Check This Out...


Brutally Honest recently conducted a 5-part interview with Mick Foley to publicize his new book, The Hardcore Diaries. It's amazing how much of this interview was allowed to be put on WWE's official web site. Mick is incredibly honest in this long interview and if this is any indication of what to expect in his new book, then The Hardcore Diaries is worth checking out.

Among many interesting comments in the interview, Mick claims in part one that "Melina may have salvaged this whole book idea."

Mick claimed that the relationship he and Melina had on camera before her heel turn in many ways paralleled their real-life interaction backstage. Mick then commented on how unique a platonic relationship is perceived in a WWE storyline and how Vince McMahon didn't understand it. I guess platonic relationships with women is something Vince is not familiar with.

In part 5 of the interview, Mick discusses ECW and why he thinks the December to Dismember show was such a failure. Mick questions why how it was possible for ECW One Night Stand to be such a successful show and then have December to Dismember do 1/3 of the business. He does however think the ECW concept in salvageable and does think the current storyline with the ECW Originals against the New Breed is a strong feud to build around.

Mick regrets not being a part of the new ECW and thinks he might have been able to help the new brand in a commissioner type role that he has played before. He thinks that since he came back as the "anti-ECW" guy, that role would not have been possible.

This interview is definitely worth checking out.

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1 comments: on "Brutally Honest"

Unknown said...

Vince McMahon had a wait and see attitude, and now we've got wrong sounding muppets.

Personally, I have great trepidation about reading any nonfiction book that WWE puts out. I was interested in reading Eric Bischoff's book until I read the review on Lance Storm's site, where he said that in the book, Bischoff ignored anything that he couldn't blame on someone else.

WWE seems to love putting out kayfabed books, and I have a feeling that if they finally let Mick promote this thing, it's probably because they threw in a few creative edits.