worked at a school last year, the most popular wrestlers were Batista, Cena, Mysterio, and Guerrero until he passed."

You make a decent point. However, 9 years olds are going to like whoever you tell them to like. They like Cena and Batista because they have belts. And kids think shining gold belts are cool. Therefore, whoever is stuck in that spot is going to be over with the kids ... so ... I say put someone in the spot that kids like AND is respected by the majority of wrestling fans AND can work.

Thanks for the feedback guys.


Anonymous said...

For everyone saying theyre not hyped for WM23... when was the last time you were REALLY hyped over any PPV? and by that I mean as hyped as you've ever been, because this year on paper looks no worse than last year... Anyways, me personally I've got a BIGASS cookout/party setup for WM23... and ive got good reason... 1 ITS WRESTLE-FREAKIN-MANIA... 2 YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN... i dont know how hyped you want to be... but i could only be more psyched if i was like again, and then id be goin crazy like santa was comin to town

Doesnt the Royal Rumble winner always get final match?

My personal felling is that whatever the call on the Taker V Batista match ends up being... it will ultimately be Taker's call... and maybe Dave's looked so stale on purpose just so he doesnt come in with alot of steam making the pop for Taker's win that much greater... but im an optimist

I still find it funny that people talk about Cena as if he's a helpless kid in the ring and has less charisma than gravy... Him and Michaels will deliver an A+ match... but everyone here will shit on it.. big deal

As far as the MITB... of course it'll be a spot-fest... and I think everybody here actually appreciates great WRESTLING... but suplexes and armbars dont make for interesting highlight reels... sorry... but isnt it worth it for a chance at any title at anytime? this is where a highspot match matkes sense because of the "reward" at the end... believe me when i say im not a spot-junkie... but when the reward seems worth the risk then it becomes believable

kane v khali cant dissappoint because of such low expectations

I'm glad MVP will actually get to show what hes made of... up until now the biggest match he's had was a gimmick match with Kane... i didnt see it so i cant judge it... and if anyone can elevate his game its benoit

the big issue is... the ic title and tne title holders are in a hair match... the world tag belt holders are squaring off in a WWE title match... the WWE tag title holders have been put in second place to their valet... who for whatever reason has a women's title shot... and the cruiserwight title... well who knows... maybe another gauntlet or a battle royal...
WM23 falls on april fools day... maybe theyll fool us and put together a show that everyone will enjoy...

Unknown said...

Only three times in WrestleMania history has the winner of the Royal Rumble not been the main event at WrestleMania. Twice, it was for kayfabed storyline reasons (1997 and 1999), and last year, the "piss all over Eddie Guerrero's legacy tour" WrestleMania match between Orton, Mysterio, and Angle took a backseat to Triple H vs. Cena.

Unknown said...

Can't wait for BPB this year. Oh, by the way, Cody, look for me in the crowd. I'm gonna be at ringside rocking an O Show t-shirt.

Looking forward to the surprises you got in your fanny-pack. Need a crowd plant? Just kidding. Still, though, looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

It's so sad though. People love to kiss MVP's diamond encrusted ass, and he has yet to prove anything. He doesn't deserve his spot when Greg Helms, William Regal, Fit Finlay, RIC FLAIR, Carlito, Nitro and Chavo aren't booked. Sure put the belt on him and have Benoit carry him so everybody can say, WOW did you see MVP against Benoit, he looked solid." Screw that, sure do it, just not a show that is, no matter what the build or the hyped-upness is, the biggest thing in wrestling every year. He doesn't deserve to be at Mania going over someone as great as Chris Benoit. You're right Jbrown his biggest match was a gimmick match against Kane, and he hasn't had a chance to show anything. But again, WHY AT MANIA? There are much better workers, and future bigger stars that could get this spot, but wont. I have yet to see the big deal about MVP, and unless he is absolutely amazing at WM and it isn't evident that Benoit is carrying him, I still wont.

I too hate the fact that major titles will not be defended. I hate the fact as I've said before that 8 matches at Wrestlemania, you could do 1 to 2 more big ones in 4 hours.

Jbrown, Michaels will deliver and an A+ match, but Cena will indeed be there to take glory for it. Cena has more charisma than gravy, but put mashed potatoes or biscuits with the gravy and Cena is screwed. I'm kidding, but seriously, Cena has a ton of charisma, just hardly any WRESTLING ability. His offense is limited to shoulder blocks clotheslines, and 3 to 4 other variant moves, and FU and an STFU. When he was at his hottest it wasn't much different be his delivery was. So to an extent is he is helpless because creative and his puppetmaster Vince Mcmahon want him to be this, or that, while he is what he is. John Cena acts every Monday night, sometimes Friday nights and at all PPVs. Guys like the Rock went out and amped themselves up but stayed true, thats why they were over, and why they were better.