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Words From Stro: "Bam Bam, My Birthday, And More "

Ed: The following column was written by The Stro formerly The Maestro in World Championship Wrestling

Hello Everyone! Hope you all are having a good week. For those of you who don't know by now, my birthday is coming up this Friday January 26th.

A huge thank you to those of you who already have sent me ecards, birthday cards, emails, and birthday wishes.

You all are the best! I really do appreciate you! If you would like to send me an ecard or send me birthday wishes, you can so at either or at:

P.O. Box 12492
Jacksonville, NC 28546

Now on with the "Words From Stro"

I was deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Bam Bam Bigelow. A few weeks ago, I was just discussing with another talented big man wrestler, Corey Edsel about how I had such respect for Bam Bam.

I had the priviledge and pleasure of meeting, wrestling, and working with this great man. I have bumped into Bam Bam a few times over the years. Watching some of his matches over the years was a real treat with guys like Andre The Giant, Barry Windham, Ric Flair, Tazz, Bret Hart,etc.. Wrestling him was such an honor.

It was amazing to see a big man be as agile as he was. A 300 plus pound man doing cartwheels, springboard splashes over the top rope, and flying headbutts from the top! I will never forget the time he caught me and twirled me in the air like a human frisby! I thought my body was never going to hit the canvas!

He was such a great guy both in and out of the ring. A few years ago, when I heard that he rushed into a fire getting 2nd degree burns to save some children ... it just floored me. What a courageous and brave man he was. My deepest heartfelt thoughts and condolences go out to his family and friends. We will never forget you big guy!

I would like to wish a speedy recovery to Triple H. To comeback from quad surgery twice takes guts. Triple H is an athlete and a true professional to tough it out and continue his matches when the injuries occured. Wishing "The Game" the best and hope he returns to the ring soon.

Would like to give out a hearty "Thank you" to all the fans in Hinton, West Virginia for their warm reception of me a few weeks back at the NWA Mountain State event. Meant a lot and I really do appreciate it. I hope to return to your area very soon.

Tales from the Lair

It was March 6, 1995 at the Mid-South Coliseum in Memphis, Tennessee. On this night, the main event was a "hair vs. hair" match pitting former NWA world champion Tommy "Wildfire" Rich and myself (as Gorgeous George III) against PG-13 (JC Ice and Wolfie D). This is a feud that has involved "mamas", street fights, etc. The match was wild involving lots of nearfalls along with chains , hubcaps, you name it. A returning Doug Gilbert then comes out to assist our team to seal our victory over PG-13 and thus they have to have their heads shaved."

Stro Mailbox

Jack from West Virginia

"Stro! Was great seeing you in Hinton, WV. When will you be back this way?"

Stro : Good to hear from you Jack! Had a great time in Hinton. Plan on returning to that area real soon.

Cindy from London

"Hello Stro. What do you think of John Cena using a version of one of your old finishing submissions the STF. You called it the Encore correct?"

Stro : You are correct Cindy. Still use it from time to time to this day. Cena's version is a bit different from my "Encore" version. Sometimes I'll tork my opponent's body to the side or in a modified surfboard position much like what Masahiro Chono does at times with his STF in Japan. The STF is a very lethal submission that puts a lot of pressure on the neck and spine.

Evan from Texas

"Stro, Is it true you wrestled with Black Bart amd Wild Bill Irwin? Remember watching them fight the Von Erichs growing up."

Stro: Yes I sure did several years back. I too also grew up watching some of the Texas legends like the Von Erichs, Bruiser Brody, Killer Tim Brooks, Al Madril, etc.

To email feedback for the mailbox section
of the Words from Strozilla column, email to: Let me hear from you!

To book Stro formerly WCW's Maestro (U.S. and Internationally) for
appearances,autograph signings,seminars,or for your
pro wrestling event, email
(Please put booking somewhere in the subject line)

Some upcoming events and more:

Stro's Birthday
January 26th

Feb 10 2007 7:45 pm
ACPW event @ Roseboro, North Carolina

Mar 3 2007 8:00PM
Pro wrestling event @ Jefferson County Community Center

Mar 4 2007 3:00P
Mason Dixon Pro Wrestling @ Craig Civic Center
Kingswood, WV

Mar 10 2007 8:00PM
XWA Pro wrestling event @ Belmont, North Carolina

Mar 17 2007 8:00P
ACPW event @ E.E. smith Middle School in Kenansville, North Carolina

Thank you all for taking the time to read my column. Till next time,you all have a great week.Please remember our brave men and women soldiers who fight and protect for all of us. Be safe and thank you all for your friendship and support! GOD bless!

"Nobody can go toe to toe with the Stro!"

3 comments: on "Words From Stro: "Bam Bam, My Birthday, And More ""

Anonymous said...

Stro Rocks! Happy Birthday Stro!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Stro! I hope to see you back in Ohio soon!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Stro